why can't he write decent endings?
Why can't he write decent endings?
Because he is a coked up cuck pedophile.
A. He’s a hack
B. The coke made the words come out in a flurry but he obviously wasn’t thinking things through much
hes a hack
He's white.
Unsurprisingly he's a pedophile. Who did cocaine. Of course. The penis cannot survive without the cum.
Once the children die, the uterus thrives.
it's a deliberate, auteur stylistic choice. you wouldn't understand
he's usually coming down when he gets to the endings
It’s amazing he is allowed to cry racism when every black person in his books is a “skooz me massa wuz goinz ons” type person.
Shawshank wrapped up breddy nicely
He's a WASP New England liberal
They are liberals precisely because they are strongly racist and think blacks are incapable on their own and victims by nature
He makes himself write 6 pages a day
My assumption is that he eventually just gets sick of whatever he's writing and comes up with an abrupt ending, which is why there tends to be a slow build up towards something longer, then suddenly nuclear explosion, a bunch of characters died, end. he actually did this in one of his books, the one about a virus that kills off most people
The movie did.
Buy tampons honey
Lel I honestly didn't read the book
Okay, so what book of his has the worst ending?
Stephen King doesn't outline, edit, or even contemplate any of the shit he writes. What gets published is essentially a first draft, and he gives zero fucks about actual quality. I doubt he even reads his own stories anymore.
Its why every book has a terrible ending. Its why every character always says or does some goofy shit. Its why there are so many cop outs. Its why there's so many awful stream-of-consciousness moments, or cringy rhyming pseudo-poetry. He simply doesn't care. The man is a monkey on a typewriter hoping that eventually he'll strike gold, but every book is just 'banana banana banana.'
because pedophiles are low IQ trash
Because he used to get zonked out on coke and booze and just write (really compelling GREAT stuff) w no outline then when he had to resolve it, it almost always came down to a hidden monster. His early stuff is really quite great. When he quit doing drugs his writing started to really suck ass.
He just cuts it off before Red reunites with Andy. It's retarded.
What the fuck, did he get some late #metoo allegation?
Probably whatever his most recent one is, considering he's still insecure about his writing ability
I'm also assuming that's why there's so many creepy sexual moments.
And because brainlets equate edginess with depth, they think he's being clever.
The reality is he probably just got horny and when any normal person would pause to have a wank and clear their mind, he just wrote erotic fiction into his novels.
Well, but to test his talent and make sure it wasn't a fluke he wrote a book and submitted it under a different name and it was published right away. The guy is still a massive faggot regardless but that's big if true.
Because he has never had to. What do you call a shitty Stephen King idea? A bestseller with an all-but-guaranteed movie deal.
dude literally wrote pages worth of a bunch of kids having a gangbang in the sewers
It was admitted as a forgettable mass market pulp pageturner, which is exactly what Stephen is King of. Imagine John Grisham writing an airport novel about a lawyer to "test his talent." The four Bachman novels are all recognizably Stephen King all over, one is Carrie without the supernatural stuff.
different seasons is really good and 3/4 of the stories in it were made into movies. The one about the Nazi guy is one of the most disturbing things Ive ever read but its really good. Gandalf ended up playing the nazi guy in the movie iirc
>why cant he write
Because he can't sustain his stories after a while. It's why his short story works are the best things he writes.
Is he drinking yerba mate?
Yeah, Running Man was actually pretty great, but his longer works just have such abrupt endings, often involving a literal explosion
I finished The Stand recently and I wish he had just stopped at book 2 and not bothered with 3 at all. Everything was so anti climactic, underdeveloped or just stupid
>Stephen King drinking Chimarrão
a creepy premise is better for a short story or 45 minute adaptation. they can't sustain a novel or movie length because that requires more than "what if this hotel was haunted"?
"and then a fucking hobo showed up with a nuke, everyone died, the end"
He’s on record saying he ran out of ideas so he just had Harold kill off half the characters and went from there
Honestly can anyone? It’s either:
> wrap everything up with a happy ending
> shock the audience by having the bad guy win
> or do some vague shit that “leaves it up to the viewer to interpret”
I can think of plenty of books that have good endings, not steves tho, never steves, except W&G
This. Book endings are rarely satisfying due to the pacing required by reading. The last book ending I can think of that felt perfect was The Cement Garden, which is saying something - and is likely strengthened by the satisfaction of finally being able to finish my wank.
God he’s fuckin ugly even for Maine
He doesn't plan. He writes by stream of thought.
