What were the great fantasy shows/movies that were made post LOTR? Surely there must be some

What were the great fantasy shows/movies that were made post LOTR? Surely there must be some.

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Nothing comes close. There's been some fun stuff, but nothing that comes close to the level of passion and care.

Game of Thrones

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This generation is doomed.

World of Warcraft

The dark crystal is fantasy kino, m8

>Surely there must be some.
Sorry user, there just isn't and there won't be again

What is even of the same quality before LOTR?
Star Wars?

Contemporary there is Harry Potter, but the franchise quality isn't high.

What’s this about anyways

They eviscerated the book by making it an action movie for young people aged 15 to 25.

High-Fantasy no-humans setting where the evil ruling class hiding under the guise of being benevolent rulers literally wants to drain the life of the lower class in order to become immortal, and the rise of the ultimately doomed to failure resistance that fights them in grand locations with unique creatures, cultures, and lack of anything to directly tie into the real world.

And its all puppets.

"Bright" on netflix is pretty good with a new take

This truly is one of the very few that comes close. The level of passion and skill on display in making the puppets, worlds and history of that settig is insane. Everything has such care crafted into every single frame that I'm genuinely stunned Netflix didn't rename one of the birds "SkekDon" just to offset all the quality on display. No fucking way does this get renewed, this world can't hold that much good things.


Surely even complete purists of the novel can appreciate at least some of the aspects of the movies. IE, soundtrack, cinematography, location, set design, casting. Don't pretend like there aren't redeemable parts of the original films.

Fantasy seems difficult for Hollywood to pull off. Honestly I can name more sci-fi stuff of interest than all the failed fantasy releases. Even GOT was an aggressive waste of time imo.


Game of Thrones Seasons 1-3

You stupid fucking edgy prick

Christopher Lee was a bigger LotR fan than you. He read the books once a year and was a friend of Tolkien. And he liked the movies - which makes our opinion invalid.

Game of Thrones was good up to season 4, and you're probably only bitching about Dark Crystal because they're puppets. Fuck off.

This. Id even stretch it to season 5.

pirates of the caribbean?

I think the problem is that good fantasy isn't that hard to come by but it is so much cliché-ridden that it's difficult to a) the casuals to get interested in and b) the people doing the movie to grok how to balance it being trope-y and having some respect for the watchers (so, making it tropey but having some inspiration and making the movie decent).

I dunno, Hollywood being Hollywood, scifi movie can be shitty but they tend to have a soul, you see the people trying to do something. Fantasy flicks, it's rarer, just give it the usual stereotypes.

It's honestly pretty epic shit, all being told. I'd have tought if anything they would try to revamp fantasy with something a là Conan with more characters, and the DC be something silly, instead I was pleasantly surprised when I saw this shit.

But all that action actually happened in the story even though the writing didn't focus on it. Movies are a visual medium.

>original films
They were filmed in New Zealand and they weren't "the original films"

Fuck dude...

>Pan's Labyrinth
>Del Toro's Hellboy movies
>Pirate of the Caribbean
>Kung Fu Panda

Where the Wild Things Are was okay I guess. How To Train Your Dragon, were those good movies? Never saw them.

GOT was barely even a fantasy show. There were like baby dragons that did fucking nothing at that point, just pet cats basically. Apart from like a random deus ex shadow baby that never gets mentioned again, they might as well have removed what little fantastical elements it even possessed.

he also starred in those and other retarded movies.
Wow the Tolkien fanboy who played Saruman liked the movies he was in!

