/bb/ Big Brother 21

HOH: Jackson
Noms: Holly, Tommy
Veto: Nicole

Previously on /bb/:

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Other urls found in this thread:


my man's T is plummeting

If either Nicole or Cliff win HOH, they’re BOTH guaranteed final 3, regardless of who wins veto.

>mention "backyard incident"
>feeds cut

it's pretty close to p.aras magic ability of shutting down the feeds just by pointing finger at the camera

gotta have high T

getting caught up on the feeds. but holy camoly holly cant campaign for shit. deserves to go to jury desu

Nicole is doing all this work just to lose to Cliff or Tommy.


quarky begging to hide in DR

Is there anything more pathetic than a Nicolefag?

>Bad at physical comps
>Bad at mental comps
>Bad at the social game
>Bad at the strategic game

It's almost as embarrassing as Kemi fans. The only reason she is still in the house is because of the vast amount of bumbling from the other HGs. In almost any other season she would have been evicted pre-jury for her frankly shocking levels of ineptitude. Given her general lack of poise and charisma I would have thought she at least had some skill at the game, but even in this regard she disappoints. She isn't even physically appealing if you are being at all honest with yourself. You losers only like her because she is so bland, so unremarkable, so unbelievably milquetoast that she might be realistically attainable for you.

And now because she suddenly woke up in the last two weeks of the game and won a couple comps I'm supposed to believe this was all part of her "strategy"? No, she had no strategy. She only had dumb luck and the benefit of an incredibly low IQ cast. Even Ovi would be more deserving of a place in the final 4, at least he tried to play instead of sleeping, crying, and getting carried for two and a half months.

She won't win the game, she won't win AFP, she won't be your gf. She is going to go back to long island, adopt 5 cats and die alone.

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Do the producers tell the houseguests that they're not allowed to cross their eyes or something for the comics competition?
I always see them so confused over the differences but if you just place them next to each other it's easy

>Bad at physical comps
i'll give you that one. but yeah, you need to update this bro.

le I want to inspire girls face

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holly making no deals
just complaining how it's unfair if she goes and crying

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that’s gonna be a big YIKES from me dawg

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>bad at social game
never had problems (after the blow up) with jack, sis, nick or christie. her problems with kat and jess were dumb girl retard shit and when she gets to the F2 they'll realize her game
>bad at mental comps
irrelevant if she gets to F2
>bad at physical comps
>bad at strategic game
just got out christie and now blindsiding the jury house by getting bog out
shut the fuck up u fucking triple nigger and suck nicole's clit when she wins 500k
thats the tea bae

oh my fucking god could you pick a worse rhap lineup

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I don't need to update shit, she won a couple comps when the field was down to 6 people or less and half of them were throwing. Even the social/strategic game she's playing right now is mediocre at best and could have been done by any player in the history of the game in the favorable position she's in. She sleepwalked right into a perfect scenario. Fuck you, and fuck your autistic waifu. Pic related, it's what Quarky is gonna be seeing for the next 60 years of her life until she dies of a stroke after slipping in the shower and nobody even notices for a week.

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wew. you really did type out all of that. sad.

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you took over three thousand pictures of someone you'll never talk to

wow what a pretty girl!

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odds holly kills herself when jackson dumps her ass after the show?

uh, whats your point?

Show us the doll where daddy touched you

women never actually try to kill themselves, "sucide" attempts are always just cries for attention
deaths happen only on accident

holly knows that her and jackson have no future outside of the show.

*talks her way into the Final 4*

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Why is she so fucking smug bros?

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There hasn't been any girls on BB or survivor that have managed to come close, bros. Every "waifu" since then has just been a pathetic attempt at filling the void.

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Did they...?

tyla probably is a giving lover. i honestly didnt think they would last this long. i'm happy they are happy and getting that paper off all the endorsements

can't beat perfect

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why is holly such a fucking retard
-me and jackson never had a final 2
-I'd be glad to go out at 4th


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tacky photo

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have sex sweetie

Looks like part gook part spic. Disgusting


i'm a girl of course i have sex

Did you like seeing Evil Nicole, Yea Forums?

holly talking as if she had any impact on the game other than being jackson's cumrag


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Name one better looking girl that has been cast since then.

