Imagine that you could push a button that would generate an incredible, perfect...

Imagine that you could push a button that would generate an incredible, perfect, mindblowing film every time you pushed it, but after pushing it your consciousness would be trapped in an empty void for 500 million years, unable to sleep or die, with nothing to do but think. After the time is up, your consciousness would return to your body exactly as it was when you pressed the button and all memory of those 500 million years would be completely wiped, and you'd also get a million dollars. Would you push it?

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My consciousness is already trapped in an empty void desu

>your consciousness would be trapped in an empty void
going to have to be a bit more specific. what happens in this void, am i just thinking about stuff endlessly, going insane, do i sleep, what's the deal?

This. I could go to prison and life would be no different besides no internet and buttrape

So I get a cool movie and a million dollars but I have to spend 500 million years doing nothing and then I get to forget that happened and enjoy my million dollars and cool movie somehow? Yeah, sure. Let's do it.

>Flip the box upside down
>Push it onto the ground
>Button is pressed

You will not get tired or be able to sleep. You must experience every second of the 500 million years. There is nothing there but you.

just post the video asshole

we humans cant even try to fucking grasp 500 million years of suffering

shut the fuck up

Could I still jack off?

I suppose so.

Well, like said it is extremely vague. If It's just my consciousness in a void then I can live out day dreams the entire time.

But you get to forget it afterwards so who cares

Wouldn't you retreat into your own subconscious?

you still have to suffer for half a billion years you retard

so i get to become a god and then die and then resurrect as a neet millionaire kino watcher?

so what

Chicken butt.

>Memory wiped
What's the fucking catch then?

Having to live through 500 million years of hell.

It wont be 500 million years of hell, brainlets, there is no suffering, just being.
Sure at first it will be boring and mindcrushing.
But then after like 10 years you will become master of meditation essentially becoming satisfied and "one" with the void.
You will essentially become god.
So lets say thats 10 years of suffering.
Thats a yearly pay of 100k for a shit job.
Maybe I would do it, probably not

these threads are really fucking stupid, yo

being is suffering.

also who cares, you'll forget it anyway. you'll go completely insane after a few days and then the next 499 million years and 362 days will fly by and then vanish.

you'd go insane within a year of those 500 million years so you won't really "feel them"

You forget it without any fallout. In other words nothing happens. You the present you will suffer, but when you come back, OP said you forget so who cares. It be stupid not to press it just for the money.

At that point you're giving your money to a different you. It's pointless.

After a few months you'd basically be tripping harder than any human being ever has before. After a year or two you wouldn't even be able to think the way you and I do, and I assume after a decade you'd be so far gone you wouldn't even be able to perceive time anymore. Shit, that might happen in the first month anyway.

People locked in isolation go fucking nuts, even if they get one hour or sunlight and human contact.

This is a bad deal because after 500 million years of existence you would basically be the godliest human to ever exist. And you'd give it up for $1m.

No, I don't even watch movies anyway

I think almost EVERYONE would choose not to, but for the 0.0000001% that do, holy shit, what absolute fucking mad men.

I wonder, what would they even do with 1 million dollars? Would they care? Would they commit suicide? Would they live as ascetically as possible? What would they have managed to overcome? What would they have managed to create? I'd like to think that the very first man to choose to push the button would have first been met with incredible grief and regret, before slowly coming to terms, creating a personal mental wonderland for themselves, and living as a literal god.

He'd come back and preach about opening his mind, and how he can literally close his eyes and enter a lucid dream within milliseconds, and scientists would be all like "What? Bullshit", but then they'd scan his brain, and he'd enter rapid eye movement and his brain would start lighting up like the fourth of july, and they'd be all like "holy shit, he's transcended", and he'd have this huge following of people trying to push the button, and some of them would go fucking crazy and kill themselves, others would go even one step further beyond him and evolve the game, and others would walk out completely, utterly mentally devastated, and then there'd be that one weirdo who walks out of the room completely unchanged, and people would ask "Are you serious? Maybe the machine didn't work and you didn't actually go through 500 million years of nothingness", and he'd be all like "Nope. Did it. No big deal. Give me my million dollars", and he'd walk away whistling like he just took a stroll in the park.

