What's some kino about betrayal?

What's some kino about betrayal?

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I heard you guys were larping on his subreddit. Absolute top kek!

Felix “PewDiePie” (((Kjellberg)))

>hurr durr
>look at this jewtube star shanenigans

Who cares about jewtube faggots

Why does the Anti-Defamation League operate like a protection racket?


Your gay ops thread already got sent to Yea Forums the first time. Fuck off already.

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>Been shilling Ben Shapiro and Peterson for like a year on his channel
whoa this is so sudden and unexpected! I'm going to throw away my pews merch that had 100% ethical Canadian cotton

He donated in the name of Mary Phagan though so he's still cool

He's a fucking idiot if he thinks this is going to make any difference

how are you this easily manipulated lol
first you love him simply because he said the n word
now you hate him because of this
literal NPC brain activity

false flag

He was never a nazi you idiot zoomer. Why do rightie kids feel the need to project their views onto shitty e-celebs?

I watched the documentary "Defamation" a few weeks ago and I've concluded that everybody at ADL is psychotic. Their entire existence is centered around Holocaust and they think it's about to happen anyday. It's almost sad if they weren't destroying the lives of endless amounts of people.

When will the kekistanis get the rope?

saying the N word objectively isn't bad. Paying money to a power extortion agency is objectivly bad.

Amazing how he's coincidentally allowed back on the Youtube trending page right after this donation.

I like this guy. He and his wife are good role models for zoomzooms as opposed to old media celebrities who swing, cuck each other and inevitably divorce.

>i'll give money to the guys that have been literally campaigning for years to take me down
lmao, he is just a coward

The ADL is so fucking corrupt. They got their start defending child murderers and shit, now they are just extortion thugs. Im glad they are quickly being exposed

they made him an offer he couldn't refuse

Makes me wonder how he got ((popular)) in the first place.

It's not about being a nazi, but giving money (it's more about giving approval rather than the sum of money) to ADL is reprehensible, considering that they're on the forefronts of internet censorship. in fact twitter, facebook and youtube are all partnered with ADL and they get to decide who gets to stay there.

it may delay the next #CANCEL campaign a few weeks/months lmao
>love him
never happened, just funny seeing celebs first being """independent""" and finally caving down

it's just a hate group that hates the right groups

The fact that we keep getting threads about this proves most /pol/tards are underage

no bro. baneposters and sneed are all 45

the whole diversity–industrial complex is not going anywhere soon, i doubt it's even possible to correct from inside. the only way it's going to be challenged is if foreigners (chinese probably) start BTFOing the US in productivity, education outcomes and shit like that, which i'm not sure will even happen because this shit contaminates other countries too

He's the biggest YouTuber and has direct influence on millions of people, I think him changing his allegiance to Jews is a very significant development.

>Muslim victims
>donates to Jews

they can't call him out now otherwise everyone will point this out, when you're the most popular person on the internet stuff like this spreads fast.

>USS Liberty
>We pay Israel $4billion every year

>foreigners (chinese probably) start BTFOing the US in productivity, education outcomes and shit like that

Could happen. It puts me in mind of the imaginary political policy he (picture) called "Death Worship"/"Obliteration of Self" whereby they'll sacrifice anything for the sake of a more exacting general standard.

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Maybe he didnt have to donate 50k is a lot
Maybe he just had to lie that die did or they kill edgar

it's pretty obvious someone with a big nose at Honey got him to donate part of the millions they gave him for the (((sponsorship))) and also get the ADL mafia off his back

Literally only people who truly believe in all this talk about diversity etc. Are mentally ill people who for once in their lives get the attention they're seeking. The rest are simply shutting their mouths and don't care as long as paychecks keep coming, you must be very crazy or very stupid to think he will risk getting the Alex Jones treatment and completely derail his life for recognition from some nationalists, who btw are mostly edgy hypocrites and online larpers.
Get a clue, very few people on earth will throw away everything in the name of principles, especially when their opinion is considered a hate speech.


Pretty fucked to be honest.

People who grew up with him as 10-13 year olds are now in their 20s. Makes you feel fucking old

trips confirm

could you be more specific about the meaning of "the right groups"? it's not - emphatically not - any class of attempt at entrapment

Stop this meme, he was never "based" outside of saying nigger once.
All the "muh nazi" shit that the media attacked him over was just him LARPing as an evil racist to mock Keemstar.


Somebody redpill me, why do we think Leo Frank and not Jim Conley killed Mary Phagan?

The question is, are they (I mean the top executives and the next scapegoats if the things go south for the real leaders) really that blind? It's obvious they can't weaken the west to infinity before subduing China. Or bet on the dreams of the mythical AGI to herd the plebs to bio processing plants.

he was a jew

>Saying nigger once
And paying some 3rd worlders to say death to all jews
And dressing up as a Nazi

Shut the fuck up boomer

Holy shit. And faggots on Twitter are calling it a conspiracy theory. Here it is out of his own mouth. This is how Jews do this shit, they dangle a juicy sponsorship/contract in front of you and tell you to do their bidding, they don't necessarily blackmail you directly.