The Mist movie ended great. Not sure if he wrote it like that because can’t read without addy
except people have explained what make his bad
it's the abruptness, and the sheer oddity if not outright stupidity of it
he's a proper Innsmouth local
many of his novels read like long letters
Under The Dome. lol alien kids playing with bugs
in the book, they get to a motel and mist never seems to end, its left with the idea that it will never end and covers the whole world, nobody an heros
Ahh gwon upta caaaaamp!
Its hard to understand, but it's because he has to write an ending.
His novellas, and especially short stories, always have very fun and satisfying conclusions.
I think thats because they usually end just before the actual final event happens, which leaves you wanting more.
He won't do that with 1,200 page novels, though.
I tried reading The Dome (or whatever it's called). Holy shit, Steven King's writing is so dogshit. He rambles on for pages without actually saying anything. I quit like halfway.
>it didn’t even kill Flagg and he just reappears somewhere else
That was the first time I felt cucked by a book
fuck no. the people behind that movement praise his work. But they will call someone like Ted Nugent a pedophile because some drugged out whore made up stories of her sucking his dick when she was 12.
His novellas are his best work. Seasons and Night Shift are better than the entire body of his work
He is the opposite of lovememe, can write adequate filler but trashes the ending, lovememe writes trash filler but gives an adequate ending
look at it this way, if the good guys hadn't shown up then whats his face wouldn't have turned on flagg who then wouldn't have lightningned him which said lightning would then not have activated the bomb, still unsatisfying but not quite as much
Muh nigga... took me right back to playing dirty games with my big sister when I was a kid and my subsequent lifelong sexual frustration from when she got old enough that she lost interest. Anyone know any other books with incestuous plots that are also a decent read?
A tale of two cities ended pretty good.
It's hard to descend on coke binges.
Did you know that world-renowned writer Stephen King was once hit by a car? Just something to consider
Steven King is the definition of quantity over quality.
Flagg was ultimately killed by a spiderbaby. It's that bad.
in the realm of still being quality, yes. Stephen King is not high art but he is incredibly talented (besides the cocaine) for being able to put out as much work as he has done at the quality he has. We all know GRRM could use a little adderall
that wasn't bad at all, fucker deserved it
My mom got hit by a car once
Seth McFarlane missed the train that crashed on 9/11
No. You're thinking of James Patterson. That talentless fucker puts out like a hundred books a year.
It isn't even him, it's his army of 25 ghostwriters.
can any horror writer write decent endings? I don't read tons of it so I might be way off base, but the most popular and famous horror authors all write trash endings
>Stephen King
>HP Lovecraft
>Junji Ito
none of them can fucking finish a story
>James Patterson
Jesus I almost forgot modern literature is dead
My fucking sides
rocks fall everyone dies the end
he saw spooky thing then ran away screaming and was insane forever
>Junji Ito
here's something unsettling! let's end right here!
Mike Hanlon isn't like that in IT.
jesus I hate his books so much
I can't tell you how many times I've picked up a random book in my local library, started reading it, and gotten annoyed with it, only to look at the outside more closely and see his goddamn name christening it like a big sign saying "Manure here".
Ironically these days you can easily judge a book by the cover, going solely by who's name is on the cover.
I always had a liking of Dean Koontz. Sure he's a King knockoff but at least he has one thread stories that go from A to B. Some of his stuff is actually decently imaginative. Jack Ketchum is where it's at if you want the grindhouse paperback experience.
>wannabe writer
>been working on my novel for 7 years
>still needs heaps of work to be finished because I keep changing my mind on certain aspects and want to polish it to near perfection
>always feel like shit when remembering authors like King and Patterson can put out a million books a year
Fuck I wish I could just settle on ideas and for the entire thing not being perfect so I could finish it already. Has King ever spoken about how he's okay with putting out novels that lack polish? I'd love to know what his process for getting his work done is.
john coffey in green mile is. i'll try to think of other examples
Dean Koontz stories vary
he has a weird tendency to fuck it up with Golden retrievers tho
I liked Odd Thomas, but didn't care for all the side characters he decided to introduce in later books
Ever heard of editors?
I'm not saying he doesn't do that, just wanted to offer a counterpoint. I've definitely noticed he does it. Most recently, I noticed a character like that while reading The Running Man.
Just finished reading Pet Sementary
What did I think of it?
That guy is like the CBS sitcom/NCIS of books. Truly atrocious.
Editors that work for publishers only edit work that's already been edited up to a certain quality. I've spoken with multiple editors about that before. Unless you mean freelance editors you can buy to tighten up your manuscript; in which case fuck that. I've got a bachelor in professional editing. I can do it myself.
