>You believe in wot? A fkn sky wizard?! A fkn sky fairy?? WAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA ABSOLUTELY BONKERS M8 MENTAL HAHAHAHA
You believe in wot? A fkn sky wizard?! A fkn sky fairy?? WAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA ABSOLUTELY BONKERS M8 MENTAL HAHAHAHA
Other urls found in this thread:
>It’s another “washed up celebrity thinks anyone cares about his takes on religion” episode
Reminder that Ricky is a LITERAL, UNIRONIC npc
> all I know is that I know nothing
> alagory of the cave
These are the only two truths about human perception and to make any definitive statements about the grand nature of the universe is max retarded.
Don’t get me wrong I’m a g.u.t kinda person myself but even I am not stupid enough to embellish my absolute ignorant arrogance to others. And that’s like 60 percent of the bro Ricky’s career and he says that shit so proud as if he KNOWS ( which of course no one does) how is he better then the devote religious? Absolute tosser
To be fair, thinking some interdimensional omnipresent omniscient god made a plan for each living thing in the universe without any proof whatsoever is insane.
I believe in a God, but I can't trash atheism. It is just as possible that there is no God. If you claim to know the existence of God, you're a fucking idiot
That's the version of God told to NPCs who could never understand the deeper concepts involved.
>believes in the sky fairy
>says if you claim to believe in sky fairy youre an idiot
self btfo
its not only insane its mentally ill especially in 2019, but being the edgy contrarians 4chaners are they will beileve
>not understanding the difference between a belief and knowledge
Try picking up a dictionary once and a while
>Nothing came from nothing for no reason at all
Based retards
Anyone who claims to know the answers is a retard. Take the agnostic pill.
lmao reverend please enlighten us to the deeper concepts
haha i was just messin with you
but yeah there is no biblical god lol
>Oh, so you're jewish?... To each theri own, I guess. Everyone's worldview should be respected. Have a nice day
What did he mean by this?
even 2000 years later, Christians still have a persecution complex.
>nothing came from nothing
no one is saying that you blind retard
most atheists and many christians are agnostic anyway so that doesn't really matter.
There are a bunch of religions where the gods are ambivalent about the human race and made them as slaves or by mistake. Just because Christianity is retarded doesn’t mean all religions are equally as nonsensical. But even so our belief and the reality could be two different things. Perhaps the biblical god was a non sentient force and his representation in the bible is the weak minded reasonings of desert people who thought magnets were magic and wanted to grasp something that was mentally far beyond their ( or indeed our own) reach. just like how natives think earthquakes are Mother Earth getting angry.
Humans ( especially ones from the past) are big rationalisers. To take ‘ evidence ‘ and opinion from their sources into such a mind boggling concept as grand design and basing your own opinions of that is retarded. We know nothing
He meant being Jewish is ridiculous, just like being religious in any other way
>Nothing came from nothing for no reason at all
The idea of the big bang is retarded, I agree. But we weren't talking about that. We were talking about NPC-tier interpretations of religion.
Jews are based, they've led all of the powerfyl organizations in the world for thousands of years and most people don't even realize. Once Christians are that accomplished they might deserve a little respect.
It's easier to believe in God than in human equality at birth or gender fluidity.
At there aren't heaps of established evidence and facts to discredit God.
>Your Indian and you believe in hundreds of gods thats beautiful m8
Start with Pythagoras.
Nor is there one speck of evidence to its credit
being a fence sitting retard "YUO CAN'T KNO!!1" about everything is the retarded stance. You've yet to ever explain why you don't extend the same olive branch to santa, tooth fairy, etc.
>human suffering and cruelty
>god exists
pick one
Explain these teeth to me
tha'ts not how it works retard if you claim something you need to provide evidence
it's fully possible that the paradox of anything ever being completely nothing is what forced the universe into existence and created time as we know it immediately.
Well yea if you believe the God in the bible literally your an idiot, but there are some cool stories. Pantheism is the only way to go
If he had a normal and active sex life, he wouldn't be such a devoted atheist.
