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I'll never forgive movie critics for tanking this film, the bad reviews kept a lot of curious people away.

i will support any and all godzilla kino

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you niggers memed me into wasting money on this garbage, you can stop now

Man I dug this movie to death the first time I saw it but it really doesn't hold up that well on rewatch. Still excited for more though, glad the chinese dig it

As a big Godzilla fan this movie alright

Movie was Kino. Fuck the retarded critics.

A lot of movies get a successful 2nd life with home release. I still don't quite understand this huge difference between ticket sales (outside of Asia) and home media. I know the critics screwed this up to some extent but what happened in between that saved KotM from obscurity? More people than ever before become interested in the franchise and ask older fans about the series.
Criterion collection is also very popular considering the price and niche market.

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Reminder that Rodan won.

If his goal was simply survival.

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>new release tops the home video sales charts
no shit

They know what people want.

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My guess is strong word of mouth led people to want to see it, but not spend the price of a movie ticket to see it which led them to rental. That and the “I’ll just buy it when it comes out” mentality.

this movie was horrible

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If it's doing so great then why has the digital version already been slashed to $9.99 on all platforms?

It really wasn't a good movie, but I'm still hype for Godzilla vs Kong.


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I think people exaggerate when they talk shit about le human characters in godzilla films, but these were fucking awful and annoying

you liked it, stop being contrarian

He really wanted to rip her apart. Like he really wanted the pussy back long ago but she refused him.

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It lost millions...

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>UMP-45 accuracy.mp4

delete this, Rodan is NOT a cuck

Lets be real here nigger. The human part of the movie sucked fucking balls. All actors were complete trash except Ken Watanabe. The story didn't make sense and the human drama was so fucking forced. The fights were cool and the "farewell old friend" scene brought tears to my eyes but overall it was mediocre at best.

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No it made more than double of its budget but it's still a modest profit at best. Home sales is also helping. No one is panicking, Toho is pleased but they seriously must pick better release dates.

Any complaints about this movie are null and void. All the good bits vastly outweighed any criticism. My fucking face when there's some cockless cucks out there jerking off to interracial porn that liked Endgame more than KING OF THE MONSTERS. Fuck you all. 2014 sucked

This part was kind of dumb. If Rodan didn't just get the deathblow right there, why did he freeze in place and slowly drop off? If he wasn't fatally scured he would have flipped the fuck out after gettting stabbed like that.

>giant butterfly has a stinger


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It's just the vibe. Or the perverts from the fandom who feel there's something sexual about this scene. Besides Mothra penetrating him. I'm really glad he survived and I hope for character development (that we probably won't get).

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To entertain billions

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Are you kidding? Rodan is a fan favorite, I hope he gets more spotlight

not even 400m?

For myself, the degree to which movie theatres have been aggressively monetised with ads and add-in sales turns me off from going to them in the first place, I'll only suffer it if enough of my friends are also going or for something I'm 100% confident I'll enjoy.

When I was a kid/teenager my local drive-in was doing double and triple features without a single ad break every weekend and I was there every other week.

Because it requires either good writing on Dougherty's love for the characters.

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Good, I want more monsterkino.

Kong v Godzilla will be bananas.


It was a brutal year but WB is still like a solid no 2.

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To be quite genuinely frank and honestI just don't want to go to a fucking giant loud movie theater with a bunch of other people and sit in a chair with no leg room for two hours when I could just wait a few months and watch at home.




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Reminder that Kong is going to beat the fuck out of Godzilla, it's been confirmed already there will be a decisive winner, not some bullshit typical hero team up movie garbage.

>b-b-b-but muh size difference
Yeah go see how your size advantage over a chimp works out for you.

why did you try to shop half his tuxedo away?

I like to live dangerously.

2019 was a good 65th birthday for Goji after all. The fandom is more alive than ever (even if the most prominent members are mostly assholes with crap opinions who are being passive aggressive on twitter), people ask for guides because they want to start watching the series, the honor of the 1000th Criterion release, Toho announced ambitious plans and future cooperation with Legendary possibly within the Monsterverse and new anime.

