Yup, I'm thinkin' he's back

Yup, I'm thinkin' he's back.

Attached: EEIuDEYXkAEFN2X.jpg (750x1334, 148K)

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why is he looking straight on?

Fuck is wrong with his nose?

too much coke

i think it was heroin actually but yeah, drugs

Kinda looks like leonardo dicaprio here

Man he lost some weight

His coked up days on cumia were great

Crushed glass in the nostrils.

you don't stick heroin in your nose. the coke destroyed his septum

>Man he lost some weight
Yeah, he's come a long way.

Attached: Artie Lang.jpg (1844x1240, 341K)

What is this fashion style called?

you can snort heroin retard. he was one of the weirdos that didn't shoot up

Can’t he find a plastic surgeon to fix that shit?

can he no longer afford a surgery that would easily make his nose at least look normal again?

ignore the nose

The Joey Buttafuco

too on the nose

He actually looks good aside from the nose which I assume they can fix.

Attached: ArtieLange_RS-1030x1030.jpg (1030x1030, 224K)

nose surgery isn't easy at all, they have to take cartilage from the ear and shape it into what the nose is suppose to be, and it can not be enough to support it and collapse

Could he not wear a more realistic version of this until his cartilage is ready?

Attached: funny-disguise-glasses-nose-12706456.jpg (800x533, 30K)

that IS fixed. he snorted his septum into the astral plane. noses are hard to fix when there ISN'T thirty years of abuse and you're just doing cosmetic stuff.

he has a giant vampire bat nostril under that mess.

Look at michael jackson... that ex-nigger had all the money in he world and no nose at all.

Looks the best he has in a long time.

Attached: aa show.png (1366x768, 1.59M)

The only difference is he got a haircut, tan and deflated nose

Post Artie kino

Attached: C2LOY4WKX5CYTA6JL3TMFMF6BQ.jpg (365x335, 40K)


Attached: 8C249E8B-B108-4839-838A-CFB00A486982.jpg (1200x788, 104K)

drug abuse and he claims to have been kidnapped and repeatedly punched in the nose.

He should probably blow into his thumb to inflate his nose a little more.

Its 2019 and we can't do fucking fake noise cartilage yet? Jesus i hate being reminded how far away from start trek i was born


based as fuck

>He meant it.jpg

he lost a lot of weight which he will probably gain back in the next 18months.

of course we can, but they have high infection rates due to the sinuses being vulnerable in general, let alone with foreign objects stuffed in there 24/7 making your immune system freak out about it.

Supposedly he snorted up crushed glass by accident, because it got mixed up with his drugs. He claims the emergency room doctor fucked up when he was getting the glass out. Who the hell knows if that's accurate though.

>only work he can still get is guesting on some lame alt-right podcast

Surely he can afford a nose replacement or some sort of plastic insert. Something. What is he waiting for? He doesn't have to look like a monster.

no we can, there is options. the problem is the scarified and broken down tissue in the area that would be very hard to work with if they tried to insert a cosmetic fix.

Do you think he makes farting noises when he tries to breath through his nose

Like a pug, yes.

Garbo work was good for him.

Dirty Work 2!
Fund it, Sandler.

a lot of people only snort heroin. drunk girls/guys will take pretty much any powder you put in front of them but needles scare most people.

You're right it's just a bit harder to notice because he wears loose fitting clothes. I still think he looks worse because people are more forgiving for fatness than they are for no-noseness



No- nosess is a big no no even now, you know


He looks like Chris Farley in Dirty Work now. "I got my nose bit off by a Saigon whore!"
