/hmm/ Dark Crystal

So this is the OTP of the series right? Deet and Rian being the ancestors of the Jen/Kira makes the most sense.

Attached: One True Pairing.jpg (1024x967, 1.29M)

Other urls found in this thread:


so doesnt that mean it's incest in the movie

I.m shocked there was no "Woke" shit in the show


also how long before an user makes a simpson do it for her image of Deet ?

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Already seen one on Yea Forums

Reminder that Deet doesn't even wash her hands

poor Hup getting cucked but the together flying scene cant be beaten
at least he got two kisses

>Deet has two fathers
>Women rule Gelfling
>Only way to summon Lore is to say that every Gelfling is equal

Day of the Drain soon, Gelfnigs

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thats ok
I dont wash my benis

Here you go lad

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gelfling being matriarchical has been a thing since Jim Hensons original concepts tho

Based and essencepilled

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Chamberlain and his chair are the true OTP

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Skeksis from film look way better than the ones from show

That just means you'll have to bathe her yourself user.

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profound thanks kindly user and fellow patrician !

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someone make one for my kawaii nigga Chamberlain

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>a non-Skeksis focused OP

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i'm waiting for some brea x deet

>No DO IT FOR HIM Chamberlain image

>Do it for hhhhhmmmmhhhhh



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>final battle as all 7 gelfling clan armies are amassed before skesis
>chamberlain whips out gat

Yeah. The show ones are good, but film is much more detailed, organic and evil looking. Gelflings were improved through.


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I assure you, they are not more detailed.

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why is Rian such a basedfling ?


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skeksis are the definition of scum

Why are all the Skeksis so quotable?

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Why do Gelflings hurt us so?

I don't like this game.

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his dad was pretty cool but damn did he go out badly, though when he dreamfasted with him that was awesome


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would steven be able to talk down the Skesis?

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absolute fucking unit

Fuck off with this Yea Forumsmblr shit.

Hmmmmmmmm tranny needs to dilate, yes? Tranny should go back to Yea Forums with tranny show and stop bothering Skeksis, yes?

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imagine draining the pure essence of gayness


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fucking BASED


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mega based

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have mortality




It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is the hunt.

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just started watching this because of these threads
>scientist uses a snake to lock away gelfling juice
>chamberlain hypnotizes snake to open lock
>then eats it
why does everything in this show have so much SOUL

Or perhaps wondering why you would stab a man before draining his essence?

to lay a trap, he hunts power...

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Well, he's quoting/paroding Trump here

>just then, the room and everything was vaporized
>The Chamberlain's last words "Oh thank heavens"

No he isn't, you dumb fuck.

>deet's voice actor
it all makes sense now

Attached: Nathalie Emmanuel.jpg (700x821, 42K)

Triggered much?

>The attempt on my life has left me scarred, and deformed.

Attached: SkekSo,_skekTek,_skekSil,_&_skekOk.jpg (240x240, 17K)

>this agression
Forgive. FORGIVE.

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why is he so great?

This can't be happening, I'm in charge here!

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No way this is deet. This has got to be brea

No, this is Brea

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Anyone else find themselves mimmicking the MMMMM irl?

You and everyone who saw The Dark Crystal since 1982.

>Instead of giving life, I made the Crystal take life! I will be punished for this failure.
>No! You make Crystal hungry. Crystal pull out essence, but what if we take essence for Skeksis?
>Give Gelfling everything, they want more. Think loyalty can be bought or demanded. But not true. Can only be built.
>Arathim... reanimated by Scientist's machines, made into soulless fearless instruments of death.

I'm convinced this guy has a technical background and is just letting Scientist do all the hard work.

Attached: untitled.jpg (1920x1080, 163K)

Times you acted like skekSil
>#SaveTheOA fags start #CancelNetflix on twitter
>renew my Netflix sub to let this show play 24/7 across every screen in my house

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Hotter, as she should be

why is skekSil so lewd Yea Forums ??

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>MFW I see my parents

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Ah SkekSil, you have done well, and earned your place back by my side.

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why do hot people also get hot voices

aww fuck the shipfags took control of this series now

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It's musical chairs.

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I mean it doesn't take a genius to figure out that Rian and Deet are getting a strong push by the directors to end up together. Lots of touchy touchy scenes with those two.

All in all though, shipperfags are pretty cancer when they push every ship known to man.

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No Brea love?

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>JeEeEeEeEeN! This is your faAaAaAaAaAaAther calling from beyond the grAaAaAaAave. Carry on our family tradition and cuck every single last podling you sEeEeEeEeE... Make me proOoOoOoOoOoOud son...

