Directors that only made one decent movie?

Directors that only made one decent movie?

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he's made zero tho

Terminator 1

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He did a feature length episode of CSI called Grave Danger

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JJ Abrahams -Cloverfield 1

>Only God Forgives

That is such a weird thing.


Chappie was way better than this schlock tho

that episode sucked, really dumb cliche ending with /ourguy/ Grissom immediately using Nick's childhood nick name to snap him back to sense


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John Millius

Richard Kelly - Donnie Darko

Ridley Scott (Alien)

Tom Green - Freddy Got Fingered

Michael Cimino
Okay, but he wrote some good shit.

>he can't into heaven's gate

Heaven's Gate is the ultimate in soap kino.

never seen it tbqhwy. guess I jumped the gun.

>This faggot again
Have sex already!

Pusher Trilogy? Drive?

He's just a /pol/tard, Conan only worked because of the score.

Mediocre at best.