I literally just woke up from a dream in which I was telling someone in a bookstore to fuck off for liking this garbage. Anyway,

*Ardwen - Arwen
*Isenstar - Isengard
*Mithrim - Mithrim or mithril
*Angrenost - Angrenost
*Morgothal - Morgoth
*Elessari - Elessar
*Furnost - Fornost
*Hadarac Desert - Harad Desert
*Melian - Melian
*Vanilor - Valinor
*Eridor - Eriador
*Imiladris - Imladris
*Undin - Fundin/Udun
*Gil'ead - Gil'Galad
*Ceranthor - Caranthir
*Isidar - Isiludir
*Oromis- Orome
*Aragorn - Eragon

>I literally just woke up from a dream in which I was telling someone in a bookstore to fuck off for liking this garbage
based autist t. autist

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Magic power levels are not what makes fantasy. I mean, LOTR isn't really that "magical" after the Fellowship either, barring Treebeard and some emo guys flying.

I had no idea it was this bad.

Game of Thrones seasons 1-3... the rest is cancer.

WTF? Just goes to show how hopelessly fucking retarded most Yea Forums posters are.

Eragon's plot is also a Star wars direct rip-off.

>farmboy finds out he has mystical powers and is trained by the old hermit from nearby to rescue a princess and fight in a Rebellion against and evil Empire which is run by the same type of magician and warrior who used to be friends with the old hermit who turns out to be the farm boy's father

It's worse.


>At the start of the story a princess leading a rebellion against an evil empire is being pursued by the evil emperor's right hand man. She's stolen an object of great importance to the empire. Before she is captured she attempts to secret the item away to a hermit who once belonged to an ancient order of warriors with mystical powers. However the item inadvertently comes into the possession of a boy of foggy origins living with his uncle on a remote farm. The evil emperor's minions track the item to the farm and destroy it, killing the boy's relatives. The boy escapes with the old hermit who gives him a sword he claims belonged to the boy's father. As they travel the hermit trains the boy in the ways of the ancient order of warriors. Then the hermit dies protecting the boy, the boy rescues the princess from the start of the story with the help of a dashing rogue, and the boy, rogue, and princess journey together to the rebellion's secret headquarters which has come under attack by the evil empire. At the climax the boy saves the day with the timely help of his friends. Afterwards he has a vision of a powerful master of the ancient order of warriors who can finish his training. He seeks the master out and trains with him, growing very powerful. But before his training is finished the boy has premonitions that his friends are in danger. He decides he must go to help them despite his master warning him not to go. The boy promises that he will return and leaves. He finds his friends just in time as they are threatened by the evil emperor's right hand man. In the ensuing fight the evil emperor's right hand man reveals that he and the boy are related. The boy is shocked and ultimately defeated, but not killed.

While a great movie it’s pre not post-LotR

I feel like it would be impossible to read this series once you've read Tolkien.

What would be good books to make decent series/movies?

Conan was killed by the movie, on itself I think it would be kinda difficult anyway, being small stories about one protagonist at once
>they'd have to rewrite the muh white male superiority part but it's not that dificult

The chronicles of Prydain could be interesting, but too much for children.

Wasn't the guy like 16 when he wrote that shit? You can't really blame a guy that his shitty teen fantasy novel is a direct ripoff of something. But it boggles my mind that it not only actually got a publisher, it not only got popular, but it was actually made into a movie.

Fuck, maybe I should just write a ashitty, low-effort SW-ripoff myself. Set in a post-apocalyptic world or some shit.

>LOTR isn't really that "magical" after the Fellowship either
The entire story revolves around a magical ring.

Conan’s biggest problem is political climate and being seen as cheesy, but with a proper will shouldn’t be hard to do. Sword and sorcery simple requires a smaller budget than epic fantasy.

I wish someone would get on the David gemmell train. One of the best sword and sorcery/heroic fantasy writers of the 80s and 90s, and his works would probably be more palatable to a modern audience.

Honestly, the only things POST-LOTR......

The Hobbit films (pacing and plot issues, negroes straight from the dark continent living in lake town), still Battle of Five Armies (extended edition) is pretty kino.

New Dark Crystal (still some minor poz, Deet's fag fathers.....nothing to do with plot progression, just there for the fuck of it).

First few GoT seasons.