Is the whole novel done and you're just constantly editing it now? Or are you trying to step by step make it good?
>bachelor in professional editing
me too, doesn't mean much, understanding how to edit doesn't mean your good at it, and if you've been at it for 7 years then you probably aren't.
i'm not disagreeing. mike hanlon is smart. i was more just pondering. he's been accused of using the magical negro trope a bit too much. john coffey in green mile. dick hallorann in the shining. speedy parker in the talisman. and mother abigail in the stand. but then again he's written quite a few books
he's talked about how he writes, and part of it is forcing himself to write several pages a day
detta, although odetta and susannah act normal and its pointed out that detta is unnatural, like shes aping what she thinks a nigger sounds like rather then genuinely talking like one
>what his process is
he has a book called On Writing, that is what the entirety of the book is about
You loved it, Satan
Serious answer, it's because of his writing style, which he breaks down in On Writing. He comes up with a situation, usually based on two things that just kind of hit him as a "what-if" question, and then he writes a first draft, populating it with characters and then making sure that they do shit based on what they would do in this given situation.
By the end of the book, he knows they'd keep doing shit after he stopped writing what they'd do and he openly admitted that finding a stopping point for that is hard as shit for him, so he just says "fuck it" and goes with his gut.
The cell
I'm constantly rewriting the entire thing because I can never decide which version of the story I like best
I'm guessing he probably didn't grow up around a lot of black people. Maine and all.
One thing I can say about King that's positive: he at least makes an effort to pick something and commit. It's hard as fuck for me, too, but it isn't a bad habit to get into.
Even flip a damn coin if you have to. Pick one version and don't look back.
Yeah, and reading his books, for me at least, its not like the writing is stellar, I just always need to know what happens next.
Like I stopped caring about dark tower like 4 books in but I read the next 3 JUST to figure out what would happen at the end.
Ultimately it does mean his books aren't really that great though. Ironically the longer ones do leave me more satisfied/are better.
Narrative should be about the journey not the ending
Save the elements you like for another novel. People will only know your final product. Every novelist knows a 1000 different ways they could've taken their story. If you're rewriting the "entire thing" then it sounds like you could easily make another novel out of it with the amount of revision you're already doing if you just change names and places and drop or add a side character or two
yeah i'm not gonna bust his balls. dude's 71 and lived in new england practically his whole life. what do folks expect?
IT has a great ending.
Yeah they're hit or miss. I haven't read anything of his since maybe the third Odd Thomas, I can't say for sure. Hideaway, Dragon Tears, The Voice Of The Night are all great. Of course Phantoms is the bomb yo.
this thread: proof that Yea Forums is just a Yea Forums that doesn't know how stupid it is, like that autistic girl I know who thinks she's going to become a respected novelist by writing Rocky Horror fan fiction
Honestly I think King's biggest problem is stopping too early due to getting burned out on it and in consequence underediting. While this definitely gets books on shelves, it can mean he's less great than he could be. The method isn't anything new and has been done better.
Greatness is somewhere between underediting and overediting.
dubs and you give me her number
the ones he likes he just continues to edit after release, usually making it worse, except for stand, the trips was great
I loved Stand. Fucking lightning in a bottle.
Okay, but he probably shouldn't go around making judgements in racism when his mindset in creating black characters is to treat them as beloved mystical pets moreso than realistic human beings
he makes mystical pets and then makes them black. He knows he can't write black characters so sticks the black quality (since he needs diversity) on the one character that isn't much of a character at all
detta's a character
Clive barker with Damnation game and imajica
brian lumley, he drags shit out for ages but always nails the ending
>why can't he write decent endings?
He a good enough writer (even if he submitted his stuff under another name, it would be published) it just that his style of writing leads itself to good character work but poor plotting.
Also, his best book is his book "On writing" which is one of the best books on creative writing written. And this comes from someone who hates reading king.
That fag's only good work was his movies. Talk about a guy with a good idea but too much blank canvas.
Clive Barker is what would've happened if Neil Gaiman came out and became less of a hack.
exactly fuck flagg, he got what he deserved
Yes, the director is argentinian
His son Owen is a better writer
The series ended with Flagg dragging Roland along. Flagg fucking lived, and I guarantee that he's got more than just subconscious memories of last time around.
>le pseuds
Don't you ever get tired?
He hasn't written anything good for a long time (heck, he not really written due to health issues after almost dying from a dental surgery.)
