What do people hate about this movie

What do people hate about this movie

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lovelets cant understand what its like having someone actually care about you

too confusing and unattainable for the goyim herds

disappointed he never had to eat shit potatoes.

Shit gets retarded

Matt Damon can't be on mars and the ice world at the same time

>ice clouds
>oxygen running out meme
>love is faster than the speed of light quote
>do not go quietly into the night...
>nigger in space
>tetahedron bullshit at the end
>happy ending Nolan style
>Blu Ray has different aspect ratios



It's one of the most based and human films ever made. It's no wonder people hate it. People hate arrival for the same thing it has an utterly based take on motherhood etc etc

Nolanplebs giving Nolan the benefit of the doubt. If literally any other director tried to pull this trite nonsense it would be "love is the fourth dimension??? lol wtfff" but instead since it's Nolan it's "wow so deep so complex truly a master cinemagician"

Why are we supposed to care about anything that happens in the movie? The pace is so fast, the acting is terrible, the plot is stupid. The only thing good about it are its themes and ideas. Everything else falls flat.

I think you mean based as fuck. Oh no my super serious Sci fi wank off film had a human element of love and family and faith boo fucking hoo
You should go worship at the feet of bill nigh your science goy

He didnt state love is the fourth dimension. His premise was that in the fourth dimension time could be perceived. He also put forth the premise that love could be outside of time as it rarely fades etc etc

Nolan can't into subdued feelings. So this movie was doomed from the start.

Annihilation (bear scene especially)

Three of the best Science fiction films of recent time

>hey TARS every hour we spend down there will be seven years
>hey TARS the signal from there is weird and elongated, and they’ve been broadcasting it for seven years
>hey TARS this planet is 100% covered in water and next to a supermassive black hole
>Hey TARS see any problems? No? Alright let’s land

the biggest problem with the water planet was in order for 1 hour to == 7 years it would have had to have been moving at almost 98% of the speed of light.

gravity dude.

or maybe you're 15

it sux dix yo

I like the fat ogre shit scene

This must be what Andrei saw in 2001

>movie starts with framing device of a documentary about the time humanity was saved from destruction, dissolving all tension about the movie to come
Typical sloppy ass nolan shitfuckery.

Asking the viewer to believe there is a filing cabinet/bookcase in space

it was a big planet dude

>the acting is terrible
fucking retard

That and the SMBH would have taken up like 98% of the sky due to its proximity to the planet.

The cheesiness. The idea that love can alter the laws of physics.

Go watch Harry Potter or some shit that doesn't pretend to be sci-fi

>do not go quietly into the night
t. Not White

the scenes on the other worlds were absolute kino but the rest of the movie was pretty shit

fun fact: the only date I've ever been on was taking a girl to interstellar. we stopped texting shortly afterwards

>The idea that love can alter the laws of physics
This never happened you brainlet.
There is a positive duality in the movie, human's brain/skills and human's heart, both expressed by human spirit.
Bunch of depressed incels with no dreams, consumed by envy and fear, of course you missed it.

It has women in it

That was intentional user, they make gargantua clearly visible from Miller's planet.


But decided to go against making it cover half the sky because it would diminish the impact it would have during the climax.

Besides the fact that other than the visuals the film had been pretty shit up to that point, when the lady starts talking about love as a force that transcends time and space and she doesn't get sent for a mental examination is when I decided the film was shit

>ITT retards who took the lines to literally

>hey TARS every hour we spend down there will be seven years
>hey TARS the signal from there is weird and elongated, and they’ve been broadcasting it for seven years

user they didn't know how close Miller's planet was until they came close to it and it doesn't nullify the fact that Miller could very well be alive and the planet could be habitable based on her initial signal.

for me it's the parodies that came out of it. like this kino youtube.com/watch?v=GR3sXslLDL8

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