Movies where a superior race absolutely btfo an inferior race (of aliens or something)?

movies where a superior race absolutely btfo an inferior race (of aliens or something)?

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>Why yes, I would like one McSpaghetti. How'd you guess?

Starship troopers
The Empire Strikes Back
Tora Tora Tora


based pinoy pride thread

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I'll have one McDoo

>inb4 BRADDU


what the fuck is it with filipinos and spaghetti?

Oh no boom boom for Big Man

She would break in half

probably the best leader in asia at the moment

The longest day.

Attached: longest-day-_9884.jpg (846x1200, 165K)

looks like a Filipino william shatner

What’s with the perspective in this image? Is this guy like eight feet tall?

He's 7'2

They hatch from eggs, then multiply
First there's one, then twenty-five
Before you know it, you're overrun
By endless swarms of Gook scum
They landed here from outer space
Where else would he have gotten that face?

That fucking disgusting face! Those hideous eyes!
Gooks are not human. They're not fucking human;
They're mutants from the fucking Outer Limits!

He'll skin your cat & eat it alive
And bring it's skull back to the Hive
He gnaws on rats & munches mice
Sucks it down with a pound of rice
His fish-head breath will make you puke
Fucking mutant ALIEN GOOK!

You vile intergalactic Insect! Cosmic Chink!
Fucking die!
What in the fuck is he saying?
Get the napalm & start spraying; Spray them!
Fucking burn
Fucking die!

Choke these brutes & disinfect
Burn his hut & smash his Nest
Turn his village upside-down
Stomp these fucks into the ground
Kill them all, leave no trace
Send them back into space... back into fucking space!

All these Asian fucks, they don't fit in;
With their incomprehensible language
& totally fucking revolting eating habits
It's disgusting; it's fucking sick
Yet, these creatures walk among us;
They are actually fucking walking around!
They're breeding and eating everywhere
They're destroying the fucking Earth
It's time to send them back;
Send them back to the darkened depths of space

Back to space! Back to the stars!

Go back to your wretched fucking planet;
You fucking ALIEN GOOK!

shes hideous, but that look of blank minded lust in her eyes is hot.

This reads like it was written by one of those self-hating hapas.

It's too easy.

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We serve food here, sir.

he's average 6'2

Lmao white guys bragging about scoring insects but then get buttmad when your average fat nigga is fucking 10/10 white blonde supernodels

Based PDiggy applying for satellite state of China.

US is irrevocably fucked and he knows this

>lanklet heightjews pretending they're not subhuman

They probably speak better English than the McDonald's workers in the US


Can you imagine how fucking weird it would if every time you went anywhere there was someone gawking at you while asking you to sign something or take a picture with them?

You wouldnt say that in public pussy coward

You got it flipped, boy

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based dude, their military also do not fuck around, seen some kino operatin videos.

Enjoy your 3/10 jungle Asian

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holy fuck $100 for a fucking chicken sandwich what shithole is this

>monkey noises

Come on, don’t talk about your sister like that. Have some respect.

thats what i want to see
i love seeing that

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Based. I dont like America, but I'll be damned if they didnt fuck shit up in ww2

based squidward


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What the hell he is like a 5/10

Reminder the new janitor is asian
look how many posts he deleted
he thread is still up btw


>compare him beside the average jap man

Asians are disgusting

He's 6'0
She's 5'11

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lol mexicans of asia

All asians are jungle asians.

Every Asian girl is at least 8/10.
This is the average Asian girl, 8/10.

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White girl worship is always better

>tfw not a cute twink boy who's kidnapped by him and forced to please him and his friends
i mean it's about the humiliation really

5/10 white is like 15/10 jap

>have to pay some woman to read a script

anyone got those vids where asian women talk about their hatred for asian men

Im like a 4/10 neckbeard and easily hook up with 7+/10 asians. Its like the bbc meme except actually real. I feel bad for asian men since theyre generally based and i dont wanna cuck them.



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