It's all so tiresome

It's all so tiresome

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>Joker is a white man

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damn is she about to rise up?

>Joker is a white man

>he's up at night, seething over an african american woman's take on some hollywood movie

go take a long and hard look at yourself in the mirror

That girl fucks white guys btw

I mean, it wouldn’t be believable if they cast a black actor to play a murderous criminal, right?

Mom's totally gonna freak when she sees this shit

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>Joker is a white man
No he's a fictional character you fucking dumb bitch


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Garfield is a cat who says funny things

>Being up past 12 is being obsessed
>implying it's not a hilariously stupid take
Less seething, more laughing.

It's a given now that a nonwhite women that hates white people has a white boyfriend.



>im mentally ill and you are treating me like shit
>fuck off white male

No Arthur don't say it!


>t.8pm lights out boomer

>*uproarious applause*

Hi shill

>A fat femnazi niggerwoman is the author

She's projecting hate at white men because all the white men she wants to fuck don't want her because she's ugly. You don't have to be Freud to figure that one out.

more than one people use android

shes right you know. joker should have been about the struggles black women face EVERY DAY in america, but no, its another entitled piece for white men! no wonder OP is so tired

Well no shit, his skin is always white. Even if he was a subhuman, his skin would still be white from falling in the vat of chemicals.

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it's all just a massive cope for their inferiority
>fucking white people holding us back for 10,000 years!

If Joker was black she'd call it racist because black men can only be portrayed as good natured and morally perfect.

>His mother, Arlyn (née Dunetz), was born in The Bronx, New York, to Jewish parents whose families were from Hungary and Russia.

oh yes

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Honk honk

sorry is it night night time for you?

I fucking love The Root
I love their Very Smart Brothas section
endless fucking comedy


>The Root
might as well just say "The Faggot Times" for all the relevance that trash rag has


Japer don't say it. Jannies gonna freak

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Sorry kiddo, I've done the autistic research and this movie is following the same shilling path on Yea Forums as captain feminist did


>The only ones who actually keep society running so trannies can post on Twitter and larp

When will we have enough Bros?

Why are niggers even caring about this movie? It's clearly not made for them.

She just took everything the mentally ill character said at face value, didn't she? She thought the character's view of himself and society was the message instead of his inherent state and the constants that brought him. How blatantly bigoted and racist, ironic and hypocritical.

Reminder that if you're from Toronto you're not allowed to consider or even imagine being Canadian.

>this film was projected in a cinema

Friendly Reminder for all DCucks that it is literally impossible for Joker to win Best Picture or really any oscar

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Joker fucks black girls
We saw the trailer

Just don't read The Root and you won't have this problem

Translation: cope

You can't do that! Someone call the police!


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>If there was ever a sizzle reel strictly dedicated to Phoenix’s method acting, every single frame he entered in Joker would make the cut. From the very first time you see Arthur’s crumbled yet wry face to his unraveling (or blossoming, depending on the way you look at it), this film is Phoenix’s showcase. And you’ll never get that fucking laugh out of your head.
>meme acting praise again


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is it called the root because niggers are the root of all the problems in the world


Hit the hay Muhammad, or else I’ll call the coppers.

>he's up at night
Dumb europoor.

Every time a black woman sees a white man speak she thinks he's speaking for the entire race.
>My favorite TV show is Breaking Bad

Does their negative reaction to this movie come from their realization that their lives aren't that bad? That being a middle- or upper-class minority or woman is actually much nicer than being poor, mentally ill, and having to take care of your sick mother? That their entire struggle for social justice is based on a few tiny, subjective complaints that the average person wouldn't even think to complain about?

>every time a nigger nig nog nig nog nigger
maybe stop pretending niggers are people and holding them to human standards

that is debatable

>Garfield is a cat who says funny things
Since when? Lasagna Cat doesn't count.

if you sort the catalog by creation date you can see these threads are made by either a d*scord or genuine shills and it's always in little packs
this is very fucked

I'm putting my best bomb defusal suit on to watch this kino lads

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>whatever I have, the white man must no doubt have it better

Still infinitely better chances than any Disney Marvel CGI quip-fest. The only chance you Marvel fags had was with that nigger movie.

MCUcks stay mad

>It's all so tiresome

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captain marvel had the same type of shilling though
thats when I first noticed this happening here
>threads pop up all within the same 30 minute time frame
>only 1 or 2 stay alive
>no new ones are made for a while
>suddenly another pack of threads about it pop up
and they tried to deny it by company war posting like you right now

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So? The oscars lost any small amount of worth they may have had when won 3.

When it become okay to be racist against whites? Just because you're black doesn't mean you're absolved from being an ignorant piece of shit racist.

>filed to hahahahaha
Is truly a clownworld



Paid shills aren't directly employed by big corps, they are likely subcontracted. They advertise several trash blockbuster at once and call each other mouse shills and a DCcucks in the same semen-smelling breath. Just stop giving a fuck about capeshit and everything will be fine tbqh.

About 30-40 years ago

Those people are starting to irritate me. I'm not even kidding

Not even the faggot you’re quoting but OP’s screencap has the time in the corner you nigger


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tfw 00:09 is too late bros

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Yeah fuck this stupid fat negress. Not even worthy of the BWC.