kinos for this feel?
Kinos for this feel?
sledgehammer to all of their heads
Post again, motherfucker! I dare you, I double fucking dare you!
Mary poopins
Gone Girl
damn user
cute cuncun
What feel? That's an image bro
Kids are a nightmare. Fuck them
That’s not her fucking name
I want to get married and start a family, but I am a complete failure. Any movies for this feel?
>Fuck them
If only you could do this with a cute boy.
have sex
not for lewd
>boohoo i hate white people!
dont run with sledgehammers faggot
Literal genetic dead end
>that woman
>ugly incel thinks he'll have kids
God how I wish I was that baby
>TFW you took the blackpill and can’t help but think of negative things when you see these type of images
Depressive realism is legit. Never swallow the blackpill
i wish i was that baby
i've got this exact situation right now.
the result of actual feeding and seeding.
this is why they tell you to have sex, guise.
Well? How is it?
imagine keeping your shoes like that, it's amiracle if those children are still alive
first seeding then feeding, user
thats a nordic nose and blonde hair. probably blue eyes.
why is there so much shitskin rage against whites on this board? even on pol people can have fun with each other. this is pure shitskin/chink rage.
Ewwh why a white woman?
I need chocolate
Kys pedo anna isnt for lewds
i hate all people, race has nothing to do with it. any person capable of joy deserves their skull cracked open
because /pol/cels come here exclusively to rile up people and shitpost
Women can't be doomers, they are mostly emo/art hoe/thots that fetishize "depression" (as if they know what depression feels like), sadness, and some surface-level nihilism. It's that same nihilism that pervades zoomer humor ("I'm still a piece of garbage/ Oh my God I wanna kill myself/Fuck my life" and so on and so forth; spend time with zoomers and you'll hear a lot of this).
Of course, there are depressed women out there but men still want to fuck them. Doomer men are unfuckable (good thing I'm one)
Based and kweenpilled
did she fuck and suck?
Cuuute. I want to give her a candy.
Yeah I remember when I was twelve too. Run along zoom zoom.
you're capable of joy too, bud. sounds like you're projecting your hatred for life onto others. not nice.
you! when's your birthday?
Whatever you say, my "white" friend.
I’m tired of being a virgin dude.
Why aren't the kids brown?
In what sense? Are all/most the desires of your youth replaced by the desire for your children's well being and happiness? Is that just a meme?
Because interracial couplings aren't as common as the media would have you think. Most prefer to stay with their own people.
>no father
White people are iterally so disgusting looking
Seriously that child looks like a pimple
Its soooooo insane these people believe they're superior
good thing the sun shows them who's boss daily lmao
nice cope tyrone
>3 daughters in a row
what a nightmare
you should consider having sex
>any person capable of joy deserves their skull cracked open
Thanks for the serious laugh user. My sides are in fucking orbit. This might be the most edgy shit I've seen on this website in its delusional simplicity. Brava, user. Brava.