More than this?

...there is nothing
More than this, tell me one thing
More than this, there is nothing…

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Imma bump you

Is it kino or shit? I dont know anymore

it sucks. She crashes a spaceship at lightspeed into a star destroyer and you cannot heat what is said.

The night out in Tokyo is the only redeeming moment in this movie, the rest is shit.

wrong. probably has avengers in his top 3


it's 10/10. It employs themes of loneliness, longing, travel and more, many of which incels cant understand. For most of the idiots on here, a "romance" can't exist w/o the male and female onscreen banging it out. They can't comprehend a love of somebody transcending the physical parts. My favorite romance movie.

>don't like the exact same movies as me? heh, enjoy your transformerscapeshitmichaelbay pleb!!!1

They liked eachother. Why didn't they abandon their shitty lives and start a new one?

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This is pretty much the only believable romance that I've ever seen in a movie. The only time where I've felt genuine loss when the characters part. I don't know why, really, but the movie was exceedingly effective as a romance.

I miss my gf.

i miss my ex. That fucking whore took 7 years of my life

Because it's literally never that easy and the inroads you've made in your shitty by-chance relationship mean more than a happenstance encounter with your true soulmate ever will due to nothing more than the temporal inertia of the wasted time which you've already invested.

Did you watch this recently too? Been in my head for days now

Desu I think it’s Sophia Coppolas best. Oldfag here watched it in back in the day; crushed on scarjo, and was always a BM fan.

But it really is kino. Cinematography, characterization, tone, improv. It really shouldn’t work, because there so many gaps and faults (script, plot)

As I get older, I like it more.

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Scarlet Johansen is a vapid whore, and the themes of "Muh Loneliness, Muh worldly Travel, Muh unfaithfulness" are catered to slimy rotten bags of filth just like you.

The night out in Tokyo is based, singly due to Bill Murray's performance, you could have replaced Scar Jo with any random prostitute from Japan and the film would have been exactly the same.

Mind you, this is the film that launched her depraved career in film that has done nothing but to further the debasement of the industry in an overly sexualized consumer product.

I would bet money that you are either a faggot a tranny or a woman.


Fuck, so true

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finally a based post itt.



Fug dude... You're so entirely fuckin spot on that I've decided to drink myself into a stupor rather than confront the reality of the reckless leisure of my dating life.

>Do I need to worry about you, Bob?
>Only if you want to

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I fucking love this film because I actually went through this exact experience when traveling to a convention for a week. I met a girl there who has more in common with me than my girlfriend. Of course it wasn't the same cause in the film they were married, but my initial reaction was to leave my gf and go with the other girl in a heartbeat if she asked me.


As others have said, Lost in translation is probably one of the comfiest movie of all times. I remember watching high af the first time and I simply didnt want it to end
The only flaw imo is that is portrays japs as dumbasses.
Anyone thats not an incel will agree how good it feels to go on a night/adventure with a new girl that you really dig only to find that out that she might be into you as well

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>The only flaw imo is that is portrays japs as dumbasses
I think it portrays Americans as snobby, sarcastic assholes. GOAT soundtrack btw

What did he say?

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So why didn't you?

What else?

It's never that easy

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People are comfortable by nature. 100% they would regret it later after having a fight over a remote control. Its a one time thing. Better it that way.

She didn't want to. She wanted to stay with her boyfriend of 2 years even though she told me they really have nothing in common and she always felt alone and "by herself" when they would be around there other acquaintances. I really don't get it. We even made out and spent a night together in my hotel room, but apparently all of that meant nothing. This all happened Last winter.

This is scary accurate

So you are A CHEAT? Was your chrum heavy?

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Women can't be doomers, they are mostly emo/art hoe/thots that fetishize "depression" (as if they know what depression feels like), sadness, and some surface-level nihilism. It's that same nihilism that pervades zoomer humor ("I'm still a piece of garbage/ Oh my God I wanna kill myself/Fuck my life" and so on and so forth; spend time with zoomers and you'll hear a lot of this).

