Yea, i'm thinking kino is back on the menu boys

Attached: Kino.jpg (1524x640, 110K)

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Changing things this drastically in post production never, ever works out well for a film. Even if it was destined to be bad, making really sharp changes after primary production is finished always makes it even worse.

Not to mention, Sonic's design is actually one of the smaller problems with this film, by all accounts.

The problem is it exists despite sonic having never being good

It looks dumb, at least the other design was "so le funnay XDDDD". I'm still going to see it and try to force a meme on Yea Forums about it.

Making sonic right will give you 60M$ from american autist only going to see the movie the first weeks tho. And what cost you make sonic again? 10M$ top? Is worth the risk for them.

>t. zoomer

Unironically looks exponentially better
It’s basically fine now
Not going to watch, but as far as I’m concerned they fixed his appearance

This shit was a marketing.publicity stunt and everyone fell for it.

What's your favorite sonic game?

Sonic Advance 2

thats the new sonic? looks pretty good

its still a movie for kids tho so i dont get why you (assuming) adults get so worked up about it

God I want to fuck sonic and smell his ass sweat

not for resale



I mean... it's better. I don't think it was ever going to look "good" necessarily. But at least that's what I imagine a live action Sonic to look like.

Where's the fucking trailer?

>Flesh parts are covered in fur/spikes

the one where they race but not in cars

They should have kept the original. It would have been bad, but it would have been hilariously bad. Now it will just be plain bad

The doctor thinks you're basic.

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>a $10 million blockbuster movie
The budget for the movie is $90 million but has probably been blown out due to all three 3d involving Sonic having to be redone.

On the other hand, Jim Carrey's performance will still be intact, so it might still be so bad it's good.

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Sonic's Schoolhouse

Op btfo'd

If they wanted to give him realistic fur, they really shouldn't have made it so... I don't know, fake? These straight lines, every single hair being of an exactly the same colour, it just doesn't look like fur, it looks like a plushie.

is that real?

BLUE ARMS???!?!!

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I don’t know it looks weirded what’s that triangle of flesh between his eyes? Because it doesn’t connect to the bottom it seems like it would just peel back over the eyeball when he now it raises anatomy questions like what’s behind that patch of fur? Where as before I think the human features helped the suspended disbelief.

Opinions on Sonic the Sissyhog? Chapter 3 of Sonic's New Outlook is out

>On Prison Island, the only man that cares about Sonic is one that forces him to fuck on a daily basis.

>While fucking a john, Sonic remembers the first time she made love to her first man... well, not a human, at least.

>Sonic is a crossdressing slut, but doesn't want his friends to find out. At first.

>Sonic is finally captured, but thanks to Robotnik's newest creation, being turned into a robot is the least of his worries.

Links for the stories at the strawpoll

Attached: sonic meow 2.jpg (564x392, 31K)

it's supposed to be a furrowed brow because he's SO TOUGH and WAY PAST COOL

>publicity stunt
>movie is basically dead on arrival
at best you could argue that it was a classic hollywood accounting ploy from the start but it's still easier to paint it as just good old fashion incompetence

A man of taste

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