Will they make a film for Femcels?

Will they make a film for Femcels?

>Joker doesn't represent us.

Attached: femcel.jpg (1690x858, 187K)

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I’m not picking up on the reference. Would you be so kind as to source this image for me? Thank you in advance.

not a real thing. women can’t be incels and they can’t be social outcasts, they will never understand true despair like a man can

Men can’t be incels either, they can pay sex. It’s a stupid buzzword that means nothing
>inb4 it doesn’t count

in what way is she femcel

>poor men don’t exist

They did it's called "Burn"




Jesus christ with this people.

Self described.

Incel is an ideology not a synonym for virgin.
Maybe I'll spam this until you normalshits get it through your skull.


They did, it is called Christine.


Which version?

Why can women only watch a movie if it represents them? Are they incapable of feeling empathy for any character that isn't like them (or how they wish they were?)

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because only cuckolds do that

if i see a nonwhite or female protagonist i drop like a hot potato

nobody on Yea Forums has seen burn

burn not bum

in the first few minutes she admits she can get laid any second but wants a relationship, the difference is incels will fuck almost anything and don't really have high standards
also who the fuck are these people this is so awkward

That's Monday and his guest he had over to shoot videos. Monday is a "Forever Alone" YouTuber who vlogs about the "FA" Experience.

Its called Misery

Incels would buy prostitutes if they just wanted sex though

she sort of looks like that girl who texted her bf to kill himself, but she is a bit better looking but also kinda looks insane. I would trade virginitys with her ahahah

This guy has some good political commentary. His political one is called Monday Blue.

You mean Carrie, right?

Sub to all this channels. And leave comments. He needs the feedback. That momentary para-social connection. Yassssss Para-Social touching ... yassss.

care to extrapolate?

>Incel is an ideology
Not really. An ideology is something you choose whereas the 'in' part of incel stands for involuntary. Incels are, by definition, individuals who feel they cannot have sex without paying for it. They don't believe their celibacy is self-imposed - they believe it's imposed on them, without their consent, by society at large. Their very name acknowledges the fact that they wouldn't be hung up about sex and romantic relationships if other people were willing to engage in those things with them outside of a strictly transactional setting.

Reminder that incels don't exist. Just people with high standards and those who refuse to visit prostitutes.

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Monday is a cool guy, but an FA.
He often discusses the idea that because we learn from instinct and interaction that we are shaped and changed by feedback and interaction more than logic or reason.
Also, I don't know the guy in person. Thus interacting with his videos via the comments section is "Para-Social" connections. Like you and I right now.
He also does have more than one channel, thus the recommendation to sub to them all.
He's been charting the life, times, and symptoms of the FA. They're a different breed than Incel, MGToW, MRA, PUA, or other man-centric alphabet or shorthand soup.
Also I do enjoy some Para-Social touching. This was a momentary pleasure.

>that part at 29 minutes in

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Brad Pitt refused to have sex with her and transfer all the property rights to her.

Glad you admitted that.
Video over.
Problem solved.

I only know of monday blue and monday fa monday, are there any others?
His political alignments are good imo, hes big on the conservatives against capitalism, is it isnt some commie garbage or neo con garbage.
He seems to be a genuine FA due to female expectations because from what I can tell the guy is smart and pretty good looking.
Idk, I just really like his takes on male and female relationships as well as what is wrong with society.

well that and all the extremely awkward shit after

Google solipsism.

so she used to be married and dated before so not a true incel, bleh

Holy shit, to be fair in his situation how could you tell if she was being serious? I actually hope they get togeather

Well maybe not, shes kind of crazy

This video is very awkward to watch...it seems like she's being flirtatious with him constantly but he's not reciprocating at all, or even having fun with it. I'm not sure if he's doing it on purpose or he's just socially unaware? Not saying Im a fucking chad or something but if she was acting like that towards me in my house she'd be in my bed within 10 minutes.

>Not really. An ideology is something you choose
That's not in any definition of ideology. I'll assume you meant something like social construct; that incel is instead a property like virgin.

That is true when you imagine an actual burn victim elephant man.
It became an ideology when it became associated with delusion and misogyny.

Pic not related, she's a camwhore.

Dude is legitimately just like that. I've seen a few videos and live streams and he is just awkward as fuck. He could easily get pussy if he tried. Shit i get pussy when i actually try to look and sound respectable but eventually the laziness sets in and i break off the relationship.