This sniveling little beta pedophile is a hack, his forced quirky films are repulsive, and his films the meme equivalent of the spork copy pasta. Sickening
This sniveling little beta pedophile is a hack, his forced quirky films are repulsive...
kys please
The Darjeeling Limited is kino though
nonwhite detected
Kys yourself
I also hate his forced quirky films that's why I think Darjeeling Limited and Royal Tenenbaums are absolute kino
But they're very heartfelt and genuine, I feel
He looks like the Joker.
None of it rings true. Royal tenenbaums and Rushmore are decent but that hotel movie, the life aquatic, and the one with the kids are some of the most infuriating things ive had to sit through. None of it is authentically strange, it’s mechanical twee garbage and he deserves to be killed
>seething retarded moralcuck
Fuck Paul Dano.
Is it because hipster basedcucks like him? We can still think Moonrise Kingdom and Grand Budapest are good guys. Are we really going to do the pseud thing and say his early films that are still reletively unknown are the best? Darjeeling Limited? The shitty train movie? Bottle Rocket was better and that movie still sucked. Take the contrarianism back to plebbit. I'll continue to not let people ruin legitimately good movies for me.
chill dude
brah, chill
he peaked with rushmore/royal tenenbaums, the rest is a parody of himself (except mr fox, that's unfuckwithable).
I can't consider that peaking when moonrise and budapest had the same style but with better stories. Yeah, he has no more ideas and is creatively bankrupt but let's not be gay and say his two best movies are not the best. Personal taste is fine and all but come on.
i couldn't disagree with you more but ok
nah the life aquatic is the best because it has the most bill murray and jeff goldblum
I thought this was a Gaius Baltar thread
Why do so many sperglord film school students who want to be "filmmakers" always mention his movies when I ask what their favorite movies are?
The Life Aquatic is his best movie. The rest are just the same movie with different rich people (played by the same actors, of course).
I LOVE bill and jeff. they’re just so deadpan and epic!