>Hard mode:

>Dante must die edition
No Rachel

When’s the last time the scale hasn’t cried for mercy when you stepped on

we better be getting Naked Nicole next

That’s a girl?

>Yea Forums
this is /bb/

who are they voting out?

I get so depressed thinking about BB18. The cast had so much potential. And it was completely tanked by two people. How different things could be if Paul was evicted week 1 instead of gay scenarios.


wow look at that pretty girl!

i'm a 9/10

you fucking traitor!

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she cute

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No, but they did.

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wow what a pretty girl

it still hurts

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>David trying to hide his cracker friends in the background

i still can see them, you uncle tom POS

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thats better

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fuck paul

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wow i remember making this webm years ago
pretty sure i posted it on /wsg/, in one of those 50 post off-season /bb/ threads

There is no universe that Jozea doesn't go home first. He was terrible at the game.

thank you for your service

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Has Paulie posted any cringe Joker shit recently?

frank was such a chad now he's chillin with a retard

wow, what a pretty smile on such a pretty girl!

>now he's chillin with a retard

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feeds getting litty tonight

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must be wednesday

is there any universe where nicole doesn't make f2, and lose?
only thing I can think of is jackson evicting her against cliff with tommy hoh in order to possibly get taken to f2 himself by cliff

Nicoles and F2s, name a more iconic duo

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be my /bb/ gf

he probably posts most of it anonymously ;)

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about time

new Joker is a sensitive incel, Paulie probably doesn't like it

holly is PISSED

I remember when krusty said nick smelled like a 4 year old that just learned to wipe its ass

nicole and cliff debunking all the bullshit holly was spewing
she's goneso

>our showmance totally isn't a final two :^)

funny thing is, jackson would actually cut her in f3 if she wasn't such a shit player


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has there ever been a more kino F5?


Nicole is evil

bb10 and bb12


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>Nicole is evil
>Nicole is live
Nicole is life

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aids dick is so cringe. i hope shitcole gets btfo by snackson.

any season before this one. but bb18 was especially better than this shit show.

cringe jackson post

based tommy

>bb19 josh
>bb20 kaycee
>bb21 nicole
wow modern big brother fucking suck

>have mostly solid F6
>the weakest and least influential player wins

i guess, that's the nature of the game for ya

Does Jackson get to compete for the next HoH? If he doesn't this couldn't have worked out any better for team faggot.


Who wins a Cliff & Nicole final 2?

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i hate shitcole and cliff but this is all jacksons fault for getting rid of fucking analyse and jess. also bad move assuming the nerd twat wouldn't gain an absurd ego once she got a taste of power.

What's bullshit is that Dick always says he likes people who play the game. Of the final five, you can at least say that Cliff, Tommy, and Jackson were gaming the whole time. But fucking Nicole? Really?

only final 4 hoh gets to compete for hoh again for final 3

not us fans.

wow what a pretty girl! look at those space buns! almost as good as her real buns!

do you honestly think keeping holly is better for quarkys game? you might be more retarded than the shit your spewing

i win

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I think it goes sis/jess/nick/tommy/christy for nicole

jack/jackson/holly for cliff

with kat as a toss up

this could change in the next week or two though

anal wanted jackson out
jessica wanted jackson out
nick will let nicole anal tommy and cliff take him out

he did his best by removing the pawns and making nicole take out christie

>what a pretty girl

thanks user

i don't think he said that

jackson only hope is tommy wanting a shooters final 2

not putting up nicole this week was a mistake, cliff had zero chance of winning POV
he kept making sloppy noms every round, like keeping Tommy off the block last week and it finally caught up to him

hey quark nation, if quarky wins we should flood Yea Forums with quarky pics

the way she is going about it is all but assuring holly will be a bitter vote against cliff/nicole. so yes she could have handled the situation with more humility.

how to win modern big brother
>let a good player babysit you for the whole game
>do nothing until final 7

meta always changes

ahhh yes the steve and kc strat...

nah, this shit goes all the way back to Lisa in BB3 desu

cept the better player should realize that you're coasting, making no friends, and when you turn on the beast mode and win consecutive weeks you have a right to win

oh no doubt but its def more prevalant nowadays. ian/steve/nicole/josh/kc all rode someone elses coattails.

