I'll never tuck again

>I'll never tuck again

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Why is she so ugly

Ill bet you she's more attractive than your mother was in her prime.

My mother's Angelina Jolie you cuck

her asymmetrical eyes are immediately noticeable this close up, thus provoking this reaction

have sex

Reminder that lady Gaga is a Jew. (No she's not Italian)
She has literally hired PR organizations to hide this fact.

Filthy fucking kike. Sacrificing children to Moloch, the master of the Jews.

Rihanna is a better actress

She's italian, cope more.

I have the same thing, the secret is to slightly tilt your head when ur really close

Super qt bumble match I'm chatting with, and will probably bang within a week or two, proudly identifies as Jewish and her snap name is "[her name] The Jew" and you'll never have a girl like her lmao

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Unpopular opinion : this movie and song are overrated and didn't deserve an oscar.

>you'll never have a girl like her
Jews love to be fucked and degraded by Goyim.. I would fuck one, but never have a child with one.

Hey me too!

Its a tranny

I look very Aryan and my child with a Jewish girl could be balanced by my features but also have the higher iq from her.
No complaints in that regard, except I'm agnostic/atheist and would have to put up with the Jewish holidays, ceremonies and shit :/

Jews don't have higher IQs.

Yes they do.
Studies have found Ashkenazi Jews have average IQs in the range of roughly 107 to 115, well above the general mean of 100.

They're found to have above average verbal and mathematical intelligence, both things I want/need, and would want my child to have too

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The plastic surgery. She was an approachable Italian qt before it.

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As an american jew I just want to say that thanks to you incels I live in fear of being attacked. God I can't wait to get my dual citizenship

you should be a lot more worried about Muslims. It's only fringe white guys who don't like Jews, the entire 2 billion Muslims basically hate you guys.

Your own neuroticism is why you live in fear of being attacked.

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>actively campaigns for the demise of whites
>whites retaliate

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umm sorry sweety but last time I checked it was white incels shooting up every venue, not muslims who I consider to be my brothers, they live the same fear as the rest of us PoC

>It's only fringe white guys who don't like Jews
Until the others learn the truth about jews. You don't get exiled 109 times for nothing.

Have sex incel, spouting conspiracy theories doesnt make it ok to hate jews

Dilate, tranny jew.
Name a prominent jew who wants whites to remain a supermajority in the US.

nah but being alive does

Why are you guys such goofballs

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>Have sex incel
Do you think this is actually having any kind of effect on anyone? It literally just outs you as a buttmad tranny and we continue to laugh at your futile efforts to force society to change to your whims.

>God I can't wait to get my dual citizenship
>dual citizenship
Hey, just like 30% of the American Congress! I'm sure there is no conflict of interest there, haha.


Jews are born evil. They are literally the children of Satan and wish to bring nothing but pain, suffering, and destruction to this world. Opposing Jews is a righteous act.

Wow thanks for proving my point. This is why american jews need to stick together and keep you incels in check.
I'm currently writing a piece about anti semtisim culture and how we can put in place legislation to put you guys behind bars. Anonymous posts such as these will be used to catch you.
So why is it that whites are the ones who cause all the evil?
>wahhh she won't touch my ugly unemployed loser penis im gonna mass shoot whites
lol everyone sees through your bs

The Holocaust ever happened, but by God it should have.

She’s so god damn sexy

>So why is it that whites are the ones who cause all the evil?
Study the history of your people more, Juden. You will see why you are universally hated.

ill never chuck again

>you incels
Jews are extremely unfuckable.
>I'm currently writing a piece about anti semtisim culture and how we can put in place legislation to put you guys behind bars.
Do it. It'll just help wake more people up and you won't ever have a Supreme Court that would allow it.
>So why is it that whites are the ones who cause all the evil?
Nice projecting, jew.

>Tell me somethin whore

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>So why is it that whites are the ones who cause all the evil?
Did you know 70% of the slaves from the Trans-Atlantic slave trade were owned and sold by Jews?

The only people who hate jews are losers who need a scapegoat, its pathetic really.
Must be why all the most famous women marry jews :) white women love us. Hell even ivanka trump needed to be bred by jewish cock
>Did you know everything you read on the internet is true
t. incel nazi

g-d I can't wait to see you losers behind bars. I'm glad we finally have a president who is protecting us against antisemitism and loves israel.


Deserved Best Picture more than goddamn Green Book

I don't think she's ugly.

She isn’t

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Why would you get surgery to make yourself look like a rat


why isnt she getting more gigs after A Star Is Born? she was great in it

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Her whole schtick is already over. The 15 minutes are past. Now comes the desperate clawing for attention by whatever means necessary. Like a movie, for example.

Because she's grotesque without 50 pounds of makeup and can't act.

>Now comes the desperate clawing for attention by whatever means necessary. Like a movie, for example.
Budget 36 million. Box office 435 million. So much coping from a faggot.