Of course, there are depressed women out there but men still want to fuck them. Doomer men are unfuckable (good thing I'm one)

>user falls in love with a slut for the first time

Boring as fuck. Literally nothing happens

This was totally written by someone who has had sex with multiple women, anyone who says otherwise is not only a pleb but also someone who hasnt seen enough movies.

RIP “Charlie Brown”

Fumihiro Hayashi was legit.

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close, there's no such thing as a soul mate. It's just a grass is greener mentality and abandoning built relationships is a mistake

not only samefagging, but samefagging shamelessly. 0/10

This smallbrain ain't ever been with a girl who he loves and then had to confront the reality of being around a girl who he not only loves but also enjoys.

She wasn't a slut though. I just got really attracted to her cause we seemed to share the same past experiences and outlook on life.

No shit? Is that who it's about?

>Imagine been so up your own ass you cant believe more than 1 person disagrees with you

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Nah I've had flings like that. But I treated them as they should be, secret pump and dumps

Go get her.
You'll regret it your entire life if you don't.

Why is it so good bros?

Why is it so fucking hard to find ;_;

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Life ain't a fairy tale

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Shit's like $55 a bottle in Ontario

This reminds me that booze sale opens in 2 hours. What should i watch meanwhile drinking myself to oblivion?

Four Roses Small Batch

Your reminder she was 17 when that ass scene was filmed


user I...

I wanted to but how do you ask a girl out who already has a bf?

Somebody has to tell him right?

It isn't. It's a role playing game. And I'm a fucking NPC.

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You don't you fucking snake

Are you actually an upgrade?
Girls are always looking for upgrades

im an old ugly NEET virg failure and I cannot relate to this film

Let your bodies do most of the talking, and just be charming in general. Try to get alone with her under the guise of something else

I was taller and better looking than him. He was also like a literal autist manchild, but I am pretty sure he makes more money than me cause his family is pretty well off.

Here’s the scene.

4m of music, direction, editing and minimal dialogue that tells more than 30m of plot and exposition.

Pure kino. Pure fucking kino.

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No, user needs to learn this for himself.

This movie must be so intensely confusing if you're an incel virgin weirdo. It's incredibly familiar territory for anyone who not only has a gf but is game enough to interact with someone who OUGHT to be their gf.

You don't understand women, stop trying

Sure. Sooner or later he will understand.

>i love this movie because it's so relateable!

almost as pleb as disliking something because don't agree with the main characters points of view. this movie is so soulless and vapid. makes a lot of sense when you realize it's just Sofia Coppola making a movie about herself and cheating on her hard working husband

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Why do people like this movie so much?

So who did she fuck?
It depends if you went through the same stupid bullshit or not. Normie or incel.

What was wrong with this response It would actually work 9 times out of 10

>I jack muh dick on your back

Lmao wtf. Damn bro movie is so profound, haven’t you ever felt out of place in a foreign country? Have you not ever entertained a fantasy romance with an atypical partner? You’re obv not complex

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>It would actually work 9 times out of 10

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If you haven't ever dated someone and then met someone who is more suitable to your personality while still dating the original person leaving you to tortuously entertain the notion of what this new person could potentially do for your happiness then this movie has nothing to offer.

Incels have absolutely nothing to relate to in regard to this movie other than perhaps the weebery of its Tokyo setting. You need to live an at least remotely chad/normie existence to grasp the relevancy of its very well executed romantic themes.

Can confirm user, but don't over glorify sex to yourself, Women can't do anything to your dick that you can't do with your own hand. IMO better to look for relationship material.

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Why wouldn't it? If people find eachother attractive why wouldn't it work?

This movies achievement is relaying a constant and reoccurring human experience in a perfect melancholic tone. It’s like a good painting. There’s lots of paintings though, no reason to stop at literally 17 years old on vacation.

Who cares? Are you really gonna let the chance of something beautiful to happen slip away?
No matter how tiny that chance is. Even if it doesn't work out in the end, both of you have already too little to lose and everything to gain. The only problem is that you're also both too scared, afraid of the unknown and too comfortable with the mediocre. But is up to you for this to happen.
I think Shia Labeouf is a literal piece of shit but on this case, I'd follow his advice and just do it.

pic related and these videos:

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dumb normalfag bully

Nothing can be predicted

>Using words like game unironically
Are you sure you aren't an incel yourself?
Personally I'm a volcel but relate to this movie a lot.

