>Spends every waking moment obsessed with saving people from really complex deadly disseases.

Hmm... ok?

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He uses his wits as a defense mechanism because of the pain from his bum leg, he is good at heart.

He only does it because he the puzzle solving aspect of it.

>That episode where he meets the guy who's dying because House refused to take his case

>doctor can’t fix his own leg

have you ever been in pain every day for years? no? then fuck off

>it's a house takes a really financialy poor person's case
It's been a while since i've seen the show but do they ever talk about how having a super duper special doctor + team + constant tests + tip is bound to financialy nuke even rich people let alone those who are already poor?

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my dick hurts bad from all the fucking i do to your mom

I know this boomer and this is his favorite show, last week he was talking about how only like 1 percent of the world is "smart" anymore because everyone lacks "common sense". Funny enough, he considered every retarded redneck in the room to be one of those 1 percent. How lucky!

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>Watch House
>Audibly say “based” to myself at least five times per episode

its not like they ask for him he just takes cases that other doctors are unable to solve, its most likely all covered by insurance

I'm 29 and a virgin, so yes I have

Me too.

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it's a bit hard to fix having a chunk of your quadricep removed

not funny

I had a laugh at this when they had a patient that was a runaway girl. Like how the fuck.

this. i'm curentlly rewatching it from s1 and its as based as it gets
>btfos tattoed teens, whores, jews, vegans,...

Dude like, just go to panama and have them stuck a dead fetus full of stem cells and hold them with a band aid shit's magic lmao.

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I have, unironically, in my dick & balls nonetheless. Buck up, buttercup

you have what in your dick and balls?

I have an enlarged prostate at 22 so yes

you evolved to take your black bf's bbc in your ass easier faggot

I would trade a million prostate orgasms just so I could pee again

thanks joe

He wants to connect with people and keeps seeing people either lying to themselves or to each other + he can't let go of objectivity to be happy. He's miserable you never want to be like House. It's really fucking lonely to be alone like he chose to be.

Why was he called House instead of Hospital?

That was a great episode, the patient was the old guy head of Black Briar in the third Bourne movie

The episode that's from Cuddy's perspective (5 to 9) there's a guy trying to sue the hospital because Chase reattached his thumb without asking and he can't afford to pay the bill

Because he's based on Sherlock Holmes

Holmes -> Homes -> House

>cucks ur mc

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Great character
Cuddy a shit tho, they should never have paired House with her, it doesn't make sense for either of them

How does this even happen? I got laid when I was fucking 15 and I'm not even that good looking. Like wtf is wrong with you people?

Nice humblebrag gaylord


People still lie about sex on the internet, huh? No one ever bites, but gosh darn it doesn't stop them from doing it anyways.