Cry more bitch
And that's why his country will be majority muslim by the end of the century.
are you actually too much of a moron to understand the diffrence between the beggining of the universe and santa clause? no wonder religious people have a lower iq
It takes a really stupid and ineffectual person to be incapable of at least summarizing a very basic stance.
How about instead of my "starting with Pythagoras," you start with Epicurus?
>Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
>Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
>Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
>Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?
Morons think those who call themselves 'God's chosen people' and literally look at all the goy as cattle are someone 'less arrogant' than the average Christian.
My aunt is a total, dyed in the wool fundie who thinks Harry Potter is a tool of Satan, and she's still twice as good a person as the average Jew.
Old Yea Forums
>fuck god, atheists unite! post cats
Nu Yea Forums
>you don't believe in god? lel *tips fedora* edgy edgy edgy. time to check the BLACKED threads
the bigger question is why god would punish us for something he made us do.
>Umm, actually there a few...
The colour red we see is not red. Some shrimps see up to 14 TIMES more colour then we can. This means the colours we see are not really the real colour of those things just what our bodies can physically understand.
If we can not even see the real colour of our own skin ( not to mention the billions of other forces like magnetic waves,radio waves,gamma and ether ect) how could we possibly make any kind of definitive statement about something so unbelievably complex as the grand design.
Again I believe in grand unified theory but I know that that’s not more likley then any other possibility because I just have about 0.5 information to base my uneducated guess on. Only retards think they have more information then that.
id rather be a 'bad' person than a delusional moron
Yea Forums has changed, it's full of kekistani retards who spend their life on youtube and twitter now.
Old Yea Forums was never that atheistic. Atheism belongs on reddit
not my fault you are a moron user
The same people claiming there is no God also want you to eat bugs, chop your cock off, and abolish borders. Think I'll stick with the theists, wanting no vaccines and banning Harry Potter seem tame in comparison.
Harry Potter should be banned no matter your religious affiliation
I don't get why he is so against God? Was he raped by a priest?
>The same people claiming there is no God also want you to eat bugs, chop your cock off, and abolish borders
The same people claiming there is a God fuck children, sell drugs and bomb people in his name.
this life we have doesn't even matter. we're meant to spread the gospel and be excited to die and not have to live on this shit hole earth. Like Job, we're meant to endure our hardships, not complain and be impatient.
>Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
>Letting your son learn a harsh lesson himself so it has more impact is malevolent
>now how the fuck did thread spectacularly backfire on me?
get with it grandpa we like that now because it's contrarian to old Yea Forums who thought they were mature and "with it"
Anglos tend to be very esoterically illiterate
He's British
What on Earth are you talking about- EHEhem. Awe, that's great, that's fauntasticEHEHHEHAHAH, AH, *ahem*.
That's a real stand up bloke, right? Quoting poosibly fictional men from thousands of yeeers ago. That's so arseinine nd churlish.
>t. pass poster
Karl sounds like the most based person alive
>The same people claiming there is a God fuck children, sell drugs and bomb people in his name.
Are we comparing American Christians to American atheists here or are you just making a strawman?
And now I am enraged
He's right though.
>are you just making a strawman?
The pot calling the kettle black?
>getting immediately hostile towards anyone saying they believe in God
No true Christian would do or participate in any of the the things you listed.
he's actually comparing all christians to american atheists
oi...oi mate wot u mean, make fun of islam?
ahaha come on ya bloody todger fookin ell wot u playin at, noahs ark is stupid innit
skydaddy cucks actually believe this, KEK
Christians openly accept pornstars and murderers into their flock, those pussies are so lenient there may as well not even be a religion.
>The pot calling the kettle black?
Not really. Just statistically speaking, atheists in america, who tend to be liberal, are much more likely to support and endorse open boarders compared to christians that support and endorse fucking kids.
Even Kierkegaard, the most thoughtful and intelligent Christian who ever lived, freely admitted that there is absolutely no evidence or true reason to believe in the existence of God.
