Why doesn't Pennywise, the largest extra-dimensional shapeshifting space entity, simply eat the other Losers?

Why doesn't Pennywise, the largest extra-dimensional shapeshifting space entity, simply eat the other Losers?

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Space Turtle.

I dunno, why dont you eat the cow while its still mooing

I haven't read the book but the Space Turtle isn't there for 99% of the story is it? How is it preventing Pennywise from just killing them?

This is a bad metaphor.

No it isn't


why didn't he just lure 1989 Beverly to the sewers by herself and use the deadlights to create a pubescent hypnotised servant?

Implied that he was working some things behind the scenes, also Pennywise wasn't all powerful.

can you expand on that?

because he fattens them up by scaring them before eating them, which you would know if you watched the movie or read the book you inbred nigger

Explain it then.

Actually, as I recall, Pennywise realize there is some greater force behind Losers just before he dies. I think that was Gan from Dark Tower series, which is basically god.

Turtle actually helped Losers in the first battle, when they were young.

can somebody explain or give me context?
why does people mean by "space turtle"? is the clown alien shapeshifter ALSO a turtle?

King's mithology is actually pretty good but feels so half-assed

I literally just watched Chapter 2, I'm not asking when they are children, I know he wants to scare them before he kills them, I'm talking about when they are adults and he knows they are a danger to him. He turns into a giant spider in the end and well shit, if he could do that it seems he could have killed them any time he wanted, especially since they ALL have a scene where they meet him on their own in the first part of the movie.

I should finish reading the Dark Tower but Steve really really really knows how to bore a reader

haven't read it but from what I gather the Space Turtle created our universe and is from the same place as It, it's the good guy equivalent and an opposing force to It. Creation vs. Entropy

He always knew the turtle was helping them, that's why he mocks them when they return as adults by saying the turtle died and they're alone, though I think some part of the turtle did help them as adults too iirc.

Yeah don't do it
It's a waste of time and feels like king went on drugs somewhere between the 6 and 7 books, which is ironic because those two are the only that King wrote sober

I havent seen the second film and it's been a minute since I read the book, but I believe in the final confrontation as a kid Bill at some point enters a trandimensional space and meets a space turtle that encourages Bill to confront IT and then during the final battle the turtle helps Bill enter the transdimensional space and fight IT on fair terms and kill IT.

The turtle talks to Bill too, but I forget what it says. It's an angel? A good demon as opposed to the IT bad demon? I don't know, King never explains. The book needs a good edit and it could have been genuinely great.

what were the deadlights? also, why does pennywise doesn't follow his own rules? I mean, he eats some kids, adult homos etc on the fly in first and second part, but he fucks around so much around Loosers and some other characters. Feels inconsistent.

What rules? He can scare/kill adults too, that was consistent in the book (in fact, he has a hold and "effect" over the entire town). He fucks around with them to scare them more but there are plenty of characters he just kills immediately.

Assuming you were referring to the book, haven't seen the new movie.

I have not watched Chapter 2 yet, plan to do it tomorrow, but in the book he could only transform into the spider thing inside his lair, or at least that was the impression I got. Also he was actually afraid of them, outside of the lair he could only use other people fear as fuel for shapeshifting, he could scare the adults but not enough to kill them that way.

It's very inconsistent. He was so omnipotent he was teasing them and underestimated them? But then, when he begins to genuinely fear them he still skips opportunities to kill them? There's no good excuses for it. The original TV film was the only reason this new film exists and that the book isn't one of the many ones in King's unspoken library.

Yes, I wouldn't recommend it. I liked the concept, but how it unfolded may be one of the most boring way possible even in any of his works.

The whole showdown and ending was anti-climactic.

He even made joke about himself that he always sucked at finishing books in It 2

It's not even the Turtle, it's the Other, implied to be God, actively interfering. There's like 3 or 4 times in the novel where Pennywise is actually about to eat one of the Losers and they draw on some obscure bit of knowledge they have no way of knowing or secret well of power and drive her back.