That's about it. Harry Popper is for millenial fags and cool wine aunts.

We'll never have kino high fantasy again, anything made today would have the obligatory poz thrown in (fags, trannies, darkies, pro-immigration bullshit, etc.).

Pre-LOTR, honestly nothing on that scale (though honestly, Star Wars is Sci-Fantasy), but the 80's did produce some decent fantasy kino (original Conan, Excalibur, Legend, Dark Crystal, Willow). Princess Bride was absolute faggy shit though...probably the most overrated trash film ever.

Witcher could've been kino, if Netflix hadn't ruined it.
Other than that ... The Black Company maybe?

Later to make his story seem like less of a ripoff Tortelini made it so not-Obi Wan cucked not-Vader so not-Luke is actually his son.

Then the magic system described in the books is a word for word duplication of that from A Wizard of Earthsea, Alia Atreides is literally a character, and there are carbon copies of the ringwraiths too.

Oh and Tortelini wasn't 15 when he wrote his fanfiction either, that's when he "imagined" the story. His wealthy and diloting parents, who self-published their autistic son's drivel instead of letting it languish on fanfiction.net where it belonged, lied about his age to hype him as some kind of prodigy and make millions.

>Wasn't the guy like 16 when he wrote that shit?

No, that was a lie too. He started actually writing the book at 18 and finished it at 19, by which time actual prodigies could easily be writing books that were good.

does avengers count

Black Company.....it will be pozzed, guaranteed.

Also...low budget (Eliza Dushku is producing and starring).

Oh fuck, they are actually doing that?

>does avengers count?

Only if you're a hopeless faggot twink

>capeshit < high fantasy

I see what he's saying, it isn't about magic but it's all just humans doing medieval human shit with sporadic "fantasy" elements, which were really poorly done in the show. Overall it feels closer to the Evil Dead 2 without the camp.

To be quite honest, the problem with fantasy is extravagant CGI dragons and locations and shit that no one wants to see because it's brain numbing and shitty.

Part of the greatness of Lord of the Rings was on location shooting in New Zealand which make the cinematography of the films a fucking masterpiece. The care and devotion and reverence for the importance of the source material is evident in the movies in everything from the props, the sets, the actors (especially the actors).

Fantasy movies essentially have to be passion projects that a studio will throw a budget at and that just doesn't happen nowand really didn't happen after LOTR BECAUSE LOTR was such a big success. For years every studio wanted to make a giant fantasy epic to be the next Lord of the Rings with sweeping battles and shit which failed miserably. Mostly because LOTR was really about sweeping battles and epic armies clashing, it was about the story of the little people trying to contend in the big world, brotherhood, friendship and comradery, etc.

Oh but his his part Tortelini puts his writing acumen on par with Tolkien "at his best" and Nobel laureate in literature Seamus Heaney.

There's different degrees of fantasy. It doesn't have to have elves and dwarves running around to qualify as fantasy.

When's the Berserk NC-17 live action movie adaptation?

I've collected a list fantasy novels over the years that are supposedly good (in a standout way, not just okay). Has anybody read those and can tell me if they are actually woth anything?

Belgariad - David Eddings
The Wheel of Time - Robert Jordan
Malazan Book of the Fallen - Steven Erikson
Bas-Lag - China Miéville
The Prince of Nothing - R. Scott Bakker
Worm Ouroboros - E R Eddison
The Eyes of the Dragon - Stephen King
The First Law - Joe Abercrombie
The Blade Itself - Joe Abercrombie

Theres a low probability that The Witcher and The Wheel of Time turn out good, if and only if they stay close to the books. That said, since Netflix and Amazon Prime are actively involved in Jewish Global Homo, I expect them to be degenerate trash lacking logos.

Didn't think I'd ever actually see someone get filtered by an entire medium.

Just play video games. There's probably more fantasy stuff there I bet.

As soon as I become a billionaire, and can fund it. I'll get the Henson company to work on the rape trolls.

Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Wars, and LOTR are all similar in that they were great in their genre, but it's hard to think of anything in said genre that manages to compare without being cheesy.
I have trouble thinking of any other good pirate, interstellar empire scifi, or fantasy movies.
A part of me suspects that even if something of comparable quality in any of those genres were made today, it would flop as no one seems to care about anything that isn't part of some established franchise.

>Theres a low probability that The Witcher [...] turn out good
Have you seen the trailer? There is absolute zero possibility of that happening.

Witcher and Amazon LotR are fucked based on the casting alone. I don't know anything about Wheel of Time, so I can't really comment on that.

Oh fuck off. Tom Bombadil scene wasnt needed. If Tolkein's had their way the movies would have been boring shlock with just dudes waving their swords dramatically and shouting thee and thou shit at each other.

Oh boy do I have some bad news for you

Conan is interesting because they kinda "watered down" REH austical racism waaaay back. Take for example tower of skulls, in which he has a nigger comrade.

I don't think it would that difficult to have other non-white friends/lovers for him, BUT if it's a decent product it needs the darwinism REH put forth. That could be tricky.

/pol/, SWs always had blacks.

That's what Gondor's soldiers were doing in LOTR, and arguably all the guys. Aragorn and friends still feel pretty overpowered tough.

Wheel of Time is outstanding, but very daunting. Over 14 books, each at or around 1000 pages. The common criticism is its very "generic", but I disagree to a point. Its a chosen one story, but the main character shares the same time as the supporting characters, and isn't a Gary Stu in the slightest.

I love how it isn't embarrassed of being a fantasy series, and doesn't try to subvert beauty or add low IQ, moral relativity bullshit fags seem to enjoy (Game of Shit). Highly recommended

Check out Vox Days "A Throne of Bones". True art.

WoT’s alright. It’s a bit of slog in a few books, but it’s mostly good fun. It tends to make both the right wing and feminists mad. It has a great magic system, and was written by a Vietnam vet so it got a lot of nice scenes warfare and actually well done ptsd scenes. Got a bunch of fetish stuff in it though. It’s about to have an absolutely awful tv adaption.

Read The Adventures of Thomas Covenant, The Unbeliever by Stephen R Douglas

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A little for kids. Almost shonen-y. Good in its own way.

>Worm Ouroboros

Fucking classic.

What happened?

Sorry, I didn't. I took your advice and watched it, and retract everything I said. While I appreciate Henry Cavils love of the games, he doesn't embody Geralt. The games arguably don't either. He isn't classically handsome and chiseled, women in the universe fuck him because of his raw masculinity and damage, not a chiseled jaw.

Why didn't they keep the cast Polish? For a group that talks about "cultural appropriation", why would you turn Pole Elves into niggers? Really missed the fucking point.

Add David Gemmell to the list. Anything he wrote really. He wrote some quality heroic fantasy.

Tom and the Scouring are essential to the book

>but not necessarily to the movie

Thanks guys!

Of the ones I've read:

>Malazan Book of the Fallen - Steven Erikson
Good but uneven. Some books are fantastic, some are kinda boring. Would be better if he had an editor who told him to cut a load of crap (all the Tiste shit)
>Bas-Lag - China Miéville
Personally not my thing. Didn't like his writing.
>The Prince of Nothing - R. Scott Bakker
First book is fantastic, but the rest of the first trilogy isn't as good. Second trilogy is overall better, not the same highs but not the same lows.
>The First Law - Joe Abercrombie
Really good trilogy, though it kinda relies on subverting just about every fantasy trope.

None is really perfect, but I'd recommend them all bar China.

3/5 of the Two Rivers characters are darkies. Also the showrunner is a typical progressive so the show almost has no chance to not be pozzed

Just started book 4 so no spoilers please ;)

Thanks. I put Miéville in the list because I'm always intrigued when somebody really does try to make something very different with the fantasy stuff, which I heard he does.