>Christians openly accept pornstars and murderers into their flock
Because they are the ones who need help the most. You don't donate money to a rich man.
it's almost as if...some kind of subversive force..has entered into their ranks...
Again, start with Pythagoras. I'm not going to type up a whole fucking essay for you. Part of finding truth is looking for it yourself. If you don't have the mental capacity to do that, then just stick with your NPC-tier understanding.
>pretending to be a tripfag
New level of pathetic
friendly reminder that secularism peaked in the 80's and has been declining ever since then as birthrates have plummeted. by 2050 less than 1% of the world population will be atheist.
secular people don't have families, they don't get married. they don't reproduce. they just live hedonistic lifestyles until they age and die. religious people will replace them.
then where did god come from?
>I'm not going to type up a whole fucking essay for you
Or even one single sentence about Pythagoras's views, apparently. Stop trying to reposition your intellectual laziness as moral superiority.
So ? How are the uneducated opinions of those that don’t exist yet relative to this conversation
he came from nothing and always was, which is essentially the exact same thing atheists believe except with an extra step.
God is immaterial and is not bound by time. The universe is not immaterial and is bound by time.
>I'm terrified to say "I dont know" so I'll invent a god to fill in the gaps and spend thousands of years telling everyone all their gods are wrong and you're stupid for not believing in mine
Based mental midget
Not that guy but hypothetically if a god does exsist, and he exsisted before the planet earth was created by definition he would HAVE to be an extra terrestrial
>God is immaterial and is not bound by time.
how do you know that
But killing your son randomly with Lou Gehrig's disease or Sepsis is somehow not malevolent? Amazing. I can't wait to hear the benevolent human-loving God's reason for inventing malaria
Literally the most persecuted religious group in the world m8, look it up
He's the first observer. The existence of the universe is entirely up to subjective observation. He exists because he sees that he exists.
See above. God is number 1, the Monad. Everything else exists as a logical consequence of the observation of his own existence.
>I am me. (1)
>Then there must be a 'not me'. (2 and 0)
>To measure myself compared to this 'not me', I must find another 'not me' for comparison. (3)
>etc, etc
Through this system, it's easy enough to then understand that you are the observer. The universe, in a sense, came into existence when you observed it.
An extra step made up by stone age people with no evidence at all
Did you know 100% of agnostics can't actually pronounce the word agnostic?
Well there is indeed a genetic heritability to religious belief. What we're seeing is really evolution at work, as those with a disposition to secularism are genetically unfit in the current environment we live in, and thus will reproduce less and die off. Funny how the advent of birth control is responsible for killing off those genetically inclined to secularism.
The point is that atheism is doomed to fail and is a genetic dead end.
Give man a cure and he will not be able to medicate himsywithout you. Have man find it himself and he will cure five times as many diseases with that understanding. Also to god when those kids die they show up in paradise. Why would that be bad?
because we know that the universe is not immaterial and is bound by time, and since the universe had a start, there must have been something immaterial, outside of time, that started it, as everything has a causal relationship.
>Mfw Chad Atheist who realizes the necessity of religion to control the masses.
If you read any religious text and believe the shite hearsay that happened in them you're an actual retard. BUT religion is Necessary for a functioning society, so I advocate for it.
That actually makes a lot of sense. I'm observing you being a retard and here you are.
You're thinking from a very human perspective. If I died from Malaria right now and ended up in a literal paradise, how is that a malevolent action?
Christianity is retarded thats why I dropped it, it only appeals to mentally ill altruist.
how does any of that presuppose a god is responsible
care to come over for some savignon blank, fellow radical centrist? my bf and gf would love to have you over (i'm bisexual, it's stupid to pick a side)
Numbers are the language of the universe, user. There's a logic to it all.
Is there something more reasonable that's infiltrated the thoughts of mankind for thousands and thousands of years?
Can you refute my post without ironic humour?
Let people believe what they want ? I don’t care what other people beyond I’m only it because Ricky pig snorting cock sucking Gervais and his arrogance has given him some faggy edgelord career and it grind my gears. I don’t believe in an afterlife because I don’t need to but if that is what helps people not be afraid of the dark let them have it.
