user, what's going on big guy? You just tripped my wife.
User, what's going on big guy? You just tripped my wife
Other urls found in this thread:
You dont do anything worth paying for Sam
>Sam's show gets cancelled and he gets deplatformed off of youtube
>He cries about being blacklisted and begs his fans for support
>A fan kindly puts up some his content/World Peace stuff, without monetization, to promote him
>He says some shit in an open conversation that doesn't paint Sam in saintly light
>Sam immedietly tries to get said fan deplatformed
Why does Sam shit on his fans and act in such a hypocritical manner? What's wrong with him?
Why does this nigga only talk about three things. Cars, pussy, and redpills?
that skit is based
>it's another episode of Sam trying force discussion about his cancelled show in a desperate bid to stay relevant
Sam's always been a scum bag he's never advocated for the trad lifestyle at all. I don't understand what these posts are meant to accomplish.
>he's never advocated for the trad lifestyle at all
That's the only answer to the Jewish agenda, if Sam sets a bad example while taking political sides then he should be called out on his faggotry.
He's a comedian and part of his shtick is hiding behind multiple layers of irony. You can never tell when he's being serious or not, it's all part of his act.
His fanbase took his right wing larp pretty seriously, he even had to backpedal on it
adding to my post
>went to a cushy art school
>rips into college kids and entitled trust fund kids in his comedy skits
>much of his comedy is around red pilling people and advocating for white supremacy
>possibly jewish or at the very least a mutt of some kind
if you don't see the irony in all this I don't know what to say.
new hydewars is top comfy nick is truly the goat
it's shit, without charls there are no laughs to be had, he was obviously the soul of the whole mde operation. Without him its nothing.
All I read in that picture is just more post irony.
do you even into MDE?
sometimes Sam drops his larp, this was one of those occasions when it looked like people were gonna get violent/start harassing ppl over his shows cancellation so he made a long winded post on r/the_donald doing a massive backpedal.
Why do people shill for Charls so much. He produced the least amount of content for MDE.
seek help imagine spending this much time keeping up with sam he truly lives in your head rent free
Youre an idiot Sam
I always thought 100% taxes was the best video any of the mde guys made
No Sam everyone knows it's not a larp
>it's not a larp
the man is running a business, it's all to make money
>6 posters
>19 posts
all one autist
>a 15 year old
I always knew Sam was redpilled, but I didn't know he was also based
VMUDream wasn't just putting his content up, he was stealing videos from other youtubers. That's why he was shut down.
wait you cant disrupt their narrarive! listen and believe!
>spreadin lies to suck Sam's penor
shut the fuck up
There's a group of neet tranny Jews on here who come out of the woodwork to shit on Sam and defend Jews. There's a guy who just constantly posts that ridiculous Nazi cross dressing shit anytime you say some critical of Jews.
more lies, does Sam's cock really taste that good? Sam is more of a kike that most actual heebs.
Was he right?
the actress who plays his wife in that scene is so cute
that's a twisted way to justify wanting to bone middle school children. Good thing Sam is paranoid enough to not want to go to prison otherwise he'd be out there in the playgrounds trying to pick up these sluts he's imagining.
>does Sam's cock really taste that good?
>spends all his free time spending about sams cock
idk dude just message sam and fuck get it over with already
>You dont do anything worth paying for Sam
he's the most out there of the MDE group and also has th edeepest humor that isn't immediately digestible like with sam's broad "redpill" type humor
He literally fucked an underage girl that /r9k/ was pining over a while back.
Needless to say; the faggot waifuists got pretty livid over it.
Why does he wear his hair this stupidly since it's clearly not thinning?
catalog fag here. i have no bite in whoever this guy is.
pic related is clearly thinning
The fact that he made /r9k/ seethe is based. The fact that he was an abusive piece of shit and potentially fucked her up for life is not
>The fact that he made /r9k/ seethe is based. The fact that he was an abusive piece of shit and potentially fucked her up for life is not
>defending sodomy
Yea Forums is a Tim and Eric board Sam, stop posting your shit here
in some states this is actually a valid defense against statutory "rape"
someone post that clip from the incel documentary where they interviewed sam hyde under a different name or something.
Fucked a 15 year old I was dating because she wanted to fuck so bad, I told her not till she's of age but she'd literally grab my cock.
Sure not all 15 year old girls are this horny, but some are.
Huge beasts and slightly taller than me.
I wasnt even her first.
they're not wrong
At least you dont have a poopdick fetish like Sam does.
which is why he moved on to do bigger and better things right?
oh right he rambles on about shit nobody cares about on twitch
At least he doesn't have the same taste in underage girls that Jeff Epstein and Sam share.
hey channing can you upload the newest hydewars to bitchute...thx
pay up piggy
>was on tv
>6 episodes
>11 minutes each
>cancelled after one season
this is getting pathetic. sam, i thought you were funny, ok? i liked your show, and your TED talk was great, but listen, bro, you're time is over. it's done. we don't like you anymore, and we've grown tired of you. please stop posting on Yea Forums.
