Advanced alien species

>Advanced alien species.

>Don’t know about common bacteria.

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It was winter time.

why didn’t the Europeans get wiped out by new world disease? why didn’t the humans get wiped out by Martian disease?

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master race

They were too busy keeping their heart rates above 140 with all that New World rape they got up to, essentially burning off all the bad juju that Quetzalcoatl tried inoculating them with.

They got syphilis and amazonian peepee parasites

there's a video on youtube about this, search for americapox cgp_grey. basically, cities are disease factories. new world didn't have any cities, so no bacteria or viruses were evolving like fucking crazy, so there wasn't any crazy ass shit in the new world to bring back. it's actually quite interesting.

as to war of the worlds, it's a sci-fi thing, it's an unexpected hand-wavy way to end the book and leaves a lasting impression. there's some scientists that are afraid of the melting icecaps because there might be frozen smallpox cells in it that could potentially infect people now that it's been eradicated and we no longer have any real antibodies for it.

The disease exchange went both ways, they just got it WAY worse due to their civ being relatively isolated to central America. Plus most American civs were already either gone or in severe decline by the time the Spanish arrived.

thanks history user

what do you call pic related if not a city you fucking retard?

Attached: tenochtitlan.jpg (1600x1200, 286K)

Well, for one, it probably didn't actually look like that......

right but surely you realize the assertion you just made is completely and utterly wrong? think critically for one second; there definitely were cities in the western hemisphere. the fact that you believed that just because CGPreddit said so is baffling.

Another part of it that the old world had domesticated animals of many different kinds. Diseases that evolved to survive in cattle end up killing humans when they spread, but humans in Europe built up immunities as well.

Tenochtitlan was a much larger city than London or Madrid, or anything the Spanish had seen. They couldn't believe what they were seeing was real. The Aztec city was meticulously clean though, while europoors dumped their sewage into the streets. That probably explains why they all died when the filthy spanish arrived.

What about Cahokia and Tenochtitlan? They weren't on the level of London, Paris, or Rome, but they were sizeable enough.

I prefer "Signs" where an alien species invades Earth, nicknamed "The Blue Planet", and then gets fucked over by the unforeseen presence of water.

Maybe while landing they didn't happen to see the oceans or any clouds.

>still doesn't know the creatures in signs are demons

No no, it was even more retarded
>be on earth for literally thousands of years or more
>still somehow not immune to the bacteria and shit of the planet

And then decide to run around stark naked.
I like to think it was more of an alien fraternity hazing than an invasion.

>Supernatural demons that are burned, not by holy water, but by tap water.
This really isn't any better at all.

Because Mel's characters gains back his faith near the end, you dumb nigger.

>I beleeb in Jeebus, now everything I touch is Holy.


almost half of all europeans were wiped out by the plague. ethnic groups have different resistances to certain diseases.

there weren't cities in the western hemisphere anything like what was in the eastern, and they more specifically did not have horses and pigs and cattle intermingling with drinking water that was being provided via municipal water systems.

they didn't have a sewer system in-city, they had waste ending up in a nearby lake with drainage based around transporting waste in canoes, it was a different environment.

Actually Tenochititlan was larger than anything in Europe. 200,000 people was on the ballpark of Cairo and Baghdad, larger even than Venice (150,000+) which was definitely larger than shit like Rome and London and even Paris.

>new world didn't have any cities
Why would you post about something you don't understand?


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it shows how crafty humans in general are considering they never had the wheel or advanced metallurgy and came out of a rain forest.

"Sure, we could enslave this planet full of attractive weaklings, and force them to feed/nurture/entertain our colony of invincible super-children. But instead let's get rid of what's making us Supermen, poison all life on the planet, destroy everything with gravity modification, and raise all of them ourselves on a sterile mudball!"

Zod is peak alien brainlet. I think Science Pa gave him brain damage with that vicious curb-stomping.

Attached: ZodNu.jpg (240x240, 12K)

Gotta love how Fox News brainlets believe the world economy is based on gold.
I guess they are stuck in 1915 intellectually, to no one's surprise.

Rome during Roman times had one million people at one point... disease factory x10

>and they more specifically did not have horses and pigs and cattle intermingling with drinking water that was being provided via municipal water systems.

this is the more likely explanation , not the other bullshit you said, since they did have cities in the western hemisphere far larger than most in the eastern.

Romans understood the concept of basic sanitation, and the importance of public works and infrastructure to society. Libertardians cannot into this.

Americans really think all indians were small tribes living in teepees. they only know what they've seen in movies, it's sad

Another factor not yet mentioned is they were in constant contact with domesticated livestock that transmitted zoonotic disease and had built immunity

The plains Indians are used to create the image of the noble indian savage, but its akin to using the steppes-dwelling Mongolians as a stand-in for all Asians.

I'm American, and I'm the post you were responding to retard. Tenochtitlan and the Aztec civilization were covered in required history classes in the public school I went to here

libertarianism is the first escape of those too pussy to be race realists and just admit that things work out pretty well in white societies most of the time, regardless of their choice of government.

clearly you didn't pay attention. perhaps you were distracted by the shooting that day?

On one hand, 1890s logic isn't compatible with a 2000s movie, but on the other hand if they changed he ending the bookfags would riot.

Most homogenous societies work well regardless of race. The problem is that the political class finds it waaay too easy and expedient to blame their shitty management on "those other, different poor bastards".

America has been through waves and waves of this throughout history.
"Yeah, we are creating a system of inequality that gives us all your good shit, but it's clearly the fault of the wop/mick/chink/ape/wetback who just got here."

Generations have fallen for this simple ruse, and it's not surprising to see you following in their footsteps.

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>The H.G. Wells bookfag army
So what, a few hundred octogenarians?

>common bacteria
The common cold is a virus, dingus.

I'm not him but I assume he was speaking relatively
The New World was home to a number of large cities, machu picchu and other famous mega communities, but not in the frequency or density that could be found in the old world

but the important factor is the above mentioned domesticated animals the Europeans spent time with that made Eurpoean cities such germ hubs, all the animal feces and human waste together was a cess pit, over time many Europeans had something of an immunity to super powered diseases
then take a super virus bread from 500 years of incubating in a densely populated city and let it loose on, in comparison, loosely populated native tribes with little to no immunization

>why didn’t the Europeans get wiped out by new world disease?
fun fact syphilis is a disease from the New World

You aren't much of a historian if you haven't learned to never, EVER take primary source population statistics for cities seriously if they are more than 200 years old.

These stats like Venice having 150000 people in the 1500s is ridiculous

>advanced society

>don't know about niggers


These came from within our solar system, so they aren't THAT advanced. And imagine, if there was no microbial life, or nothing quite like it on their planet, why would they expect to find it? It would be like if our intergalactic colonial marines started dying to inter-dimensional ghost-wraiths, it's just something completely beyond our experience.