Could the MCU Avengers have stopped 9/11?
Could the MCU Avengers have stopped 9/11?
Is this a kino panel?
>bad guys who are constantly plotting to destroy the world cry because a few thousand people died
dishonest cringe
This. They killed more people than ten 9/11s.
have they though?
Fucking cringe, bro
If villains are so easily swayed why are they not outraged by mosquitoes? Mosquitoes kill hundreds of thousands of people every year. How hard would it be for Dr. Doom to eradicate mosquitoes?
well, the jew on that pic is pro genocide of no mutant humans...
He's crying because he didn't think of it first
No, the entire nation was just super-retarded in the first two years after 9/11. You'd be surprised to know GWB's approval rating immediately after the invasion of Afghanistan was 99%.
Throw that Marvel faggot shit in the trash.
MCU Captain America let this happen.
>Dr Doom
>Doc Ock
>just show up to stand on the rubble and look grumpy
bravo marvel
They killed millions...
Doom consistently had serf labor and didn’t give a fuck about human rights at all
Did DC do something as retarded and dishonest as this bullshit or are they literally based?
They edited a comic book that had the Batmobile fly into the towers
mosquitoes could be wiped out today if the right biotech PHD with $100k to blow went rogue with gene drive tech
King Pin kinda makes sense, but I’m sure Dr. Doom has canonically done worse things than 9/11
thats a lie though
I believe they're more likely to have caused such a catastrophe.
I hated when comics did this shit. It's a cheap cash grab. So pepega
Someone (Jonah Goldberg?) said they had peaked at 99%. I guess he was wrong. I'd expect him to get basic facts right in NR.
See, Kingpin I could understand.
Doom, on the other hand? 9/11 is like the first few seconds of a wet dream for him. It's so out of character.
the article I read
>For what it’s worth, polling in the 1860s wasn’t exactly reliable. But even if Trump’s oft-repeated 94 percent number were accurate, and even if it beat Lincoln’s ratings, it still wouldn’t beat George W. Bush’s 99 percent after the Sept. 11 attacks.
someone is lying, either wiki editors or jonah goldberg.
Magneto wiped out Genosha
Dr Doom has the highest kill count in Marvel. He's legit above Thanos and Galactus.
>someone is lying
>jonah goldberg.
I wonder who
In Avengers: Endgame Captain America had to return the infinity stones to the exact time periods from which they were taken.
That means that on September 11, 2001, Captain America wielded the Time Stone, Mind Stone, Power Stone, Soul Stone, Reality Stone, Pym Particles, and Mjolnir. And he still didn't stop it.
>hurr it's the jew
grow a brain cell. jonah writes for a very prominent conservative publication and his editors scrutinize published works.
wiki is known to be trolled by liberals, it tilts heavily left and their impartiality on politics is illusory. if they wanted to downplay GWB's approval ratings it wouldn't surprise me.
To be fair, Doom is literally a Communist/Socialist Globo-Homo Gypsy.
>mosquitoes could be wiped out today if the right biotech PHD with $100k to blow went rogue with gene drive tech
Can we use that tech on niggers instead?
Doom and Magneto would not give a fuck what horeshit
They did a whole comic when that guy shot up the faggot club. Here's a highlight...
>be Deathstroke
>be the most dangerous assassin in the world
>have more money than you can use; just do the job out of sport
>live in a rundown apartment with all your weapons in literal stacks
>apparently you eat burgers while watching tv
>you're also wearing your Arkhamverse suit for some reason
>one shooting deeply affects you, even though you literally tried to kill a bunch of kids and teens to avenge your son's "honor"
>say you'll just use "karate"; not martial arts, just... karate
The comic is called "Love Is Love". Hit up readcomicsonline . to and get ready for a LOT of cringekino...
Looks like he is referring to republican approval rating as opposed to everyone, 99% for dubs right after 9/11 is pretty believable among republicans.
Also Jonah is a fuckjng faggot back.
And they wonder why comic sales are in free fall
>leave guns in dumpster where they will get into hands of criminals and will be used in more crimes
>Implying Magneto wouldn't have been able to sense the thermite and the nano-thermite in the melted steel beams
>Implying Dr. Doom wouldn't know a controlled demolition when he sees one
>Implying Kingpin would be stupid enough to get that close to a freshly destroyed building
>Love Is Love
American comics were a mistake
who colored this that didn't know that those lines on Magneto's costume aren't supposed to be purple stripes
>even the worst villains NEVER FORGET
the fight at the end of avengers probably caused 10 9/11s
well at least this isn't dumb and contrived like the OP
This. Magneto is literally supposed to be mutant Hitler and hates humans.
Are you actually autistic? They attacked America, they attacked mutants too.
>The one thing I can not do is break free from the fictional pages where I live and breathe
Actually he kind of did at one point
based Alex Ross
No, (((they))) just attacked the wtc
This but on white Europeans please.
Same trope as "villain is a vicious killer but even /he/ isn't RAZIZT". To those people being racist is worse than skinning women alive and sending kids to Hell (Waid's F4 Unthinkable).
but islam isn't a race
Shut the FUCK up you racist incel! Even Doctor DOOOOOM, the man who skins women alive for power HATES something as STUPID as RACISM!