I can relate to this though me and my ex was distance then. Met someone younger and i was lonely in general. We didnt do more than got drunk and made out. We knew it was wrong but at the moment it felt right. Anyway ruined a relationship on both sides. Now im alone as i deserve i guess.
Life is fucking beautiful sometimes.

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What about the weather

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Oh to be an incel. The utter ignorance must truly be blissful in a way. To assume that all you need is mutual attraction instead of the absolute mathematical near impossibility of attraction PLUS the essentially infinite number of other personal factors which need to line up in order to facilitate a "successful" relationship.

Incels have no fuckin clue how good they've got it, really. To find a girl willing to fuck you is but the tip of the iceberg when the ultimate goal is happiness through a consciousness entirely separate from your own.

I guess you never saw The Weatherman

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With what you said, what do you make of Before Sunset?
Im already depressed over these fucking movies and my shit life

What kind of convention?

I imagined it was you when I fucked the jazz whore


Furry. Yeah I know what you'll think. Fuck off.

i dont know why you posted this but i love this song

kek faggots

It reminds me of the past, just realised im sick and tired of dwelling of mistakes and routes ive taken so wrong, alcohol my dear friend we meet again.

>The only flaw imo is that is portrays japs as dumbasses.
Eh... I wouldn't say that. There are some things which might seem like 'dumbass-ness' but are more due to a cultural divide or just some of the awkward manners of the Japanese. I didn't really see anything which struck me as disparaging of them.

>"Gimme summa dat azz bitch or ima cut you up good."

I was expecting anime or video games but wow. There must have been more sluts per qm2 than oxygen, she must have been a keeper

youre gonna be okay user hang in there

Fuck i love this movie so much and how its so relatable and maybe because i love the music so much. When i finally got to visit Tokyo last year i just played the lost in translation soundtrack and literally cried

The only gripe withe movie i have is that it invented "vapid slut sitting in hotel room window gazing at the city and being super thoughtful" foto motive

True every word.
Their consecutive marriages probably started like that before ending in a drag and these two would probably find out they weren't so compatible after all.
Falling in love is easy, staying in love is not.

This movie makes me feel fuckin suicidal when I'm not with my gf.

Can't imagine how incels feel watching it. How do you not murder people out of complete and utter isolation? I guess you've gotta get close to someone else to even realize how far away from everyone else you are.

Thanks user, i know it will in one way or another.

This. It’s a total pleb filter topic. A lot of critics showed themselves to be plebs on this one, they forget that you’re seeing the movie from the westerners POV. You’re seeing the Japanese as wacky and hard to relate to because that’s how the main characters feel, how the main characters perceive the reality around them. You’re being put in their shoes.
It’s not a fucking documentary, it’s a movie.

Exactly this.

What I can't imagine is how your gf can be with such a faggot

>be dating objectively incredible girl who is pretty, ambitious, successful, good family, responsible, etc
>meet other girl who is perfectly on my level and an absolute 10/10, but not as smart, crappy family, not as responsible
>watch this movie
>reboot entire life and nuke relationship with gf, go after the new girl
>happier today than I ever have been

If I ever meet Sophia Coppola I'm gonna thank her.

If you ever meet Sophia Coppola you should start a relationship with her

>replace ScarJo with any random prostitute
Like Sofia Coppola didnt write the script with her in mind

Been to Japan twice to find my scarjo.

Failed both times

Thats pathetic and im getting morning drunk now.

If you're drunk when the sun comes up it's only ever downhill from there


If it’s morning: chill user, with some atmospheric Coppola approved 80s.

Fuck i miss japan

I started drinking at 6am for the first time ever last week, it's always been at least afternoon previous.

I thought it was pretty great. I was drunk by about midday, and sobered up over the afternoon listening to music, not feeling tired like usual with drinking into the night. Was even able to be somewhat productive after dinner.