I also believe in the birth of the ubermensh to whom god is dead but I’m in no hurry for his arrival and I have no doubt he will wipe out the sheepish genetics you speak of
>it's stupid to pick a side
This, but unironically
only because Christians begged to be executed, look that up.
so you admit you have no evidence and are satisfied with "its the best we got" as your bottom line
This system, so obviously beginning from a self-centered philosophical seed, ends in a self-centered platitude. From my point of view it takes a great amount of arrogance to state that the universe is formed by the observation of the individual, rather than that the individual is a part of a larger universe, which he in turn observes. Yes, if we are to view the world ontologically, the truth of a thing is a function of our believing it to be so. However I find that a certain diminishment of our fundamental common sense is essential to this belief. It reminds me of "The Secret," you remember that book? Make a goals journal and you'll have a mansion in no time. That, to me, is the fundamental structure of religious belief
funny how you never say this about islam
>because I don’t need to but if that is what helps people not be afraid of the dark let them have it.
It's funny because the concepts of humanism and secular morality and subjective purpose are literally all of those things for atheists, trying to find meaning, ANY meaning, ANYTHING that gives them something to grasp onto in their objectively empty worldview. Plus atheists are hypocrites. They should all be strict social darwinists, eugenicists, and fascists, wanting to fully explore the potential of humans and weeding out the weak. Instead you have them believe in nonsensical concepts like equality, a dismissal of genders, and a general dismissal of biological reality. Hell the fact that Atheists have the lowest birthrate when the ONLY objective purpose, the biological purpose, procreation, isn't being adhered to, says a lot.
See, atheists aren't opposed to that, they simply reject fairy tales.
I subscribe to the idea that there is order in chaos and chaos in order. that's the advantage of an atheist, he is open to whatever fuckery science discovers.
It's those fuckers that are implying Logic in universe=God (the one I believe in)
>so you admit you have no evidence and are satisfied with "its the best we got" as your bottom line
Yeah. I mean even in reality, we don't *KNOW* much. Literally most research papers can be summed up as "Well this might be true, might not, but it's the best we got".
It's bad because it's a lie. It's wishful thinking with no basis in reality. It's like me saying, hey, whenever an NFL player misses a field goal, an amputee in Thailand gets a footjob. Isn't that great, shouldn't we wish for more NFL players to miss field goals?
Right, these pussy Atheists only go after Christianity and never criticize any other religion ever.
>See, atheists aren't opposed to that, they simply reject fairy tales.
The fairy tales exist to provide a social structure, and to encode other information for those smart enough to notice it. Religious tales across the planet encode mathematic equations, measurements, and astronomical information. Many tales from completely unrelated cultures contain the same information. The fairy tales have a purpose, but you're not intended to stop at the surface.
this but unironically
but that doesn't make it retarded.
Sure, cause atheism started in the 20th century.
the difference is that researchers dont rest on their laurels and continually attempt to refine their arguments, sometimes even discrediting them wholly if additional evidence merits it. religious beliefs have no such obligation
>science is about constantly questioning everything ever until you arrive to undeniable truth
>atheists think science is unquestionable
>religious people question science
reminder that scientists leave you in a constant stupor so you're more susceptible to new ideas, so they can control you
>the difference is that researchers dont rest on their laurels and continually attempt to refine their arguments, sometimes even discrediting them wholly if additional evidence merits it
>btw evolution and gender don't exist in humans because the political climate says so
You're thinking from a very religious (read: inhuman) perspective. If someone were to randomly die and then end up in eternal paradise, that'd be great. Except, maybe not. The ethics of the "afterlife" are a separate thing entirely. The main point is this-- What evidence at all do you have for the afterlife? None. Therefore we can't be certain that malarial deaths involve afterlives at all, and morally speaking, we arrive back at the beginning.