>was on tv
>at 2am
Is that supposed to be a big deal
I dont think he'll stop as long as there are dumb paypigs to farm here
no one cares
means faggot mods should stop deleting mde threads because its television
Usually people that aren't npcs care about hypocrisy. Take the shit with pewdiepie, Sam has done way worse. But I guess he runs a tighter cult since his fans are willfully blind to the shit he does.
Mr. Pregnant is better than anything Hyde has ever done.
that "Moms" skit really pisses me off. it's not ok to lure some 40 or 50 year old women under false pretenses and then verbally and emotionally abuse for them for an hour and make them cry and humiliate them. it's not cool or funny, it's just being a massive piece of shit and a drain on humanity.
>inb4 some edgy faggot greentexts what i said with a soi wojak
>that "Moms" skit really pisses me off. it's not ok to lure some 40 or 50 year old women under false pretenses and then verbally and emotionally abuse for them for an hour and make them cry and humiliate them. it's not cool or funny, it's just being a massive piece of shit and a drain on humanity.
>>inb4 some edgy faggot greentexts what i said with a soi wojak
I thought it was funny, they could have left if they wanted.
That pisses you off but not Sam anally violating his underage fans?
>not Sam anally violating his underage fans?
no one
i never said this. cool strawman, tho.
So you're ok with sodomy, got it.
Verbally abusing mentally retarded middle aged women to the point of tears is cool bro. You must be a snowflake. You just don’t get “it.”
kek. based retard.
I get what you mean but they were grown ass ladies that could've walked away at any time my guy. Sure maybe they all needed to be picked up and had no way to leave that easy but come on.
nah you're just a fag
sup, sam. how's your retention rate for hydewars subscribers?
they were paid actors, nothing to worry about
>Sure not all 15 year old girls are this horny
imagine being this naive
the way he slaps her face on the way down is so funny holy shit
yeah if u have empathy ur a fag. i want to be a big mean bully and make old retarded ladies cry. if u dont think thats funny ur a fag. they were paid and could have walked away anytime.
Fuck off Sam. You were always the fraud.
i believe he's got a beer bottle in that hand
>retards sit and take there punishment because they want there money
lmao walk away nigga
Calm down Sam theres no need to get upset
oh shit sam and the gang sound like some tough cookies. i wouldn't want to get mixed up with that crew.
You know times are tough when he has to come back here to advertise.
>tfw you can't bring yourself to tell your friend to grow up and get a real job and have to keep showing up on his cringy blogs out of pity
Why is Sam Hyde such a shitpost magnet now?
they're vlogs, sweaty. get it right.
So his show was basically just a better Tim and Eric.
People really need to stop over analyzing his bits though, it’s pathetic.
there was always shit, mostly coming from cripplechan
that place was a complete waste before the site was nuked
>People really need to stop over analyzing his bits though, it’s pathetic.
You realize that the show's been cancelled for like 3+ years now right? The only reason threads about it get made is because it's a desperate shilling attempt, other threads about that faggot that arent WP related get deleted.
>that place was a complete waste before the site was nuked
t. jealous that we started all the memes and you just copied them
t. didn't browse cripplechan
our man Andy Ruse above all, the true mastermind behind the scenes
Goddamnit all three lads are good and important in their own special ways.
>can't even keep his antique job for a year
Based and redpilled. Literal genius.
I don't give a fuck about this guy and all the gay e-celeb shit you guys obsess over. The only good skits he's had were Guy gym heaven and this. You fucking plebs
You forget father figure and utopia
anyone actually watch My So Called Life? it loked comfy.
If you think that's bad you should watch some FacialAbuse porn
Was it even Nick's store or was it his wife who was in charge of it?
That's FtM tranny, therefore it's a female. No faggotry there.
the claire danes show? yeah it was on the noggin after degrassi it was pretty gay
I watched WP recently and it was really good. Now I hate Sam for being such a retard he couldn't refrain from sperging out on twitter and lost everything. I hope if Charls decides to kill him for ruining their careers he'll stream it on twitch.
nah nick and sam said it in the latest podcast
tv is on the way out
chuck is hooked up with cushy gig from haydens construction company and probably good side cash from his own paypiggies
adult swim would've payed less than them paywalling their content over the internet, you dont make money being on TV anymore unless you are one of the very few megastars, especially no money on adult swim
>coping this hard
It's degenerate. Fuck this two-faced kike
Hey Erick, hey sorry to do this to you man, my daughter's got a basketball game
I pirate his KSTV2 episodes, but they've been shit lately.
Still a shitty thing for Sam to pretend to be poor in front of his fans after his show got cancelled just to squeeze them for as much money as possible.
I'm convinced that nigga doesn't even exist
>He's funny because he agrees with me politically!
John Oliver tier bullshit 90% of the time lads. Kill yourselves if you like his dogshit content.
Last I checked they weren't paying good money for cum
sam hyde is a fucking loser
I can't believe how unfunny sam hyde has become.