Best /ss/ kinos?

Best /ss/ kinos?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Lauren Holly was peak 90s waifu

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someone tell me how old she is here? i want to feel depressed about how girls who seem like older women to me are now all officially younger than me, but I don’t feel any different.

>You'll never see the longer version.

Attached: Malena Monica Bellucci.jpg (500x726, 132K)

Rated TV-Y7

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She would have been 28 roughly at the time.

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the longer version?

Attached: 1555253187043.webm (638x360, 2.91M)

Miramax censored the US and UK versions to 92 minutes.

wtf show is THIS

what a bunch of deuces.

Imagine not being mentally ill and having to work on this vile shit.

>Tendres cousines (1980)

>With the outbreak of WWII, the sudden call to arms will send the men of a family's estate to the front, leaving a curious adolescent alone with the remaining women of the house, in need of a warm embrace and, possibly, a daring kiss.

>Private Lessons (1981)

>An immigrant housemaid seduces a 15-year-old boy and later fakes her own death as part of his chauffeur's blackmail plot. Troubles arise when the two start to fall in love.

Daily reminder that retarded whore shoved a perfectly fine valuable mint condition card up her ass.

Blank Check still tops

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She can't be blamed for her hungry holes.

Jesus Christ I know this feel.... Athletes do this to me as well. So alone.


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based blake

I don't follow, Irn-Bru makes you gay? Or what?


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Weird Science

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>pulled out of her ass
>not even in case which means it has been out in the open since originally pulled
Women are fucking stupid

>ywn be a pubescent boy who has sex with early milf lauren holly missionary and not bothering to pull out

why live

Jesus. We all have similar shit stories but this is one of the worst.

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is that harry potters brother

holy fucking kek. Somehow i believe its real too.

Don't worry. Anime (and western cartoons) is all Koreans now so the chances of a non-lunatic working on this is basically zero.

>one shot at life
>no hot older woman with one billion dollars picked me up and kept me in her house, forcing me to impregnate her

what is the fucking point

yes same, athletes who seem like full grown older men are in their early 20s. it’s so strange.

Give me /ll/ kino instead

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Keep on keepin' on, brother. It is bizarre though. Kind of feels like an alternate universe or something for me. I'm also hungover as fuck so my mind does weird things to me when I'm like this. Just makes the loneliness and the futility of life more pronounced.

its called testosterone "dylan"

whoa what is this from

She's a figment of his imagination, so the kid's stupid. Shocker.

hey man just wanted to say you're not alone... I feel it too..

-t. oldfag

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Sometimes it's just the specific actor/actress or the era the thing was shot in. Or the wardrobe, way the character was written etc. etc.... I remember being surprised Lauren Holly was only 30 in Dumb and Dumber when I looked it up years ago, for reasons I can't fully articulate.

As far as athletes are concerned, well no shit. Physical specimens who train and workout constantly are going to look more "mature".

Just gotta say. I'm 30. Never saw this movie before but this scene is the exact kind of fantasy I had as a kid back in the 90s. There was a lady neighbor across the street who I wished would do something like this. Call the fire department

Sauce? I look and all i see is Russian apartments

Holy shit is that rosa de guadalupe? LMAO

Switch edit when?

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What? Siblings fight, tickle, bathe, wrestle each other. Why you gotta make it weird...

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Amor Estranho Amor

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It gives you the emotional fibre, what with being made of GRRRRDRRRRS and all, to roll with life's punches. Love punches, in this case.

Do think a woman wrote this scene?

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Is this what spic siblings actually do? Generations of 1st cousin inbreeding, huh...

I thought this was a shitpost when I first read it, but I worry it may be genuine

Oh, man...

Attached: shredded.jpg (640x475, 39K) watch this MOMMMY KINO.

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Okay, someone has either been showing this kick semi-censored pornos and not told them what's actually going on, or else this is very staged

how is this even legal? I'm afraid to download the freakin' picture.

Has the Demi Moore clip been posted yet?

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In Brazil it's fine to download it because that movie is already part of our television history. I don't know about you.