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She is weird but hot.

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I had no idea..

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Fuck of weakling faggots, this generals belong to Skeksis!


in the beginning i was really feeling her and deet. then the deet love slowly took over


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Collector was voiced by a short Asian woman from Brooklyn.

I'll do you one better. I'm pleasantly surprised by all the big name actors they got for this show.

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I could hear Hamill pretty easily. I know his villain voices by now.

Literally me

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what are those saggy things?

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What's the deal with these piece of shits?
They look retarded.
They act retarded.
Everyone treats them like retards.
They live in retarded shitholes.
And they're language just sounds like random gibberish.

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I knew it was genghis


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Brea is Bae

they are the IQlets of Thra, be gentle

They are downie potatoes but I was rooting for Hup.

First of all, you're all done! The General don't even have that kind of muscle anymore. The Emperor is sick, right? You're getting chased out of Stone in the Wood by a bunch of little girls and some spiders! What do you think is going on here? You think you can come into my laboratory and take over? I TALKED TO AUGHRA, I can make a deal with her and still keep my lab.

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*Chamberlain pulls a gun*

Ok OK.

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>ywn shove your wooden magic paladin spoon up Deet's twat.
why even bother living Yea Forums ?

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I hate InCeladon so much lads

But it was basically just Joker voice with a twist.

Why does Aughra talk to herself out loud so much?

They are based on slavs, they are the slave race of Thra.

>ywn be a skeksis
>ywn corrupt a planet's heart to live forever
>ywn be invited to massive parties and orgies hosted by the Emperor
>ywn bully skekNERD with the General and Chamberlain
>ywn go on comfy tithe runs with Scrollkeeper
>ywn dab on gelfnigs and podlets with your skekbros
>ywn have three cocks

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i see Aughras all the time at my movie theatre

Remind which game?

she's senile

Just started this today and got to the eyeball-eating bug scene so I'm dropping by to say HOLY FUCKING SHIT

These threads are the only reason why I bother coming back to Yea Forums

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I give it a week before it dies. Bye.

Goodspeed user.

her boobs are alive

No bully!

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its a pretty dark series homeboy. what probably trips me out are all the races of Thra are pretty much the epitome of childlike innocence, and watching all the atrocious evil shit that the skeksis do to them.

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Her fake english accent is fucking annoying.

I made the steven post and kek'd at this good job user




>quaid start the reactor

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yeah this is probably what the skesis response would be

ho ho ho, you will be back to appraise us with your reactions

got this for Ritual Master? He has the best hat

I can't get over how good the voice work is

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it's... still... funny...

I got 5 profiles set up on my netflix and am spamming it 24/7 on 5 different devices. I'm autistic.

In the window next to this one, chamberlain is drinking mira atm

I was surprised that Gourmand was the gay lizard from fern gully thought he died years ago

Probably not

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Which Skeksis has best design?

For me, Its Emperor

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The scene where the Emperor and General talk about their nightmares and fear of death made me feel bad for lizardboyz. I wish them best of luck.


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thank you!

Ritual Master. That hat.

lol I fucking love Aughra, she always sounds (rightfully) pissed
>Could've just said this! Succinctly, clearly, without all the walking!

>*comes back from the dead*
>Mother Aughra! Are you all right?!
>NO! I just came back from the dead!
>Guess you want a hug. Oh well.

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you are small time

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>JeEeEeE- oh good, my signal's good again. I'll be quite honest with you kid, I was an absolute beta like you. But there's a big difference between you and me: my cock. I was quite possibly the most pathetic being in all of Thra, I got ntrd twice, I was too lazy to literally get out of a carriage my own enemy stopped to let me out of, and I couldn't even use my OP chosen one sword right. But that never mattered, my big dick energy rang out through all of Thra at all times. From the most lowlife Grottan to the most stunning of Vapran bitches, there was nary a single gelf puss that I couldn't smash if I wanted to. I didn't even do anything, they just wanted my cock that badly. But it seems like I've made a grievous mistake and chose the wrong bitch, because by Aughra you lost the genetic lottery fucking BAD. I can't believe I'm forced to call this pathetic dicklet of a """man""" my son. You're lucky a random hippie bitch stoned out of her mind just found you out of nowhere, otherwise you wouldn't even have a chance with a p*dling. Fucking pathetic. Yeah, no wonder I wasn't there for you faggot. Now get to repopulating.

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Same. Hopefully they become a full urSkek in the afterlife

A lot of the voices were good (Pegg) but I wish they'd spend less on celebrity VAs and more on puppets

No reason we had to have GoT thots and Benedict Wong and half of Key and Peele in this

you are unworthy of spoon feeding

know that the devs are swedes, and renowned for their 6 gorillion DLCs

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Aughra is strong female character done right

Shiieeeeeet is this console edition? Looks barebones as fuck like it did on day 1.

