This is the worst board on Yea Forums, even garbage boards like Yea Forums or /fit/ are better.
This is the worst board on Yea Forums, even garbage boards like Yea Forums or /fit/ are better
Yea Forums sucks, but it's not worse than Yea Forums
Have you been on /int/ recently? Literally just discord trannys including the mods
Yea Forums doesn't have sneedposting
Nah /fit/ is /shit/ and Yea Forums has nothing new or interesting to talk about.
Yea Forums is a zillion times worse, zero entertainment factor, zero non-faggot posters
on Yea Forums you can actually post waifu. here actresses threads 404 after few minutes
we have the epic sneed meme though
I used to think Yea Forums was the worst board but the worst board in unequivocally Yea Forums
That would be Yea Forums, my dude. It was my home board for years, but zoomers have taken over, making it unrecognizable.
Current Yea Forums is like Yea Forums before you redditors invaded
hello /sneed/ discord! say hi to sneedbabby for me
Every board says they are the worst. I think posts like this should be shot in the head by the jannies
you would think Yea Forums would be interesting but it's boring and with shit taste
absolutely zero influence on this site at all
/pol/, Yea Forums, and Yea Forums
The Cancer Trio
reminder that nearly all of Yea Forums's problems can be traced to its lightning-fast speed. It's the 5th or 6th fastest board on Yea Forums.
reminder that this speed is encouraged and maintained by moderation so that it increases the value of a certain mod's data collection company.
I don't see a Korean film general twenty four seven so, i doubt it.
Based 3. Nothing triggers transfaggots and leftist as hard. God bless
no /sci/ is worse
though it's in a running contention for shitness
+ /fit/ = the banter alliance
Yea Forums is the most off topic and shit board by far. All that’s discussed there is indie pop and mumble rap and then they have the gall to act like they’re music auteurs and better than normies when they’re really just a different type of normie. Yea Forums is off topic too but at least it’s fun.
source for this image? I've seen it a bunch but don't know where it's from
My father shall hear of this
You don't deserve a (You)
Yep. American blacked posters have made this board complete shit.
keep seething trancel
/pol/ has the most ignorance out of any board
what emotion is this face trying to convey?
look at this shit
you're jewish shut up
fuck off already
sauce, btw?
Agreed, it has 0 entertainment value
All of the high traffic boards have become awful in the last few years. All of the anti SJW crowd came from reddit so now every thread is derailed by these obsessed with politics weirdos
>but at least it’s fun.
ok redditor looking for epic caps to take home LMAO
>zero blacked threads
>look at this shit
You wanna know how I know you're an americuck?
I cant wait to watch you faggots seeth in 2020
Yea Forums isnt THAT bad, you guys make it sound like Yea Forums
as soon as Yea Forums gets neutered i can see the shitposters migrating to Yea Forums and taking over
mu is disgusting
strawmanning, the boards shit but there’s at least SOMETHING to get out of it
/pol/ is the worst offender. boomers and zoomers from /pol/ spill over into Yea Forums
wtf I love soulless humorless circlejerks now
It’s worse than Yea Forums because at least Yea Forums isn’t pretending to be anything that it isnt
the only similarity it has to Yea Forums is how boring it's become
love how /pol/cels think anyone likes them
epic reddit approved caps are hilarious! i hated Yea Forums before bane made it mainstream and reddit approved too!
What’s everyone’s favorite board? For me, it’s /ck/
this, the try hard/cringe pedo baiting outweighs the overall site shitposting
I stand by Yea Forums
>/pol/ has the most ignorance out of any board
When was the last time Yea Forums made ANY original content?
/ck/ Yea Forums & occasionally /pol/
Yet here you remain OP
Yea Forums has always dismissed Yea Forums because this board is full of roaches that don't know how to engage in discussion nor have ever had a sense of community
more like the van guard in keeping faggots like you off the board
This, but only when fasting
That’s literally Yea Forums though. Try to discuss any music at length there outside of a general and be amazed at just how little the board cares about discussing anything or even having fun
>/pol/ keeping anyone out
kill yourself
Yea Forums has a fucking kpop general
over half of your boards traffic consists of weeb cumbrains
There are some good threads here and there, Yea Forums on the other hand is just a wasteland of porn and trolling at this point.
Why isn't /k/ in the pic? Constant loliposting and no other board hates women, niggers and foreigners as much as /k/.
Somebody has to have the fucking sauce
please tell me
Guys, I just want to discuss television and film, but this board has the most off-topic threads.
Yea Forums at least TRIES to stay on topic.
am i normie for having Yea Forums, Yea Forums and /r9k/ as my regular boards
Janice griffith
Yea Forums
Yea Forumsmblr is worse.
>gayer than Yea Forums
>gayer than /lgbt/
>gayer than fucking /y/
>unironically enjoys Steven Universe, Rick and Morty, and Netflix propaganda cartoons
>diehard Marvel/Disney supporters and shills
/out/ but it's so slow
theres just nothing left to watch. tvs and shows suck now. so because theres nothing of interest theres shitposting and shilling and celeb threads instead. dont blame the board blame the industry/the scarcity of ideas
Yea Forums and /ck/
cant even see your post. just want your dumbass to know you're filtered. what you said is probably a shit opinion anyway. consider suicide
Yea Forums would be dead in the water if it wasn't for those gook loving faggots that post waifus 24/7
no but browsing /r9k/ is the worst way to become not normie
kek underrated post
Whst are the other fastest boards?
this too, they may have 5 threads at a time but they’re literally the only threads that move at all on Yea Forums
Thank you my man
>biggest pile of shit in the septic tank
Sounds like an achievement to me.
Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and Yea Forums
You're just now realizing this?
The only boards that beat out Yea Forums in terms of cancer are Yea Forums and /pol/.
everything bad about Yea Forums is just shit leaking from other boards i.e. /pol/ and /r9k/
Yea Forums is full of contrarian retards and /fit/ is essentially /r9k/ lite
Yea Forums is the best board because its just pure fun discussing movies and making each other laugh with shitposts
cringe, if only. it's got /pol/ infestation too
Yea Forums is way better than this place.
Yea Forums's off topic threads are better and happen more frequently than Yea Forums's, and even then it's only ever animal threads on here
I sincerely hope whoever you love most gets tag teamed by a black man and a Jewish man
they need to be shipped to the bottom of the sea
>Yea Forums is the best board because its just pure fun discussing movies and making each other laugh with shitposts
Of all the boards this one is the most cozy for that reason alone: not too slow(ck), not too serious(mu), not too schizo(pol), not too autistic (v)
Juusssss rriiiiigggghhhhtttttt
i browse all 3
>I sincerely hope whoever you love most gets tag teamed by a black man and a Jewish man
Chad boards: Yea Forums /gd/ /cgl/
That’s what keeps me on here. Yea Forums was my home board for many years but it’s decline started getting really rapid around 2015 and I had to jump ship. I only go there now if a musician I like died and that’s pretty rare anyway
/fit/ is a good board though
slow enough that serious threads get answers and stay up but enough shitposting for it to not be a dead gay board
What do you think about hot sauces?
I used to go to /tg/ often even though I don't play any TRPGs, just for the interesting threads they have.
Yea Forums
Nah, this is best board cunt
/fa/ died around 2016
You're either a newfag who's barely explored other boards or a pretentious sob who thinks this is a forum for serious discussion instead of memes.
/biz/ is genuinely unusable
>muh pol
Thus entirely justifying pol's continued shitposting.
This is a /pol/ website.
>Yea Forums is only for memes
No way you've been here for longer than 3 years.
It’s for both discussion and memes but it’s primarily a meme website
I bet you use reddit and think Yea Forums is only a dump for shitposts
hey terrorists
terrorize this
Please, Yea Forums isn't even in the running for worst board
S: /r9k/, /qa/, and /lgbt/
A: /mlp/, /cgl/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /trash/
B: /tg/, /quest/, /bant/
C: /x/, modern Yea Forums
D: porn dump boards
E: everything else
>you criticizing me just proves I'm right
Literal sjw logic.
>Yea Forumsmblr is worse.
This, but you also forgot:
>hates fun
>hates memes
>only comics that are allowed are tranny shit like Questionable Content
>only cartoons that are allowed are tranny shit like Steven Universe
>can't even have LOL threads
>no comfy /an/ threads
>every thread is derailed by trannies bitching about "/pol/", when nobody was even talking about /pol/
>tranny janitor
is that best board to worst?
Worst to best.
>primarily a meme website
Yeah, no way you've been here since before 2016
What's so bad about /tg/?
>at sneed
What Netflix propaganda does Yea Forums like? Explain please.
Television & Film is closely related to politics these days. Seething fence-sitters can't escape it's influence
it had its day by 2013/2014,
What is the name of this pornstar? Or can you link me to this video? I have no fucking idea how to search for her I literally just typed in porn star with face
I was referring to Yea Forums specifically.
Other boards can have good discussion but plenty of big boards are just chaotic meme shitholes.
Yea Forums at least has the virtue of being funny and not fully drowning out good discussion
You've obviously never seen [s4s]
this is what sw*glord wanted and r*peape supports
>tfw I just wanted to grill
>Why yes I do main Yea Forums how could you tell?
True I suppose
Trying browsing the thread before you post next time you retard
I sincerely hope that if you have a little sister, a moslem rapes the shit out of her and forces her into slavery. If not, your whorish mother would do just fine.
>All these replies
>No /pol/
Guess the redditors can not swallow the red pill.
honestly this. Talking shit about star wars and capeshit 24/7 is just a reaction to the general state of tv and mainstream movies. generally about playing it safe around the cultural gatekeepers clearly gets people paid, but it makes for nothing very much interesting at all
Yeah but redditors think it's epic and funny so that means its okay
fuck off kike.
Huge amounts of reddit and trannies, combined with the sheer autism from questfags that ensure no actual discussion can spring forth. They're always starting shit.
Yea Forums is pure chaos and insanity but in a way it's the greatest board on the former Yea Forums.
To be fair he probably just wants to be wheeled into the nearest canal
It used to be the best board objectively.
how the fuck does that even happen?
no one tried to stop it?
I bought a janice fleshlight, its nice but I have the deathgrip so its not as nice as it should be
This. Holy fuck. Mu can have literally multiple kpop general threads at once while we cant even get a single general thread without some trannies jannie going to town on bans.
I would argue /int/ is
This. It's the reason why we come to Yea Forums to talk about cartoons instead.
K-pop is only good for jerking to, tbhfam.
/biz/ is by faaaar the worst board. It's full of scams, schemes, pump and dump groups and shady marketing.
They are responsible for me losing $200k. Fuck that board, it should be removed from this website or quarantined.
word but i also like the music
>sneed poster is also a scammed retard
>Yea Forums
>Better than anything except Yea Forums
Worst boards are /qa/ and /bant/ because they are completely [pointless