This zoomer spic is gonna grow up to be a chad that fucks blonde stacys

So is this just a metaphor for him undressing a Barbie and having his first fap

You see a narrow-jawed, fidgety spazz who wants to fuck his sibling and, on top of this, is a spic, and you think "mmm, Chad"

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Murmur of the Heart (1971) is peak mommy kino. And not just for perverted reasons. It's actually a great film.

Attached: Murmur-of-the-Heart-1971-00-53-47.jpg (1168x720, 248K)

roles reversed in any of these films/webms/pictures would result in handcuffs

Only because used up hags raised the AOC.

>roles reversed in any of these films/webms/pictures would result in handcuffs

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h n g

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Xuxa had a kids show here in burgerland in the 90s.

I'm gonna have to ask you to step outside. /ss/ is about teachers, ladies next door, and high school girls.

kids have youtube these days.

Well, do grown women fantasize about being Lolita? Enough to buy tickets?

The Tits and the Moon.

My man's just doin what feels right

Damn. I wish I had a Spanky Ham shirt like that.

>/ss/ and lactation fetish

hmm. its almost like the standards for men and women are different for a good reason. Something about biology.

A lot of grown women are apparently into young women paired with older guy. Some are even into loli X older dude.

But not enough to buy tickets.
You really think the jew doesn't know what degeneracy is hip these days? They're the ones who push it to begin with.

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Lol speak for yourself

I can't imagine a 10 year old girl being as enthusiastic about a famous male athlete walking into her bedroom at night unexpectedly, even if he bore cake and Barbie dolls. If he dropped his shorts she'd scream.

Maybe, hopefully in the next 15-20 years we can get some Loli Kino.

Did anybody in this thread ever get /ss/'d in real life? It was always a fantasy when I was a kid, but never really seemed possible, at least not with an attractive woman

... on consideration, you're right. I had discounted the sheer level of absolute garbage that a totally unfiltered kid's yt channel would drift into and inevitably be watched in a spiralling rabbit hole of awful. My IRL experiences with modern parents and their attitudes towards kids and smart phones ("they're fine, let them do what they want unrestricted so long as they stop bugging me. OMG WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY SPENT $6000 ON FREEMIUM GAMES/DOWNLOADED A VIRUS TO OUR SMART HOUSE/WERE GROOMED EFFORTLESSLY BY PEDOS?") confirms this possibility.

Meh. Let the masses fuck their children up.

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it was a different time

I don't know man. Every time this happens in real life, in the news at least, it ends up becoming a police matter because the kid chickens out or opens his big mouth to brag to friends.

>most anons lift to get /fit/ and find a gf
>I dieted like a madman just to be small enough to fit into the "boy" role in a mommy/boy dynamic
>tfw got jacked off by a 42 year old single mom while sucking on her tit, while her teenage zoomer played Apex in his room
Bless Tinder and female post-wall desperation

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Pretty based if you ask me

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shitskin detected

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Hella based, in lifting now and I honestly want to do the same thing just a bit buffer. Otherwise good luck bro.

A teacher kissed me when I was 7-8, but that's about it.

Literally instinct
I started masturbating with my dad's porn mags before even learning what sex was

where do you live? I'm in Iowa and tried doing this on tinder and quite honestly would never live down the shame of fucking some of the 35+ women out here

>Jelly-filled donuts
Gets me every time.

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jelly fucking donuts. I'm a boomer and missed Pokemon but this meme still gets me

Based Brazil. I remember seeing a clip from a movie where some teenage kid literally gets sucked off and it's REALLY explicit.

I don't come to this board to be tormented like this Yea Forums

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If that were me I'd run to wank off in the bathroom just as the scene was done shooting

I lost my virginity when I was 13 to a 21 year old second (or maybe first) cousin who had most likely taken ecstasy or something beforehand
It didn't really do much for me though, I'm still awkward as fuck and in the 10+ years since then I've had sex less than 10 times

MIssouri. Midwest moms are thick and easy, if you're into that.