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Good for Godzilla.

I wanted to buy the steel book blu-ray from Best Buy, but they were sold out everywhere. It took me over 2 weeks to find one.

>4K 18% of the sales
>Disc is 2K upscale
>$29.99 plus sales tax.
So I guess people are not buying the 4K meme.

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I kind of assumed there was some kind of poison involved, it being a stinger and all.


goji can just atomic pulse the shit outta kong, game over in 5 seconds

I like the movies but the retcons are confusing as fuck within just this three movie series.

>The story didn’t make sense
How does “evil terrorists use machine to control kaiju” not make sense?

>Kong clamps his mouth shut with one hand and bludgeon's hisstupid lizard face in


Off camera a couple people were asked about their predictions. Some people in the know. most said that they won't tell who will win at least one said his money would be on Godzilla. It's all hush-hush but there are some people out there who know for sure. It can't be counted as a leak just yet but some limited information gets through although it's not enough to talk about it seriously. If it wasn't for that I'd still be 100% sure that Kong wins. He already got one movie less than Godzilla and he seems to be the unfavorite so it's logical to at least give him the honor of victory. But now I don't know.

Yeah go see how well a rifle works for you against a chimp at close range.

the attack comes from all over his body, not his mouth
sorry kong fags, youre finished

I bought a few recent movies in 4K, and then went back to regular blu rays when I wasn't overly impressed with the quality difference. Might be different if my TV could do true HDR, but my current one just gets this weird washed out sepia tone effect, which is really distracting.

No it doesn't, he only got the full body nuclear blast from a powerup in KOTM.

but in godzilla 2000 he did it against orga and didnt use a powerup

Capeshitters cheering and clapping like retarded seals have ruined movies like this as well. I saw it on opening night, and got completely taken out of the experience by all the redditards. I had to see it again a week later so I could focus on the final battle.

Which movies did you buy? I will tell you if they are real or fake 4K. Also what kind of tv do you have, model year?

It, Solo, and Infinity War.

Why didn't Rodan and Mothra have their beams? Could've made for a cooler aerial fight

Oh yeah, i forgot this one existed. Perfect time since I'm getting some sleep problems.

Based gojira anyone in this thread shitting on kotm was a pleb that has been throughly filtered

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Solo is the only one that is native 4K. Have you tried updating your tv and player?

It would actually be kino if they let Godzilla win, since people expect Kong to be the underdog and steal the win from Goji. Let Kong lose tragically, then become Godzilla’s ally in a future movie.

>different canon


You don't know what all the cool Godzilla youtubers and twitter users think of Heisei now? It used to be the most popular series now it's cool to hate it and the number one complaint is that too many fights were simply beam struggles.

King Kong is going to replace Anguirus as Godzillas smaller best friend

Whats this about no team up cofirmed? I thought it was gonna go the BvS way and have them team up against mecha king gidorah

As far as I know, everything is up to date. I'm playing them on an Xbox One X, and I've got everything set to auto update. My TV is a Samsung KU6300, by the way. It doesn't have the wide color gamut, so it can't do "true" HDR. It can do the lights and darks, but not the colors, so it makes everything look like an old timey Western photo that you can take at Six Flags or something.

>Godzilla youtubers and twitter users

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It's not confirmed no team u, just that one will be a winner in the fight.

its the longest running franchise in cinematic history of course its going to have its die hards

Yeah every time I think of them it's just getting funnier and more tragic. Pretentious assholes, only those dedicated to just reporting news are any good these days.

Weak comparison, for Goji would have to be the chimp in this case, but he also has the rifle.

> longest running franchise in cinematic history

Did you mean Oz?

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The only ones worth listening to are the Japs themselves.


He probably meant that those youtubers are laughably insignificant. Still there's a lot of them and a couple make pretty good content I even managed to change the opinion of two of them regarding something so they can discuss things like normal people but most are either dedicated to low-tier "trolling" or just picking fights with cringy nobodies to feel superior or start every videos by addressing the comments under the previous video they made like some thing-skinned bitches.