But "Books of Blood", "The Damnation Game", "Imajica" are all great (and I would have thrown in the "Art" books but he will never finish those. There is not much blank canvas in Imajica for example.
sometimes I stay up too late watching Weird Al videos, but generally I sleep enough
Try Laird Barron for weird noir and Tim Curran for more visceral stuff.
maybe, martens memory is wonky at the best of times
The Stand Ending is great.
Insomnia ending is great.
The Dark Tower ending is kino. both of them
You lost interest at 4? That was the best one
Ito's endings are pretty based. Fuck falling action.
True. Still, I did like how, despite everything, he was still alive by the "end".
Of course that makes that shootout inevitable, but that's best left to the imagination.
I'm still fucking mad. Only book I've ever read by this POS and the only one I ever will.
Normalfags are just learning about a 30 year old book.
it almost happened at emerald city, next time around maybe he gets him their, but then the black 13 doesn't come into play so idk
30 years ago he wrote a passage about kids becoming adults by fucking each other. It works in context with the story.
That's the funny thing about the causality of the Dark Tower. Roland has the horn, which means his conscience survived Jericho Hill. That means he might choose Jake over Flagg at the end. That means he probably won't lose his fingers after Flagg mindfucks him and also won't need Susannah to get raped by the Speaking Demon to get Jake back. Which means Susannah won't get pregnant with Mordred.
It's interesting.
didnt he write stand by me?
that had me crying like a baby
but it also leaves the question of how tull might play out, he could potentially never even get to jake since he might refuse to shoot whats her name and so be killed by the hoard
That depends on how far he's willing to go. If the Hill still traumatized him enough to go as far as killing a mad cult, but not as far as personally killing a lost kid from another world, then he's primed to actually win this time.
well there you go
What is the dark tower even about, read the gunslinger and put it down about half way.
Just curious on why it so loved.
in the og she begs him not to kill her, in the re-edit she begs him to kill her, also he kills an early version of mordred with the whole gun abortion thing, how these scenes play out with a roland that isn't a cold asshole idk
Castle Rock season 2 is going to have Ace as one of the main characters apparently.
Me neither. It's intriguing. King ended it halfway.
its about the last gunslinger, the center of reality and lots and lots of cocaine
I liked Mister B. Gone desu. Fun concept.
Nice digits, I did love the opening line and concept.
Writing something makes it real.
oh the speaking demon actually protects roland and jake from the stone-ring demon aka the succubus, he carries it with him as the jawbone from the waystation
It's been years, my mistake.
Still, if Jake was part of the gang by then, they wouldn't have bothered dealing with the stone ring demon.
I really wonder how he can engage in any long-term plotting and elaborate foreshadowing if he writes six pages a day. I doubt he extensively outlines his books before he writes them.
read "On Writing"
I really want to get around to reading The Stand and the Dark Tower books one of these days. Feels like one of those things that I should just experience.
Black guy in Shinning is kind of like that.
To be fair, outlining before writing a first draft is for faggots.
Is he a murderer? because dude litteraly wrote pages about people being gruesomey killed....
me too, i'm not sure why i remember all this so well, but sure the first encounter would happen the second wouldn't, but the other mordred might have survived tull and so been even stronger since he wouldn't be born in a poisonous shit hole, well less of a poisonous shit hole
he has said if he didn't become a writer he would probably be a serial killer
I like this angle. A stronger Mordred who's introduced earlier. Potentially great. I wasn't crazy about spiderboy
why can't he write
>that dark tower ending
>”i-its not about the goal, its about the journey, now buy another in between book, goy, i need my coke money”
I can’t believe i actually bought all of them. I was so stupid and i waited for a pay off after the first book was kino.
Pet Sematary is an actual masterpiece. It's telling that he kind of disowned the work later, it's the only honest thing he ever wrote and he had to be completely wasted out of his mind on drugs and liquor to write it.
I expected he'd stop after Sheemie's twinner nearly killed him.
I haven't read either yet, I'm probably going to cheat and do the audiobook version of The Stand like I did with IT (I'd actually recommend the one read by Steven Weber, he does a great job with the characters especially Richie.) Dark Tower I'll read the actual book since my ADD faggot brain can handle the page count of those much better.
Are you saying Pet Sementary is his most drugged up book?
I want to read what is considered his craziest book.
I almost wouldn't be surprised if this were true.
no-one really likes spiderboy even tho I always defend DT and all of mordreds stuff couldn't think of a better way for Oy to bow out, but introducing him earlier and having him tracking them for the entire series could be fun, while they chase MiB crimson baby chases them, would be an interesting juxtaposition seeing roland try and deal with our world and then seeing mordred doing the same
I think his wife wrote most of it.