When the Losers return, Pennywise is fucking terrified of them. She called them back - but when they get there he sees they're still pretty damn strong even when down one. She tries to scare them into leaving rather than risk fighting, because she knows that they know her weakness now. Hell, she DOES try to kill them when they get near her lair again but gets blown the fuck out.

To be fair, this only really applies when the Losers are kids, and before they hurt her at the Neibolt Street house. After that she's after their ass, and she makes a pretty good attempt of it using Bev's dad and Bowers and the lads. She's too afraid of pain to risk herself.

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Deadlights are just an ability It has that cause people to go catatonic so It can feed on them.

I havent read the book. In the movies it seems like he just happens to be everywere and is able to eat literally fucking anyone anytime in Deary, but when it comes to loosers, adult or not, he just makes ebin ruses and doesnt do shit till they go into his lair.
If it was something like "fear me so I can kill you", I would go with that, but kids who got eaten in a flash were not scared. They were lured by friendly clown. Like I said, I don't get when or how he can eat folks

>what were the deadlights?
Pennywise's "real" form outside the material universe. Living, malevolent, hungry light.

>also, why does pennywise doesn't follow his own rules? I mean, he eats some kids, adult homos etc on the fly in first and second part, but he fucks around so much around Loosers and some other characters.

Pennywise seems to be a bit whimsical with her rules. When she's not afraid she's sloppy and arbitrary, because she's confident in her own invulnerability.

The Losers are generally able to get away with multiple encounters because they have the Turtle and the Other's protection, and as they become friends they become more powerful. There are multiple times Pennywise tries to finish off a Loser only to be foiled by one of these things when she was obviously going for the kill. When the Losers are adults, she's actually still afraid of them and the harm they did her before, and when she realizes they're not as weak as she expected she resorts to just trying to scare them and using the same trick she tried on them when they were kids: using Derry residents to murder them.

He's ironically Lovecraftian. Supposed to be the most horrible thing in the universe but goes out the most retarded way possible.

The movies don't really follow the book very well and ignore her hunting MO in favor of dragging out the run time. Pennywise CAN be anywhere in Derry; it seems like Derry is - to some extent - an actual part of her physical being. But she can't be somewhere indefinitely, and she can't just keep coming forever (or so it would seem based on her hunting behavior and her encounters with the Losers where she's foiled before they hurt her in the Neibolt Street house).

How does that make him Lovecraftian?

He read Call of Cthulhu and mistook a ship sailing through him and doing literally nothing as harm. Cthulhu went back to sleep voluntarily because the stars weren't right but idiots never seem to notice that.

Occasionally monster from Yog-Sothery written by HPL does buy it legitimately, though. Yog-Sothoth's half-mortal son in The Dunwich Horror dies in a parody of the Passion of Christ, screaming for his divine father to save him.

Pennywises first greatest weakness is its a cocky asshole. Its so powerful it just spends half the time fucking with people for amusement or scaring them for fun until it gets hungry. Its like a Greek God or the Devil; cosmically powerful, yet still gets tricked by some bum with a fiddle, its hubris gets the best of it. Secondly its main power derives from fear, if it cant scare you it loses all its strength, so it constantly tries to drive its prey into a state of fear so they cant rationalize its weakness. Thats why it mainly picks on children and avoids adults, theyre easy to scare. Its also why pennywise only tries to pick them off the Losers when theyre alone in chapter 1, it knows that together they stand a chance of beating it because their friendship eliminates fear, although it doesnt try to show it.

Theres some other lore that "beings take on the rules of the forms they inhabit" which is why Pennywise is always in the form of a clown instead of something like an insect that could die to fire or bugspray, Monster clowns dont have a well defined weakness.

What motivates Pennywise? It seems intelligent, why fuck around in Derry for so long?

qt ginger cunny

>seeing his true form makes you go insane
>outer god beyond human comprehension
>cant truly be killed (pennywise lives in a later King novel)
its pretty lovecraftian

its a girl, so daddy problems

Should I read the book?

checked, also what's with this?
is it tethered to derry?
i haven't read the book

it has an aura that attracts people to derry. it doesnt have to go anywhere, people just walk straight into a jaws, constantly, for millions of years.

no, listen to audiobook yes. there are entire chapters that have no impact on the story or characters.

