So these things are Jews, right?
So these things are Jews, right?
If anything, Skeksis are allegorical nazis - racist, genocidal, fascistic etc. despite the jew meme.
The chosen people Aren’t racist huh
They're whatever evil boogeyman you want them to be.
What are the podlings?
-musical talent
I would say black people
No leftypol
Good god i want deet to sit on my cock
Seems like a poor fit since the Nazis were less racist than 1930s Allies and weren't genocidal at all, and the Skeksis aren't fascist.
got to bed hup
>racist, genocidal, fascistic etc
like jews?
>Small number of immensely evil outsiders who wormed their way into positions of power by manipulating and distracting the old leader with bribes. Have tricked the gelflings into believing that they are benevolent and made criticizing them a crime. Collect tribute from the gelflings for doing nothing, but always want a bigger share. Have been sucking the life out of the planet and now that the planet is corrupted, they are sucking the life out of their underlings.
Obviously capitalist jews.
>Dumb, filthy brown skined troglodytes with big, flat nones who speak in their own nonsense dialect and get thrown in the rascal cage unfairly. Will literally fight charity workers who try to help them with basic civilization.
The negro.
>Proud, industrious peoples who make the economy and society function. Ruled by women who allow the Skekis to subvert their society in exchange for power and trinkets. Brown skinned and mutli-ethnic. Instinctively believe whatever the Skekis say and treat them as gods, regardless of the fact that they do nothing for them. Get wiped out in the future by the treacherous Skekis who fear their awakening.
Cave gelflings
>Near mythical group of white skinned gelflings who are free of the influence of the skekis on account of being hidden away. True hearted, pure blooded people who insinctively work for the greater good and are in touch with nature.
Remnants of the third reich on the moon.
they were only less racist since there were no blacks
Skeksis can fight and come up with amazing scientific innovations though. Jews can't do either of those things.
>Characterized by:
>dictatorial power,
They have an Emperor who must not be questioned. Made themselves lords of the realm.
"We are Thra now. Skeksis rule all. Skeksis can not die. Skeksis are forever."
>Forcible suppression of opposition
Kill or enslave all opposers, punish those who fail.
>strong regimentation of society and of the economy
Introduced taxes, racism, trial by x and war to gelfling society.
They aren't literally right-wingers, but fascist-esque, sure.
What does it mean that Chamberlain, the most based and memeable character of the series, is Jewish?
Skeksis reek of white colonialism.
>Technologically superior voyagers who arrive in a land populated by "primitive" tribe societies
>Bribe leaders of land with trinkets and promises of knowledge.
>Exploits the land and its creatures and feel it is their right as they are a superior species.
>Ohhhh it is the skeksi's burden to care for dirty, sad creatures of Thra
>Where would gelfliing be without skeksis? Skeksis give so much, but ask for so little. Without skeksis, gelfling would still be living in dirty cave and eating moss, yes?
They're actually wh•tes
their language sounds kind of slavic
sounds legitimate to me