I had the entire second season of this spoiled for me...

I had the entire second season of this spoiled for me. I’m in the middle of the first season and I can’t be fucked to watch anymore. Is it still worth a watch even if you know what’s going to happen?

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Yes. Season 2 starts with a flash forward cold open so you know where it’s going anyway.

With good writing like this, the fun isn't the destination. It's the journey. It's the little emotions the actors show in reaction and conversation. It's the rhetoric in the library. It's the sidelong glances for which you ponder the meaning, wondering if a character is being suspect. It's the artistic shots of food overlayed with brutal murders that your heart says you should be disgusted over, but all you really feel is hungry and curious, with an aftertaste of shame for feeling this way. Keep watching.

Yes tard, it's kino.

what did you get spoiled on?

It's a bit ham fisted at times, but the show itself is very good and full of very good acting.

Still though, try your hardest to distance yourself from /pol/. The more you think about forced diversity and gay politics, the less you'll enjoy it.

That throughout the entire season they are trying to arrest Hannibal but he knows what their plan is and sets up a slaughter for them and leaves Will for dead and gets away with everything.

I mostly loved this show but I could never accept how everyone has an incredibly deep knowledge about the most obscure things.

every time

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I don’t let politics affect what I enjoy. And people who do are silly billies

Where's the lie? It caters to people who prioritize social politics. Compare the source material/original movies to the show. Many gender swaps, race swaps, and orientation swaps. Clearly they wanted to cash in on that.

Season 2 opens with that scene and then flashes back to show how they ended up that way.

Well, now you know the plot but not the story. You don't need to be in the dark plot-wise to enjoy the dialogue, acting, cinematography, etc. Especially since like said, they reveal a lot of what's going to happen at the beginning so you kinda know what they're working towards anyways. It's not a twist, more like you're dreading getting to the part you know has to happen rather than it being a surprise.

It's the best season of one of the best shows ever, no reason to skip it. If you're halfway through season 1 you haven't really even got to any of the good parts yet.

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>gender swaps
Freddie Lounds

>race swaps
Jack Crawford

>orientation swaps
Is that it...?

What you’re basically asking is if it has any rewatch value. The answer is yes. Knowing how it ends doesn’t matter because it’s still good.

Ending was quite kino

he was great

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"Shpitters are quitters, Dr Bloom..."

Hannibal was never about the plot; in fact it was much worse in the first two seasons when they had to pretend they cared about logic and police procedural, because the billion plot holes made the pretense silly. In the third season they completely throw reason out the window and embrace the arthouse, metaphorical, and aesthetic sensibilities almost exclusively, to stunning effect.

If you're watching mostly for plot, just do the first four seasons of Dexter, marathon Breaking Bad, or read the original Red Dragon novel (very good btw). Hannibal is an experience. Consider the world a sort of dream-universe with heightened spiritual import and diminished order/logic, almost like a dark version of Lewis Carroll's Wonderland. Hannibal is very much a satanic, or at least demonic, analogue -- he is not meant to be regarded as human.

Keep watching. The second half of the first season and the entire third season are the best of the show. The second season is fine but plebs tend to overrate it because they were hoodwinked by the action-packed ending. Again, it's not about the plot, it makes no damn sense anyway.

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Pretty sure Alanna Bloom was also originally Alan Bloom. You could debate Mason's sister because she was a lesbo in the book too but more of a Chyna-esque bulldyke female bodybuilder type.

I normally hate this kind of shit but in the case of this show it didn't really bother me for some reason. Fishburne is fine and his race is never even brought up, Bloom was such an incidental character I forgot he even existed and making him female gives Will / Hannibal a hetero interest to play against their homolust, and honesty I had a huge boner for Chorostecki so the Lounds swap was fine with me, too. Even the token pic related asian castmember was actually good and din't feel forced.

Basically everything they changed was either neutral or arguably an improvement. If everyone was as tasteful in their SJW faggotry as Fuller was people would complain about it a lot less.

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His replacement was better.

that was actually a different actor, they changed it from season 2 to 3 but since his face got carved up it was easy to conceal

Holy shit I had no idea.

turns out people of other races sometimes do thing too

I think it's partially because Hannibal came out prior to the SJW pandering craze and so it doesn't feel like it's serving any kind of agenda.

Side note: Jack Crawford is the single worst character in the show - utterly incapable of anything despite being "The Guru".

>If everyone was as tasteful in their SJW faggotry as Fuller was people would complain about it a lot less.
I wouldn't give Fuller a full pass, have you seen American Gods?

Okay, thanks. I was worried I wasn’t going to enjoy it since my journey watching it would have no surprise. But knowing that that is the start of the season is more comforting. It won’t feel like a waste of time now.

Absolute kino, Hannibal has bro tier chemistry with will

So in the opening of the second season Hannibal says he knew what was going to happen?

I think you mean gay chemistry

Other level, utter kindred spirit-esque material.
>cheap sexualization
That's you.

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meh, i'd describe it differently. they eventually arrive at hannibal being their suspect and devise a plan. hannibal senses it, and confirms it by testing the other characters. it's a bit more intricate.

>have you seen American Gods?
Not him but I've read the book and watched the first season, and it's mostly the same. Gillian is excellent as Media, good god.

I've read the book and seen both seasons. For the first time ever, I prefer the watchable media. Gaiman is a shit writer.