Pennywise actually has multiple chapters from her viewpoint. Hunger motivates her, and the fact that she likes hurting things. It's as simple as that. Until the Losers shoot her with a silver bullet she's never felt fear or pain, and once they make her feel those things hatred and fear motivate her as well.

Implicitly, the need to reproduce also motivates her, since she's heavily pregnant and about to birth when the adult Losers confront her. She's so close that when they make her flee she detaches her womb and the spiderlings within are ambulatory. Ben has to individually crush them and hear their psychic death-rattles.

It's not clear if the babies are separate entities or just a weird way that Pennywise grows bigger - she can feel their deaths and later post-IT material implies Pennywise somehow endures. The Losers didn't kill the deadlights, so either Pennywise constructed a new body, one of the spiderlings escaped and is also her, or the hints are red herrings.

It crash landed there and just stayed. I guess it was never explained why specifically, but why would it leave? It has it's lair and travel/sewage system, its eggs (were those featured in the new movie?) and an entire town under its control with plenty to eat.

Bc of Ka

Thank YOU user .. I Never GOT it here

So is IT ever confirmed to be female? If so then why the fuck does she take the form of a male clown?

She's tied to Derry by choice. She crashed in the patch of land that would eventually end up as the land on which Derry was built in prehistoric times; it's implied her coming caused a mass extinction.

You can think of Derry as...like a crab's shell, maybe? She could leave it but she's not inclined to, Derry is exactly the lair she wants. It actually suffers a massive collapse after her body's death at the hands of the Losers.

>All these posts calling It "she"

Wait what

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>there are entire chapters that have no impact on the story or characters
Like? I haven't read the book in a while but certain extra chapters (like Patrick Hocksetter for example) fed into the way Pennywise worked and Patrick did influence the Losers and Henry, even if it was just minor.

don't listen to him, read the book but skip the mike hanlon interludes they're boring and you only need to know that pennywise caused the black spot fire.

It probably knows males have more intimidating forms.

It's final form is pregnant in the book so they remark that it seems to be the female of its species.
It takes the form of a male clown because most clowns are male, and they used to be endearing to kids.

In parts of the book IT is referred to as a "she" and IT laid eggs.

It's a late reveal in the book that Pennywise is female. It might be hermaphroditic in fact, since its eggs were fertilized and we never see a daddy. At one point Pennywise (in the guise of an old woman) says that her mother and father were the same creature, for what that's worth.

Word of God is Pennywise takes the form of a male clown because clowns are disarming and help draw kids near. And she likes the way that they spook people. As for why Pennywise doesn't really respect sex in her various disguises, who knows? Her actual real form is sapient, starving malevolent light, so cunts and cocks might seem a bit trivial.

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Thanks for clearing some stuff up lads.

The 'big reveal' at the end of the novel is that IT is female - and pregnant.

This. Great input user. Waiting for my tablet to charge then I begin reading it tonight. Can't wait

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When did he come back ? You mean that Dandelo guy from Dark Tower?

So Lavos essentially?

You are a monumental pleb and faggot. The Derry Interludes are the best parts of the novel and I read it the first time before you knew which of your mom's boyfriends you liked being molested by the most. Lock yourself in an abandoned fridge.

Different user, but most notably the one where the one Derry policeman is seriously considering looking into the gay homicide, then King snorted another line and he vanishes into the aether. King himself has admitted the book is very scattershot and filled with subplots that don't really matter or are disruptive in their placement, but honestly I wouldn't have it any other way.

Read 1-4

5 is pushing it and from that on its full shitshow

name one useful mike hanlon interlude that doesn't just repeat the material from previous mike hanlon chapters. i'll wait.

In one of the later books they visit derry again, and a plaque in Derry reads PENNYWISE LIVES.

>(were those featured in the new movie?)
nope, first I'm hearing of it

yeah the movie cut the eggs and most of ITs lore, the movie actually changed a few things from the novel. Which is probably for the best, if they explain too much about IT then the movie goes from Horror to scifi.