>friend of Tolkien
He was a fanboy who spilled his spaghetti all over Tolkien the one time they met.

It’s worse than just . His favourite character is Egwene, and he wants to change Rand’s harem among other things. Guy does not understand RJ or his work.

>no incarnations of immortality
Gay list.

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Scouring is not. Is anticlimatic.
The biggest last battle is over.
The narrative is done.
The evil bad guy is defeated, never to return.
The elves depart to oblivion.
The era of men begins.
The three hobbits arcs are all resolved.

Fuck it.

I don't think you understand what Tolkien was trying to convey with this chapter

What Tolkien wanted, is not the same as what the story needed.
"Tom bombadil is unexplained because there are some things that must remain unexplained" something to that effect was the Tom decision to be in.
It was sorta understandable, but the same could work with a flying dildo throwing lasers on the pelennor fields battle. And you didn't get that.
But the scouring?

You it's straight from the Odyssey, right?

LOTR is a story of loss and gain. And ultimaterly, that you can not go back to the old Shire, like tolkien and all his veterans comrades couldn't go back to old England, both because of their changes and their land's. The Hobbit, a child's tale, was there and back again: but when you grow up, you can't really go back.

So, by corrupting even home (with industry and politics) it shows that in the end you can't really be safe, and neither can you dearest country. Granted, there is a catharsis, but still, it only shows why someone can adapt and live on (the three hobbits) but some others not (Frodo).

Also Bombadil isn't really less unexpiclable than thinking foxes or chtulhu's little nephew at the gates of Moria. People bitch about him because a superficial reading could give you the impression he's some overpowered saint.

>and because, truth to be told, his chapter is a little trying too hard to be comfy

>original films
Those are the Rankin-Bass films, not the PJ films

>you can not go back to the old Shire, like tolkien and all his veterans comrades couldn't go back to old England
Tolkien specifically said that it's not about that, and that LotR is not in any way related to the world wars.

I'll wait for a citation on the third, looking east

it's literally in the foreword of the book, written by Tolkien himself
>As for any inner meaning or ‘message,’ it has in the intention of the author none. It is neither allegorical nor topical [...] I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations, and always have done so since I grew old and wary enough to detect its presence.

>it only shows why someone can adapt and live on (the three hobbits) but some others not (Frodo)
Yes that is exactly what you can read on the movies. Without the faggy scouring. That point is ok.

And your other made up point of
>shows that in the end you can't really be safe, and neither can you dearest country
Is completely deffused by The Hobbit

He said he doesn't like overly allegorical literature like Narnia, but it is assumed, like Robert Jordan using his first hand experiences in war, that Tolkien wanted to convey the Stark reality that the wars brought using his own lifes experiences. The chapter is necessary I thought.

He said if anything it reminded him of his younger days, before he was a teen

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the rape thomas, the rape

similar gnostic themes

about the rapehorse:
CGI or puppet?

Troy movie is the closest you'll get to another epic after lotr. It's pretty fantasy, and apart from a few shitty things, it's pretty kino

I'm happy I got into this series. Yea Forums was actually right about it being good fantasy.

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Are any of the fancuts decent in fixing The Hobbit?


Look up the Maple Films re-edit. It cuts out all the bullshit, and cuts the whole trilogy down to about 4 hours.

Fiest episode of this was pure feels.

Looks like kino is back on the menu boys

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but thats not how it starts its
>the wheel of time turns, and ages come and pass
ani is a fucking retard

>Diversity done right
>All villains are white men, all good characters are women or non-white.
Of course the source material is already at 9 on the scale with men having to be neutered if they show signs of magical talent.

I could see Dushku being a pretty decent Lady or Soultaker, for that matter

I assume she's Lady, could work

Dark Crystal


The closest I can think of was Warcraft, but even that had way too much CGI

Have you seen the Dark Crystal?