Would make for a pretty interesting movie.

>Would you push it?
well, no.

I'd go rapid firemode on it. By the time i have too much money to carry it'll only be 2 minutes since I pressed the first button.


I thought you forget you gorillion year dream?

Oh...whoops, I forgot to read that part. No, I like my mode better. OP's mode is bitch mode, with no real consequences. If you want 500 million years of internal spectation, you're going to have to do it the hard way. No easy way out for you.

I still say "no" even if you forget everything. I'm a poorfag right now, but a million dollars is not worth destroying my humanity for.

The only people who present these scenarios are those with no real understanding of numbers. The real question should be would you do one week for a million bucks. That's hundreds of thousands of seconds

The hell do you mean you "forgot" to read it? What a weird thing to posture about. Just say you didn't read it.

I meant the concept of "forgetting" your eons long imprisonment was such a weak copout that my brain didn't register it in favor of a much more exciting synopsis (ie. Mine).

So shut the fuck up. Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch.

I forgot how stupid that sounds

No. Nothing about that is desirable.

Even just one year would be unbearable are you serious?

I forgot how stupid your mom sounds

I think that's the point of op's post. It subverts your expectations. You want this grand adventure with learning new things etc. But no, it's just a red herring, but op's nice enough to make you rich anyways in the end.

This could already be happening every single time you fall asleep. You just forget it.


Truly it is The Last Jedi of Yea Forums threads.

See what. Your post didn't contain a single actual point

I remember my dreams, and let me tell you, they are very long.

If you forget it absolutely and completely then it's like it never happened.

But say you technically "forgot" everything; would the mental trauma still exist even if you forgot the experience? For example, if you had repressed memories about a dog bite, your brain chemistry and your psychology would still be altered by the event, even if you completely can't remember it at all.

>have friend push button for us

>learning new things
>trapped in your thoughts unable to do anything but think
Close your eyes right now and dont move for 30 seconds, that is how you would spend the next 500 mil years.

Whatever magic could make you experience 500 million years by pressing a button is probably also capable of erasing the damage to your brain.

No, there's no catches or tricks. It works exactly as described

this scenario has no balls

There's plenty to debate in this scenario because apparently there are people like you who are dumb enough to think they should still press the button.

I'm going to press your face with my fists for 500 million years if you don't shut up, dipshit.

But somehow this post and it's content is way more interesting than a fucking Star wars movie.

>learning new things
>trapped in your thoughts unable to do anything but think
UM.... is bad if I didn't flinch at pressing the button again if this is case?

Imagine that you could push a button that would generate an incredible, perfect, mindblowing film every time you pushed it, but after pushing it your consciousness would be trapped in an empty void for 500 million years, unable to sleep or die, with nothing to do but think. After the time is up, your consciousness would return to your body exactly as it was when you pressed the button and all memory of those 500 million years would be completely wiped, and you'd also get a million dollars.
You press button. You watch Kino for the first time. Your consciousness spends a gorilllion years in dream land. You come back (with no memory of wtf just happened) and someone hands you one mil. This is bad why?

You don't get to watch the movie until you're done with the 500 million years.

No it says when you press button you watch movie instantly. After pressing button you go on your trip. Possibly forgetting about said Kino film. And you wouldn't or couldn't replicate the movie with your newfound riches even if you wanted to.

It doesn't say that. Either way I'm changing the rules so now you have to answer, would you press it if you didn't get to see the movie?

I already pressed it.
The joker is coming right up

Thanks void

That's only half an A press

Is there a way to detect the days passing in the void? Like a sunset/sunrise so you can count the days down?


You won't suffer anything since your memory is wiped, numbskull. A complete memory wipe like it says in the OP means complete, it would feel like if a second had passed

Fuck no, I'd go insane in a year nonetheless 500 million years. Maybe if I came out with 5 billion dollars I'd do it.