1, 2, and 3 are absolutely based
4 is based, but a digression
5 is pretty dull but has its moments
6 is pointless
7 will make you rage

The Wind Through the Keyhole belongs in the company of 4 - another interesting digression.

or, y'know, sci-fi horror.

Make sure you get the unmolested edition of the Gunslinger. King rewrote it when he was sober, its fucking awful.

The whole interconnected universe didn't exist when IT was written, but yeah, it's implied that it fits into the Dark Tower setting. The "macroverse" is todash space. IT is some sort of todash daemon. The Turtle is the same Turtle guardian of one of the Tower's supporting beams. And yeah, the force behind the Losers is probably God/Gan. Amusingly IT has bits in it that would later have, in a post-DT novel, been Dark Tower references. Such as the use of the phrase "on the beam."

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>King does a Stan Lee tier cameo
>"I hated the ending"

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In the book the turtle is there from the very beginning. Even Stan's wife talks about it. They really needed it in the movie to explain why Pennywise wasn't just murking the kids as soon as he had them alone. It would have given him a reason to be inconsistent. Because what we got in the second movie was pennywise just being retarded as fuck

Dandelo could be one of Pennywise's kids, or a weaker member of the same species, or even her twinner. As far as I know King has never cleared that up.

Yup. it was Dreamcatcher, by the way, which holds the dubious distinction of being considered King's worst novel.

When I was a kid I was amazed at how long all of King’s books are, but as an adult now I understand it’s the literary equivalent of the coked out guy at the bar speaking a mile a minute.

As someone who absolutely love Stephen Kings writing and recently fell in love with Dark Tower, have read 4 so far, this is very, very disconcerting..... Only thing I need to know, is it the solution to things like how people say he can't write an ending and all that coke jazz, or does the writing itself just become duller and less made with care? The Gunslinger was amazing with all its little details and portraying the life and mentality of Roland. Also Blain the pain and everything in the third book was amazing.

King has long been aware his endings are shit and talked about it in his author's forewards/afterwards for years. Dark Tower 7 warned us about it - and boy, was he not kidding.

Dreamcatcher is so fucking weird. It's in the Derryverse and at the end the President FUCKING ADMITS TO THE ENTIRE WORLD THAT ALIENS EXIST AND HAVE VISITED EARTH and King has never brought it up again.

Does Dark Tower really suck that much?
The books I mean. I usually love King's long books: It, Stand, Under the Dome.
Shining sucked IMO, as well as The Talisman (but the sequel Black House was goddamn amazing)

Also, recommend other writers like King, but with more horror and less "good stupid people vs awesome intelligent baddies".

My sense is that 5, 6, and 7 represent King's decreasing interest in the Dark Tower setting, resulting in him forcing it out and producing content that was subpar.

Don't get me wrong, every one of those three novels had individual redeeming qualities, but they will end plotlines or interact with characters in ways that, I am sure, you will be disappointed. 7's ending rightly deserves infamy, not for the specific fate Roland meets, but for everything that builds to it.

All of that being said, this is pulp and taste is subjective. Don't let bitter fucks like me on Yea Forums spoil your fun.

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Different level of the Tower would be the usual handwave. Chances are King just doesn't like the novel and so he ignores it. I think the only reason he acknowledges Tommyknockers (which is one-third paranoid, misinformed anti-nuclear screed by volume) is because the concept behind the aliens in it is genuinely cool and because it represented the end of his 'coke and booze' phase when his habits got so bad they were very nearly ruining him.

Why'd you dislike The Shining?

>then the movie goes from Horror to scifi.
More like from comedy to sci-fi horror. The only thing scary in the duology was Bev cutting her hair short.

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Top tier levels of civil discussion in this thread lads

He said Tommyknockers was awful.

So, the consensus on Dandelo?

One of the spawn of a pregnant IT or simple another Todash monster of the same species?

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>Don't let bitter fucks like me on Yea Forums spoil your fun.
Oh, no worries there. I have by long learned to stay true to my own opinions. But thank you for your input, I might enjoy it more than you think, it doesn't take much to impress me, or to put it another way, I have a way of seeing the value in things.