I see it more that the scientist can build and create the technology, its just that he doesn't have the imagination to come up with the ideas. Meanwhile the Chamberlain obviously has the imagination to come up with new ideas, what with all his lying and scheming.


They match better with the older, grainier format of the production value back in the 80's. It helps make them look more decrepit and blend in with the background.

The hard part about high definition programming with pause functions means any small error can be spotted and pointed out immediately

>A, B

you tell me

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That is her real accent dummy.

He's operating on levels of Hmmm you couldn't understand

Parroting? Parodying? The fuck are you trying to say?

Here ya go friendo.

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Just finished. Have to say, 9/10 show. Definitely the best of the past few years. A few problems I had though:
>Seladon's motivations actually made a certain kind of sense, but her redemption makes NO fucking sense. Nobody criticizes her at all, and that is extremely unsatisfying.
>SkekMal. Everybody loves him on here and yes he was cool but he was extremely anti-climactic. They spend an entire episode excruciatingly trying to bring him back, and he gets what, 30 seconds before dying again? Kinda weak, felt like a lost opportunity.
>Rian is really generic and I didn't understand at all what he was trying to do at the end.
>Also not enough screen time of Heretic/Wanderer. They had a good episode, but it was only one. Maybe less focus on Gelfling politics and more on Skeksis, yes?
Other than that, shit was kino.

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>*quietly steals every scene he is in*
how does he do it??

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This. That VHS grain does a lot for the effects.

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that's not Rian's dad

You're chilling at the bar making fun of some dumb Grottan chick when this potato walks up and slaps your gf's ass with a spoon. What do?

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fucking kill yourself faggot tranny

do u have the original pic of your pic

how many skeks are there?? in the movie they mention that there are only ten left (9 i guess as Based Emperor dies five minutes later)

god i hope we get a season 2. this is the best thing i have watched in a long long time

Wrong on every account.

There were 18 UrSkeks originally. Only 16 are alive at the start of the show, 10 by the start of the movie.

>>SkekMal. Everybody loves him on here and yes he was cool but he was extremely anti-climactic. They spend an entire episode excruciatingly trying to bring him back, and he gets what, 30 seconds before dying again? Kinda weak, felt like a lost opportunity.
Because as fun as he is alive, his possible and actual death are more important. Think 300, they needed to prove that the god kings could bleed, and that was what the Skeksis wanted to avoid.



Rian+Brea= Jen
Deet reborn = Kira

prove me wrong


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He could’ve joined the battle sooner. He came in at the very end

Thoughts on this brutal ass scene?


It would just be a Gelfling genocide until the Archer finally got up and started falling

the only families shown in the series:

>gay couple with two unaccountably happy children
>single father with rebellious and neglected son
>single mother with neglected and conflicted daughters


There's a chart showing all 18 skeksis, their titles and whereabouts, if someone here has it they can post it.

It's a matriarchal society controlled by a race of big beaked overlords who want to continue keeping it weak. What did you expect?

*smashes your fucking head in*

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someone post all the VAs for the female characters, they're like 90% hotties

You don't understand how to build a narrative properly.

skektek channeling his voice actor's most famous villain

very very based

>HakHom, the autist UrSkek

Based and Hmmmpilled

>Skeksa the Mariner
>If we get Season 2 there's a good chance we'll get nautical pirate Skeksis adventures
Please gift us this kino

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I can't wait for SkekLi, he sounds hilarious.

happy deet

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Couldn't believe what I was watching and that they went there. The stitched mouths was already a tad disturbing, but how they ended those characters was just incredibly cruel and bleak.

this x10

>Couldn't believe what I was watching and that they went there. The stitched mouths was already a tad disturbing, but how they ended those characters was just incredibly cruel and bleak.

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Poor Mira :(

they are kind and happy

Holy fuck I just now understood the naming conventions between the Skeksis, Urru, and their original combined name.

yes, there's nothing more sacrilegious than to take a living, thinking, intelligent being and distill it into something as profane as a drink


is this split?

Let me tell ya, SkekLi was an ugly kid, SkekLi was so ugly the Collector's boils wouldn't even speak to me.

gets defeated by SkekPitt




If dubs Scientist is a fucking faggot and needs to get back to work

Memes you wish to see crossed over with.

With the Scrollkeeper

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But that's true with all digits

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hmmmm thats a nice post

>not his better half urPitt

Toppest of keks.