I believe life is the product of millions of naturally occurring factors in the same way the ocean erodes Rico over time. Does the ocean have a reason to erode the rock? No it is just a natural process.
Therefore I exsist by a natural but equally purposeless process and so my life is meaningless.HOWEVER
This means I can be a fucking rock star or I can live in a basement and never leave and either way IT DOESNT MATTER nothing I do matters and THAT is what true freedom is user. I’m not afraid to die specifically because I have that freedom. I know I exsist because of a series of fortunate events and there fore there is no right or wrong way for me to live. When I die it will be comfortable without fear because I did what I wanted and no matter what that was it didn’t matter in the first place, I do not need meaning.
How did a prick like Gervais make a friend as based as Karl?
Reminder that religions lock you in a dogma so you're insusceptible to new ideas, so that they can control you.
yes religious people question scienece with their own facts
2/10 bait retard
>What evidence at all do you have for the afterlife?
Any higher plane of existence would be, by definition, beyond the exact definition of this reality and thus couldn't be measured. So you would never accept evidence anyway. Which is fine, of course.
>once Christians are that accomplished
Literally created the entire modern Western world and all the strongest nations in it. Just because they sold their cultural soul, it doesn't change the truth.
Right, but by your own logic it renders it pretty fucking stupid to be acting so sure about it, doesn't it?
yeah it's so terrible to be nice to people and treat them well
yeah, for your own good
t. retard who doesn't understand how evolution works
>the difference is that researchers dont rest on their laurels and continually attempt to refine their arguments, sometimes even discrediting them wholly if additional evidence merits it. religious beliefs have no such obligation
What? There's been many many refinements to religious arguments over thousands of years. Obviously they are subjected to the same kinds of materialistic standards as modern research, because it's not a materialistic question that's being hypothesized, and so other methodology has to be used, like the "prime mover" argument. Of course that argument alone isn't enough, not nearly, as that only suggests that there was a prime mover, nothing about it being "god".
But yes if you're looking for strict direct scientific evidence of God, you're unlikely to fine it. Best case scenario right now is with people who died and claimed to have an experience, because they are able to supposedly observe the real world, atleast for a short period of time, immediately after death. And because of that, they can confirm real world events happening during their death, and if they can confirm real world events, real world experiments would be able to be set up in a way that could test if the phenomenon is true. Though while this wouldn't confirm God, it would atleast confirm that the conscious experience isn't only localized in the brain.
You got the definitions wrong, Atheists simply reject fairy tales, religions and their gods. Agnostics say that there could be a god; doing so they imply it could be any of the known religions. So, there is no group saying that there is nothing, nowhere, never. They would be called "Denialists", but they don't exist.
You just want to hate and make atheists the enemy.
The argument was predicated on a God existing, and my reply was also predicated on a God existing.
I think that depends on what any person has experienced. There are people who have, or have claimed to, experience things that don't fit cleanly into this material existence. I think the biggest problem with scientifically-minded people is that they jump straight to calling those people crazy rather than wondering if someone has simply experienced something that they haven't.
Susceptible to new ideas like the earth rotating around the sun?
>Best case scenario right now is with people who died and claimed to have an experience
learn what chemicals the brain releases when you die and come back
Science is a belief system as well since 99% of people just accept what someone else wrote on the topic without having any understanding of how it works.
For example I have no idea about the theory of evolution but I still accept it as fact because "it's science."
>This means I can be a fucking rock star or I can live in a basement and never leave and either way IT DOESNT MATTER nothing I do matters and THAT is what true freedom is user
Biologically, that's wrong though, as procreation becomes the only thing that objectively matters, as without that, you wouldn't exist. You also don't have freedom. You're constrained by your biological makeup and genetic determinism.
is there anything funnier than atheists becoming a bigger meme than religious faggots?
science in motion, folks
Karl used Ricky's profile to boost his career while he worked on a radio show.
Ricky bullied Karl a lot but he didn't care because he was getting a free ride to the top of the entertainment industry
Why are you so scared to simply say "I dont know"? Why the fairy tales?