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Oh that sucks. Well maybe you could just try and wait for 4K movies to go on sale. They probably still look better than Blu-ray even without HDR. They usually go down to $15 dollars eventually if it isn't Disney or Boutique lable.

I wanted to like it. I fucking hated it. I wanted an enjoyable monster flick. Got some hamfisted eco terrorist story instead.

no godzilla which has 32+ films from 1954 to 2019

I like Godzilla but could give a shit about what studio just making the movies.
it's funny when DCucks try to cling to other franchises just because they are released by Warner Brothers. Like if it has anything to do with their own headcanon company wars.
Stupid faggots.

let him mlem :(

all very and true and makes perfect sense. i thought that user found the very premise of godzilla having dedicated fans ridiculous not just the specific youtube spergs.

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>hurr durr this must've been a dchad
typical marvel drone, are you enjoying all your black representation?

Oz franchise has been going since 1908 to 2014 in film.

Get cucked, lizardlet.

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>eco terrorist story
you did notice that every major character including her husband, daughter and even the bad guy who hired her all shit on emma for being a retard i dont think they were trying to show she had some sort of valid point.

Just like Lion King.

>They said X so it must be true!
What the fuck is wrong with you

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Based seismic toss inclusion

will kong btfo this lizard
why do i feel like he will
i may be retarded

having one film every 50 years does not constitute a running franchise please have a grasp of the english language beford you post

You know how I can tell you're a pathetic DCuck.
Fuck off r you retarded neck beard.

CAn you write again but in japanese?

RIP fish lady

There's 23 films in the Wizard of Oz film franchise.

Why do people come to Yea Forums who know nothing about film?

That's basically cheating. First of all Oz Great and Powerful is supposed to be the sequel to the 1939 movie not the 1908 movie. So 1908 and 1939 versions are just different adaptations of the same material not the same franchise. That's even worse than if we decided to consider movies about a particular period of history part of the same franchise (in which case any new version of the Ned Kelly story will win by default).
Second of all Godzilla can be considered the oldest still running franchise because even though there's more than one continuity not only is it always the same company making them but there's always been some link between them which can't be said about a "franchise" whose two consecutive movies are 8 decades apart (ok slighly less if we count Return to Oz).

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Rodan is the biggest cuck in the movie. He can't even save himself from a moth.

>falling for obvious bait

>goalpost shifting

I accept your concession.

Humanity, Rodan and Mutos cucked in one scene

Imagine being a muto and having your entire species be BTFO by a creature you evolved to be able to kill.

I don't understand the amount of hate it got, it was a pretty standard Godzilla movie but critics treated it like it was something offensively terrible. Why?

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>idiot doesnt even know what the word running means
>doesnt know what a franchise is
stupid pedantic retard get fucked


There was a sequel??

The first one ended perfectly though

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Don't forget the HDR meme

you never had a point to begin with


Oh, wait looks like it's not even a proper sequel (or prequel) just a "spiritual" one because the books are in the public domain but the movie didn't have the right to use certain imagery. So it's not even the same continuity or studio. Might as well call all Sherlock Holmes movies a franchise.

>godzilla 2014 comes out
critics: film sucks because there is too much human and not enough godzilla
>godzilla kotm comes out
film sucks there is too much godzilla not enough human
theyre either incredibly retarded, have an agenda or both of the above

Sorry you're having to try to drag the goalposts this much user, I appreciate your fighting spirit though even after you've lost.

I'm really not into this hidden in the shadows bullshit.

I'm glad they souped up his breath in this. '14 had a good buildup, but the breath itself looked like a weak mist that annoyed the MUTO more than it actually harmed it, like the way someone would react if you sprayed them with a garden hose.

>moving le goalposts
at least have a grasp of the buzzwords you spew


Watching this a few months ago was one of the best kinoplex experiences I've ever had.

By that logic, there's probably thousands of movies in the Dracula franchise.

Based Zillabros.

>hamfisted eco terrorist story
So it was like half of all the other Godzilla movies

I want to buy this and watch it every day, but they use the F-word and my kids can't hear that stuff. Shame.