At least he warned it LOL

I found it boring. Simply as that.
Maybe I can try to read it again, I have awful memory for books / movies, but I can recall if I liked it or not.
I kinda remember lots and lots of pages of NOTHING HAPPENING, but hell, that happens a lot in The Stand, yet I really like Stand. Must be the characters.
I've heard Dr Sleep or whatever is good.

Dandelo is like It, but feeds on joy/laughter instead of fear? Something like that. I read 7 once and dandelo's section was one of the duller parts.

probs vegetarian

What you're saying makes sense, I see he wrote the three last ones in a two year span. That's either rushing or being completely, creatively on point.

Dr Sleep is actually Heroes with Danny in it. And instead of Zachary Quinto, you get vampire gal with top hat

Maybe it would suit you better.

I loved The Talisman. Can't wait to read the sequel.

To be honest, that's not even rushing for King. The man's first drug, as far as I can tell, is writing. He writes and writes and writes and writes. He'll probably die at his keyboard with a novel half-finished.

Cheers. Make sure to check out The Wind Through the Keyhole. I would read it right after you finish 4 (where it belongs, chronologically).

I thought the book ending to IT was one of his best. Third acts can fall so fucking flat, but it's ending was so fever pitched and then a slowburn to a whole ending

Twinner was my opinion.

Yeah, I'm not saying he thinks it's good, just that he acknowledges it AT ALL. I don't think he really talks about Dreamcatcher.

Sadly plebs would never understand

Similar yeah. I remember seeing that comparison before.

>The Wind Through the Keyhole. I would read it right after you finish 4 (where it belongs, chronologically).
It has absolutely no reference or meaning on anything past 4?

To me, these films were Supposedly-Horror-But-Fun-Adventure comfy flick like The mummy from 90s and Constantine.

Seriously, how can anyone find CGI bump jumping out once in 15 minutes genuinely scary?

I've been waiting for a movie adapt for those and The Long Walk for a damn good while

I mean it does, but its beginning is tied to the end of 4 and its end is tied to the beginning of 5. Truthfully you could read it after you've finished the series, but after 4 (if you like 4) you'll be primed for more digressions about a young Roland.

I totally forgot that the first book was called Talisman, so when I was at the bookstore the other day I saw "STEPHEN K / PETER S" at the top of the cover and bought it immediately thinking it was the final chapter, sequel to Black House.
Only after I started reading it again it fell on me that I bought twice a book I disliked.

IT - the novel - is one of his better endings. His non-horror novels and novellas often have pretty solid endings too. The Green Mile, for example.

IT's mate. Considering Dandelo feeds on different emotions than fear and lives near the Tower which has a doorway to Derry, I take it to mean they are two halves of a whole and were once together.

So, what do we think of the stand?
i never watched the old miniseries - movies whatever.
I've heard there's a new series on the planning, hope its good, i love the stand.

I don't think it gives anything away, it's pretty self-contained and there's not much story featuring the ka-tet except as a framing device

the running man and the long walk had great endings too. nice closure/self sacrifice and ambiguity behind who the shadow was at the end of the walk.

Okay thanks. I'll probably read it before I continue

It's a shame they decided to remove side plot with Audra.

Thanks to that decision, the whole riding Silver after 27 years thing became meaningless. And it didn't resolve Bill's problem with Audra portrayed in film either.

the first third is the best writing king has ever done, incredibly done. the part where the groups meet up is okay, and the final showdown is trash. so overall, a good book. harold was literally r9k before r9k.

The chapter where Eddie confronts his mom about the inhaler being fake in the hospital was particularly memorable for being skippable. He confront his mom about the inhaler being fake but at the end of the chapter decides to keep using it and he uses it as an adult. So, it has no impact on his character or development.

All the interludes as the other user mentioned are skippable but also provide some neat backstory that is easier to get through as an audiobook.

any of the older books worth reading?
salems lot, carrie, kujo, cristine, thinner, etc....

>green mile
>running man
It's amazing how many movies turn out to be based on King stories.

