It's his best and you literally cannot argue against that
It's his best and you literally cannot argue against that
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Hitchcock? More like huge cock
I love Hitchcock but i didn't like it
well I guess we all can't be born with a brain
tf even is that?
rear window is better grace is hotter then novak
Vertigo sucks and 50s/60s Hitchcock sucks ass.
Rear window is a fuckin snooze of a movie, but it was an original idea for the day and influnced many other directors like De Palma and David Lynch. Vertigo is just terrible, though.
I hear ya. I saw this on the big screen last year and loved it. Great picture with a kino score from Herrmann. Some black edgelord film critic for National Review says it’s bad so Yea Forums says so too. Faggots
>ywn get the three hour version
Grace forever
Yeah man I love that shit.
>these 'people' exist.
Grace Kelly could not act.
The source material is way better. The movie didn't even use the iconic "I'll see you next time" line in the end, probably because Hitchcock was a hack and just wanted a mystery film without developing the main's character delusion and monomania.
Lol what? It develops them completely
>has never watched The Country Girl
I will always be his second best after Dial M, in my opinion. I will never understand his decision to reveal the plot twist so early.
His worst is Strangers on a Train.
>His worst is Strangers on a Train.
you clearly haven't seen a lot of his films
I'll bite. Why is it his worst?
true on both counts
Saw Vertigo, thought it was too slowly paced. Also, an inordinate amount of time spent on Stewart's character tryin to convince Kelly's character to appear exactly as she did when he first met her. We already know it's her, and it's not like we learn anything new about either of em, it just shows that he's obsessed. And then at the end, it feels very contrived for her to fall off the exact same way the other woman did.
it's really hard to write a convincing woman
REDDlT the movie
Oh so if the "enemy" likes something we can't. Got it. Here's a clip Scorsese singing its praises. You know, the guy who directed your guys' favorite incel film.
You're probably right. I enjoy Psycho more, but that scene with the psychoanalyst gets worse on every rewatch.
>it just shows that he's obsessed
That is the entire point, and that's what makes the movie so sad. You see how truly pathetic Jimmy Stewart is, and Kim Novak is doing everything she can for him because she knows it's her fault he's like this anyway. This might be the greatest shot in film history.
>We already know it's her, and it's not like we learn anything new about either of em, it just shows that he's obsessed.
Can you believe this guy? Holy shit...
>Still being a "you only have objectively good taste if it's the same as mine" tard
this its not like there is one objective "best". we're all going to have our favorites fro different reasons. i prefer rear window personally but i'm not going to get up in arms because someone else doesn't like it.
>properly correct someone for their dumb buzzword and implying any movie people on reddit like is inherently bad
>go on to use le ebin incel buzzword
>rear window
dude mulholland drive is pretty much a fucking remake of vertigo you uneducated prune
have quads ever told a lie?
pure kino, the ending caught me off guard
Just seeing those credits makes me want to watch it again.
same it was ok. i didnt get greatness. rear window was more kino but still almost in mixed bag territory. expecting to much i guess!??
Strangers on a Train and Rear Window are better
Why doesn't Yea Forums like Rope?
rope is pretty good but its not perfect
That Strangers on a Train climax was some dumb ass shit!
Couldn't believe it was happening when I watched it.
Lifeboat is nice too and also never talked about on Yea Forums
Did the nun scene make anyone else jump? I saw it for the first time on a big screen by myself in the dark and it was so unexpected and almost uncanny the way that entity moved up the stairs.
>Rear Window
pleb´s favorite choice, always
Love Vertigo, the only thing that has aged badly is the scene with his head
yes. first time I saw it was one of the most scariest things I had seen in a movie. reminds me somewhat of meshes of the afternoon
It's a brilliant film but North by Northwest is better
Scorsese didn't direct Drive you idiot
It has a mood and it's visuals are sumptuous but it's boring as fuck and has no characters.
Psycho and Rear Window are better.
Billy Wilder was the true genius of the time. Sunset Blvd, Double Indemnity, The Apartment and Some Like It Hot are all easily better than anything Hackcock ever made.
I found Strangers on a Train to be a 5/10 at best but he's undoubtably made worse, tho the only one I've actually seen that's worse is Secret Agent
Dubs of truth
Kim Novak's eyebrows were incredible distracting in this movie
>North by Northwest
most overrated movie of all time, Hitchcock's worst.
Rear Window and Psycho are better.
It's too slow and gimmicky.