Pretty patrician
The movie should’ve ended with the shot of the bus too
IT is probably the craziest coked out book from his, at least from the well known ones.
because fantasy nerds have the worst taste
He should only write novellas baka
I've actually started the audiobook for It (cause I keep forgetting I have a Audible subscription) and it's weird how Steven Weber's voice almost predicts how Pennywise sounds in the new movies.
The second half of IT is pretty obviously drug fueled. There's sections of it before that you can just feel the cocaine rushing through him as he was typing it but once they finally meet up at the chinese restaurant it's barely held together.
plot twist ending:
>Stephen King was mostly coked out in the 80s and can't remember much while his wife actually wrote his books and told him he did it.
Because the proper way to write a story that wraps up in a bow is to write it back to front, just like you wipe.
Outlining helps if you want to create something with sensible pacing. Some writers are just overly descriptive in their first few chapters to the point of redundancy because they write for the sake of writing and then realize that they have to tighten the page count between major plot points or the book will be an unreadable doorstopper.
yeah i love his interpretations of the characters and his Pennywise does sound just like Skarsgards (or vise versa I guess) where he has that salivating quality
It's his darkest work, the most bleak and hopeless, and I normally don't go in for that sort of thing, but that book is just perfect. It's hard for me to explain but it just tapped some nerve deep within me that said 'yes evil shit does exist and sometimes people's stories don't end up well'. It's not edgy, it's just fucking tragic, you feel incredibly bad for everyone in the story but you understand why things are happening the way they are, whether you take it as metaphor or as an actual evil demonic thing.
I mean seriously I dont like King, I don't even like the Shining or IT much, but Pet Sematary is something else.
Yeah i would agree with that but I stand my point that a writer is not what he is depicting.
>somehow I get a hold of his book
>it’s about a zombie apocalypse caused by cellphones
>”oh wow this actually seems kinda interesting”
>20 pages in “zombies” achieve ssj2 and have air fights while throwing lightning balls at one another
This is beyond silly.
Yep. The only book he was ever part of with actual structure and a third act that made sense was The Talisman, and that was all Straub.
I forgot King completely once I discovered Straub, when Ghost Story came out. Shadowlands is my all time favorite horror book. Floating Dragon and Ghost Story blow anything King wrote completely out of the water. Straub turned away from horror later on, but his string of Ghost Story, Shadowland and Floating Dragon outdid King on every level. He's the only reason I read The Talisman, and Black House.
because he's a drugged up mentally ill new england rape baby with FAS and should have been ignored
>why cant he write
He's been asking himself the same question his whole career
im just reading the Talisman right now, weird shit. dld Shadowland too based off your rec
You like Ligotti?
Anyone else read Raymond Feist as a teen? Talk about hitting the wall, those books degenerated real fast
No, that's not how it happened. From Wiki:
At the beginning of Stephen King's career, the general view among publishers was that an author was limited to one book per year, since publishing more would be unacceptable to the public. King therefore wanted to write under another name, in order to increase his publication without over-saturating the market for the King "brand". He convinced his publisher, Signet Books, to print these novels under a pseudonym.[1]
They knew it was him, he did it to make more money.
what are his best endings?
they are all over the place some later books are great some early books suck, Feist writes so much its just hit and miss, I did like the end though
Sounds like pure kino.
The short story it's based on was different, and he didn't write the screenplay. The endings were completely different. That's why it's good.
I like salems lot and W&G, since he has an "epic" confrontation and you are reading trash so being cheated of that over and over can get annoying
Didnt stick with it long enough to get to the end, read maybe 6 or 7 but the only one that really captured my imagination as a kid was Magician, pure kino
Him, and Gaiman. They seem to shit out at least two books a year, every once in a while they're good.
it constantly skips centuries, Jimmy and Tomas and of course Pug are the constants, their are great stories and shit ones, they come in trilogies, i like feist he's completely unapologetic, he writes epic high fantasy because he thinks its fun, and it is
Or maybe he's just doing it for political good boy points so he can get attention on twitter.
The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass
I've never been able to get into Koontz - my sister is a huge fan, but every time she pushes one on me I lose interest. He's not awful, like King, but he's too "good for the beach" light reading.
You mean a bachelor's in journalism? I've never heard of a bachelors in editing. What school is it from?