Recently read The Stand, I'm reading books that are referenced between Dark Tower books. I loved it, great characters, nicely established world and tense middle part. It did end abruptly and there was maybe some things that could have gotten a bit more attention and used better and more creatively, like Trashy and Abigail.

>why the fuck does she take the form of a male clown
Female clownssl are too sexy to be scary

The three Darabont movies are some of my favourites. Still have to watch The Mist in the "director approved" B&W version.

I just realized this a fucking Futurama reference. Great job OP

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Who had sex with IT?

i've read all his main works and i'd say that the following five works by king are ACTUALLY worth reading and have some literary merit

the stand
the shining
and to a lesser degree

night shift
the long walk
the running man

70 or so actually.

Harold was fucking r9k, but I hated that autist knife kid even more.
God how I hate autistic kids in horror.

>The chapter where Eddie confronts his mom about the inhaler being fake in the hospital was particularly memorable for being skippable. He confront his mom about the inhaler being fake but at the end of the chapter decides to keep using it and he uses it as an adult. So, it has no impact on his character or development.
I always thought that was the point though, all the characters were successful in some ways but extremely stifled in others, the way Bev chose an abusive husband like her father or how none of them had children. They forgot their childhoods but in many ways never grew up. Similarly they all had a strange amnesia regarding the events of that summer that only went away when they returned to Derry.

I feel like nobody really remembers it or maybe just didn't like it, but The Langoliers is by far my favorite Stephen King story/movie. Easily the most horrifying premise too, and so fascinating.

>getting trapped in a weird time displaced mirror dimension that's being destroyed by a swarm of alien Pac-Men with chainsaws for mouths

I fucking love it

Misery and Cujo man.

My dad is an avid King reader (hates IT) and said Salems Lot was his best and he never matched it. I read Salems Lot, it's definitely a book you will read pretty steadily and doesn't have too many superfluous chapters or ramblings that King does. Probably his best? But I haven't read them all. The ending isn't as bad as his other books, the character development and setting is pretty good.

i forgot misery but cujo is ok. never saw the hype.

>No Carrie
>No Misery
Also his short stories in general tend to be great.

Darabont seems to always adopt King stories admirably. King likes his work too, from what I've heard.

oh and pet sematary was decent.

No one, as far as we know. Pennywise obscurely implies she might have impregnated herself. As far as she knows, the only living things in the macroverse are her and the Turtle, who she considers a retard and was surprised to find out was alive (before he dies anyway). She fears there's a third power, implicitly God (and there is), but she certainly didn't mate with him.

Any opinions on the MR Mercedes trilogy?
(I just have the first book but somewhere i heard about it being 3 books)

Also, are his other short stories compilations worth reading? Ive heard they sometimes go batshit insane (like killing machines, or monsters living inside a man IIRC), but that more my kind of horror.

Night Shift is a whole collection, do you mean Graveyard Shift?

Pennywise is a projection created by the ancient alien entity that lives under the town. It feeds primarily off of fear, anger, and other negative emotions, which is why it is described as inciting hate and violence throughout the towns history, not just against children. It quickly learned, or it's psychic projection Pennywise which is in many ways a seperate entity, that the fear of children was the most delicious emotion, and sought it above all other sustenance. Thus his goal isn't to immediately kill the children, it's more to torment them endlessly until they are squeezed dry and kill themselves/are fit to eat or kill. You can also imagine this entity is extremely contemptuous of humanity, as it has been here since the dinosaurs, and probably couldn't fathom that the will of humans could harm it. The Turtle is described as potentially giving the Losers the psychic powers/insights to defeat It

No wonder he has like a 400 million dollar networth

Because she's to much arrogant and stupid to do things in an efficent way. It was like that at least until she actually discovered that the loosers were just not ordinary kids. After that she was being even more stupid and careless because pain and fear makes her panic completely

They also all never had kids. It's symbolic of how they never grew up, yes, not properly.

I just think Cujo has the dog perspective, a great ending and an insanely good portrayal of alcoholism and summer.

Is it a positive or a negative for IT 2 that I wanted to see so much more of Bill Skarsgaard as Pennywise?

He absolutely killed it in the few scenes he was in.

What is the general consensus of chapter 2?