I lift because I like lifting, fuck y'all

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I know that “something else” is futa. I don’t care.

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Yeah I remember a scene where a blonde boy is taken upstairs by women and they introduce him to a blonde woman and I can't remember what happened next but it was freaking shocking. I think it was some kind of Norwegian film?

A dad's friend kissed me when I was like 7
Dont remember her name or what she looks like though

>the hips on the police officer
hoo boy

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How come no one webms 800 balas?

Damn i was really expecting a giant dick to pop out and slap him in the face.

Attached: Hey kid wanna ss.webm (640x480, 2.95M)

Provide age and exactly what you mean by "masturbation". We all fiddle with our kids as kids, in particular when they get hard, but you can't ejaculate until you're in your teens.

*looks it up real quickly*
Okay, according to THIS there have been recorded incidences of 8 year olds ejaculating, and unsubstantiated claims of 6-7 year olds, but I cal bullshit on some of those other claims.

I assume she helped him out with that, seemed pretty into it

>We all fiddle with our kids

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>fade to black
what the fuck this isnt porn?

>Provide age and exactly what you mean by "masturbation"
Not sure about age, maybe like 6. And I wanked off until I "came" except for no jizz. It still felt good though

Attached: hey kid wanna ss.jpg (640x551, 183K)

>that hip to shoulder ratio

>We all fiddle with our kids as kids
That's some fucked up shit

Funny since Byrne is a heb

I ran into my fourth grade teacher. She's probably 60 but still has a nice body. Did not recognize me at all. Wanted to hit on her but come on I can't even ask out normal girls.

Right, at age 6 I too was a frequent todger fiddler, though it definitely wasn't masturbation. How do you describe the "Coming"? What was physically happening?

I've seen that movie. it's about a guy reliving his experiences as a young boy living (?) in a brothel.

And by seen it I mean I scanned it for all the erotic content then forgot it entirely.

What does ss meab

Imagine living so deep in a bubble that you're afraid of the consequences of striking up a conversation with an older woman

Anyone here seen Spanking the Monkey (1994)? Mommy and son incest.

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Sectum Sempra

You should said "hey teach i wanna sucka sucka sucka those booobbbbiesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss"

It's really depressing when you think about it. I mean I can talk to anybody but starting a conversation with girls is hard. The fear of failure is paralyzing.

Just talking to a stranger with no expectations is not hard.

gas yourself faggot tranny

Shut up fempedo

Are you positive you're so heinously ugly that registering an interest will lead to your public tarring and feathering?

Because if so, why the fuck haven't you done something about it?

And if you're not sure, see paragraph B)

AAA ratings were a lie. AEW BTFO

do you know how easy it is to filter your entire wifi? even youtube has a kids mode. kids today learn their shit just like all other kids in the past learned, from their friends at school. yet again an user makes the mistake of thinking "my anecdote is my own anecdote so it must be right"

I'm not this user. I'm just relating to the ridiculous fear of talking to women. It's extra-ridiculous because I'm good looking. I can't make small talk though and I think my voice is anti-sex. So I don't try to talk to girls, though I want to.


nigga show the part with the doggy

But trannies have that ratio as well you retard

because the women literally start fucking them and picking them up at night and shit.
the normal shit that happens to 1/4 kids is one of their parents friends kisses them while tipsy, with no sinister motives behind it, except maybe to mess with them

Who is the prime target for mommy stuff? Barren women? Women who've lost/can't produce children in general?
Femdom is fine and all but I specifically want the mommy aspect, and I'm pretty "reactionary" or whatever you want to call it so if some dominatrix really pissed me off one day I'd be liable to just pummel her death.
ASMR is pretty much what sustains me these days.

What about non-blood related incest, such as your father's brother's wife?

Honestly I'm glad my mom was never hot because this probably would've been me

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ur sounding pretty creepy or gay or a mixture of both

Your point about the easiness of installing filters and kid modes on devices and websites sure trumps my point about parents being too stupid, lazy, feckless and careless to implement filters and kid modes of devices and websites. Whoo hee.