And following molymeme. And mentioning Evola. And mentioning a guy who put full Hitler speech in his YouTube videos.

Why are white people such cucks?

How do you people not understand that this is a part of the Honey partnership he did?

They probably gave him a few million dollars to shout them out on his 100 million subscriber video, then Honey made him donate 50k because he's still a controversial figure, and to avoid any backlash from mainstream media for partnering with him.

I've been thinking the same thing. The Chinese are going to start dominating everything soon because the West is mired in far left politics.

While the West is trying to force quotas for every gender or ethnicity, China is pushing ahead at full force with the absolute best people they can find.

At this rate the West is going to be overtaken and probably subjugated.

Oh yeah, he also followed Sam Hyde, among other right wing e-celebs until the shootings then he cleaned up his followers if I recall right

Because its run by jews

Nah, something like a quarter of their workforce is retiring in the next 10 years and theres a huge population issue with there being many more men than women

aren't people saying he literally started trending on youtube after making the donation? when he didn't trend for YEARS before this? lmao

>It's not fair bros! He was supposed to be a racist and alt-righter like me!

You faggots get dumber every single day

Nothing wrong with racism.

And promoting Yukio Mishima.

the elite sees themselves as a global elite that can just move to any big city anywhere and be at home, Berlin, NY, Shanghai, Dubai, SF, it's all the same to them and their wealth

But that means he's a changed man. Because emotional manipulation totally works to undue deep rooted opinions of people above 100 IQ

His marriage video was trending.

Who runs the better racket? ADL or SPLC?

>import jap and Korean women
doesn't sound that hard to fix to me

the point is they won't allow him to be simple neutral for a long time, at some point he will have to sell his soul and actively start doing diversity propaganda, or a new #CANCEL campaign will come, doesn't matter how much money he gives, the mainstream can't allow """independent""" voices to get too big

also lmao at calling """independent""" a retarded zoomer playing with electronic toys for children

He frequently trends though

>when actively shielding jewish child murderer makes you the moral authority
>and making a few edgy jokes makes you the devil
we're truly living in a clown world

Notch is an example who acknowledges right-wing memery, at the very least. He's even bought BAP's book and read it (supposedly)

the ADL is just blue states hating red states at this point like most diversity organizations

>the elite sees themselves as a global elite that can just move to any big city anywhere and be at home

That's a hell of a post, guy. In the end these people don't have nationalities and what loyalty they experience is to what might as well be a pan-national freemasonry of assholes.

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he was never based, but he didn't have to be, just having a retarded dude being the biggest youtuber and not parroting the diversity dogma was disrupting enough for the establishment, even if he is literally apolitical or leftist-lite

...you realize Leo Frank's been dead for 100 years, right?

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Can't he threaten them back? At this point he has more internet penetration than their boomer media that only boomers read and watch. And boomers are useless, lazy and will do nothing about whatever smear they'll think off.

>the ADL is just blue states hating red states

see that's news to me. in Brazil there's an eccentric indefatigable cartoonist by the name of Carlos Latuff who you'd hardly characterise as "red state"
he's quite well known on Yea Forums

not supporting the organization making youtube a living hell to be on is a good start, and by not fucking over thousands of smaller channels in doing so.

>Against such a challenge the Western elites must either raise their game or fall behind. Shaming editorials, denunciation on talk shows or academic brainwashing are helpless against 1.4 billion politically incorrect competitors who can only be bested by superior excellence. It's as if the PC system has run into a force of nature, like an earthquake or an asteroid, that it can't command.
>The Chinese don't care who the de Blasio diversity panel brand as "racist." They are beyond his power. Against such a challenge the Western elites must either raise their game or fall behind. Shaming editorials, denunciation on talk shows or academic brainwashing are helpless against 1.4 billion politically incorrect competitors who can only be bested by superior excellence. It's as if the PC system has run into a force of nature, like an earthquake or an asteroid, that it can't command.

It's still a cowardly pathetic move on his part though. You think he couldn't live without that money or something without compromising himself like that?

I hope Marzia divorces him after a few years and he ends up a wreck, greedy tool deserves it

SPLC's founder Morris Dees raped his daughter


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they treat him as a saint and a martyr to this day, bro

Why are you so sure he did it, bro?

little does he know that they never fuck off. soon enough ADL will be approving all of his videos.

>the West is mired in far left politics

What sentimentalist horseshit.

it's not the worth the headache.
jews can
>defame you in the media
>get all of your friends and social circle to abandon you
>have your paypal and other services terminated
>investigate you for any tax irregularities
don't underestimate jewish power.

He made some funny videos for a while and it seemed like he might fill the gap left behind when guys like Filthy Frank and others stopped making edgelord shit, but then he went back to making Minecraft videos and I knew it was over. Beginning of the end was when he pussed out over t-series. Him donating to the ADL was just the final straw. Fuck pewdiepie.

Because Epstein got away with it in 21st century. Also all the evidence pointed that way.

lmao remember when the same thing happened with taylor swift?

50k is more like a slap in the fake to ADL from pewds
It's nothing to him