>goes from hipster neckbeard numale to chad
and what's your excuse Yea Forums?
>goes from hipster neckbeard numale to chad
and what's your excuse Yea Forums?
The god-like jaw is from all the dicksucking, I’d rather be a jawlet than a faggot
does long/medium hair ever look good
I have it from being neet but I want to cut it off as soon as I go outside
Everybody can greatly increase their appearance with the right grooming and fashion.
Ugly niggas in particular, go to a barber in the hood and ask for a #2 blowout, I've seen it do wonders for the ugliest people. Workout if you're not in shape.
I don't ha ve a paid for >image consultant telling me how to dress stand and act
just be urself :)
you forgot the 2019 pic where he’s wearing lipstick and a dress
I agree every person in USA and UK should aspire to look like this. As soon as possible. Doesn’t matter if you’re old you gotta do it.
he looks like a massive fag
Don't have a multimillion dollar company bank rolling a personal trainer and dietician
>Kike Joji lookalike who's most known role is being the autistic dollar tree version of Darth Vader
Pick ONE.
Women love that, they feel more confident in approaching you. The masculine looking ones they are too intimidated by and they have to do all the work.
Chad isn't a faggy Jew.
>image consultant telling me how to dress stand and act
how much do those cost
could they run dating profiles for me too
very few men can pull off long hair. id bet my bottom buck youre not one of those. cut it off
also get rid of beard if you cant grow a good one
literal who?
Incoming cope ITT
Pointing out someone’s half Jewish is not an argument.
>all the seething and coping in this thread
guys youre never going to HAVE SEX if you dont understand what women like. he might look like a faggot to you but id say 70-80% of women are attracted to the type on the right, if not more. not exclusively but if you look like the pic on the left, youve got no chance
What a faggot
If a straight Chad is a chad then what’s a gay Chad called?
All the gays I’ve known were named Daniel
Leaving aside the fact that Chad isn't an effeminate faggot....
Chad isn't a Jew you moron.
I don't know what the Jewish equivalent is called but I can assure you his name is not Chad.
nah hes a faggoty little twink
How is that relevant though? It doesn’t invalidate his looks,
how many dicks do you have to suck to get that jawline?
>The jews rule the world.
>The jews convince women to do things against their own interest
>same goes for "males"
>forces the President of the US to hand his kids over to us
>Not a Alpha Chad
keep bein salty beta bitch boy goy.
Reminder the euphoria tranny poster and the aidskike poster are the same discord tranny
he looks like hed crumple into a ball after one punch to the gut you have a a strange definiton to what chad means
It's niggers
reminder that le zion don is leftist disinfo and should be disregardd
Kill yourself discord tranny
I don't know, man, I sucked lots of dicks and my jawline never got any better.
just imagining the aids ridden tranny/homo who makes these threads for years straight lmao
aidskike was a mistake
>uses discord outside of his "own" server that you only invite IRL friends to, so you can shitpost while playin vidya
you faggots are shit.
Chad to me is someone so good looking and charismatic they command attention when they enter a room - even if they’re not muscular or particularly strong.
queers need the rope
I'm the masculine type brody. It's true, women are intimidated by me. They even tell me as much after I've gotten to know them.
can you poltards not shit up the thread so much
this aint it bro
He is a massive faggot and in no way a chad
No one makes /pol/ seethe quite like Ezra.
youre a zoomer queer.
if i can beat up chad i am more chad than him your definition is very effiminate not surprising considering this is an aidskike thread
and u mad
He's one of those pansexual hipsters that females who were molested at an early age is into these days. He is kinda queer but not really. Just enough straight in him to where they want to fuck him
we're all having a good time shitting on aidskike the only only here seethibg is you and this guy begging us to stop
can you faggot pieces of shit stop fucking up Yea Forums
le semitic rodent
send this to r9k and harvest the cope
send it to /fa/ those faggots are the only board who have anything nice to say about this deranged queer
>hey my dude im so masculine women are intimidated by my very presence.
I'm already a chad