None of you will ever understand this problem, but thought I'd throw it out there anyway.

What agenda could they possibly have? It's Godzilla. Who the fuck hates Godzilla?

who else here went with their bros? :)

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>Favorite monster is Gigan

I respect Lil Cube after listening to the audio commentary.

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that felt heavy in the theater
the weight of him sliding into the hole

>mothra beats rodan

Fuck this bullshit

its only once, just mute it for that split second
but millie bobby brpwn says "shit" more times thzn any of her other words combined

Studios who don't own the rights.

Apologize for what? It's plot is ass and has terribly annoying characters.

I'm amazed that they haven't brought back Bionicles for nostalgia pandering purposes.

my headcanon is that rodan is just being a drama queen

Didn't Godzilla kill all these guys in the first movie?

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At least you tried.

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Because he is their king.

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>home video releases are stronger than theater
The absolute COPE.

nah just the MUTO which is a differenr one from the 2 he killed in the first one

I preferred the asian one that was partially a black comedy about the inefficiency of bureaucracy during emergencies.

I'm not even joking.

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The Wizard of Oz is in the public domain, brainlet. It’s not a franchise. That’s like saying all Cinderella or Sherlock Holmes movies are part of a franchise.

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What is the name of the gorilla mammoth man

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yeah man, we all saw shin, keep walking

Is this a deleted scene? I've watched the movie 3 time now and don't remember this...

They tried in 2016 but it didn’t do too well.

try putting your phone down & paying better attention

hey man fuck you for even suggesting I didn't pay attention to a movie I watched 3 times within 1 week
I showed it to my mom and my friend on separate occasions

This is the embodiment of everything wrong with this flick. The fucking speed they're running at, the shitty zoom centered on both of them, everything is just so fucking cheap and garbage.

then try watching the movie and not your hot mom

There's a criterion bluray release of all the early films. It's expensive as fuck
I'd rather see all the other films that haven't went digital yet

I don’t have kids, but I was also upset about that. I think Marvel started the trend of inserting curse words into what are supposed to be family-friendly movies. I would love to buy KOTM for some of my coworkers who have young kids, but I can’t because of the foul language.


Mothra has beaten Godzilla multiple times dude

How much?

right after they get the small bird plane into mama bird plane

oh I get it
because it has the moth like in mammoth

>implying the 1961 Mothra couldn’t defeat any other kaiju in Toho’s repertoire

based and mommie pilled

>Kong winning
He's going to put up a decent fight and then lose.

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Not him but it’s like $150 at Target for all 15 Showa movies

yeah, the fucking zoom ruins it

I’m ok with that, because Kong is always a tragic character. The only bad part is if he gets cucked out of his island.

he beat the fat lizard once, can do it again


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This movie was easily my biggest disappointment this year.

ohhh oki
My memorys shit, thanks user

Poorfags can just stream all those old movies from archive.org

This is what you call a fight? It looked like Dougherty didn't know what to do here and winged it.

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With god awful transfers

>> has bigger budget than 2014
>> has fucking King Ghidorah
Made less than 2014? WTF?

I thought most of them were Japanese Blu-ray rips with fansubs.

My faceblindness makes me think this is a picture of me.

2014 was so shit that it turned normies off who don’t know what King Ghidorah is anyway. This movie was made for the fans, and to prove to the Japs that Burgers can actually do Godzilla justice.

Blessed post. It's Shill-town here...

Behemoth movie when?

Thet kept the same fucking cgi from the trailers?




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I just assume only one of the eggs survived. Considering how small she is, she can't be that old.

was so shit
But 2014 made its money back and then some. It made more than this one with millions less.
>> don't tell me you can't find a way to popularize King Ghidorah. Keep him in a well lit environment is a start. He was shrouded in darkness 90% of the time in this fucking film.

because that's not rodan,it's a evolved form of chamberlain from the dark crystal

>capeshitters latching on to Godzilla

I fucking hate you people


I have most of those digitally from that set
There's only like 6 movies that haven't been rereleased and a few that's been awhile

The new ones are pretty capeshitty


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>box office numbers always correlate to how good or bad a movie is

Tokusatsu is just Japanese capeshit

He's fucking glowing, user. It's not like it was hard to see him

I think its moms and dads going to the store and seeing a godzilla dvd and they think that would be a good movie to watch with the kids. They get to introduce them to something and its cheap and easy. Going to a movie requires more engagement and investment.