Who the fuck plays Monopoly with only two people in the middle of the night?

Irn Bru is fucking gross. I'd heard about it like it was the best thing ever, and then I finally get some and it tastes like bubblegum and blood.

best advice is to man up. back in the 1900-1930s it was normal for a girl to date multiple men (with kissing expected) and they didnt sperg out about it.

you should try to develop a sense of competition, then you will be able to cope with losses

Attached: 4458.webm (1280x720, 1.62M)

This was recommended on my YouTube on multiple computers. I'm not even logged in.
I accidentally clicked on it and every comment is saying the same thing. It randomly is recommended.
What did YouTube mean by this?

Something's definitely not right. If you're so sure you're definitely good looking, you wouldn't be venting anticipation of negative consequences in a random thread on Yea Forums. If you don't know if you are good-looking or not, telling yourself that you definitely are gorgeous or ugly is epistemically arrogant. Do your research.

Alternatively, is there some personal affectation or habit of yours that you're afraid will alarm or disgust women if they get to know you?


If there's no blood or period of growth interaction then it isn't incest, just awkward to bring up at family christmastimes.

Daaaamn, Simon got lucky ducky!

>I finally get some and it tastes like bubblegum and blood.

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Lol I just had a thought since cripplechan died where does a renaissance man such as myself acquire this /ss/ as its called?

Does that exchange sound like a chatup to you?

Attached: 6fe.jpg (400x407, 19K)

That isn't even close to what Irn Bru tastes like. It's pretty indescribable. It isn't anything like bubblegum.



you do know that all websites sell their data about you right? they dont know your name or address or personal details, but whatever you search for gets sold and linked with a unique id for your device.

any site with an owner down to sell their data does, my guess is they found out your porn searching habits. one of my coworkers does youtube as a sidehustle, and his account is him uploading videos that end up in peoples recommendeds and makes them feel embarassed or lol.
one of his vids gets recommended to people who looked at gay porn for the first time, and his highlighted comment is "the reason this is in your recommended is because you looked at gay porn". he works in data analytics btw

>you should try to develop a sense of competition, then you will be able to cope with losses
funny enough, i really gave up on competing at anything. i don't even play competitive games. in a sense i compete at work, though that's really just me being better at my job than 90% of the people there. indeed the idea of competiting for a woman's attention literally fills me with dread.

>Something's definitely not right. If you're so sure you're definitely good looking, you wouldn't be venting anticipation of negative consequences in a random thread on Yea Forums.
women are not primarily interested in looks and i believe i lack the qualities they prize.

>Alternatively, is there some personal affectation or habit of yours that you're afraid will alarm or disgust women if they get to know you?
i am unambitious and probably boring since i spend so much time in my head.

no, but the two ideas presented in the post i replied to were very disturbing to read, and very funny imagining what that person looks like/what is all about

>sadpanda shill
fuck off. there are a dozen sites you don't have to sign up for and they all have huge content.

i regret not saving it but there was a video i saw of some camwhore mom making out with her son on stream when they were cosplaying

gotta compete bro, that will help your ambition problem. and find two different hobbies, one you really like and dont plan on talking to women about, and one that both men and women like so you can connect over it.

also, dont become a disgruntled incel, those people are too far gone with their radical ideas so they can never come back to have a normal relationship

Panda has a pretty comprehensive tag system and no ads since it's a "secret" mirror of a site that does.
"male:shotacon -yaoi -futanari" is a good starting point. When you get up and running you can hard-exclude tags altogether but that will bump things up and down the index that may cause you to miss something pushed off your page.

it pains me to inform you this is two women

Attached: nier.webm (320x180, 2.7M)

shut the fuck up 90s born queer

Incels aren't an ideology. The whole gamers-rise-up is an internet meme although Joker will make a lot of anti-incel stigma.
I'm the original poster who talked about running into my old teacher. My issues are mainly confidence-based and no, I'm not good-looking like the other guy. I'm awful with rejection but I can ask women out (and get rejected) who I haven't built any emotional investment in and don't have at an advantage. For instance, I'd never ask out a girl selling drinks because she's paid to make nice with patrons and can't run away from me. That sort of thing.
But if I've pined for a coworker or classmate, no way can I ask her out. Ever. Too much emotional baggage involved and I doubt she'd care enough to take the question seriously.