Probably a positive, since it means you liked his performance.

and yet dreamcatcher is probably my favorite king movie thats not the shining

The turtle didn't give them any powers, just adviced Bill about the chüd, the one giving them the abilities to kill a cosmical being was "the other"

>everyone calling IT a she
Well this feels relevant. Would you a clown Yea Forums?

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Plot armour

would honk/10

Is there any King books where the bad guy fuckign gets what he deserves?
In all Ive read, the bad guy always dies either too abruptly, or too easily. I mean, I like King's villains, I fucking hate them in a good way, but at the retribution time I always think they should have suffered more. Way more.
OW THE EDGE I know, but my honest opinion.


all of the above dandelo is an equal opportunity emotional vampire, joy/terror/pain etc its all good like different flavors

Its comfy, I'll say that.

Thank guys, guess I'm buying Salem's Lot and all the short stories books.

Any opinions on the recent Pet Sematary? I remember liking the book.

In IT, yeah? She dies in utter agony, feeling the deaths of her children, begging in terror for her life until her heart is physically ripped out and crushed.

Good 'ol RF dies at least 3 times that I can remember, though they tend to be quick deaths.

The psychic vampires in Dr. Sleep have horrible deaths.

Based Long Walk chad represent, literally the peak of King Kino and best overall book of his even if he was sniffing enough coke to kill and elephant

I'm actually rereading Salem's Lot right now, funnily enough. I believe all the modern editions collect in Jerusalem's Lot and One For the Road with that novel, too.

So, quite literally the losers deus ex machina their way into success, that's some good hack writing right there

what went wrong?

I was talking about when they were adults, not children

I've never read the book, but I love the movie as well. I really like that it's basically a parallel to IT following a separate group of kids from Derry who fight a different evil alien monster. That town breeds space marines ready to conquer the stars.

Yes and no. Yes insofar as god is on their side, no in that in the end it's all their love for each other and individual wills that beat Pennywise.

It's been years since I read IT, I'm planning to do it again soon. Sound like an awesome death.

Just finished Under The Dome and I found once again, the bad fucker dies in a way too good for him. Good book though.

Dumb hollywood writers thought that WHOOOOOOOA COOL GRAPHICS could substitute for the story they mangled.

I don't know what all of you guys are talking about, I love the book and the movie. My theory is that Pennywise became an alien projection ghost like Mr.Grey from Dreamcatcher, and lives beyond the ancient entity that spawned him.

It lays eggs, by definition it's a She or a hermaphrodite.

Yeah I was fuzzy on whether it was just the Turtle, but like I said /insights to defeat it.


MiB suffered he went out in a pretty fucked up way

Also buy The Long Walk, it’s so out there compared to his other works when it comes to content that it’s really refreshing and it’s well written with a stellar cast and most importantly is pure kino

The kids in IT are all Shiners, like Danny.

Black Spot, Claude Giroux, him facing off with Rodan at the Ironworks, Eddie Corcoran, and every other fucking one you moron. Neck yourself.

we are all okey that they made richie gay?

the void creatures are weird in one a female demon fucks roland a few books later a male demon fucks detta, turns out it was the same demon and in one place its female and in a different place its male

It's not a big deal.

Read a book you fucking nigger.

every single SK character has the shine to some degree

Amusingly enough that's how mythological succubi/incubi work. They fuck men, steal their semen, change sexes, then impregnate a woman.

I don't think those were interludes? Could be wrong, please don't make me whip out that massive fucking encyclopedia of a book.

Black Spot chapter was the single best chapter in the entire book. That was a fucking page turner of a section. His ability to capture fear and panic was fucking gripping.

>IT thread actually discussing the story of the books and the macroverse in general
What timeline did I just travel to?

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Oh I love the movie, too, but I don't know of I'd consider it good. Casting and the first part is wholesome, but somewhere between the execution of the army and aliens, the changes from the book and God damn Morgan freeman somethings off.

and thats exactly what happens

the performance of mr grey when hes possesing that guy is fantastic

I have no idea user, usually these threads go something like "HACKHACKHACK", "COKE" and talking about the sewer orgy. This has been a nice change of pace and I'd like to thank you all for a comfy and proper discussion.