You can easily turn 1 million into 5 billion thanks to crypto.

At the end of a week nobody who chose to wait the incomprehensible 500 million year span would have made the choice again. There would be no greater torment or hell. And to think otherwise is a natural but naive cope/gross lack of understanding of what 500 million years is and what true isolation is.

That's what makes the loss of memory truly horrifying, anyone stupid enough to press the button would be stupid enough to press it again and again. They would sentence themselves to this fate many times over.

Cringing at this post


If I completely forget about it then to me it's like nothing happened and I just instantly got everything o wanted. I'm basically sending to hell someone who is not me so i dont care.

>not pressing it
The way OP is meandering about, it seems like all trauma would be erased as well as the memory.

Even then 500,000,000 years of just being alone with your thoughts would effectively make you a god. So there's no reason not to press it.

You're misunderstanding it. You'd press the button, get the kino, fuck off for half a billion years, and come back knowing that you survived the ordeal and got rich off it. You'd still have memories of the before. Pretty sure OP is some ESL trash

No, YOU are misunderstanding it.

Nah, pretty sure you are.

Well I've had this thread 5 times before and nobody has taken it the way you did until now so it looks like the next time I post it I'm going to have to clarify some wording so that you cannot misunderstand it.

I'll go for a barrage. Takahashi Meijin style

If you're doing this sort of shit, you need to think of loopholes and abuses.

>you would basically be the godliest human to ever exist. And you'd give it up for $1m.
damn right i would

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Do you think his memory resets at the end of each 500 million year period or does he have to experience 8 billion years without stopping?

Personally I like to believe the former, it's much more hellish whereas in the latter by the damn he hits 7.5 billion years left it wouldn't even matter.

The real question: Would he even be able to comprehend what session out of the 16 he was in? How would that effect someones mental health

Interesting question
If I forget it all and return to exactly where i was before that happened... it's pretty much like it never happened

Imagine that you could push a button that would generate an incredible, perfect, mindblowing film every time you pushed it, but after pushing it your consciousness would be trapped in a nigger. Would you push it?

Its more like your real life never happened, considering even if you lived to 120 it would be .001% of your time spent conscious.

But at same time
While I'm in the 500 million years
It would seem like my life before that never happened as I slowly forget what it means to be happy
Nah I wouldn't do it

Yeah but as soon as it's over I forget every second of that 500 million years
So in my mind after that point i literally percieve that it never happened and my life was always normal

But the knowledge that you subjected yourself to an eternity of torment will always remain.

Of course. But why do you value those remaining 80 years or less over 500 million years of solitude.

No it wouldn't
I would have no such memory of that

Because during those 80 years those 500 million years basically never happened
And chronologically they're last so they matter more

You wouldn't remember it, but you'd know that you did it, because you'd know you pressed the button.

Statistically they don't matter at all.

Just trick somebody else to do it, easy.

I would likely just convince myself, having no memory of it, and no knowledge that memory was lost, that that other part was just made up and a trick

I get an immortal consciousness for 500 mil years? Sign me the fuck up, I'll easily reach enlightenment in the timeframe of one press.

No even if my memories are wiped being trapped for 500 million fucking years somewhere will still have effect on my mind

You would experience total destruction of your personality less than a month in. It would be far worse than death. Having your memory of the 500 million years erased wouldn’t help, since all you would remember of your normal life would be what you would manage to retain throughout half a billion years of oblivion, which would be nothing. It would be better to shoot yourself than press this button.

Trapped in my brain? Been there, done that yawn.

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>on a bunch of mushrooms once
>slipping into a bad trip
>thought about these threads
>pseudo trapped in my head for a nondescript amount of years
thanks Yea Forums

You would be subjecting yourself to a horrible death so that a copy of yourself could reap the benefits.

Absolute cringe, you're trying to hammer your little point way too much OP, without memory there is nothing, if the tree falls in the forest and there's no one to see it, it never happened

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