>also, dont become a disgruntled incel
i struggle with this but i do not reinforce the behavior by lashing out or being a social retard. i just withdraw instead. but i'm cognizant of the danger.

>one that both men and women like so you can connect over it.
could you name a few, just so i can get the gist? i honestly don't know what's good beyond super-generic like "working out" or "reading".

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>you can't ejaculate until you're in your teens

kys unironic cuck

>Sneed and Sneed?

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Explain this

not an Yea Forumsutist, what does /ss/ stand for?

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>you can't ejaculate until you're in your teens
To be specific, you can orgasm when you’re 6, just no semen will come out.
Speaking from experience.

The guys end up getting arrested in the end and the sisters have abortions. Not really NTR.

hawt but what kind of pervert writes this?

I started jerking off at 11 and was jizzing when I was 12

It was a metaphor for wet dreams and puberty.

Straight Shota. A sexual pairing of a young boy and an older woman.

Straight shotacon. Shota means boy in moonspeak and shotacons are guys into anime boys, like lolicons. That's why it's needed to indicate it's *straight* shotacon, to indicate the pervs are women here.

What "two ideas"? Is this just you revealing you're a woman with so little exposure to men that you're shocked to discover they play with their weenies as kids? I can't fathom how a man could be this clueless.


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You're not low confident, you're a coward. If you weren't you'd have responded directly to questioning rather than evading it to continue the conversation somewhere sneakier.

If you keep being a coward but whine that you don't get non-coward perks, you get no sympathy.

Thank you for agreeing?

based and chadpilled

fooking loser

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Sorry to break your bubble user

What does that even mean though? The other user wimped out when I asked him directly, he said he "came" when "masturbating" at that age but if there's no ejaculate, what exactly is happening?


fucking japan

I went away from the computer.
And I don't expect non-coward perks at all, or act entitled to special treatment. I already said as much when I said I don't even practice flirting or asking out women who are working.

If I ever become a billionaire, I will give this woman a million dollars. And maybe a parade.

What the fuck do you mean?
It’s the same as any other orgasm, just no jizz.

japan fuck yeah

im sorry too

based mommy

This is the equivalent of winning the lottery as a kid.

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You've been back at the computer for at least 19 minutes now, where's your response? Try not making a coward bullshit excuse this time.

Funnily enough, as a man I have no experience orgasming WITHOUT jizz. The passing of jizz through your cock *CAUSES* the orgasm. The entire idea of a male jizzless orgasm sounds fucking spurious.

bottom line if you don't ask anyone out you won't get laid, especially if you're not rich or important or really good looking

you said you can ask out girls you're not emotionally invested in but you didn't name a single example and gave three where you found a reason not to ask them out.

My penis still hurts

>*looks it up real quickly*

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Look man, I'm sorry alright? I've had a terrible night and I just found out my boss has been fucking one of our co-workers and forced him to use enemas. I'm sorry if i made you mad.

Based qt

wish i didn't have to live to see this one

>I've had a terrible night and I just found out my boss has been fucking one of our co-workers and forced him to use enemas.
lol what kind of fucking job is this

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I bet this happens a lot more than people think

huh, i'm unironically super hard right now

reddit post

my worst one is quite literally my mom catching me masturbating to the Tomb Raider 2 intro menu.

Disregard that, I suck cocks.

Yeah, I know this already. I just hope I can work up the courage to meet someone who will end up saying yes. Not just looking at pretty ones either.

A 6-8 year old boy can’t be compared to a teen or older man.
>The passing of jizz through your cock *CAUSES* the orgasm.
Are you sure you’re a dude? Have you never jacked off more than 4 times in a single day and ran out of jizz?

