So true lol
So true lol
Other urls found in this thread:
Keep going, i like getting angry.
>yanks recoil at the very sight of healthy food
not surprised
more disney than lucas
I'll never understand how this literaly cartoon making manchild became ubiquitous in real film makers lists.
Are normies actually not entertained by the Coen Brothers?
>good for you
nah man
more like
>we got the job because we're from the tribe!
fuck these yids
Coen brothers are the absolute epitome of having a girl over and have her stare at her phone the whole time and keep asking what's going on. Sadly.
But i still love them.
Because Spirited Away is dope.
low brow hit on low brow shit
total fucking bullshit
Isn’t this really racist?
>food analogy
>animation can't be kino!!!!
>its for children because it was drawn!!!
Maybe I'm more detached then I thought. I thought your average pleb could still enjoy the Coens.
All these were basic bitch and pleb tier as fuck bu tthis one really made me upset. Fuck Nolan and FUck Gordon Ramsey.
Is this ironic?
Coens are the best jewish directors living, you picked like one of the only times where nepotism is not relevant
yeah pretty weak as well
whoever made this shit is a fucking tool
shut up jewboi
go be an annoyance elsewhere
I can garantee whoever made these hasn't actually paid attention to any of the work of these directors and in most cases hasn't actually seen a movie and is guiding their impression entirely on twitter memes and or retarded people around him but not the films themselves.
I'm mad.
well his Malick is pretty spot-on at least
the ironic part is that Uwe Boll owns a very highly rated restaurant
Looks nothing like based Uwe. My niggas full on balld
Just having the blanket would be more accurate
>hahaa we hate jews here, r-right fellow 4channers?
jesus christ leave redditfag, not being funny
Extremely tryhard
Do americans think charcuterie is fancy? its literally what southern europeans and latin americans eat while drinking beer with friends
>when you are so fat that can compare everything to food
top fucking kek
What is the lowest lifeform on Earth? And why is it the webcomic artist?
They can see a few of the fun parts, but they rarely appreciate it really
and no, everyone knows its just comfy picnic food
imagine being so fat you look at computer and see hamburger
lel, looking for a pic of Uwe Boll i found this, apparently it's real.
Tragic. Is Fargo a good pleb filter for gfs?
Can you make Tinto Brass food analogy?
>look up the creator
fuck this gay earth
My gf enjoyed it, but was grossed out by the gore
That said, she is very squeemish about gore in general, so I let that slide
Honestly, she actually enjoyed fucking Das Boot, so I might have to check if she isn't a dude in a very convincing disguise
Is Uwe Boll the ultimate pleb filter?
why is hiya serving ching chong food but the jew boys are serving normal human food
>I will never cuddle with your gf while making her watch The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
he operates on levels or irony that humans as a species might not be equipped to understand
for me its jordan peele
>not quinoa, coffee and cigarettes
this web comic is shit
search her home for dilating tools
Hey, cut it with xenophobia? Okay.
>traditional japanese food
>has swish cheese and lettuce
Feels bad man
He needs to be wearing a yarmulke
plz be real. Also I hope they add some gamergate manchild whining about how Uwe destroyed the gayming culture
Honestly not that unfavorable
looks like a lesbian
>cartoonist thinks she's satirizing a pretentious "thinking man's" director
>doesn't realize Nolan is a basic bitch
I guess it's ironic that the cartoonist outs herself as a pleb when she makes fun of Nolan for the wrong reason.
>good for you
They're just movies.
it's okay when nintendoland does it
based retard
I refuse to believe that the dyke who created the masterpiece Fun House drew that fucking garbage
Wouldn’t this be more Von Trier?
he's not jewish tho
>Insinuating George Lucas is behind Disneywars
>look boring
How the fuck do their movies look boring? Their comedies are so fucking animated they're damn near cartoons, and even their dramatic stuff has a distinct visual flair and style to it.
he dances to their tune and married into the tribe so id say its applicable
Feel being the operative word here.
>spells reenvisioned wrong
yup it's pol
It should have been a meal made out of cardboard, glass and nails that people are breaking their teeth on and bleeding from their mouths eating, but is decorated so it looks like food on the outside.