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Chamberlain did nothing wrong

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this would be good

I don't get it.

Why did the skeksi cry out in pain as he stabbed the slave?

Why do the Gelfling hurt the Skeksis so?

I got 40 minutes into the first episode.
It is gorgeous, despite the lack of facial expression.
I got to this point:
>why do gelflings hurt us so
>skeksis give so much and ask so so little
>it breaks our hearts
Thinking about Palestine, and the next on their list...
I won't watch the rest of this.


Fuck off back to /pol/ retard

you're a dunce

Clearly was grunting with effort

Have skeks podcel


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Only thing Palestine has in common with this is Podlings cuz they’re dirty and eat a lot

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>Rian and Deet will be a tragic love story for the ages due to the Darkening bullshit
>this fucking puppet show in 2 seasons will give us what GOT failed to deliver in 8 seasons

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It already managed to do a Littlefinger type character completely perfectly in one season.

>Hmmmm... And Harrenhal? I suppose, that's off the seat as well?

Imagine the leaps that had to made in someone's brain to come to this idea.
You are mentally unwell.

>successively gets Harrenhal within two episodes

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What would SkekSil do if he met Littlefinger?

It depends if Littlefinger takes his seat.

And I wonder who could be behind creating the Garthim, which genocided the Gelflings in the Garthim War?

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Outplay him, easily

You know earlier in the show they say there the last of there race, imagine having the rest of your race die like thatl

If SkekSil was a such a master manipulator how did he get outplayed so easily in the movie? Like okay let's do this test of strength even though I'm not physically endowed at all and am better at subterfuge than anything else. Seems like he shouldn't have put himself into that sort of situation.

I think this might actually be my favorite show of all time




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If you're not such a fucking faggot then why don't you shut the fuck up, hmmmm?

I'm still mad desu.

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>20 posts removed

Shadman when

He got old, lost touch.

Mad about what?

>Baelish blame all his problems on Brandon, yes? Took Catelyn, humiliated Baelish... Turn Baelish into a cuck?
>I'm not a cuck!
>But Baelish own brothels! Spy on people! Spy on women getting fucked by bigger, stronger men!
>Baelish had Sansa, better than Catelyn, but gave her away, hmmm? Why give, if not a cuck?

He had no choice but to agree to trial by stone after he'd been challenged. If he didn't he'd have forfeited his claim to the throne.

SkekSil was still fairly strong for a Skesis, and should be grouped more with the warriors than the non-warriors like SkekTek. His problem was he was cocky and legitimately thought he could out muscle SkekUng.



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Imagine being this obsessed

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Depends on how distantly it's set.

I feel like In the moment of the Emperor's death he knew it was now or never, he had the support of some of the skeksi's and he took a gamble. If he stood aside and let either general or ritual master ascend, he wouldn't have the time to manipulate his way to the top before the great conjunction and if that happened he would have to be cucked to the eternal emperor

Mystics pls go.

We don't know if other Gelfling survived underground or on the other side of Thra.

I don't think he had counted on SkekUng challenging him either. The only other one who might have was SkekZok, the rest seemed content to follow someone else. Chamberlain was very much the next in line so he likely thought it was in the bag.

t. Gelfling Genocide denier

I for one welcome the "OOOOOAH"
they don't spam too hard as there as now, there are only 10, and the most cancerous of them, lies dying.

plus they add longevity to the threads and it's a decent meme, it's good to have a mix of 90% SKEKfags, 8% gelf and pods and 1%

When will best boy SkekTek get the thread OP?

true and like pointed out once SkekUng challenged him he was totally backed into a corner.

>If Chamberlain became Emperor the Skeksis would have unironically won as the Garthim would have caught jen and kira at the podling party


OP's aren't for weaklings.

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If I recall it's slightly implied SkekZok and two of the others are considering a coup against SkekUng. They seem to all hang out in 3s in the film, little cliques (but of course will turn on someone in a flash if needed).

What would've made them catch Jen and Kira if ol' Chambers was Emperor?

Gelfling shouldn’t be stupid weak rat creatures if they don’t want to get btfo by superior races

The only reason they didn't was Chamberlain stopped the Garthim, since he wanted to convince them to come with him back to the castle to regain his place in the court.

Chamberlain jumps between them and a Garthim in the movie and orders it to stand down.

there's no guarantee I guess but it's definitely played off like if he hadn't done it the Garthim would have captured them, Chamberlain wanted to manipulate them with the act and capture them himself to regain his status and maybe become emperor

don't explain my post you ant

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When the Garthim attack the Podling place they're right about to catch Jem and Kira when the banished Chamberlain intervenes and waves them off. No reason for him to try to gain their trust if he's the Emperor instead of banished and looking for a way back in.