Actually, I owe you an apology. I made the post I had in mind directed at the other user, thinking he was you (he should have responded as though he was you but that's neither here nor there) and I got confused. You aren't necessarily a coward.

However, I'm not mad and you don't need to "be sorry". You need to read and and think about this. There's no excuse for not solving your problems in life.

imagine if the genders were reversed...

>handsome young man with some qt boyish features
>missed out on /ss/ due to being fat until late highschool
Being felt up by women isn't as fun when you're an adult. And goddamn did I have some hot teachers and substitutes.

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Not even close my bro
There's a reason that dojin remains the face of NTR

Nice one genius, you have deduced that my questioning about a 6 year old performing a feat that only a grown man normally does sure hinges around the trickiness of comparing 6 year olds to grown men. For fuck's sake, is Yea Forums the dumbest board on Yea Forums?

Yeah by the way I have jacked off four times a day on two occasions, and on the fourth a) nothing came out and b) there was no orgasm.


This thread needs to take a seat over there.

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>The passing of jizz through your cock *CAUSES* the orgasm
then why don't we orgasm every time we take a piss, genius?

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I can’t tell if you’re pretending or not.

No, I am a coward. This isn't a robot thread so I won't go into specifics.
The hardest part in general is working up the courage after a really long spell of not trying to ask out anyone. Just getting there to remind myself that I'm okay and the rejection isn't going to kill me.
As for going to the gym, I've tried that but I need gratification by way of faster results to stick with it. Thought about going on some sort of gear.

>Jizz = Piss
The stupidest comment this month?

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this is obviously from a sweeps week episode. the stuff they'd do for good ratings was ridiculous, and often involved incest or lesbianism or something like that.

we adopted a family friend who was like 16 when i was like 9-10 and we used to fool around

This is actually really good bait, not gonna lie

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No, you're not a fucking coward. Not until you (haven't) looked at the posts I linked to and reflected on them. If you don't, then maybe you are, but until then stop beating yourself up. It's pathetic.

Go on.....

>and ran out of jizz

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Then stop being a coward. Next time you get scared, fight instead of fly.

the only kino is shota-on-shota
old women disgust me

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Who initiated?

Well genius, have you tried investigating?

You're either retarded, a naive chick, or have a serious disorder that makes you orgasm whenever you take a fucking piss.

having this fetish is a curse, I blame all the hot teachers I had in middle school for fucking up my taste

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if you ask enough bitches one of them will say yes, but you might have to lower your standards. the main problem is so many bitches have boyfriends.

at least the home invaders didn't catch you jacking it to hentai

How do I ask out a woman in my age group that is far more attractive than me? I don't entirely fear rejection but I'd much rather get the proposal right than fuck it up.

She looks like she has a boyfriend based off how attractive she is alone. I've gone on dates before with women but nothing great has come of them. Should I just get coffee with her or something?

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>anons don't even know who's trolling who anymore
the user saying jizz in your pisshole makes you come is a legit retard. i've jacked off a LOT and i can tell you coming is possible without orgasm, if you edge enough. so it stands to reason orgasm without coming is also possible. like when you've emptied the tanks for the day and keep going.

Imagine having this much malice towards an user down on his luck

this is the hardest I've laughed in like, a fucking month

Admittedly I have a nicr bizz but this thread is oncomprehenseble to me

I can't help you if you can't understand english that plain, and you can't articulate your own confusion back.

All I can say to this is that it's a bold and bizarre claim that doesn't appear to add up. Stroking the end of your knob so you have a nice feeling is not an orgasm, no matter how intense. The specific rush from blowing your load generates the feeling, so unless the inside of your dick if pulling off insane gymnastics to stroke itself without jizz coming out, I'm just saying; you didn't orgasm. Totally prepared to be wrong on this but I need more evidence and reasoning than given thus far.

Okay because now you are being a coward. Note how your response has fuckall to do with those two posts. You're just positing a question that you'd like to pretend is relevant, one that fits your lazy, comfortable preconceptions of the issue and not the actual reality.

So go back and reread those posts, and answer the questions in the second one.

