Did that frog really think he was still alive and able to fight under those circumstances?
rest in pieces, ero-sennin
Deserved it desu
This was legit a good moment
take it back.
The dude did ridiculously well given the circumstances. Pain arc was peak of the series, the rest was DBZ tier bullshit.
Itachi couldnt beat Jiraiya
i dropped boruto anime with that shitty arc of the tsuuchikage being evil, is the manga worth reading?
i heard that jiraiya is alive, sauce is in prison and nardo has some stupid terminal illness
Dude who stares at people really hard couldn't beat actual fighter? You don't say.
I think you would be surprised B
Isn't Itachi canonically supposed to be one of the strongest characters in the Naruto universe?
They made an anime about Boruto's dad?!
the pain arc was so fucking good up until the end. amazing how they made me go from loving the arc to fucking hating it when they ressurected fucking everybody
he had shinobi aids and almost lost to his little edge lord brother
First half of it was good, itachi vs sasuke, jiraya vs pain.
Naruto becoming a perfect sage in like a week was just the beginning of the autistic power creep and the complete redefining of his character. Pain invasion having basically no consequence and confirming minato = narutos dad was both gay, and basically retroactively made every single other character in the naruto universe a complete asshole. Where was jiraya, the 3rd or kakashi when naruto was growing up? They were all closely connected with the 4th, yet no one gave a shit about his son and just let him be a depressed emo for his entire childhood.
Other than that I think naruto vs pain was a decent fight, just wish naruto had an actual steady growth instead of random powerups whenever it was needed for the plot, and the pain arc cemented this as the standard
Akatsuki arc was the end of actually competent antagonists. The rest was 'just as planned' bullshit and capeshit tier fights.
Itachi told Kisame that both of them together couldn’t beat Jiraiya
akatsuki arc went from KINO to bullshit the moment pain revived everyone
>not competent
Found the speedreader
The only thing that annoys me as much as the pain arc was how deidara died for no reason to sasuke
The Akatsuki arc was really the peak of Naruto in general. It was so good when it came out, the filler was annoying though. Why the fuck would you give sentimental deaths to people you're gonna revive? I knew it was fake when Kakashi died but up until then it seemed legit. Then the great war, supposedly the next big arc. I watched like 4 episodes in and the fights were horrible, some of the worst in any anime I've ever seen. Dropped the show after that and never looked back
You should watch obito vs kakashi, its pretty nice
yeah because he didn't want sasuke involved and Naruto was there also