>Implying Showa era isn't the best

It is, but Heisei is also good except for the last two, which are more amateurish and underwhelming.

Well, maybe not all of them.

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It's because another guy said normies were turned off by the 2014 one. Then why did it make so much money?

Vs Destroyah is one if the best in the series. But vs Spacegodzilla is mediocre as hell.

When? Tf. His neck glowed when he was going to spam his special for the umpteenth time.

Because the trailers for 2014 had normie bait AKA muh Heisenberg

Why it make more than this one then?

But the end credits did show that she was right.

Vs Destoroyah has two or three instances where the kaiju are rampaging in the background while people are calmly going about their business in the foreground. The cinematography is also rather underwhelming and static. It relies too much on cashing in on nostalgia for the 1954 movie rather than tying the other Heisei movies together like Vs Spacegodzilla at least attempted to do.

I watched the first one and though it was poo. Honestly I didn't see the second one in theaters, just pirated it. It was surprisingly good.

Awesome? That is a terrible example.


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Why poo?

So this means the series survives, but gets completely transformed into one of those shitty "we want the Chinese audience" franchises like Bayformers and Furious. I'd rather have it go dormant and reboot again in ten years.

Opposite on my part. Saw first one in theaters, thought it was good. Saw the trailers for this one, they turned me off because someone told me there was no way they would keep the soundtrack of the trailers in the actual film. Saw camrip. Bored as fuck with all the women bitching about some kid I have no shit about. The entire plot hinges on the fact that Godzilla killed 1 fucking kid during the battle at San Fran.

>"we want the Chinese audience" franchises
It’s an Asian IP, so of course it was going to be like that.

I like to remember how my college is buried somewhere in that rubble.

Talk about hittin the Green Monstah.

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>#1 in Blu Ray for one week, it's only competition an even bigger bomb

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As someone who enjoyed 2014, I wasn't a big fan of KotM. The fights felt much lower impact than the previous movie's and the monsters somehow felt less powerful even with all the superpowers. I think the best example of this is Ghidorah nuzzling the helicopter in the arctic scene. While 2014 has the monsters as giant forces of destruction that cause a ton of collateral damage wherever they go, kotm has too many scenes where the humans should have been crushed. The whole thing feels like it doesn't respect the alleged power of the monsters.
My other big complaint was the horrific human element. While 2014 has its flaws, notably blueballing us on the big Godzilla fight forever, it had a much better human element. There was a fairly simple plot that was easily understood, and characters took the situation seriously. This is in stark contrast to kotm's marvel-style quips and fanfiction-tier plot.
Overall, I think that kotm suffered a similar problem that the Pacific Rim sequel suffered from: an intense effort to course correct leading to a movie closer in tone to transformers than its original source material.

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Reminder that KotM is the shittiest performing modern Kaiju movie with the exception of Pacific Rim: Chink Edition.

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No it wasn't. 2014 tried to be a high quality film but fumbled because the director was obsessed with trying to recreate the pacing from Jaws. Only after that fuckup did they switch to this low quality China blockbuster shit. "Hurr it's an Asian IP so of course it has to suck to chase the China market." Fuck off. It did not have to be this way.

Absolutely based choice.

Such wow.


If you take your kid to a PG-13 movie and get offended by the swearing that's your fault. No one

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He also was the only one to remember vs Biollante started as a submission from a citizen then got changed by the higher ups. Kinda surprised that Mike didn't know about it IIRC. Though he may just be more focused on the Showa period.

You're not alone. Saw 2014, blue ball had an actual fucking payoff in the end. In this one, oh look, they fight again. Somehow Godzilla gets a power up from getting nuked in the fucking face? Came out of left field. There was no buildup to this.