Things have been downhill for a long time.
Based song. Here have some Connelly kino
Ive been an alcoholic for long time, ive cut down lately but im free bird today and could barely sleep last night. Gotta work in 24 hours. Better get drunk now than later. Cheers bud.

Have a good time man, just be sure to decide how much you're going to drink before you start, works best for me.

Well i got 0.5 L vodka and couple of beers. Then it wont be way to bad at work tomorrow. Hangovers are the worst when your closer to 30..

I remember laughing my ass off at the normies in that comment section compliment her for how she sits kek.

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I'm one of those assholes who never gets hangovers, even at 33. Haven't been passed out drunk in a while though.

>ScarJo was 17 during this movie

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You lucky bastard. This shit was easier when i was 18-19. At 28 its not that fun anymore. But then i try not to mix my drinks to much. Holding myself to one type usually helps. Mixing beer/wine/liqour makes me feel like a dead man day after.

>try to find Bill Murry bathroom pasta
>get search results for USA Today and a website called billmurraystories
Fuck this gay earth

ego enforces realism to maintain a status quo probbaly to stop you from being hurt, sometimes you just need to ignore that and go for it, follow your heart, or soul, etc

How is your sex life?

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>they liked each other
Where did you get that from. Bill felt sorry for her, and she was just lonely.
There were never hot and heavy. Just needy friends.
The movie was straight up racist, and no different than making “chringcong” jokes about a foreign culture.
>her: wahhhhh, my boyfriend is working a job that lets me stay in the nicest hotel in Tokyo
>him: wahhhh, I am getting paid 10 million to do a commercial.

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watch blue valentine instead of this

Shit that is a depressing one.

Hey user. I posted the Japan tune. I’ve been where you are. Worked my shifts. As soon as I had 24hrs bought a 5th and medicated. Sometimes shitposted, often up until dawn. I’d maybe get 5 days sober. A couple times a year go for a few weeks. We all know it doesn’t work. I’m an alcoholic. I know it. You say you are. You know it. That’s the first step.

There’s help brother. I didn’t want to take the next step. I’m glad I did. You take care user. There are people that love you. And I love you too. We’re all here to help you, because we’ve been you. Look up AA. If you don’t like that group, there’s another. Get a sponsor. And you’ll even find us here when you need it.

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Damn user. You struck a nerve. Im trying to go to therapy each week to sort out my shit. I know there is people around me that love me. Sometimes i just give up in a bad way, but im slowly getting better. Even though today i chose to drink. Bah, im going for water and a nap. Its not worth feeling like shit tomorrow.
I mean really thank you for inspiring me to flip a coin and see it from another perspective. There is more to life than this shit. Its hopeless to go back to rehab again since its just a waste of time if i havent been drunk for a longer time or have the shakes which i wont since i havent drank hard since last week. Thanks user. Really from the bottom of my heart. Thank you. Hope you can ride with the feeling you made a change. We made a change. I wont drink more today.

user. It’s hard. I’ve been there. But it really, really, gets better. Not just after a week. It took me 6 months sober before it really cleared. I saw my family and friends in a clear light, their love, and stopped blaming myself. It wont make sense now. And, trust me, you can’t do it alone. Reach out. There are steps to help. And there are not all god thumpers, if that’s not your style. And, ultimately, none of us can do what you need to do. That is in you already. You have the strength. We just got got your back, because we’ve been there. You’re not alone, user. God (or whatever) bless you. You are loved.

and pretty much answers your question. people don't make movies about falling OUT of love enough.

I know its hard. Its going to be hard. Everyday is a struggle. Really, thank you for atleast motivating me to not drink today. I cant promise myself or anyone that i wont drink. Its a timespan that makes me feel suffocated directly to put that kinda pressure on me. Today i made a mistake. I wont do it again later today nor tomorrow. I just need to face my fears and dont be afraid no more. Im tired of hiding this shit. See the dissapointment in my parents face. Its over. You are loved too user. Take care. Thank you.

I meant wont drink for 6 months. I need to take day by day and stay sober. Be grateful for a day sober.

>Failed both times

It's not about being in Japan. The isolation just helped them find each other.