Do you think the cast of Stranger Things is getting paid enough?

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How are they not starving already?

With all of that money you'd think they could afford some plastic surgery to fix those monstrous goblino faces.

How come the shittiest actor is getting paid the most? How much is my waifu Sadie getting paid?

She has other “”talents””

Not much, kek

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Finn should be paid more, he’s the only movie star of the cast

We all know how Millie got that raise.

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aidskike was a mistake

her parents pimped her out

No matter how much they’re paying him it’s not enough

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Whatever would make you think that user?

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So how’s the Goldfinch doing

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fucking DAMN cant wait till this chick 18

not too sure...

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mah the move is probably bad but it still looks more interesting than all the capes hit and Netflix shows

Fan fiction
There's no way on Gods green earth that Fincher would even consider remaking the girl with the dragon tattoo


>this is what Milliefags have been passing as real

my apologies I may have been wrong

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and they made her kiss a nigger

faggot shit

You would think this would hurt his career, but as a 16 year old’s first time in a serious drama film, his side character stands out among a cast of highly billed actors. This is a notable effort to get one foot into the serious drama gig.

the AoC is 16 in the UK and all the girls there are primed by peer pressure to get on the D BEFORE they hit 16,
Esp Posh girls

She looks like a slag

Noah Schnapp gets the best deal
barely has to do anything at all in 1 and 3

They're the face of a new generation sweetie :)

The Finn part is still good
Go watch it

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Actually pretty fair all things considered. Each makes a couple of million a year, with Millie making a little more because she's more important to the story.

Gaten got his fucked-up teeth veneered, at least.
I don't think the jewboys will do anything. They're part of the tribe and don't HAVE to change the way they look.

Nothing is stopping me from walking right out of the theater after his scenes are finished

his kike genes have kicked in, its over for him

It's faggot shit

>trusting mouseshill onions critics

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dont capitalise words in the middle of the sentence reddit nigger

disgusting kike faggot

I hope he gets paid more, 6 million people died

Season 1 yes

Season 3 too much

You know why

I wonder where he spends his money on

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I have no idea

dam vagina bones

I’d do it for free

lol @ all the guys getting paid almost as much as Millie
what a travesty

The gender pay gap is real

Probably saving it up for college, a nice car, and to fund his indie project dream

>10 times less
>"Sadie Sink and Dacre Montgomery, who joined “Stranger Things” in season 2 and play a much larger role in the current season, were paid $150,000 an episode"

That belly begs for a licking

Kill yourself faggot scum