Film and TV for that early - mid 2000s feel?
Film and TV for that early - mid 2000s feel?
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Fucking autism post, who the fuck writes these kind of lame ass nigger story?
Who's the Asian shorty on his left? That shit was around and he still landed on his wife? Fuck guess ya can't have it all.
Brenda Song
I like the one about the ManCar experiment
God I wish I was in my 20s during the mid 2000s. Anything before 2008 really, the 2010s fucking suck ass.
That bitch is ugly, get laid
Facial blindness is a symptom of autism
The movie Go
>that early - mid 2000s feel
I lived through that and even I don't know that feel. I'd say American Pie but that was 99, so we're left with the shitty sequels and the spoof movies.
No it really is her
Are you retarded? Serious question
There are pictures of them together. How much more proof do you need?
Oh I'm being baited, I guess I'm retarded
the 00s was the golden age of video games.
zuckerberg was just about to ruin all of that forever
>the 00s was the golden age of video games.
It really was. Morrowind, Battlefield 1942, Unreal Tournament 2003/4. Fuck I used to mod the shit out of all of those. I was on a bunch of different mod teams
How did Facebook ruin video games?
Facebook ruined meeting girls on the internet without paying for dating sites, I blame Zuckerberg for destroying my sex life
American Pie Presents Band Camp, Accepted, Role Models, Superbad...
the internet going mainstream ruined video games
She looks like she's ready for some 'fun', if you know what I mean!
If anything it s apple who ruined the world.
Smartphone ruined gaming and internet by providing retard and zoomer with easy way to access them
Fuck apple and their overpriced shit
Smartphones would have been glorious if Facebook didn't enforce the social norm that you have to meet people IRL at parties etc. before you can be "friends" online.
Imagine IRC still being a thing today with everyone having an online computer in their pocket.
Mid-2000s eccies were dreadful though. They were incredibly weak. The strength only got back up to decent levels in the early 2010s
Nobody uses their smartphone for games, just "games"
Many contemporary romcoms.
But what I'd really like to see is a parody or just some nostalgic feels. There's things like that for every decade, but not for the 00s - yet?
I wanna go back
You are out of touch grand pa boomer
There is a minecraft on mobile and I've seen people actually play the real fucking game in survival mode on their fucking phone
And it was not a one time thing she had a motherfucking mansion that must have taken days just to gather the materials
Then there are also the indian who play PUBG on mobile
When I first heard that PUBG existed on mobile I tought it was a joke but no it's true.
PUBG mobile is a joke, only poos and poors play it