This cartoonist is a faggot. More than most.
Wait, I thought the Cones were normalfagcore. I've watched all their films, but rarely post about them here because I think they're considered peak reddit, aside from "A Serious Man" which gets talked about a lot here. What gives?
It's kind of fascinating, whoever made these had no idea what he's talking about at any level.
It's like some kinf of deep deep shitposting.
fuck off peele your movies are shit
I compare them to in n out. Still a fast food joint, but the best.
Uwe is more of an idea man.
Yeah, it's going to be a BASED from me.
Fucking based
I fucking hate leftists
the onions is strong with this one is it even a man?
can this man be any more based
ok now THIS is epic
What the fuck does that have to do with these lame cartoons? He could be in the right for all we know.
>not doing molecular gastronomy or something cutting edge
that's a big no from me
This is Disney. Not Lucas. Why the fuck would you put Lucas there
Wouldn't Malick rather have blood sausage and wine at an abandoned factory?
I too can't tell if it is a Jewish man or a Lesbian
Idk Malick is more like acid and a bottle of water in the woods these days.
sounds like kino
These are all terrible. Whoever made them should be ashamed.
Of course. An angry lesbian, probably thinks she's smarter than everything else. The recipe for a "happy" life.
Holy shit, i assumed it was an elder soiboy but now that you mention it i see clearly that it's a lesbian. That's a potent radar you got there my man.
This person has never seen a Lynch movie
>old butch lesbian
>right wing
>Lynch explaining something
Lol bloody, get it? Lmao
where's the feet?
He is.
Especially if you watch some of his german interviews where he goes a bit deeper into his relationship with hollywood other filmmakers in general and so on.
Haha get it? Because he made some movies that were long
I thought we were done already. Fuck.
Cringe and Plebpilled.
It's a subtype of lesbian. The "I look like a accountant dude that kills hobos"look. They also ALWAYS play the man role in their faggy relationship.
Why does his Wes Ansderson look like Anne Frank.
>makes you feel smart
He's not wrong.
the hat is dumb but you an't deny he constantly goes back to re-touch and re-sell the original trilogy to the point where its almost impossible to find a copy where Han did shoot first and there isn't shitty cgi singing muppets or NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO!'s
Honestly this feels less like they're making a joke about LotR and The Hobbit and more that they're making fun of Jackson for being a fat fuck
Dear Lord, this is the worst one. I know Yea Forums made him a meme, but that picture is just terrible.
I want to strangle the guy who drew these.
>Not perfectly symmetrical
Really dropped the ball on this one.
Imagine watching his films and getting this out of them. Fucking hell
What would D.W. Griffiths's be like?
You see like you enjoy the films of Wes Anderson.
Is there a Tommy Wiseau one?
I see indeed.
Faggoty shit like this makes me hate films.
More to come
It never fucking ends.
I wonder if this vapid cunt made one about Gaspar Noe.
I bet you do fat fucking faggot! I bet you do!
>Well-balanced meal
>A fucking Coke
Bravo Nolan.
Last one
>agenda-pushing liar
pretty accurate desu
He's the ultimate sneedposter
Shouldn't that be Abrams
What's the joke?
Seriously, why are none of these funny? Are they just supposed to be average observations?
Beat it normie
stay jealous, fuck you-
>that the whole family can enjoy
You mean like Duel, Schindler's List, War of the Worlds or Bridge of Spies?
I want to see this
Bothers me the way he's holding the wine
I fucking knew Uwe is here fucking with us because we tried to fuck with him back in the days. Based Uwe
hes def a Yea Forumscel
I was just thinking this
The review that saved Yea Forums
Still mad his account got taken down
>well-balanced meal
>complete mismatch of spaghetti, soup, roast turkey, random salad and liter of coke
has this person never eaten food before? Do they not know how a meal with different dishes works? holy shit this makes me so irrationally angry
I bet you like the films of Wes Anderson
Boll's movie reviews are genuinely works of art
holy projection batman
the only correct one lmaoo
fucking kek
>is a suck shit flick you can pass on and massage your temples instead
It's like a piece of Beat poetry
Was stoic the best Uwe Boll movie? Also this thread is now about Boll
not even cherry pie or anything wtf
his reviews of his own movies were peak Boll
>flaccis penis
even his engrish is kino
His take on the critics of his movies was the peak Boll
Fucking weebs I swear
Jar Jar is key to all this
>no country for old men is too boring for normies
and it;s only gonna get worse
he absolutely is not /ourguy/
You mean Abrams
How can one man be so based
Americans even had to censor the title of the documentary about the man ahahhahhaaaaa
it's a fancy word only hipsters use to say they like wood with meat and cheese on it
Back to discord, tranita
Did he give up and just start making references? These are awful, not to mention the cohen brothers one is extremely off base
Thanks for this. Downloading it now.