That's what an external editor is for, fresh eyeballs, because you're too embedded. Someone with a degree in 'editing" should know that.
i've got one too, it was a 2 yr course
Heinlein was the same - he'd write thousands of pages, and his editors would cut out the fat. Like for Stranger in a Strange Land, his original manuscript was 25% longer. I've read both versions - his editor was right.
Yes exactly. That's the thing, there's still plenty of story to tell.
Is there any actual proof of him being a pedo beyond the kid orgy in It?
>ust curious on why it so loved.
I think it's sunken cost fallacy. Some people waited so long for them, they had to claim them as the best thing ever, or they have to admit they waited forever for shit.
They're not terrible endings or terrible books. There's not really important either. But Jesus, reading anything is better than not reading at all.
No it's just people who want to find reasons to hate him but they haven't ever actually read any the books so they can't point out exact details.
When did you read book #1?
There are two DT readers; the ones who read it after or near the publishing of the final three and the people who waited years after Wizard and Glass with no end in sight from King.
People went to the grave pleading with him for an end.
I was so mad when I finished that giant piece of shit, worst book I've read by him
Haven't gotten to him yet. I get sidetracked all the time, horror isn't my main interest. I want to check out him, and Matheson next.
I asked what school, I'm interested in what the program is like.
Hi Stephen!
I read it all at once, maybe 2 years after dark tower was released, I liked it first SK I had read, the stand was better but I liked it all, its far from the best thing, but its not bad, just because other things are better doesn't mean I hate something because it isn't
i'm from aus, so it would be different, it had category's non-fiction, fiction, various sub classes, lectures etc, it was fine but their is a skill to editing that can't be taught imo, its basically an extended grammer class
The only sensible discussions on Yea Forums are about books
No, because the "orgy" (they run a train on bev to be precise) is written in the softest language imaginable and isn't remotely erotic. if you go looking for story codes like b/g in erotic fiction sites you'll find way more erotic shit than what King wrote.
Yea Forums is pretty good about talking about music too. Music I like anyway.
offtopic posting is always the best posting, unironically. watch some janitor flag this thread for deletion in a fit of rage.
I just asked what school. I didn't ask to defend it. Why is this a difficult thing to answer? I can look up the program myself.
I gave up trying to figure out the janitors here. Good, on topic threads get deleted early, shitty, incel "boobies!" threads stay up. And even I got a "banned for off topic posting", which seems to happen randomly here.
you want to know what school I went to? nah, look up
>professional writing and editing
or something like that
Family Guy is boring and stupid as a Sneedsons ripoff but all of their pop cultural takes are gold and yes Koontz should be run over.
Why won't you just say "I went to [school]? It's a simple question.
thats because of /mtv/ we were forced together for a day or so and well here we are, but fuck Yea Forums tasteless faggots
Knowledge is king but wisdom is emperor, hierophant, and mother.
because this is anonymous, and I haven't been posting here for 10+ yrs by just giving out personal information, why do you care? just look up what I told you too, you can see a basic criteria for any number of editing degrees
Only good from it is the song.
That scene in The Shining where Dick Halloran literwlly starts shucking and jiving with hia black friend on a loading dock while they fantasize about white women is like something out of a 1950s novel written by a conservative.
I'm going to guess he didn't do it or cheated and bought a house there without ever actually living there.
Have you ever been around blacks? They literally do this all the time.
Dude, most colleges have tens of thousands of students graduate every year. Nobody is going to dox you if you say what fucking school you went to. What the fuck is your problem? Were you lying about getting a degree? Or went to some smaller school? Nobody cares. I just wanted to look the program over, but you're freaking out like I asked for your driver's license.
I can only assume you were lying about your degree, but honestly, who gives a fuck? It was a simple question, so go fuck yourself, shithead. Jesus fucking christ.
yeah magician was awesome, the empire series was good, everything else is shit.
Well, c'mon. King was from Maine, which is still mostly white, and more hick than the south. He probably never saw a black dude until he went to college. It's like he skipped straight from the 50's to the 70's - which if you know anything about Maine, makes complete sense. You know the small town Leo goes to in This Boy's Life, to live with Deniro? That's what the whole state is STILL like.
look up what i told you to
Well he straight up admits in his self written biography that he doesnt have any idea what he's writing. He just gets a plot idea and starts typing it out with no clue where it's going. In The Stand he introduced all those characters with no real idea of their backstory or their place in the other all plot, and he reached a point where he had no idea how to go forward with so many, then did some drugs and suddenly had a brilliant idea to just have a bomb go off and kill a bunch of them and force the rest to start walking to Las Vegas for no real reason.
