What did they mean by this?

Attached: SmartSelect_20190911-232150_Chrome Beta.jpg (1079x1352, 483K)

What makes me laugh the most about this entire thing is he still had a little section about 'those darn white guys and their guns' or whatever. He's still basically on their side and they all lost their shit completely because he made fun of some fags.

does anyone have a compilation or composite of all the rotten tomatoes audience to critic score discrepancies? this shit is hilarious to me.

the classic "sjw flick" ratio, but inverted

>absolutely slays the crowd
>phone goes off and he still kills
>talks about controversy and still kills
>says "easy" punchlines and still kills
>sometimes doesn't even talk and kills
RT critics who weren't in the audience: "muh serious issues: it's tone deaf and not funny"

I don't know about this one chief. People may have literal sticks up their asses

Netflix had to be aware that this would happen. There's no such thing as bad publicity, after all.

They've been conditioned to be outraged. It generates more clicks, more ad revenue and ultimately secures them another job

>the only way they'll ban guns is if black people start legally buying them
He's not wrong

>is if black people start legally buying them
top kek


Chappelle has the best timing, delivery, and mannerisms. Even something as simple as him saying, "OH THIS BITCH," about his wife hearing a noise had me laughing.

That's part of the joke. Congrats on figuring it out.

This, Chappelle is a huge liberal and yet they’re whining about him being "alt-right". This fucker even whined about a white man laughing at his show. He’s an sjw himself

yeah them actually buying something from anyone

There's a difference between a liberal and a frothing fucking lunatic SJW communist.
>pic related

Attached: C3otTkPVMAEBiEb.jpg (900x1200, 163K)


wew sorry for laughing at a joke

you can just tell the guy who wrote that has never even punched someone

>leftist call him alt-right white supremacist
>neo-nazi 4channelers call him a liberal sjw
So this... is the... duality... of Dave Chappelle. Truly the comedian of this and the next generation.

yeah,thats like
the punchline

>being this retarded

I think that this really doesn't prove the ciritcs are always wrong. Chapelle is contentious and they have to lean a certain way to keep their reputation and those that liked him probably are keeping their mouth shut. I would still check critics score over audience for most movies.

Why do Netflix purposely put the colors of the rainbow in the front row of these shows, they did it with Chapelle as well.

Attached: netflix.png (986x413, 272K)