This is just sad bros. It's time to move on Jenna

This is just sad bros. It's time to move on Jenna

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I do really feel bad for her. Why is she clinging onto the Office so much?

Do you think she thinks about John when another dude's prick is inside her?

women deserve this


She's never not thinking about John

The real question is whether she thinks about John the real person or Jim the character. Which is she truly in love with?

this is depressing

idk, i might give it a listen. It's not like people outside of Yea Forums are thinking she's doing this because she's a heartbroken failure

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out of everything you could possibly consume you choose a podcast by washed up desperate people about a completely dead show

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jesus that's sad. even sadder than all the bitches on tinder that think watching the office is a substitute for a personality. jenna substituted the office as her fucking life.

Isn't, it the most watched show on Netflix?

HBO Nordic has the rights to it in Scandinavia, and it's one of the most popular shows there.

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>Isn't, it the most watched show on Netflix?
Maybe, but that doesn't change the fact that it has been over for years. What's this podcast even going to be, 50 hours of them sitting around and maybe inviting on other minor characters to go "what are you up to" and "remember when"?

Probably talking about the filming of the episode, behind the scenes stuff, listener questions and personal recollections
It’ll be the #1 podcast

yeah, I'd definitely listen to that

>Oh my God a podcast, that will be great to listen to during my Self Improvement Regiment!

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How will /fit/ ever recover

By deleting my thread, fuck those pussies

but meditation is based

You mean cringe

That’s what pretty fucking deep man

no, I mean based. Maybe you just aren't intelligent enough to reap the benefits?

I don't know about all the other silly sounding stuff but going to the gym (or exercise in general) really does feel good
It's good for your brain too, not just your body

i know, i get that from a lot of the deep things i say

Thinking about what pornhub video you’re going to watch doesn’t count as meditation, cumbrain

do you even understand what you're saying?

It doesn't even feel like there are real people posting anymore.

>this is just sad
>making bank off of stupid housewives with 0 effort
yeah, shes real stupid

Gook Moot needs to delete nu/fit/. It has soiled that board's legacy long enough.

honestly i am looking forward to it, seems fun and interesting to hear behind the scene tid bits. Hopefully we get some guest appearances from the likes of creed or kevin

It'll probably be behind the scenes stuff, why not?

You know she bugged the fuck out of Angela to do it. I feel bad for both of them but for different reasons.

hey @johnkrasinski look at this image i shopped of us wearing jerseys

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based wojack
>he takes showers (take note Yea Forums)

based wojack


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welcome to nu-Yea Forums
this place hasn't been the same since the turn of the decade. I question often why the fuck I'm still here after 9 years of this place being shit, but deep down, I already know the answer.

>the office
>jenna's chances
All things that died years ago.

Did she really make that? Jesus

ok this is pretty creepy/cringey

though i have a feeling it was made by one of us here...
its real


Holy shit.

Let's process this

a. She coincidentally ran into that image someone randomly made and had to post it

B. She had it made

C. That pic is actually a real screenshot from the show coincidentally

D. She has a Jim folder on her hard drive with hundreds of these and she found one that applies

She divorced James Gunn because she wanted John Krasinski's dick so bad.

It might be from a deleted scene.

This guy seems pretty based. I love his energy.

it is obviously shooped

i'd like to know the answer if all you get out of being here is telling everyone how much you hate being here.

i've always wanted to fuck angela more than pam.
is this based or cringe?
of course my number one option is erin, like any thinking man

Look at the pixels, bro. It's real.

sure jenna, sure

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It’s the most popular comedy show of this decade

Emily Blunt is such a bitch. Jim could do so much better

>John and Emily looking at each other lovingly
>Jenna's beta orbiter looks at her while she gazes away, holding back tears, thinking of the man she'll never have

Imagine if she kidnaps and murders him, imagine Pam from the office being the next huge OJ celebrity trial after forcing Emily Blunt to watch her fuck his rigor mortis dick during some sick, serial killer marriage ritual

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Pandering to fans of The Office is easy money for her; boo-fucking-hoo she didn't become a mega-rich superstar.

normally i would agree, but white women are still obsessed with that shitty show
i don't mean to sound racist but white people ruined television

curse of the success. same thing happened to the seinfeld cast and friends. at least these chicks are embracing it.

I'm just waiting for her to cave and do porn like Maitland Ward did.

Are they just gonna sit around like that old Chris Farley sketch..."Hey, remember when Kevin dropped that chill....yeah.....that was awesome...."

hopefully they'll hold the mic up to their pusys and schlick schlick schlick

You don’t have to keep making hits user, you just have to make one hit. And then keep hitting that hit.

I had to Google what nootrain was and felt embarrassed to even have it in my search history

He's not even attractive

b-but he h- he got the soi face! th- thatcmeans those things are cringe! n no stop this stoooaappppp

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Doesn't she realise she could be happy with me

How big do you think his dick must be to have made such an impact on her psyche

Splitting Up Together got canceled after two seasons.

>swn do that to me
Why is this allowed ?

did they even date?

I bet she never even saw it. Perhaps she caught a glimpse when he was in his underwear or something, but never the whole thing.

the hole thing?

its the english accent