The secret to King's success is he reads a lot of books and watches a lot of movies and he isn't afraid to shamelessly steal whatever he likes from them, so whenever he's stuck or can't think of the next thing to happen he just rips off a plot point from something else. The Green Mile and The Shawshank Redemption steal so much from Escape From Alcatraz I'm surprised Paramount Pictures never sued King for plagiarism. They'd have won the case if they had.
Nah. I'm just gonna go with you lied about a degree, and I don't care enough to go google something as vague as what you posted. You don't matter enough for that. What started as mild curiousity is now just annoyance. Shoo, fly.
what gayme
Salems Lot. The heroes mostly get themselves killed trying to stake the head vampire before the survivors return a year later and just burn the whole place down, which they could have easily done in the first place without losing anyone.
they would've lost the few survivors
Yeah, that's what I thought. Shoo, fly. Stop annoying people, and stop lying online.
He can; Shawshank Redemption, Salem's Lot, Pet Semetary, The Body (Stand By Me), Gerald's Game, The Long Walk, The Shining, Cujo, Cycle of the Wolf and a lot of his short stories have good endings.
Father Callahan found his redemption.
So it's actually just aliens?
how do all of his novels get adaptations? does he have infinite money to lobby for his work?
and the best battle sk ever wrote
>unturned still living in the town
>small town surrounded by woodland at the end of a dry summer
yeah, you could've fixed that ending.
main characters pleading and begging with alium children to quit fucking with their town as they are running out of air
A lot of King books are ayylmaos
Under the Dome was especially shitty and uninspired. Like a fuck-you to the reader.
>I can think of plenty of books that have good endings, not steves tho, never steves, except W&G
he has an entire book called "on writing" user.
he lets people do it for nothing, just sells more books doesn't matter what the adaptation is like, and he gets to larp on set in his own universe, their are countless behind the scenes footage of this
He's one of the most popular writers ever. His 5076th or whatever book is coming out in a few weeks and it's already topping most preorders.
He's also pretty cool about adaptations (or at least taking money for the rights) compared to a lot of authors.
He sells a lot of novels and his books are interesting premises for movies. Being long on description and low on real plot content.
you are replying to the wrong post, i'm the one who posted your greentext and the one who brought up On Writing something I have read and something you porbably never will
Because he's a bad writer.
No, just RLM drones parroting Jay's and Mike's views.
Easily the Dark Tower. No contest.
Stephen King certainly hasn't.
I remember King straight up said he wished he had ended it like the movie at one point.
Nah. It wasn't that bad. And it features some strikingly lovely, imaginative writing by King, who must have labored over it tirelessly.
Checked. Satan brought that kid back.
The Dark Tower has the worst ending of anything I've ever read. There's even a page before the ending where King warns you not to read any further. I bought it in hardback when it was released and the ending had me seething so much that I would have beaten King's face in with the book if he was nearby. Looking back on it now, I'm almost impressed by what a supreme act of trolling the ending was.
Is that the "fo-fo-fo you..." thing?
hate the crimson king ending fair, hate the real ending, fucking pleb
The Dark Tower books are some of his best work, which makes the shitty non-ending so much worse.
what about it is so terrible. the cyclic nature of roland's journey?
I thought all the outbreak stuff was great, but then it becomes the cast just sort of wandering around and fucking about, and I lose interest.
this user gets it. the crimson king is LITERALLY a shut-in NEET reeeeeing at roland during their fight, which btw appropriates those weaponized snitches from harry potter universe.
It's just a book you moron. It will not change anything. Just go ahead and publish it.
King actually warns you not to read the ending, that's how bad it is. You must be very easily pleased.
dr doom robots did it first in wolves
He doesn't "warn" you not to read it. Way to completely misinterpret what we might describe as an artistic disclaimer. He's expressing his fear that the ending of the journey is not what readers wanted. But it's where the story took him, or whatever it is writers feel.
nope but it was the only ending I could've imagined of course he endlessly chases mib across the desert, wtf else would roland do?
true, as well as lightsabers and well, fucking dr doom. what a ridiculous man King is.
funny but very strange. i think he commented on how Rowling was a success that dwarfed him and she came from nowhere. it's all probably an homage to properties he likes.
I've been listening to the audiobook of IT recently, and I might refrain from watching Part 2 until I'm done with it, but I started stalling out around the point when they all meet up in the restaurant, and Ben is telling the story of how he lost weight.
