Will Joker be a good date movie?

will Joker be a good date movie?

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I hate to say it, but what is the problem? As a guy your main purpose is to dominate everyone, first academically in HS and going to a prestigious college, the getting a great job, then financially later in life. If you've failed that you've failed your main purpose in life.

Be honest, if you had a daughter would you want them dating an uneducated walmart work or an ivy league banker?

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not unless you want to break up

We don’t need 60 million ivy league bankers retards. Actually we could reduce that number to 0 considering the rampant tribalism in the banking sector


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Answer the question. So fucking stupid how people shit on women for being attracted to money/status/success then go mental when their own daughters date a loser

>supporting traditional male roles but demonizing traditional female roles
Hello hypocrite

I did answer the question. Also what would really help men dominating women is if we removed the useless whores from the office space. No more HR bullshit. Women should be bred, not doing excel sheets and powerpoint presentations for their jewish bosses

Every industry is tribal from top to bottom.

There isn't anything wrong with the traditional female role of housewife at all.

Great, get women out of the workplace, take away their right to vote and ONLY THEN can you cry about “muh lazy men.” The only reason men are becoming so lazy is because of feminism and women no longer holding up their side of the bargain

Cringe. Someone has to raise kids and most of the time women are more suitable for it. If they want to have a career then there's nothing wrong with that either if they don't want kids

My gf dumped me because I just wanted to cuddle and hug her and brush her hair but she always wanted to have sex every night.

Shut the fuck up, whore.

Hypocritical tradcuck faggot

i want to impregnate femwojak

>2 tickets please

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>If they want to have a career then there's nothing wrong with that either if they don't want kids
I mean, there's no problem with women choosing that if you don't care about your society existing in the future.

Not traditional at all just find it completely stupid how you'd blame women not wanting to date broke losers on the women. Same way it's completely stupid blaming men not wanting to date ugly women on the men

What kinda faggot takes a tranny on a date? Just fuck their mouths, slap em on the nuts, put your dick in em and pee.

Dude, you're never going on a date. You larp as a woman online, because you're that lonely.
Just own your wizard status.

Look pal, either you're Chad or you're not. You got uneducated Chads and educated Chads. The reason I'm an incel isn't so much to do with me going to a 3rd rate college, it's more so how I look.

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All tradfags ITT, I have a question for you. What happens when a couple's children grow up and leave their mother with little to do around the house? My mother is trying to find a job out of sheer boredom after 20 years of being a stay at home mom. Is she wrong for doing so? Is she supposed to sit around and watch soap opera like some NEET? Cooking and cleaning the house isn't a full-time job you know, and humans are supposed to have a wider range than a few thousand square feet.

Are we? Ages ago, the most someone would have known was their own village.

>people see pictures like this and don't recognize the vast array of different genetic lineages all similarly being ruined by processed food diets and no exercise
Just go exercise and eat better seriously that is literally all there is to it. Of course you need to do this BEFORE you hit puberty like every 'chad' in history did.

But eh, I look like one of those guys in the image.

The trad view isn't that women shouldn't be allowed to leave the house, but rather that their work should be compatible with having and raising children. I'm assuming that's not an issue with your mother.

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Still bigger than ten thousand square feet. Besides, before agriculture (most of our history) most human tribes were nomadic.

How the fuck do you not know what women are supposed to do? It's almost like since we were ape-men they have been gardening or something, at least by picking berries. Have her start a garden, grow food, take care of animals like chickens if she wants. More of YOUR money saved as well so you can go on vacations more often as well as eating food that isn't highly processed garbage. And yes, that is a full time job.

this. what do i do to stop looking like these guys? i don't want people to think i'm an incel ebcause of the way i look.

Yes, particularly if you don't like your date much and would like her to get shot

>inb4 this is irrelevant because user lives in a tiny cement apartment shithole in the city while preaching about what is 'chad'

Stop wearing glasses
Stop using the computer
Get at least 20 minutes of sunlight every day
Sweat for at least an hour every day
Stop eating sugar
Stop smoking weed
Shower every day

That doesn't fix our fucked up vision and faces.

Already does that on a family scale. That's still not a full time job, though. Might take 4 hours a week to feed the chickens and fertilize plants that need it, rain takes care of the rest. Sometimes she'll walk the dog if I'm too busy for it, but most of the time she's sitting around. Don't be so mad a middle aged woman is more proactive with her time than a NEET like yourself.

Yes actually, it does. That puffy cheek 'baby face' is your body retaining fat, you need to go on a serious fasting routine and cut your bodyfat% down. Your skin problems and ugly pasty skin will tan easily if you give yourself more and more sunlight every day. Just don't overdo it depending on where you live. Sugar rots your body from the inside-out and fucks your homone levels in combination with all the horrible processed crap you're dumping in your body. Again this is more of a liver-damage issue, which can be repaired by cutting the sugar, fasting, as well as some other things I won't get into (do your own research moron)

You have done damage to your body, you are not genetically predisposed to be a 'beta male' and society's whipping boy. Even the most beta tiger is still a fucking tiger, even if he doesn't win the women. Human society is STILL set up so we don't have to compete in alpha/beta bloodsport for women like other animals, you just continue to go down a quicksand of your own failure instead of doing something about it.

Proactive with her time fucking niggers behind your back at work I guess retard

Ooh? Did I strike a nerve?

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Why do trannies keep posting femwojak anyway?

>how does this fix our vision
>doesn't say a goddamn thing

I promise to kill every femoid I see at the Joker movie

only if you go with Becky

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Joker screening on USA will be a date of infamy more like.

godpeed, user.

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You go to Joker with a girlfriend, you become an honorary Chad. It's just how it works

Daddy's lil girl needs a good dicking to calm the fuck down.