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although now thinking, they already had Aughra at that point so maybe Kira would break free again and the film would end the same?

>at any rate all the Skeksis should have been present at the lab when they drained Kira's essence. Knowing the Prophecy that the Gelfling would "kill" them why would they not have all hands on deck to watch the one they captured. maybe it's part of their prideful lazy character because holy shit the Skeksis are actually so well characterized when I think about it lol

Nicely done.

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Dangerously based.

Other than Chanter I have no hesitation to bust cap in ass, if silence does not occur

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>I wish they'd spend less on celebrity VAs and more on puppets
The puppets are all state of the art, what are you on about? They spared no expense.

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Don't make me take your seat.

I notably didn't like the cgi tongues, and thought the more protruding upper lip was too strong on a lot of characters.

For me it's Emperor and Ritual Master

Not sure about my favorite, but I thought the puss nosed skeksis bitch fitted right in

this general is comfier than the one on Yea Forums, hmm

Sorry to break the "hmmm" party, but imho the best character of the show is:

SkekGra The Heretic

Gosh, I laughed tears in ep7.

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Why doesn't he remove the nail in his head

reminder that this is the average gelfling male

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>SkekGra The Heretic
>I laughed tears in ep7.
Guess who voices him

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Yea Forums takes its generals too seriously. they just can't strike the balance between good discussion and shitposting that makes a thread fun

because then he'll have a gaping infectious bleeding hole in his skull and brain?

A few voice actors surprised me. They pulled off such uncharacteristic voices. But they nailed it. Even that cringe black guy voiced the Ritual Master nigh-indistinguishably from his movie counterpart.

To be fair, the one on Yea Forums started with abusefag trying to derail the thread with spam to pretend like anyone actually wanted his shit there. He was soon rightfully bullied out by based skekposters.

It would hurt badly


Would it perhaps be extremely painful?

Anyone realized SkekGra stayed in (puppet) character when UrGoh caught fire and tried trampling on it with the little Gelfing?

That kino final Mystic-note, jesus

The Skeksis fears the Mystic

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he's a schizo

To think only now I understand this reference

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no, it's hup and deet... ;_;

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what about this one?

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Which episode is that from

Hip got cucked out of his waifu and out of battle.

But he will be bros with rockbro in s2


Is that Farscape?

Crichton literally calls them skeksis in a later episode because of course he does

just read on wiki that they literally used the exoskeletons from the original DC skeksis muppets for those

what about DEATEA

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Just finished the first episode and I'm optimistic for the rest of this series. What did y'all think of the whole thing? Is it worth the time?

Just watch it already

Pure kinografie. Made me wish I could binge all 10 episodes in a theater to see it on the big screen.

>ywn be a Gaelic pirate gifted with prophetic vision.

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Are Skeksis supposed to be boomers


What a pimp

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"He didn’t think it was healthy for children to always feel safe," Dark Crystal co-director Frank Oz once said of Jim Henson

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>that hairline

Didn’t he died?

I follow both generals. Yea Forums for good keks and Yea Forums for good fanart.

>Trial by lead

the movie is practically visual overload, start to finish. the show has a lot of sequences that are bland, amateurish, choppy, and even outright bad looking.

The Council approves of this post.

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Imagine that this is the last thing you see before you die.


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the throne room looks terrible. the dining hall is okay. every time they do CGI to the crystal its pretty god-awful. the nu-garthem was worthless, as it clearly wasn't four people working a 400lb carapace like the original.

Here's a random shot from the original.

Attached: mpv-shot0001.jpg (1920x808, 440K)

That one was obvious right away

Based Mass reply poster!!!FACT!!!

looks like shit compared to movie dining hall, also

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Forgot your name?

almost looks exactly the same

Thats because the movie takes place during the final stages of decay and collapse, of course its going to look better.

Its why the Skeks all look brighter and healthier, in both their clothing a physical appearance. Not because of an HD lens or lack of VHS grain, but because they're supposed to.

Of course they look better latter in the story when they're withered necro husks. Thank god the Netflix show at least tries to make logical sense rather than trying to one-up the movie in every element.

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I have no name!!!FACT!!!

We're talking about the starkness of the netflix show compared to the movie, though. In the movie basically every frame was stuffed with art. Whereas there are a great number of outright empty scenes in the show.

This romance is garbage and drags both characters down. Especially Deet who deserves better.

Fucking based

I hope they keep the romance vague throughout the whole show, if we get more seasons. Gelfling love triangles and shit is the least thing i want this series to focus on.

Deet belongs to Hup