Name a more underrated classic Hollywood girl, you literally can't

Name a more underrated classic Hollywood girl, you literally can't.

Attached: teresa wright.gif (500x500, 517K)

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There isn't one. She was perfect.

She's so good in The Best Years of Our Lives. That movie is underrated too I feel like.

Jean Arthur

It is to this generation but it was a massive hit when it came out. I was just thinking about how close that is to being a perfect movie for me. She came right out the gate with 6 classic movies in a row. Shame she got into a feud with Sam Goldwyn around 1948. She regretted it down the road. She married two assholes in a row.

I love Jeanie, but she's more well known among normies than Teresa Wright. Everybody knows Mr. Smith, some probably know Only Angels have Wings. Teresa Wright's movies are a little deeper.

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I was blown away the first time I saw it. Actually the DVD crapped out on me halfway through, which pissed me off because I was loving it so much. Got my replacement from Netflix and didn't skip ahead, I watched the whole movie. It's so good. Every actor is perfect, even the kid with no hands.

Nominating this cutie

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I agree. The only scene that I didn't care for was towards the end when an "America First" guy comes into the lunch counter Fred Derry is working in and he starts telling the kid with no hands he basically lost them for nothing. I have my own questions about how WWII was handled but in reality if I were sitting there I would've told that guy he's an asshole and been done with it. They pursued him to the register and put their hands on him. The no-hands guy ripped his pendant off the lapel of his jacket and Dana Andrews cold cocked him. They didn't need to get physical there. Other than that the movie is a 5/5 for me.

This is the scene I'm talking about. Physicality was instigated by the veterans. Not cool no matter how much of a dick the guy was.

I don't know. I mean, if your buddy loses his hands and some guy's telling him it was for no reason, you'd be pretty mad too. Especially since their lives have been really shitty since getting back anyway. And I think it shows how little Dana Andrews cares about his stupid job if he's willing to beat up a customer who insults his friend and country.

honestly? can you blame Uncle Charlie??

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Absolutely not.

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They had a right to be mad and I could see them wanting to fight over it. This was basically a propaganda scene. A little bit of Hollywood revenge towards the people who were against getting into the war before Pearl Harbor (the majority of Americans). "Punch a Nazi" of the 40s. I just didn't like the implication that assaulting someone is acceptable when someone says something idiotic and has an opposing view.

It kind of is propaganda, but I don't see it as saying it's acceptable, but it's certainly understandable.

He gives such different performances in those films too.
Charlie was one of the best on screen "villains"

Also kind of fun seeing him for like 30 seconds in Touch of Evil. That movie is unbelievably good too.

daily reminder that every classic hollywood lady had an extremely hairy pusy

and that's a good thing

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My brother. I've been on a Jean Arthur kick for the last month or so. I've seen
>Mr. Deeds Goes to Town
>Easy Living
>You Can't Take It with You
>Only Angels Have Wings
>The Devil and Miss Jones
>The More the Merrier
>The Impatient Years
She's simply great.

>The Talk of the Town (Cary Grant, Ronald Colman, Jean Arthur)

Check it out

>Guy you're replying to
I think you're right because Fred gets fired. Dana Andrews is a great movie puncher. In Where the Sidewalk Ends he plays a cop that kills a dude with one punch! Badass.

Best Years has a great scene where he's in the B-52 bomber scrapyard and he climbs in one and begins to imagine being back in the war. Great scene.

I love her dearly. Found out she had horrible stage fright and would always be throwing up during filming. Crazy to think about since she was so talented.

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Unbelievably adorable.

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>The Talk of the Town (Cary Grant, Ronald Colman, Jean Arthur)
Alright, I'm watching that next.

>that pillar
god I wish that were me

Nominating this flapper

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Imagine her moaning in that squeaky voice of hers

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>be born in 1900
>in the year 2019 there are men fapping to the memory of you

He was the detective in Gaslight but really didn't get to do much.

What a time to be alive

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I'm becoming increasingly angry that it's literally impossible for me to fuck her now.

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Bessie Love

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Guys, I'm crying.

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teresa yeah baby

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Mmm, she looks VERY good in that sweater.

I wish I was Fred Astaire so badly.

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