Upcoming films that are doomed?
Upcoming films that are doomed?
Name a single good JJ Abrams film
At least try and make it possible. Name a single good movie he directed, wrote or produced.
>disney wars
Oof, yikes, cringe, no sweetie, have sex and so on
the force awakens
Aaaaaaah, can't wait to see this pile of shit
Mission Impossible 3 was okay
now why would this guy be so desperate to tell people to not believe rumors about the movie being in trouble with all the reshoots?
>profile pic
ah. oh. okay
LoL, he is reshooting because RLM guessed the time-travel aspect. What a mess.
Disaster incoming
Now I can't wait to hear this same guy's opinion on the movie and have his valuable review aggregated on Rotten Tomatoes (tm)!!!!!!
Disney does reshoots for literally all of their movies, it's just a conveyor belt system to produce something for the lowest common denominator. Stop acting like this is going to change anything, the movie will still be dogshit but it will still make 2 billion dollars
>it will still make 2 billion dollars
Like Solo and Galaxy's Edge
This is going to make The Last Jedi look like The Force Awakens
I haven't seen any nu war movie in the cinema but might catch this one just to be on the first wave of the meltdown.
It won't be as bad as Last Jedi because Disney brought back JJ in order to smash the nostalgia button again. Last Jedi was Disney tossing the nostalgia button into the toilet and pissing on it. But I don't think the same trick will work the same way twice. Last Jedi burned a LOT of bridges with fans.
Damage control the onions.
Nah, just wait till the fourth week or something
Just wait for the camrip, Gisnep don't deserve your money
Was there actually news about Star Trek 2009 and Into Darkness reshoots? All I can see is news of Star Trek Beyond's reshoots, which were like in March (the movie was out July that year).
>LoL, he is reshooting because RLM guessed the time-travel aspect.
Reshoots were announced before that, but if JJ is actually scrapping the time-travel alterating idea from a prior leak, just because RLM guessed it, in favor for the recent leaks, then he's a fucking dumbass.
I actually can't - every single one of them I've seen has been the type of movie I watch and, shortly thereafter, despite objectively remembering the elements of the film, it feels like I've forgotten it in its entirety somehow. They're emotionally/spiritually forgettable, if that makes any sense. Like the platonic ideal of disposable entertainment.
There is literally nothing notably wrong with Mission Impossible 3 and PSH is the best villain of the series easily.
It's literally and unironically the worst in the series and just a flat out bad movie. Get some taste, scrub
Script leaks are focus group market testing to see what audiences like and don’t
mission impossibles
joy ride
and tv shows he had lost which was hit or miss, the fringe and alias
The Lighthouse, looks like two sneedposters sucking each other with reddit tier dialogue
>increasingly nervous man says star wars is not in trouble and will make billions
Only because of based Philip Seymour Hoffman. It is otherwise a shitty flick.
>Mission Impossible 3
Shit except for scenes with Philip Seymour Hoffman.
>Super 8
Tried his best to make a 80s Amblin flick and failed spectacularly.
>Star Trek
Pretty good.
>Star Trek Into Darkness
Franchise killer.
>The Force Awakens
Incredibly lazy and forgettable remake of A New Hope.
Feel free to call me a shill or whatever, but I admire JJ a lot. Dude wrote Regarding Henry when he was like, 23, and the career and reputation he's built is just masterful.
Wackiest thing is that he has this reputation for all this mystery box, who knows kind of stuff, when in reality he pretty much does the most obvious thing at any given time. Everybody thought Star Trek 2 was going to do Khan, and an absurd amount of effort was put into convincing people it wouldn't be Khan, only for it to be, of course, Khan. It's like he does the Rian Johnson, HAHA-I-subverted-your-expectations thing, except he actually gives you exactly what you expect.
Your support sounds completely organic
It has been 10 years since JJ made his one and only good movie.
star trek (2009)
Star Trek 2009 is okayish
It was the only movie that I went to see at a theater more than once. Into Darkness being shit kinda soured me on it though.
Even the Last Jedi didn’t make 2 billion, I don’t know what that user was on.
Uh, okay. Thanks for reassuring me guy on twitter. Your logic is infallible.
What does his daughter, Gracie, think about his films?
Who is? She do movies?
I fully believe that if JJ Abrams had been contracted to make the entire sequel trilogy, we would all be having a completely different discussion about the ST.. But for whatever reason, Lucasfilm wanted this different director for each movie bullshit and it fucked everything.
Remember, JJ's original ending for TFA was Luke meditating with massive boulders floating around him.. It was Rian that threw everything in the trash.
There's so many people out there that say "Rian answered all the questions JJ asked in TFA" but no one can watch The Last Jedi from a logical perspective and say that.. Rian completely disregarded everything JJ did and the answers he did do, the connections he did make were SUCH a giant "fuck you" that it's really hard to miss.. He wasn't subtle.
That's my 2 cents.. I completely expect The Rise of Skywalker to be a dumpster fire.. But I also believe everything could have played out so much differently.
For the record I think Super 8 and 2009 Star Trek are very enjoyable movies.
Oh god Yea Forums is going to be so damn fun release month. Fuck the leaks and Chinese rips can’t come soon enough
Star Trek 2009 is good.
Star Trek 09 was a reboot anomaly that was actually good.
every day she wishes she was Spielberg's daughter.
That guy went to Galaxy's Edge, so he somehow knows that TRoS will be good, user.
I mean, he's literaly an insider. Did you get invited? thought so, you are just jealous.
It was actually better Star Wars than TFA
I never watched any of the new Star Wars movies
Hmm... Based? Yes!
Dave Chappelle's upcoming special:
"I came, I saw, I went back to Africa"
Anyone who suggests paying money for this is either a shill or a retard.
If you give hollywood any money, you are part of the problem.