Is this really appropriate attire for the apocalypse?

Is this really appropriate attire for the apocalypse?

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Nah needs more tummy

imagine going from THAT

to this

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Aaaaaaah I really want a gf lads

Holy fuck that's Suzie Crabgrass from Ned's Declassified

Me too

How many years are between those images?

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to be honest, you'd probably want either very tough and tight clothes or as little clothes as you can get away with. You don't want the zombies to bite you, but on the other hand, you also don't want your clothes to get caught on something while trying to run away

it's attire for getting fucked on the reg

Yes. As you can see, this is normal attire for electrical work if you are a woman

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gonna try to flirt with the latina cashier at mcdonalds tomorrow. wish me luck

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what JAV is this?

>fugging a half blind nigger in current series
>fugged sand monkey in previous series and carrying his future terrorist seed


This is one of the worst shows I've ever seen the majority of.

>basic white bitch
>literal who
>star of star trek

same. started out alright but stated hating it around the governors introduction. kept hate watching because occasionally there would be a cool moment where crazy old rick loses his shit. been a few seasons, probably wont pick it back up.

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light skin latinos wanna be opressed sooo bad

She isn't even hot. Look at those nothing legs. That nothing body. You can tell she never takes the fucking stairs. Chestlets and women with pancake asses usually advertise tummy and showing as much leg as possible because that's the "cleavage" they have to compete.

Long story short she fucking sucked. If you're going for T&A then casting should've tried.

>also don't want your clothes to get caught on something while trying to run away
Is your bare skin getting caught any better?
And what kind of a weak ass bitch do you have to be that you can't tear your own clothes if your life depended on it.

I prefer short skirts to shorts

Same here. Stopped watching after that absolute shit actor for the absolute shit character Negan ruined an already crap show.

What's the best country to aqcuire a wonder meat gf, that's more on a white side?

it's naomi wu. let's not go down that rabbit hole this thread.

/g/entleman here, this is our girl, back off.


Realistically speaking, wouldn't women just be used as sex slaves in a post apocalyptic society? They certainly lack the strength, spirit and determination to lead any group of survivors, or fight off zombies and rival organizations. Wouldn't they be more happy submitting to a clan leader, getting food and protection in exchange of degrading sex? That's all they are good for anyway.

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>how dare you slut shame me? don't tell me what to wear? Rick! he called me a slut!
>(Rick beats you to a pulp without further questions)

*? --> !

good luck user

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She’s a mestizo hispanic, you dumb pickaninny.

lots of pubic hair post apocalypse

Are you a white non-manlet? Because that's pretty much all you need.

Negan's use for them would probably be a lot more common

How did Negan use women? I didn't watch the show, give me a quick, paragraph long rundown on his women policy.

>Someone took time to make this

not the same character dipshit

He had a harem. He fucks them at will and in exchange they get food and shelter

r/asianmasculinity: The picture

Rick couldn't beat up a wet paper bag and is only good at shooting shit.

Why did no one in the series cover his clothes in gorilla tape? You would be literally invincible to zombie bites

>it's the apocalypse
>see this girl wandering around all alone
Wat do?

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t. gorilla tape marketing team

Any tape will work, that is like wearing a medieval armor to zombies

There was one dude who made duct tape armor that prevented zombies from biting him but it didn't save him from getting shot.

Get one of those call of duty armors that make you invincible and you’re set

Can a loli really handle a colt python?

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They did briefly use riot gear but for some reason not during the prison shootout.

she looks like a character from Metal Slug

cope, i was actually on that thread, lol damn i ended up missing the butthurt. bitches used to post pics of themselves all the time on Yea Forums years ago. not surprised most migrated out like most do.

I've always been baffled by how little effort most characters/groups in TWD put into basic anti-bite technology. 99% of the zomboids are barely functional and everyone is still just like HEY HERE'S SOME BARE-ASS ARM GIVE IT A TRY.

They also seem insistent on staying on ground level while it's been show multiple times zombies can't climb.

The show may be shit now but this was absolute kino.

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An honest post apocalyptic show couldn't be made. Women would be made into sex slave maids, ethnic cleansing would be wholesale, and useless weak members of society like trannies or crippled would be abandoned or killed.

Assume it's a trap and shoot first. And if you ever did meet a woman she would probably just lead you into some ambush.

In Georgia?
Probably. Hot and humid as fuck.

>cope, i was actually on that thread
kek, sure thing chang.

Also the zombies would get wiped out in a year flat, I'm honestly still surprised they keep encountering zombies in the area after killing so many of them.

you wouldn't get that far either
> malnutrition
> fires from gas explosions, lightning strikes etc. with no fire department
>nuclear plants going critical (think chernobyl but globally)

and more shit

when people die they get turned into new zombies. why there are any people around is still a mystery

Except they almost always destroy the brains after killing someone but yeah this whole new bad guy with increasingly bigger army is getting ridiculous.

also how all these niqqas keep getting bit on the goddamn abdomen? like, how the fuck does that even happen?

But the bulk of society died years ago and they all rooted by now, new zombies being made are pretty limited in that scenario

>keep getting bit on the goddamn abdomen?
They established they can save people by hacking off limbs with a machete and people just bounce back. Now someone needs to be bit in the chest. They made a big deal about not cutting off Ricks hand because it would make things difficult to write, a rare smart choice for the show. Then they say fuck it, cut off the gay guys are and then he suddenly has a fully articulate metal prosthetic arm.

Kill her and rape her fresh corpse

>Is this really appropriate attire for the apocalypse?
I don't think you understand women. They want to look attractive while doing stuff, doesn't matter what it is.

This show is still going?
I haven’t watched since the nigger with the tiger showed up

>be woman
>have period
>zombies smell blood
>give away location to every zombie in miles radius

the governor is literally the best character in the show aside from maybe shane or merle


Zombies can’t smell shit

They can in this. It's why they have to smear themselves with guts.

Incel: The Post

Absolutely, she needs to attract as much males as possible to procreate and repopulate the planet.

Fuck running. Just go out dressed like a knight.

Needs more pouty face.

flat ass faketit chinkshit whore

id watch it but it would be bleak as shit, imagine The Road but a series.

This is.

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but that doesn't matter
women will slut it up regardless of context
because they know thirsty men will do anything for a chance at tail
and women can't help competing with other women in this way