The point is, on any given week only 1, sometimes 2 Hollywood films release on Blu Ray, and become #1 by default against cable series and direct-to-video schlock.
Godzilla's only competition was the Secret Life of Pets 2, an absolute flop-stain.

We went through this same shit with Alita, which had #1 blu ray spot against NOTHING.
It ended up selling 1/7th the number of discs as Captain Marvel, hardly Marvel's biggest blu ray goliath.

I almost didn't even find a copy of the Steelbook. My boy Goji is flying off the shelves.

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2014 just came off like another movie that was embarrassed of the franchise’s roots. At least KOTM felt like a Godzilla movie, even if it wasn’t as “intelligent” as most of the ones made by Toho.

Its selling mediocre. It will get crushed by John Wick 3 and Aladdin in its second week.
Even fucking Dumbo was #1 for 2 weeks.
But whatever you have to tell yourself.

Fuck yea.

>Japanese giant monster movie gets outsold by normalfags shit
Wow imagine my shock

KotM is normalfag shit, far more so than John Wick 3.
It's yet another failed "Extended Universe".

The problem is that the action in KOTM wasn't great either, so the "it's dumb but fun" argument doesn't hold up.

This. Most of it was basic "guy in rubber suit whacks another guy in rubber suit" only in CGI.
There are so few outstanding action scenes in this film.

Sadly, godzilla fioms are the vitcim of what I'd like to call the subjective book case.

No matter what a godzilla movie does, it still has a tag of "godzilla" on it and no criric except maybe leonard maltin is willing to lose their clout by endorsing a godzilla movie. The IP is seen as below contempt by most film critics and anything with the name will be fighting an uphill battle.

Pacific Rim had much better Kaiju action.
Skull Island had much better Kaiju action.
This movie failed because it was a Syfy-tier human story with mediocre Kaiju action, who's only grace was having a lot of license to use old Godzilla monsters. If it were OC Kaiju Yea Forums would have the same contempt for it as they do for Pacific Rim: Uprising.

When the fuck has Godzilla ever been for normalfags? It’s one of the few “nerd” IPs that hasn’t been infected by normie cancer. Toho also started the whole “cinematic universe” thing 55 years ago when they crossed over Mothra with Godzilla.
>"guy in rubber suit whacks another guy in rubber suit" only in CGI
So it was like a Godzilla movie....

>When the fuck has Godzilla ever been for normalfags?
Godzilla movies have been a daytime television staple for generations. They aren't some obscure shit like Seven Samurai, they are about as normie as Three Stooges re-runs.

A well-made Godzilla movie would have made serious bank. Instead we get terrible shit like KotM. The fact that you think Godzilla is your "Sekret Club" is beyond laughable.

All WB is doing is killing the IP, with each movie getting a worse and worse reception.

2014 was awful. It had this boring we want the call of duty shit going on with the soldier guy who I cannot even remember his fucking face anymore. They killed Cranston off and after that I couldn’t remember anyone.

Also the bug things are not even remotely memorable either. As someone that doesn’t watch these much, ghidora was way cooler and menacing. So were the other ones too.

I miss the shitty drive in that was in my old town. 5 bucks for 2 movies. Didn't matter how many ppl in the car.

2014 tried to play the whole "Godzilla is a natural disaster" angle a bit too far, but was superior to the Power Rangers-tier KotM.

This. The crusade against this movie was so fucking bizarre. It was a good monster mash.

The finale fight in Skull Island is 50x better than any action in KotM.

>The story didn't make sense
Can't help you if you're a fucking idiot.

>He's never seen Rebirth of Mothra

That doesn't mean KOTM wasn't good, that just means Skull Island was metal as fuck, which it was.

