It was a national tragedy
don't make jokes about 9/11
1 hour 47 minutes until Norm Macdonald appears on Comedy Central, Lights Out! With David Spade, 11:35, tonight, September 11.
Jay Leno, Natasha Leggero, Norm Macdonald (last minute bottom billing due to the 9/11 thing going viral on the gook YouTube 8 days ago)
The full joke is even better
Wacky Fun Day represent
>Norm Macdonald appears on Comedy Central, Lights Out!
just set the recording
Imagine if Seth Macfarlane hadn't missed his flight.
Would the world be a funnier place?
No, I've been waiting for this for 6 weeks, Norm's been fucking with me as hard as he's been fucking with Spade. Fucker got a free private jet ride and casino chips to keep me waiting this long. I'll be having it now. How leashed will he be? I'll pay the same to see Norm leashed as unleashed.
Dennis finally posted his Norm stories podcast also, he's been teasing that since forever. Probably not permitted by personal promise to Norm — have to wait until 9/11 for Norm to come back. The Three Amigos, baby. Spade and Dennis flanking him.
>Dennis finally posted his Norm stories podcast
...It was.
Ever since Spade took Dennis Miller and Norm on his private jet to perform at this huge casino in Oklahoma, Dennis has been teasing stories of flying on a private jet with Norm for 6 hours total. He actually posted one last week that teased such things in the header, but the actual content turned out to be him saying that this had in fact happened and to continue to tune in.
Fucker got me to download some fag app and shit. Anyway, apparently now he finally uploaded his 6 hours worth of private Norm stories that just happened on the plane. Expecting a lot of good things out of this podcast. He floored me with a Hieronymus Bosch Ant Man rant the other day.
>Dennis talks to Christian and Lindsey about traveling to and performing with David Spade and Norm MacDonald at the Winstar World Casino in Oklahoma
So basically all the least funny things that he'll say about Norm will get repeated 100s of times on the "I'm Not Norm" YouTube channel while the funniest will become obscure.
Uh, ya know one people say osama bin laden was, uh, behind this horrific attack on America. But I beg to differ...
Less than an hour until that new Norm, son
where can I watch it
29 minutes, Comedy Central. 11:35
with those trips you better hope someone streams it.
but i dont pay for TV
>Dennis begins to tell the stories
>3 hours there on the plane
>3½ hours back
>Norm talking about his quantum penis starring in a road film with Bob Hope for ten minutes with the audience
Apparently Norm was so funny that a lot of the plane can't be repeated. Too dark. Like George Bush on Air Force One pointing up at the microphones. Going to start flying first class from Norm's casino booking dates to LA just to hear that fucker on a plane finally, Norm destroys on a plane.
What the fuck am I reading? This isn't /x/ you kook.
keep going norm.
shit i mean your not norm but uhh keep going.
Too soon?
Someone with a memory as good as Norm's who's able to compile his speech and experiences into novel ideas relating the initial contents of Dennis Miller's new podcast episode where he talks about Norm, followed by a joke that reveals truth in that one could get a private Norm Macdonald show by gambling on flights.
Frank Stallone...
Norm is a holocaust denier.
You're confusing him with Adam Egret
Even Chris Kattan, little homo who rages at Norm constantly, admits that Norm destroys on a plane. Don't be sleeping on him though, he'll steal your shoe and the stewardesses will emasculate you and laugh.
But Norm always knows so much when he explains why Adam is a holocaust denier.
I'm so glad I rediscovered Norm as an adult. As a kid I never understood what was up with this guy.
Yes, Adam is ceaseless with his arguments. A true scapegrace. This is why Norm tells him Irving would be his greatest ally, but of course "he's too smart".
One minute until new Norm on the tv
Norm has already stolen Spade's seat. He's hosting this one.
He pretended to think that having sex means peeing in a lady's vagina
post a link you retard
>tfw Norm wrote blue card jokes for Jay Leno to do
>tfw they're high fiving after Jay does them
Get fucked.
Norm makes me want to brush my teeth
Norm has taken over and dominated all aspects. Everything after this point is bonus.
And a happy 9/11 to you!
Also Leno and Norm are unstoppable together, Leno picked Spade up and used him as a fucking prop (proving Norm's theory that Jay employs the best physical comedy)
>Hieronymus Bosch Ant Man rant
I'm Jewish, Norm
But I had a bar mitzvah
Please tell me about the Bosch thing or how to access it.
no, american dad is a top 10 sitcom
Then you get the joke!
Ted is kino, Orville is based, and he seems chill
>he was in northern canada
i don't get this joke
it's a subversion of your expectations
Jesus what is Adams problem?