>cliff wins hoh
>jackson wins veto
who does he send home? does tommy even think about taking jackson to F2 over cliff?

i already am

completely reddit take once again from d***

if he was smart he'd take out tommy
he's the better competitor

nicole for betraying the final 4 alliance

this. watching jackson getting revenge and making that little hoe cry will be so kino.

>replying to yourself
can jackson posters get any lower

i hate obnoxious fags like this.

Melon is gonna cut Quarky next week. She isn't gonna get to see her family at finale, bros.

ummmmmm..... guess who's winning f4 hoh

Boss Hogg. Fag could also win it considering he has no reason to keep his word about throwing it.

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hogg telling its a hard decision to make this week. playing the emotional card while quarky is in the DR

based cliff ruining the dinner

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interesting convo lol...

quarky is going to come back and not know any of this occured and seem like a cold gamebot who is evicting her F4. evil edit incoming

>if you're going to play it, play it with people you don't like
>where's David?
holy shit Cliff hahahaha

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based Cliff "Don't Be a Pussy" Hogg

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boss hogg dont give a fuck

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kek yea seriously

cliff wants to watch kids play in the park

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based cliff with the jury management

yeah, was a nice job.

I bet Cliff is jacking it to those negatives that they found last night of the naked baby and the little girls

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I haven’t been on Yea Forums all season... y’all are Nicole fans too, right?

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What are the chances of Jackson pulling a BB2 Justin on Nicole?

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you could say that

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you could say that

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the samefagging is next level

Nicole getting Holly out on Jacksons HOH will look huge to the jury. Just picture when Holly tells them about it, jaws will be dropped.

kek basado

I noticed this the other day
you lucky son of a bitch

t. already out lol

nypa n-bomb f-bomb

Fat Jess will vapor lock

I love you

Does Cliff realistically have any chance of winning this?

If Quarky thinks she can win F2 she's dumber than her students.

All this accomplished was adding another bitter vote against Shitcole, the first being Jessica. She will lose 8-1 to Tommy, lose 8-1 to Jackson, and lose 9-0 against Cliff.

quarky walks by as holly and jackson are embracing. leans in and gives them a hug and says i love you guys. walks away
>jackson: why the fuck you giving us hugs

retard bb opinions
go back to twitter

Quarky thinks she has Jack's vote over Tommy. She is a retard.

against nicole
the jury will be bitter against her

50/50 chance against Nicole.
0 chance against Tommy and Michie.

He loses 7-2 against Tommy (at best), loses 8-1 against Jackson, and wins 9-0 against Shitcole.

Nicole sucks


shut the fuck up aggro, stop posting on multiple devices at once
phoneposting r-bomb

sucks what?

based cliff getting that tv time

man these gays sure have an path to final 3

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Tommy Jackson final 2 would be based

jackson is the only person who can save this season

Jackson has played an honest game, even after being betrayed multiple times.

Only if Jackson wins.

Jack - Jackson
Kat - Bimbo is unpredictable
Sis - Tommy
Nick - Jackson
Christie - Tommy
Jess - Tommy
Holly - Jackson
Cliff - Jackson
Nicole - Tommy

Depends on if Bimbo wants to stick it for Jackson in ultimate revenge or not.

Nicole is this seasons villain?

Jack is not voting Jackson lmao
fucking retard jackson fan

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i just hope holly going fuels jackson and he wins the veto

i think kat christie and jessica will become a voting block and vote for tommy
she really regrets not voting jackson out

Yeah I rolled my eyes at that too. Its like these people don't even pay attention to the dynamics in the house. Jack was FAR closer to Tommy, actually the two Jacks thing might as well have been a tv only thing.

The perfect body

Feel bad for Holly. Seriously fuck Nicole.

