Can we please have one fucking comfy simpsons thread without you know what? I've had a really bad day and I just need to hang with my simpson bros tonight. Please no bully
Can we please have one fucking comfy simpsons thread without you know what...
Can we please have one fucking and sucking sneedsons thread without you know what? I've had a really fancy german day and I just need to seed and feed with my sneed bros tonight. Please no chuck
Boomer nostalgia fag manchild. Just let go of a show that hasn't been good for 2 decades
I just started this thread for people to post sneed in retard
I just sneeded this sneed for sneeds to sneed sneed in sneedtard
Jesus, talk about giving up on life, wow
what's your favorite episode? mine is the one where homer grows tomacco
>2 decades
slightly longer, I'd say it'll be about 2 decades since the last time simpsons was good on november 7th
>november 7th
i cannot wait for this day to come
Dead meme
Hop in dude.
formerly drumpfy
*Blocks your path*
Formerly uncomfortable
>Can we please have one fucking comfy simpsons thread?
Cruising down rural route 9!
You’re relaxed and feeding good!
Ride on the Magic Sneed Bus!
>Hark! Take a gander at this burgher and his Florentine mechanical wagon!
Checked and Sneedpilled
you want to be sneed so bad
I don't particularly care for Krusty Gets Cancelled as an episode but I'd put up with much worse just for...well, you get the idea. Inspiration was with 'em that day and if I were old man Groening I'd be proud too.
/r/ Chuck with enormous spunking cock picture
asking for a friend
You know you only made this thread so you could post this shitty meme in it, you fucking lying tool.
looked like futa for a moment