Watch as atheistfags try to tell you that you're an "agnostic atheist" by default, just to try to increase their numbers.
why would you intellectually cuck yourself? maybe this is why atheists are more open to polyamory
Nothing IS something
>caring about muh nation, muh civilization, when the planet can explode at any instant.
>not thinking as one in terms of improving humanity and avoiding catastrophic extinction situations.
Religion and politics always went hand in hand.
That's why if you're not an adult atheist and anarchist, you have not my respect.
You do realize that when you're not receiving blood to the brain, your brain stops working right? EEG flatlined = no consciousness. Your brain can release all the seratonin it wants, it's unable to create a lucid conscious experience without neurons firing in tandem.
then learn how it works you dumb fuck
The retardation is strong with you, my son.
If "being nice" (read: ethics) is defined by the Church, and its justification is provided by the existence of itself, its justice becomes circular logic. If the reason for that is: "it's for your own good, because we say so," then we have a logical spiral leading to nowhere.
How do you know what the church says is for your own good? Because they say so?
And yet, it spins.
Yeah, well why the fuck would you do that, if the whole point is to prove some reason that God exists?
You're a stupid son of a bitch, but I don't care, nor do I care if you die in a fire.
There's a place you can thrive, nigger.
your brain can still funstioning for a few min after your heart stops you moron
>Why are you so scared to simply say "I dont know"
Uh, because that's already the default position I had when I started my journey of questioning, that I don't know, but I want to know, and so I seek to know.
no wonder religious people have a lower iq
Imagine being this stupid.
A) we are beyond the stage where such notions aren’t important. The planet is already overpopulated. Biological evolution is important for the surviving species not the overgrown. Also biologically I have sadness because it helped form tribes through mourning and empathy ( the single ape died the tribe lives) I have anger,happiness and infact any emotion you can think of because once I was an ape who needed them. I am not an ape anymore.
B) I will never have children, they disgust me and I have no interest in having a parasite wiggle inside me for 9 months.
I have never liked children or played with dolls and if I ever did want one I would adopt so I refute that point.
C) the ubermensch will not have such desires and he is our future. What will purpose be then? If not to breed?
because it works, meanwhile atheist society leads to rape, trannies, legal STDs, corporate tyranny, and fluoride in the water for SCIENCE
reminder that atheists keep circumcising babies for no reason other than "the science said it's better"
I took an ethics course in college from a guy with a wikipedia entry and of the four schools of thought we covered divine command theory was specifically discussed to demonstrate specious ethical inquiry. Aquinas a shit
i don't want ot imagine being you cuck
No. Brain stops giving off EEG readings after 25-30 seconds. Functioning as in a few tiny spikes here and there that barely register? Yes. Under our current model of consciousness, is it possible to have a fully lucid conscious experience while the brain is essentially giving off the bare minimum of electrical activity? No. And they certainly wouldn't be able to have a coherent lucid experience. Look how people act when their brains are deprived of oxygen. Extreme confusion, light headed, not in control of their body, etc. Exactly the opposite of what people who experience NDE's have.
You lost. When you show intellectual deficiency this early on, just give up. What a shitty ass board this is.
but you are literally the defenition of a cuck
this delusional... none of what you said is true, educate from valid sources or fuck off
Okay, well, here's the deal with scientifically minded people: in our estimation, if something isn't somehow measurable, it can't be proved. That doesn't mean that things which we haven't found the way to measure yet CANNOT exist, it means that we have no reason to believe that they do, yet. I have a question for you: schizophrenic hallucination is a mental condition which has been recorded and studied for the entirety of the history of the medical profession. It has become treatable and manageable through medical science. If you sat down with someone at your office and they began to calmly explain to you that the Virgin Mary visited them every night in their bathroom, would you be likely to be inclined to believe them at their word? Or would you be more likely to think that they may be under the influence of mental illness? The reason that rational people would choose to believe their coworker was mentally ill is because mental illness has a wide body of credible study and proof underneath it, where the sudden apparition of the virgin Mary has very little.