Private Lessons

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Poor cope

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i wanna say me? (repressed alot of my childhood)
i used to joke around with her that she was gonna be my girlfriend when she first moved in i remember slapping her ass and dry humping her when we played games but when we went homeless we sent her to another friends so she could still do school and i lived off the street for like a year. when we got another house she came back to us and i remember one night of her baby sitting me she was playing along with me being hypnotised i asked her to take her shirt off since she wouldn't stop but to my shock she went though with it and i got to play with her tiddies

nope you're wrong. so just to clarify, i have edged to the point where jizz pours out of my cock like a faucet but i haven't orgasmed. usually i am right on the threshold and a sexy thought or 2 strokes is going to finish the job. but in the interest of science i held back and confirmed the thing i am telling you; i even did it twice, so it's repeatable AND verifiable. the hallmarks of a good experiment.

I don't why but Yea Forums isn't marking my post with a (You) here, so I almost didn't think this was responding to me. Huh.

>what happened to him should happen to you
good message

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I pulled off all my sister's barbie dresses and my parents yelled at me

I'm not the same user and I just wanted your advice. I don't know if you have 4chanX but you should probably get it so misunderstings like this don't happen.

There's absolutely nothing in this post to suggest that the stance I've made is incorrect. What you've done is cite the ability to expel semen without orgasming, but that's nothing knew. We've all cocked up a wank at some point and fucked up the pressure, or just wanked until dry. It's irrelevant to the topic.

Also I appreciate the humour, but really it's having more than one user's claim that counts for data points , not the amount of times an user claims to have done anything. (not that it even matters because we're talking about the feasibility of orgasm sans jizz and not emission sans orgasm)

I dont want a woman my age because they look like hags and i look 10 years younger than i am

I haven't had Yea Forums X for years, since the site itself has been good enough without it.

That said, you're either the second user to butt in on a specific conversation with a post that sounds exactly like the other user without saying "different user here", or you're the "I'm good looking but have a secret reason for fearing women" user and have struck a second time.

well when the "woman" in question is in her early 20s and still in college there's almost no issues

whats souce?

Next to posting my (You)s I have no other way to prove I'm neither. I just wanted advice from someone willing enough to give reasonable responses.

>Implying taking a piss doesn't feel good.

I'm 35

the tit and the moon

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That is one shifty fucking response, that's all I'm saying to that. If you want reason and personal addressal, you have to be reasonable yourself and not be coy about who you are in an anonymous environment. Was that post your first in this thread, and if not then which others did you make?
>implying you make this noise solely from taking a piss

It takes a whole gallstone for that

This is how a redditor greentexts

what happens next???

i hope you realise that in general, speaking to strangers is not normal. it's a meme that normals push that you 'just approach' people, it doesn't work like that.

I unironically hope he goes on a murdering rampage on this parents.

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He wakes up.

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Lets see what you look like Melvin

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I fucked my stepmom and possibly contributed to my dad's horrid divorce which ended in him losing his dream home and moving into a trailer park. He doesn't know and it'll stay that way if I can help it. I've been doing everything in my power to help him any way I can, but every time he tells me I'm a good person I die a little more inside.

If there's a hell, I definitely have a reservation there.

That woman is flipping a coin in her head between earmarking that kid for marriage to her daughter once he's older (she'll be getting some sugar on the side) and killing the impudent brat right there and then

Fuck off with this gay ass shit you fucking faggot.

How old were you?

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22. Not that long ago, and not really /ss/ but y'know.


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why didn't she tell him after the divorce?

And how old was she and your dad at the time?

fucking zoomer faggot

You'd be amazed what shame can do to someone, and what a women will do and feel later ashamed of.

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No idea. It terrifies me though having that uncertainty hang over me. Just any day now she could tell him and it'll all be over. I probably deserve it though

She was in her late 30's, not sure exactly. My dad in his 40's

Are these real things that the young kid actually uploaded to the internet? Jesus, what possesses a kid to do this and why the fuck is his sister (or older girl in general) so ok with it? Is it staged shit or something?