It's real.
Damn i'm kinda jealous. This is pure shitposting ecstasy.
Bolita blown the fuck out
Is there anything worse than someone who watches bay movies and all they get out of them is "HAHA EXPLOSIONS"? The man is a legitimately talented large set piece director and has proven with movies like pain and gain he can do more self aware stuff
>in all these drawings the artist takes food that has similar aesthetic qualities to the films of each director
>in this one they took actual food items/imagery(blood) and used them
>surgary brunch
Holy fucking christ that is incredible, get fucked battle tranny
This but unironically
Grow up! Stop watching cartoons and go a real kino sometime
Has Jonah Hill directed anything?
That’s Disney now.
He directed that fanfic auto biopic.
>not a single female director has been worth remembering since Leni
I'm sorry George.
Im sure Heather O'Rourke would agree how anal Spielberg is to make family friendly content
I'm assuming it's as terrible as it sounds?
back in 90s I think
>but not in 3d anymore so why even care anyway
Did he do anything like this in any of his franchise movies?
seething nigger
this is a true madman
He is a shitposting grandmaster. A sage!
Jesus fuck my sides
I liked Alita but this is masterful shitposting kino
fuck no. His movies are boring as shit. House of the dead was dreadful, alone in the dark barely made any fucking sense, and there was a vamprie movie, i think it was bloodrayne that all I remember is a 5 minute shot of some bitch outside of a building doing nothing.
makes sense a tasteless retard hates Jews
in tears over what could have been bros
>well balanced
They said the exact same thing of Kubrick
Too based for this world.
what a fucking CHAD
lol butthurt capefag detected
You haven't addressed his argument. Why can't kinos be drawn?
His only works of art
I met a lot of people in college who would think these are funny. Mostly English majors who think Nolan is the greatest filmmaker ever and unironically think Trump is a Russian puppet
>Why can't kinos be drawn?
Because cartoons are not filmmaking or art but for children so they can stay quiet so adults can breathe for a second
>and unironically think Trump is a Russian puppet
I mean, they aren't wrong?
that's a big meal
The fact that you think you can qualify something as "not art" shows how you know fucking nothing. Back into your hole, peasant, and shut the fuck up.
For you.
I'm in hysterics
When you simply let your autism flow over the walls of logic and reason.
stay mad animefag
Fucking nailed it, chief.
Aren't they fugly chicks now?
you're thinking of the Watch-Out-skis
Yeah RT, and Dugin promote him, he’s business partners with Russian mafia/CIA informant Felix Sater, ex-Soviet official Tevfik Arif (both Chabad members in contact with direct Putin associate and leader of the Russian branch of the org Berel Lazar), made repeated attempts to develop Trump Moscow, like the Evangelicals in his base posted pro-Putin stuff for years and tried to use his beauty pageants to set up meetings with him, had completely off the record conversations with him and took his word over US intelligence- it’s just so wacky and unhinged to think anything weird about it
Thanks for the epic le redpilled comicman
Bullshit. Lynch doesn't elaborate.
Imagine being this triggered and still not proving anything
cool story bro
He backed out on Seanbaby when he found out he had training
Is this idiot trying to say that Heineken is a fatty beer?
>and whoever the fuck
thi son is not that far off
How will Alitrannies ever recover?
It was the 90s and it was every boomer's first anime...
>tfw got hopelessly lost thirty minutes into Ghost in the Shell
you're right, we're /hisguys/
Boll is more of a performance artist than a movie director
what the fuck is the retard that made this even trying to say lmao
DisneyWars only exists because of Lucas, zoomers.