>Blu-RAY 3D release of KOTM
Fuck yeah bro! That 3D TV is becoming greater all the time. Now if we get a Spider-verse 3D release my life will be complete.

shut the fuck up imbecile

>human characters are insipid, infuriating, and stupid
>they try to have the Kaiju "interact" with human, when they have been bloated so large that it's a ridiculous endeavor
>"we will be their pets", when Kaiju like Ghidorah are demonstrably dumber than housecats (imma just chase this tape recorder again!)
>big obnoxious color-saturated setpieces = Muh Cinematograkino!
>Monster fights are boring garbage (Rodan: Imma ram you!)
It was shit. If anything, critics didn't shit on it hard enough, it deserved a PR: Uprising shitting upon.

Yeah no shit that everyone knows what Godzilla basically is. He’s been around for 65 years, and has over 30 movies in his franchise. That doesn’t mean most normalfags have ever watched a Godzilla movie in its entirety. Most people only know about Godzilla from cultural osmosis. Are you going to say Pokémon is for normalfags now too? It’s the highest-grossing media franchise in the world.

And even though 2014 was a shit movie, I’ll give it credit for reviving the franchise after a 10-year break. WB can’t be “killing the franchise” when it brought it back from the dead in the first place.

x better than any action in KotM.
That's not saying much...

>Most people only know about Godzilla from cultural osmosis. Are you going to say Pokémon is for normalfags now too?
Goddamn, will you leave your house once in a while? Literally a gorillian normies were stumbling around in the streets and trying to have car accidents chasing fucking Pokemon on their phones.
user, you might actually be retarded. And I don't mean for jokes, I mean clinically.

How do we go from this:
to this?
Is it Chinkery?
No wonder this extended universe is withering and dying.

>every normie who downloaded Pokémon Go still cares about it today
I think you may be the one who’s retarded, user.

Just shut the fuck up and accept that you are wrong, and a dumb motherfucker.

It was a disappointment

2:14 BWAHAHAHA! Loki doing fuck all, and desides to distract a fucking "kaiju". How the fuck didn't that beast catch up to him?

I forgot how good the fight choreography was in that movie.



looks like marlel shit

this was fucked

how can kong even stand a chance?

this shit was incredibly cringey, like what a fucking 10 year old thinks is cool

why is the animation in this movie so fucking bad

Dougherty somehow made something that should be incredibly cool and genuinely epic into a capeshit tier slapfight. It fucking amazes me that somehow the human scenes were more enjoyable then the fucking monster action because it was just done so horribly. Fuck man 2014 got it so right, how do you mess it up, all you had to do was the same thing but even more.

Attached: Godzilla 2014 - Melee.webm (1280x532, 2.95M)

How do people not understand that Kong is going to beat Godzilla, King of the Monsters and become King Kong

Attached: 1555298561450.png (584x347, 234K)

Watch out, a real American coming through.

Attached: 1565497639068.jpg (1822x756, 1.31M)

That's just silly burger prejudice. Hey exactly why do all the haters suddenly appeared at the same time who just wake up at that hour?

By once you mean never.

KotM is a movie that is going to get a much better reception on streaming and disc sales than in theaters. Being able to hit the pause button really helps getting through the movie.

>Godzilla vs Kong

Probably has the weakest director tasked with bringing the monsterverse to life.

king of the bargain bin

king of the redbox

>the bad reviews kept a lot of curious people away

2014 likely did more damage than the critics.

hack director who doesn't understand vfx or how to use them

Why'd it take so long for them to come out with this anyway? We had Godzilla 2014 and Kong, after that nothing happened for the longest time. Why not push for some other monster movies to help with the gap in-between?

Attached: 1566002354003.jpg (735x729, 112K)

??? How? That movie came out 5 years ago.

Anyone have that webm of the snapzoom to Godzilla's face? Shit had me laughin

Tickets have become way overpriced around here, and it's just one viewing, buying a copy of the movie is a better deal. Streaming also is more attractive.

>> Blue balls busting levels of kino.
Any other films where the entire film is a buildup to a climax at the ending?

2014 took many questionable decisions that definitely killed off a lot of the audience's interest for sequels, and kotm came out 5 fucking years after 2014, interest was more than likely pretty dead aside from the harcore fans and asia. Critics didn't help but people should be pointing fingers at 2014 first.

Skull Island was better.