He was right to be afraid it wasn't what readers wanted.
no according to King, he can see into the "real universe" rowling can only see fragments which is where slytherin and sneechs came from ,same with lucas and stan lee, its really obnoxious if you think about it, King is saying his version is the real one and everyone else just got small flashes cause muh gans navel n shit
To be fair, Green Mile is set in the like the 30s, so it's pretty accurate to have the black dude be like that.
lol chill nigger
It was great, rolands walk up the stairs was perfect, the fight in the field, I can understand why you don't like it, but the stair climb is perfect
>t. Stephen King
i think he's just fucking around if he did say this. he's not delusional. but he does like to put stuff from other properties into his (later) DT novels, suggesting the scope of the novels/universe is beyond just his works but potentially encompassing all the ones he borrows from, and others. before he would just make references to real world things like songs. i have no idea why he started borrowing.
He’s not a hack.
Go to bed, Stephen. You need your sleep or you'll wander out onto the road and be hit by another van.
>you should always pander to your audience
Absolutely not
fuck you that user is 100% right. the stairs is beautiful stuff and you have shit taste if you don't like king at his absolute best.
Cell definitely. I loved so much of that book. Then it just ends on such a limp-dicked note
lol it was just an error don't get your panties in a bunch.
you are just wrong, but thats ok, I guess
>liking that atrocious non-ending
>telling others they have shit taste
Never change, Yea Forums
do better
no really you lack all sense of taste
i understand, shit taste is however curable, all you have to do is acquire good taste.
nice trips user wasted on you but so be it
If you think being satisfied by Stephen King endings qualifies as taste, then it's kinder to just leave you to wallow in your ignorance.
He literally describes and compares the children's cocks as they fuck Bev though.
What a weird weasel looking bastard
no he gave that warning because he couldn't think up a good ending.
a ending, he pumps out so much shit occasionally he makes it work, this is one of those times
But he can: Longer than you think, Dad!
hey jude being the most popular song on mid-world was something I always liked
no he relates what bev is feeling. there is a difference. he wasn't like "stan has a 16 cm dick and it's hard as fuck." it's not erotica.
King's best book is unironically his first — Carrie. He thought it was shit and threw it the trash, literally. His wife fished it out and made him finish it. He literally doesn't know what a good story is. He just got lucky with a few meme novels early in his career and the King myth was born. He's been writing utter shit since the mid-to-late '80s but people still buy it because "muh King."
What the fuck are you trying to say? He wrote the book on a typewriter and literally threw the pages in the trash. His wife LITERALLY picked it out of the trash can and made him continue working on it. I am right, and you are wrong, fucktard.
He literally says 'this guy had the biggest dick, she liked it the most' when that has fucking nothing to do with the story. You could even cut to black before they fuck one another if you HAD to write your story like that for some reason. Which he of course, didn't, he chose to include that because he wanted to.
>t. never actually read the book
t. never actually read the book or watched the movie
I was checking Audible for Straub audio books and it has Floating Dragon 5 hours abridged version. What is even the fucking point of torsoing a book so much lmao?
If you actually read the book and still posted that you're literally too stupid to get genre fiction.
I'm saying you overuse the word literally, stupid child
>cut to black
thanks to the 1st amendment words are not objectionable, so king can write a semi-mystic scene much like the ritual of chud where instead of transcending the self they are intimately aware of the self and connecting with each other through sex. it's a pretty weird scene but it's really not salacious imo. but i have read stuff designed to titillate.
Dude. Read the books. They're worth it. Go get a free account on mobilism.org and download the ebooks. King's new one The Institute got posted today, too.
>torsoing a...
wat? wtf do you mean by this?
Yeah, I've read pretty much everything by Straub except Dark Matter
It's when you cut off limbs off a body and leave only torso. I made it up
>I made it up
you shouldn't have
People don't know the other versions of the story. They are not going to miss it and they are not going to compare them with the picked version.
Because he can't write decent beginnings or middles
Don’t get too obsessed on a single idea. Finish the book and start another one.
Pick a version. Isolate them down to the ones you have on hand (if it's more than 2) until you have a few and then just pick at random, send it in to an external editor, and publish. Then you can save whatever you have left over and turn it into something else. Your fans won't mind the similarities between this new work and the old work. They will be provided a sense of comfort, and if the new one is noticeably better than the old one, you'll be applauded because of how your writing evolved. Which it will.
What a start to a book.
Duma Key had a decent ending.
>keep firing, no matter what keep firing
>gods love on you son
>and you father, now will you stand? will you kill?