It's about the prequels retard
There are good anime film makers, but Miyazaki isn't one of them.
Then why does he wear a Disney hat you blind fucking retard?
>It's about the prequels retard
>George Lucas is wearing a mouse hat
It's popular because of the nonthreatening and nutless male protags playing sidekick to plucky feminists and beating toxically masculine characters in every movie
>numales in this thread trying to hide behind "oldfaggotry"
oldfags get the respect they do because they ostensibly aren't NPCs.
defending bluepilled anime with societal approval and a giant "do not touch" sign in front of it is a normie/reddit thing.
yes, you can mock spirited away. yes, you can say miyazaki is shite.
>real film makers
>Implying you not liking it somehow means it's not still film
>what could have been...
Curious how you feel about Pixar's repertoire if this is your response to Miyazaki? Do you feel that films intended for family audiences or young audiences are inherently inferior?
Nolan isn't Grant Achatz, he's Wolfgang Puck. "Semi-fine-dining" that was "at its peak" 30 years ago reduced to being served pretty much exclusively in airports
not a word
why the fuck would you capitalize it like one
Because whoever made these is a brainlet who has probably never watched any movie by these directors, and probably know's nothing about the Coens other than their movies are "weird".
I've seen all these images but I still expanded them all and cringed at each one. It's truly amazing that Redditors continue to enjoy things in the year 2019.
what a rollercoaster of a thread; from being enraged by a shitty dyke cartoon to being amazed by uwe bolls fantastic reviews
>Spaghetti, Coke, Turkey, Salad, and a big pot of what I assume to be gravy
>A well balanced meal
These faggot cartoons were drawn by someone from Ohio, I fucking guarantee it.
>food metaphors
Fuck sake
You're mentally ill
God thats good. Based af
It’s a good one for sure
meant for
If you pick Alita Battle Angel over this shitpost, you, my friend, are destined for the showers
That's Alison Bechdel from the Bechdel test, and she definitely didn't write those comics.
Here are mine
Steak, classic american dish
Cheeseburger, also classic american, but uses influences of others
Puffer fish, needs masterful cutting or else its inedible
Chicken tenders. Not much in terms of flavor profile, but its bretty good when you want to just eat.
Black coffee, acquired taste, loved by some, hated by others.
>Coen brothers
Waffles. Can be put with syrup to make a sweet dish, or chicken for a savory dish.
Chicken Noodle soup. All ages like it, more comfort food than anything.
um his animations aren't traditional
>food analogy
This is batshit insane and is still better than anything we're going to get.
where are you downloading it from? I can't find it
He beat the shit out of lowtax and will remember it until I die
This needs to be posted in every Alita thread from this day forth
i bet you're brit, and no, none of you or any n*rd has any idea of cuisine
because they're both to blame you fucking retards
How many onions comic artists are there? And how the fuck have they made a career out of this? Who reads these and who prints them
Opinion discarded.
fuck i laughed hard. i was pissed at the lynch one but this flipped me to tears
>no Gilliam
I'm fucking triggered
for the format he's aiming, director being a cook, this one is accurate
too bad this dickhead doesn't know shit about directing or cooking
top kek, based
Haha, looks like meats back on the menu, boys
kookspiricy freak
incredibly based
Fuck off retard
shit movies tbqh
link of the interview?
Holy fuck I knew he was based but damn.
>food analogies
>He backed out on Seanbaby when he found out he had training
That ma is too good for this fucko
This is making laugh so hard I woke up my roommates
we all know that don't worry
OP is posting it for shits
Should've used steel reserve instead of heinekin
Imagine thinking drawing and painting isnt art. If anything, photographs are the pleb medium, because they're a cheat code, you're just copying what is in the real world. Anybody can film (I understand the talent involved greatly varies from an individual to another). With painting, you create one from scratch. It's way more challenging imo.
The only one that's accurate
>i bet you're brit
It should have one of those charcoal-black buns
Why does Lucas have a mouse ears hat on? Because he sold it to Disney? They both rehashed Ster Wers tho
He's right
>The director, he is a sexy.
I smell a new meme on the horizon
Tarantino would just order pizzas and pretend he made them.