Back to the Future needs a 4th film, prove me wrong

I mean yes, 3 did wrap everything up, but I feel you could tap into the BTTF lore for another trilogy. Like you could incorporate Micheal J. Fox's Parkinson's as a kinda PTSD like thing from Time Travel.

Attached: docjesus.jpg (300x164, 12K)


It did, there was a telltale game.

Eh, I liked the TT game, just didn't scratch my itch for a full on sequel.

i didnt like back to the future 3. there, i said it. it should have been medevil times or dinosaurs or something, hell even the renaissance.

>sequel to a decades-old franchise that was neatly wrapped up

genius. why hasn't anyone thought of this before.

I can see that. I like the wild west stuff, but Doc being stuck in medieval times would have been cool.

Pretty sure they're just waiting for Zemeckis to die and they'll announce the remake while the corpse is still warm, like Ghostbusters after Ramis died

Oy Vey use time travel to stop Hitler

They really ought to make a sequel to Clue.

you could make an even more futuristic mr. fusion that runs on his twitches

No, marketer/producer, I would not pay to see an unnecessary nostalgia cash grab sequel

>Oy Vey use time travel to stop Drumpf

Excuse me im not a Jew in California

Yes we need a gritty movie about Doc going senile and Marty having to take care of him. Doc accidentally killed Marty's entire family by fading the.m out of reality in a terrible time accident. The plot revolves are Doc and Marty trying to protect the flux capacitor from Libyan nationalists who want to use it for their evil ways. Along the way they come across Marty's young daughter from the future who has come back to help them to make sure that she exists.

they clearly have multiple times they thought Fox's comeback on that TV show would be the time but that faded like in months

NO. Let it rest. III was the perfect ending and the best of the series.

>perfect ending
>entire series is about how time traveling fucks with everything and is super dangerous
>ends with doc taking some wild west era woman and 2 young kids on time travels
was a pretty dumb ending, honestly

Hell have it be about Jules and Verne and protecting their dads legacy.

Fucken kek


Clara was only going to end up being a name of a ravine, plus you're ruling out Doc Brown's inevitable mental breakdown and family slaughter, so relax, the timeline will be clean.

How did they get to Europe?

>Back to the Future needs a 4th film
No it doesn't
>you could tap into the BTTF lore for another trilogy
That sounds fucking retarded, look at star wars for fuck's sake
>you could incorporate Micheal J. Fox's Parkinson's as a kinda PTSD like thing from Time Travel
My god, that sounds even more retarded and awfully tasteless

Attached: not this one, dumbass.jpg (408x408, 112K)

I'm sure it will be remade and Marty will be a gay black kid and doc will be a black science woman that made a time travelling prius.
It will have a strong hamfisted political message then the studios will kvetch over how much money it lost and blame bigots.
Biff will be the only original character to return and will play Biffs great-grandson; a greedy
wall street trader.

did you see part 2? the car can fly

>it should have been medevil times or dinosaurs or something, hell even the renaissance
Go watch the cartoon. It is exactly that.

He has it stipulated in his will that his estate is forfeit if they give permission to make another one apparently

"we have to get you up to 88 involuntary movements a second marty. Here, stare into this strobe light I invented. I call it the Fox Capacitor."

Its going to fly over the ocean?

I legit think we will get something new BTTF within my lifetime at least. Reboot or sequel. Just have to wait for Gale to die.

Part III was better than II. It had that badass ZZ Top "Doubleback" and it just felt like time really was running out.

All-female remake.

is she mixed race?

that was the animated show

Back to the future 3 is bad. No wonder you didn't like it.

It just needed a better plot

If Time Police actually existed, the decades surrounding WW1 and WW2 would be shoot-on-sight

3 was kino my man
>doc inventing the sniper rifle
>that scene where they are throwing the logs into the coal engine to reach 88mph

of course :^)