Who do you prefer?
Anakin vs Luke
padme in ep 1
I wonder how confused Anakin was when he met Luke for the first time on Bespin. This ugly fucker was his son? From his Chad genes? Padmé must have slept with Obi-Wan like he originally thought.
The Exile
Both acceptable answers
>KOTORchads broke the website
I miss him
my nigga revan
Jaden Korr
I miss Sev.
Revan 100%
I guess Luke. In a I HAVE to choose.
He starts off really annoying but matures into someone I can respect. But I kind of feel for Anakin because he just gets put around a bunch of assholes that fuck up his life.
I think Revenge of the Sith Anakin is very attractive, but Luke's black outfit with the green lightsaber in Return of the Jedi is pretty chic. Also, old curmudgeonly TLJ Luke is kino.
i feel like luke has a better development overall, but i do like anakin. i always felt so bad for him because he was so fucked up by the dark side. if i had to choose, though, i'd definitely rather be pounded raw by luke from A New Hope than anakin from any of them except maybe AotC
Thanks for all the answers homosexuals.
Luke 100%, one of cinemas greatest heroes
Luke can’t do any pounding. You’d have to pound him. Anakin, however, can go either way.
If revan didn't get his mind wiped by the council he would have been a typical boring sith like malak and died like a bitch
I would argue young Mark Hamill is more handsome than young Hayden Christensen. The only serious issue Mark has in the OP's pic for example is his shit-tier skin quality which could easily be solved by taking care of his skin better. He skullmogs, jawmogs, and eyecolormogs Hayden.
I have never in my lifetime thought Anakin would surpass Luke as top Skywalker.
Thanks Kathleen
You're fucking delusional.
Vader probably thought Luke was beautiful all things considered. It's hard to say if he was thinking about that at all though, since he has a warrior's mentality.
He did cut his son's hand off without thinking about it.
I like both but probably Luke.
This, but not because of aesthetics. I think Anakin looks his best in RoTS anyway. It's just that he's huge and has a metal arm, so I feel like getting fucked by him would hurt.
Luke, but only because Anakin is one of the worst characters in the history of cinema, played by a worse actor. Luke isnt great either. I hate them both. Star Wars is trash.