Lynch died of cancer in January 2020

>Lynch died of cancer in January 2020

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He'll never die. He'll just finally be absorbed by the moon.

Delet this.

Will Lynch become too cool once he dies? Will I have to stop liking Eraserhead?

Considering that his diet consists of Coke and cigarettes I'm surprised he's still alive

Screencap this.

I am the arm


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Tobacco isn't even a good drug.

Don't forget the quinoa.

He can’t die before giving us season 4 of Twin Peaks

My grandmother was diagnosed with stage for cancer in 2005. It still took her 11 months to die,

He can die whenever he wants. That's a little known fact about Lynch, he can die on command.

more like David Lymphoma

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Such. Such a sadness.
Has anyone made a webm of Lynch freaking out a about watching movies "on your fucking telephone" with the subtitles edited to be about phoneposting? If not, have that idea free of charge.

what's wrong with watching stuff on your phone?

don't watch movies on your phone user

it was before all the additives to make it more addictive, more chemically tasting, less pure
there's a reason people used it alongside all the better drugs

you need a good reason to not use my phone for something it can be used for

apology for poor england

when were you when dave lint dies

i was at home smoke cigarette when fred ring

'dave is kill'


and you?????

Tiny screen preventing you from fully experiencing a films visuals, becoming fully immersed, or holding your attention. You're on a film board for christsakes, have a little class

England is not rich anymore I assure you

Season 4 is a video game.

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and coffee

>Now if you're browsing Yea Forums on a telephone, you will never, in a trillion years, experience the board. You'll think you have experienced it, but you'll be cheated. It's such a sadness that you think you've posted on Yea Forums, on your FUCKING telephone. Get real.

There, someone make the webm now.

>David Lynch died peacefully in his sleep at the eight of 98. His most celebrated works are Ronnie Rocket, Twin Peaks: The Second Coming, Dreams of Red Quinoa and Chet Desmond, Detective.

>so far I’ve smoked cigarettes for 3 and a half years from the time I was 17 to now, 21.
>smoked a lot of weed when I was 14 and 15 but since then it’s been very on and off sometimes going months without smoking weed once

If I quit cigarettes now will I be okay?
probably going to be smoking weed again I miss it

>If I quit cigarettes now will I be okay?

Most people who die of lung cancer from cigarettes smoked their whole life since they were like 15 and smoked a pack or two a day. Not to say that you should keep smoking, you should definitely quit, but just know you're probably gonna die or nothing.

A little weed every few months is fine, though stoners exaggerate when they prattle about how it's "actually not that bad for you"

why'd you say that is he alright?

You don't need to add anything to make nicotine more addictive
there is nothing in non flavoured cigarettes except tobacco
the other ingredients ie chemicals they mention are in the paper and filter

>Yea Forums

>His last words, "Fuck phonefags."
Pretty based if you ask me.


if i change my diet to coke and cigarettes will i live forever like Lynch?

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Include me on tombstone

a coke after smoking a cigarette is max comfy because you get the burps

not a big loss for filmmaking

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Good list

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I just want Ronnie Rocket