The podcast link, to Dennis Miller's Westwood One collection. It should be an episode in the high #50s, the Chappelle episode or one before it.
It was a good Dennis rant but technically it was incorrect since he was speaking of Bosch inscribing lithographs himself and then throwing them away, while in fact lithographs were made after Bosch by those who recognized in his tryptichs his genius. Nevertheless the concept that the troglodyte Dennis was mocking was not fit for such a primitive scribbling, rather Bosch went on to better things like the Ant Man shitting out the guy in the Chilean mine disaster.
A more apt rant would point to Bosch's early Tree Man work, which of course was not a lithograph.
he's intentionally playing the rube
I love the look on Norm's face when Spade showed that "doppelganger" clip from Malaysia. Not even a commercial break can stop him, he came back on that motherfucker so hard. He mistook the nature of the doppelganger absolutely, the premise was completely flawed.
GET YOUR OED, Spud. Norm is getting ready for the Lynch.
>9/11 was a tragedy lol
>osama bin laden was a real jerk l
There you go. The summation of powers of Reddit’s humorist laureate.
>check Metropolitan Museum of Art's Bosch holdings
>20+ fucking lithographs by 15th- and 16th-century artisans knocking him off
>donated by the Monopoly Guy
>worth huge money
>not on display
Oh also, as I predicted when Leno was first announced alongside Norm, Leno was high as fuck.
>I-I had a Bar Mitzvah....
Can you link to the video because I dont know what you are talking about
How does Norm do it?
Not for nothing but the longform "real jerk" is much better as an all-around aptitude test than The Sophisticates / The Aristocrats. My most staid and placid of Irish wit uncles was apparently so impressed that he called out for it again on the one-year anniversary of its telling, in novel form relating to personal and local events. Was weird being confused like Norm at first, like what the fuck, then realizing I have to do the same joke different and end it the same, so he can show his brother.
I understand Adam's holocaust denial is a little offputting to people, but to me what gets me is how virulent it is. Adam is a virulent holocaust denier.
that osama guy was a real jerk!
Have to wait for the upload on RARbg and then for that Filipino "I'm Not Norm" guy to edit half of it out. It's one more ammunition for my Norm vs. David Lynch video though. Shit could be a whole channel. Norm got angry due to his instinctive understanding of the doppelganger and the host's lack thereof.
What happened to his face?
it's nowhere near nyc silly
He got free KFC for a year by doing those commercials back then, and LoJo worked in a delivery proviso since he doesn't drive
Was Norm ready for primetime?
Every host in the 12:35 slot was supposed to be Norm ever since Skillsbo, he was either turned down at the last minute or else turned it down himself every time. Craig Ferguson and fat fuck British fag included.
>Norm vs. David Lynch
can you explain what David Lynch and Norm Macdonald have to do with each other? I cant find anything that makes sense.
There's a ton of Norm / Lynch content.
• Lost Highway DVD extras: Lynch talking about how he came up with the movie: The OJ Simpson trial
• Norm in 3 different interviews in 1996/1997: talking about meeting David Lynch at The Tonight Show and him really liking him. Gave him his personal number, Norm called a bunch, Lynch went to a bunch of his shows. At the height of Norm + OJ
• Robert Blake, star of Lost Highway, movie about killing your wife: desired guest for 1x03 of NML. That's when Norm says David Lynch likes him and is on The List
• Lynch behind the scenes in some studio, black and white: talking about Robert Blake's book from NML 1x03 and holding it up. Says he was left out. Says Robert Blake called him Captain Ahab
• Norm in 2+ appearances, often with Kevin Farley: talking about one of his favorite films, The Straight Story. Kevin was in it. Norm has a Richard Farnsworth impression from the film, dead on and mischievous. Says when you watch it a second time, that he figured it out, that Richard Farnsworth is a bad guy, because remember the fire—?
• Twin Peaks The Return: a big red Indian talking to a man in a cowboy hat about "the fire" in David Lynch films, and how it's not about the fire, it's the intention behind the fire
• Norm talking about a bunch of shit coming out of his ass on Conan: pic related
• Norm talking about TM meditation 400 times: relevant material in there, dreams, jelly rolls
• Norm having a preternatural understanding of the doppelganger, disagreeing with Spade
• Lynch explaining The Straight Story as walking a narrow line and seeing how much you can still twist around, curve around—Norm talking about it constantly, the "hard G", same thing, and then doing the same thing on Netflix—include "once on Hulu this all goes away"
Woops, wrong "pic related", it should be this since Quentin Tarantino isn't funny but David Lynch is, Norm doesn't know it yet. Also include footage or audio of Norm explaining how the children called him weird as a youth, but that's what he says others say about Lynch, but then there are 10 clips of Norm getting misled by idiots talking about movies or TV.