Jack left the house feeling terrible for betraying Jackson's trust. He has stated that he would vote for Jackson at the end. What has Tommy done to earn Jack's jury vote over Jackson?

she will be

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take meds

rude but thank you for refraining from the use of the r-bomb, you don’t work with them all day

any chance we'll get an endurance comp for HOH on the feeds tomorrow night?

tommy can offer sweet man ass

jackson is not competing so no

not him but just did, thanks for the reminder!

Has the cast stopped kissing jacksons ass yet? He's been getting his ass kissed since day 1 when 10 people gave him the week 1 power.

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wow! that pretty girl has a cute butt! :333

not until part 1 of final 3 hoh

why do people call Holly "Bog?"

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that’s the kind of butt I like, proportionally fat, not gigantic.
not like I wouldn’t fuck a chick with a massive ass if the opportunity presented itself but just like preference-wise

Quick rundown on them:
>rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
>in contact with aliens
>rumored to possess psychic abilities
>control france with an iron fist
>own castles and banks all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies
>both brothers said to have 200+ IQ
>ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church
>They learned fluent French in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
>The twins are 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human.
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the Bog bang to the end of the universe
>The Bogdanoffs will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love

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holly looking absolutely disgusting


holly should offer to throw the HOH

This is what a femcel looks like.

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you will go to the jury house and you will make everyone within love me as you do. do you understand? please, do not speak. a simple nod shall suffice. I am the one who speaks.

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the Virgin Head Pats vs the Chad Skull Grip

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holly just offered a final 3. just like she did with cliff. what a dumb ass

what's going on on the feeds? i'm watching bill burr right now, just need to make sure my bby is safe

he really knows how to handle a woman

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I can’t tell you what’s happening on the feeds, but the Bill Burr special was pretty solid. apparently he recycled some material, but idk his podcast well enough to know the difference.
I laughed a bunch of times.

wow, look at that pretty girl! what a cute choker :)

that’s exactly what I was thinking of too. it was not the first time, that’s his go-to move.

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nothing. quarky was finishing up in the shower and told holly she was sorry. told holly her concerns with the veto. how jackson and holly would boot one of them if they won. holly told her dont be so sure. mumbled some F3.

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why do the blue pieces look like they are covered in herpes

lol. jackson say his loyalty is done with them.
>i fucking hate the backstreet boys

>jackson: if i win veto, i'm evicting cliff

here comes prison bitch to try to smooth stuff over


false alarm. hogg is just hiding in the have not room

Jackson will win veto

jackson is going to confront hogg. going to lay the guilt trip on him

jackson showing any aggression will just solidify them evicting holly
they want him out next anyways


love spicy wednesday feeds

>when you watch the tape back
cope phrase

holly eavesdropping

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jackson flat out lying lmao
cliff seeing through his bullshit

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I came in this world alone, and I'll be leaving it alone.

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jackson is travelling at the speed of smell

jackson leaning in hard
>tommy holly christie anal had a final four
good lord jackson. stop embarrassing yourself

the fag and the old buzzard grasping for whatever airtime they can gather

t. pooploser

jackson pretty much pitching a final 2 with cliff
told her that holly had a final 4 with tommy christie and anal and thats why he evicted anal to weaken holly and not choose her over him

>I came to win, i came to play with the best

is cliff going to fuck this up?


Keeping Holly is best for his game

>t-t-talk to nicole
lol cliff

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this desu

jackson is trying real hard
gotta give him that

no, because jackson and holly offered nothing and just reaffirmed all the stuff he and nicole said about them

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imagine the head Holly will give him tomorrow night when they're still in the house together

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whenever holly wants camera time it turns off lmao
fucking disgusting old hag


Jackson is actually right of course.

looks like a klingon

Jackson trying to be the new jessie
lmao fucking loser
kid is gonna go into hiding when he realizes everyone hates him

Cliff pondering if he hates his enemy more than he loves his ally

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cliff realizes america's tolerance of gays partially caused 9/11. he's wondering if he votes to keep tommy will he be enabling future terrorist attacks

the jack show blows jackson out the fucking water



Is this the most consequential final four decision ever?

cliff isn't even thinking about the decision
he's just playing the role of mourning boomer for 9/11