Ill never be surprised by what women will do, they only feel guilt short term if at all and will always end up rationalizing their repulsive behavior.

Your move

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It doesn’t get better.
T. Boomer

Mmm. Alright, well: the past is the past. Yeah you did wrong, so lift heavy weights, shoulder heavy burdens and set things to rights.

And honestly? You should never tell your dad. It would do nothing but break his heart to know, if he doesn't already. And he certainly doesn't want to hear you say it even if he does. Bear this burden yourself.

Do you have any contact with her or she with your dad? she's probably keeping that card up her sleeve.

I know. Even beyond the guilt aspect of not being able to face him, it would absolutely kill him if he found out. I'd never do that to him. He has it hard enough.

She literally broke her phone and moved out of state to break all contact with him and I. I think she wants to move on and pretend it never happened, but who knows.

You have no idea how easily kids can be induced to copy shit they've seen online, especially when it's all over their phones and all the other kids are screaming about it.

You know how dumb most adults are? Multiply that by the retardedness that you experiences as a child, and there you have it; the perfect storm.

That's not the problem. There are plenty of lizardmen like this as well. The problem is the epistemic *arrogance* of women. They really do think, so very frequently, that they know everything.

how gay are you?

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>so lift heavy weights
90s born queer kill yourself

Brazilians are perversed

Imagine advertising that you're a low-test zoomer

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For those still lurking, here's some kino /ss/.

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They don't think they know everything, they just know there are unlikely to be consequences for their actions.

Cope gymcel, I’d bet money you’re short, balding, or both.

I'm actually much older than you. 90s born queers always think "lifting" will solve people problems. Its fucking retarded.

That is literally epistemic arrogance user-kun. They think they have the causal pathways of the universe down on the back of a postcard, all neatly sussed out.

this one seems so authentic its almost weird for my dick

the awkwardness of it all and both being on edge about the ide afuck i cant describe it i feel like this has happend to me or something

I'm tall, have a full head of luxurious hair and don't have a gym membership. Cry harder faggy.

Who said anything about "lifting"?

Shut the fuck up faggot

Kid looks terrified at the end

lol this cover is exactly what i think it is

what the fuck

what is this even from

dats hot mane

why u so mad reddit sperg

>so lift heavy weights

New Milfy City soon

this game is a godsend

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Prove that /ss/ can't work in reality.

I'm going to bet on you being the same dumbass from earlier

Kill yourself faggot scum

is the guy on the left eating a cactus?


Isn't it just more mom and older sister?
I want to finally get the therapist and some new characters like the neighbor

Straight flat, yellow, chocolate bar wrapper-shaped cacti where you're from?

>so lift heavy weights
>heavy weights

Why the reflexive hatred man. Why do you care what turns me on?

Cactus Town.

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>Teacher and sister IIRC

the problem is you are looking for women from a pool of people who you already know, and either are friends with, or are somewhat familiar with each other but never talked.

thats an incel point that they dont dont go after women who already know you, you get out and meet new people.

faggots should be executed, faggots who force their faggotry where it doesn't belong should be executed painfully.


Incapable of even responding to posts properly - that's definitely a retard for you.

>his kinoplex doesnt give complimentary pickles with all alcoholic bevvos

American detected.

I'm gonna need a source

reddit nigger

based, faggots are gay

that's very opposite of the problem. That user (who appears to have fled the discussion altogether) knows what's up in that department but thinks he needs to go after a more known partner to make it an open and official thing.

extremely capable of upsetting zoomers and 90s born queers.

I get the feeling that you're actively doubling down on fucking up your Yea Forums posts, almost like a strange self-humiliating impulse in the face of getting schooled. sad really.

My female cousins regularly tried to molest me, one of them forced me to kiss her.

How the fuck did a /ss/ thread turn into a senseless shit-flinging contest?

I know for a fact that you're continuing to embarrass yourself. Junior let it go.

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how new are you?

Look at this fucking idiot, do you really need someone to spell it out for you?