Impressive norm lynch knowledge
Also Robert Blake of course becomes OJ in real life after starring in the movie Lost Highway, which Adam calls "riveting" and one of his favorites. Lynch often predicts the future due to intuition. Intuition should be in the video.
It is my goal that Norm should come to watch Lynch's post-Blue Velvet work other than The Straight Story and come to know the Truth in them, as I have, that I can listen to him dab on everyone about it the way he does with Straight Story.
Oh also I think Norm has this insane Harry Dean Stanton story about him hosting the show drunk, forgot until I saw the webm.
Norm has to do his podcast again with Lynch as a guest
This has to happen, for all of us.
Two old chunks of coal shooting the breeze about life the universe and everything.
Do a special outdoor version so Lynch can smoke 100 ciggies
If the Bosch guy is still here then one secret to Lynch is that you can take any description of Bosch and just find/replace the names. "Lynch isn't shy about showing his brushstrokes" "Often called 'The Devil's Filmmaker'" "Deeply sensitive artist whose demonic visions reveal deep piety"
He's been on The List ever since the third episode with the great Fred Stoller. When Lynch was sighted going into the Netflix HQ it should have been to get an interview on season 2.
You will find in Deadwood's burial of Norm aka Wild Bill Hickok a verse from a 1784 hymn that embodies the concept of the old chunk of coal becoming diamond. This is the same alchemy that governs David Lynch and his films. The flames shall not hurt thee, you see—My only design—thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine.
Back when Norm actually had a show and no leash people could smoke all they want, even if they didn't smoke easily like Tom Green.
i've been dying to ask this one all week. so ummm, where do you anons come up with the ideas for your shitposts?
5 days after Irwin was killed
Oh another Lynch thing Norm has is this story he doesn't tell that much, and you get more from other people who had him tell it to them. But there is direct Norm telling it. He bought a condo, and one for his mom Ferne in the same complex, dedicated to living the simple life of the ascetic and leaving his gambler's ways behind him.
His first night there, he found himself dreaming of the sounds of the casino, the buzzing and whirring, the calls and sounds of the cards and chips. The a half-awake state, he stumbled out into the hallway and began looking for them, coming closer and closer to their source.
An underground casino was erected in the condo next door, you see, and he entered into it past the large black man bouncer, led on by his instincts to the table, where he soon found himself sitting.
HEH and just a good video gag in a Lynch / Norm video would be audio from Norm talking to Dennis about "Gertrude" (2nd time) and Norm saying that he was sleeping and in the dim light she looked just like Burt Muston and gave him a fright. Overlay with Lost Highway video of the guy's wife looking just like Robert Blake in bed.
>Brian: You know I was supposed to be on one of those planes?
>Stewie: Yeah, me too.
This was a pretty good joke.
this was the most boring 9/11 of my life
ny times tweeting that it was the planes fault was pretty lulzy
That's "this thing he does" like Stoller says, where "he looks at you". Can break any man, make them laugh. At 9/11 or a crocodile hunter. Give him something hard.
Norm absorbed Super Dave's powers when he died
as he did Rodney's and Kinison's before him
and Shandling's
all will give their power unto Norm
and the world will leash and chain him
to a rock larger than Byron Allen's head
Leno ripped on Spade expertly for his enormous gold Rolex. Leno's watch was well suited to his interests, leather-strap and small practical face to avoid harming his precious cars. Spade was forced to pantomime flashing his watch to Leggero.
I like the 911 call more, the one with andy dick. Cant find it though.
has norm got a new show? what's happening?
Norm is too good a person to retaliate, he should have named all of Spade's rape victims when Spade attempted to mock him for cancellation.
Norm and Jay congratulating each other after every joke was so fucking awesome. Leno's physical interaction with Spade was picking him up by his legs and dragging him off the chair and across the room to illustrate a joke. They tried to mock Norm for falling from grace or something and he immediately and expertly turned it around into deferral to the greatness of Jay Leno.
Bumping for the queer Brits who don't know Norm is better than Jimmy Carr or whatever the fuck
FG > AD in general
good joke but scary when you think about it. Seems like seth is kinda obsess with this event cause he knew all his suffering and interrogations could have ended he wasnt shitfaced from the past night. His demons/bad behavior saved him
He walked through blood and bones in the streets of Manhattan only to find out that his brother was actually in Northern Canada.
Those of us who watched The Guy in 2001 knew that he knew when it was going down, the clues are all there. My name on Napster was bin Laden because of family guy. Towers still up.