>cliff tells quarky he is keeping holly for his own game. sorry, but if you want to come along you can
>quarky agrees reluctantly and tells tommy cliff is flipping and its over, he is going home
>quarky wins HOH
>jackson wins Veto
>hogg goes home

only jackson fans are this retarded

I think he's asleep

you now remember

christie murphie

this slang defining segment makes it clearly obvious they are all insufferable people

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cliff bout to throw 500k away

cliff bought it hahahaha



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quarky fags on literal suicide watch


but cliff is the one wanting to make the bad move

>they keep holly
>holly HoH
>jackson veto, he votes out cliff
>nicole wins HoH2 and HoH3, goes to final
>takes holly
>nicole wins

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reality will be
>they keep holly
>jackson/holly win veto
>cliff gone
>jackson and holly destroy nicole in part 1 and 2
>they take each other
>jackson wins

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In many ways, listening to Nicole discuss gain-loss theories with Cliff is making her seem like at best, a mess, and at worst an idiot.

Like someone who has hardly any planning skills, or rationality. Perhaps this is why she still lives at home and is teaching adolescents, since they're the most relatable to her as people who are best just being instructed and being taken care of by people more competent then her.

She's been babied through this entire game, and with just a short run of luck she's heavily considered going against an oath of sorts, and cowardly backing out of an alliance that is arguably the sole reason she has any clout.

Tommy provides no security to any of the remaining players, and I could picture practically anyone using flattery or bullshit emotional appeals to gain his favor. Of course /someone/ is going to be left out of the final three if Holly stays, that's guaranteed regardless, as the nature of the game. Someone is going home next week, Nicole, ya fucking dweeb. But if your best interest was really with yourself and Cliff as a collective, at least there's an extra layer of security in keeping the group in tact, as Jackson may legitimately consider dropping Holly. Although, he likely won't, not for Nicole's sake since she's a fucking snake.

And for the record, she's ugly, too, not that that matters.


>holly beating nicole in memory comp
really reaching there
HoH3 is literally all luck so

kinda based ngl

>cliff already decided, after the jackson talk, he wants tommy gone but is too pussy to force nicole to vote that way or force a split vote

you could not be anymore wrong, but sure keep trash talking a functioning working adult as you sit in your mother's basement

>good at memory comps
wew lad

holly has a literal goldfish memory
it took her 40 minute to do bbcomics

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cliff trying to convince nicole to evict tommy
based jackson

Attic, FYI.

cliff talking nicole to evict tommy like shes gonna do anal for the first time


now i know why these two were called "bottom feeders"

zero margin of error if holly stays

tommy and who?

cant believe hogg is this dumb and believes jackson would take him over holly

jackson is just too damn good

75% convincing nicole to evict tommy

Nicole is unbearable.

cannot wait until saturday to see jackson with that veto around his neck

at this point, I would rather see holly win the veto lol

>if you keep holly, you're not guaranteed to both make final 3
>if you keep tommy, you're guaranteed to both make final 3

seems like a no brainer

hogg bought jacksons weak mist

come on tommy baby. work that magic


Tommy gonna wrangle them off the ledge.

tommy trying too hard to look like a low average competitor

my thoughts too. just own up to it. reiterate that you will take out jackson. thats all you gota do

cliff pretty much saying tommys deal is not good enough

Jackson gonna come up too? lol



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>inb4 they catch him listening and vote Holly out because of it

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this is some Splinter Cell shit

my heart would be jacked

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>jackson listens to the door where people are conspiring against him

that door is too thick to hear through
he can't hear shit

you can hear the voices on the hallway cam


Still based.

based Jackson hanging his head down like a cuck because he knows Holly's gone

>Damn it

tommy just confirmed the christie holly anal alliance. NOOOOOO

jackson is going to the Higher Power. it's over for tommy

jackson dodged a bullet

he's gonna get caught this next time

is jackson really going back for seconds? omg the madman

>Cliffs opens door looking for eavesdroppers
Too late


palms sweaty

jackson omg!

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need a webm of jackson running away

the fucker is giggling as he runs away. completely based

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so pretty much jackson gave all the ammo to evict tommy



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