>this cope
dougherty is a hack who dropped the ball and delivered a turd. accept it

Wait a sec. You're blaming the failure of this film, who's responsibility is Dougherty. Who could have changed everything because this sequels late as fuck anyways. To a director of a film 5 years ago? Why? People could give less of a shit of Godzilla. It's up to the team of filmmakers to muster hype and deliver. Which the failed horribly here.

This. Even the fights were better and were during MOTHERFUCKING DAYLIGHT.
>hurr durr but the humans
Shut the fuck up, niggers. If any of you actually go in to see kaiju movies caring about the human plots than the kaijus themselves you should unironically hang yourselves.

Same with new hellboy
New hellboy was kino and funny but creepy and pretty violent schlock.

Even then, the humans in Skull Island were more interesting or entertaining than KOTM's. Except Serizawa or maybe Charles Dance, but he was barely in it.

>hellboy was kino
Care to elaborate

SK humans were a bit more of comic relief but it felt appropriate because the movie felt campy.

The reception to a sequel greatly depends on what came before. Godzilla and kaiju movies never had impressive performances, Godzilla isn't mainstream, 2014 failed to build interest for sequels and KotM is coming so long after it that no one cares anymore. Blaming Dougherty for KotM numbers is pure tunnel vision, if you look at past performances, it's actually impressive that the movie didn't do much worse.

>Godzilla (1998)
Budget $130–150 million
Box office $379 million

>Pacific Rim (2013)
Budget $200 million
Box office $411.5 million

>Godzilla (2014)
Budget $160 million
Box office $529.1 million

>Kong: Skull Island (2017)
Budget $185 million
Box office $566.7 million

>Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018)
Budget $150 million
Box office $290.5 million

>Rampage (2018 film)
Budget $120–140 million
Box office $428 million

>Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
Budget $170–200 million
Box office $385.8 million

>>If any of you actually go in to see kaiju movies caring about the human plots than the kaijus themselves
It's the filmmakers that shove this bullshit down our throats. Some of us refuse to swallow such bullshit. Almost 99% of us here arguing about these shitty films want only kaiju action, not undercut with human bullshit. But it appears people want not only human shit, but stupid human shit In their kaiju movie's like you because "the old movie's had stupid human elements"? Fuck off.

It's the only monsterverse movie that understands how to use and show monsters.

Dougherty's to blame for making such a shitty film. We are talking about the essence of the movie itself not box office numbers. Look at what's inside this movie. Stupid family drama, boring fights at dark, the kaiju are too bizarre for a sequel, mind control a pill to large to swallow. The essence of the film itself the story is garbage. Therefore, no one went to see it. IF the story of KOTM was kino, I would understand. But no here we are. With shit at the table.

KotM is just a mediocre movie but you're the only one who's losing sleep over it.

i want a sequel with more based mothra, as long as there isn't a gonorrhea joke. fucking hell that was awful.

El Presidente Para is stinking perro! @Everyone

>>Deep down, you know the fights were lame...

They don't want to admit 2019 was not good, so they shift the blame to 2014. It's been going on ever since people started realising KotM didn't do as well as expected.

just saw it yesterday: too much fucking people drama in my monster mash up movie, also all the main fights are in the dark, again. Honestly liked last movie more

i guarantee you the general american public has forgotten about g14

I guarantee you the general american public forgot about g14 the moment Cranston's character died.

shut up it was embarrassing to watch

>the number one complaint is that too many fights were simply beam struggles
I watched the whole heisei series recently and that never was a problem. I guess people are just looking for things to complain about.


Attached: 0E98EEEC-3507-45DE-A2A4-7C61BB902768.jpg (680x813, 56K)

Fucking, good!

Godzilla? More like OH MY GODZILLA :D

King of Shit made the first one look good in comparison, quite a feat

>i dont think they were trying to show she had some sort of valid point
The end credits montage proved she was right about everything except for releasing ghidorah.

None of the human parts in any monster movie make sense or are good, its something we have to sit through to get to the fights

Does Rodan have fire powers or is it just the friction of his wings in the air?