It's dumb, but whatever, to be expected of Hollywood to force things like that at this point. Doesn't change much anyway, his character never had a main love interest/wife in the story anyway. That said, it makes no sense with how he is in part 1, oogling Bev when she's in her underwear and making comments about wanting to fuck people's moms and sisters.

He’s a stupid clown LMFAO

Yes, I've loved and followed that actors work ever since.

It isn't faithful to the book already so what does it matter?


I really want to read IT, the Dark Tower series, Dreamcatcher and some of King's other stuff, but I never get around to sitting and reading anymore nowadays when I can just play games or watch something in my free time. Shit sucks. I already have a pile of other books I have bought in the past couple years that I haven't started yet too.


So how would you have handled the ending so it didn't feel like an easy win?
For me, it would've gone like this: Pennywise wins

walter of the many names

And King Crimson did not have a pleasant reaction to his dedrawing.

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Yep, added it to the wishlist.
Helps all his books are like 8 - 10 bucks at most.

try salems lot its an easy read pretty short and ties into the wider universe but its a selfcontained story

Every now and then the stars align

futurama reference huh

I still wanna fuck Bev senseless.

He's a pre-pubescent kid at that point. He doesn't even have an orientation yet.

Anyway it wouldn't be the first time a gay overcorrected to cover.

The good 'ol walkin' dude.

no i did mean night shift. king's short works in that collection are some of his best work. especially the jump through timespace forget what it's called, and the one where the guy eats himself alive on the desert island.

Exact same boat, I used to love reading, but now I just can't build up the will to read anything non-academic or news related. Haven't read books for entertainment in at least a year.

saw the movie the other day, wtf happened to the knife guy and his zombie driver? they just disappeared

He was killed by Richie when he tried to kill of the black dude you fucking ADHD zoomer

>no please Roland dont retroactively ruin my character please at least dont let that literal who do it...who is that mute little shit anyway...FUCK im vanishing

when did that happen? I just remember him getting knifed but then he escaped into the carpark

Oh shit, Man In Black. Still haven't read Dark T, but know his nickname.

Also, really? I heard from a friend that he also dies "too silly" and stupidly, like a fucking sissy bitch. But then again, she supposedly hated Dark Tower's ending after waiting for it so long.

Ah. Agreed, it's a fantastic collection.

Try it, once you start you just get better. I also quit reading books some years ago, "It"was the book that helped me return. I struggled with the first 500 pages for two fucking months, after that the other 800 pages we're a matter of a single week. Reading a long ass thing like that really toughen up your reading muscle

there's a scene later on where mike gets almost stabbed by bowers but then richie stabs bowers in the back of the head and then he says a line about how he's okay even though he killed a guy.

guys to be honest i think these movies are kinda shit but i fucking love the effects and pennywise himself, the way he acts and speaks. He's genuinely got a cool design

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The death, in context, is horrific. But considering how big a deal Randal Flagg is to King fans and Tower fans particularly, you will likely be unsatisfied.

maybe but its still fucked up, hes forced to eat himself

Reading on the shitter always helps me when I'm in a slump.


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How do people do anything on the shitter? I literally shit as soon as I sit down. Why do you go to the toilet and wait for the shit to come?

Damn, sound brutal.
Definitely getting the saga this Christmas, I'm easy to please, so it can't suck THAT much.

IT is the deadlights.

double dubs of Ka speak the truth

could Dante from the Devil May Cry series defeat Pennywise?

It was. I'm in the middle of re-reading it to cleanse my palate of how bad Chapter 2 was. All of the self contained stories about characters that weren't related to the Losers as a group or Henry directly were Interludes. I think you're just not remembering correctly. Understandable considering it's longer than the Bible.

Bad diets, I'm assuming.

huh maybe I was in the toilet for that bit


i like tim curry's voice better, but bill skarsgard's look is interesting. i like the red face plant being an extension of his mouth. though at times i think it's almost too "clean" or "sterile" of a design. maybe just his monster form. i don't know

I mean, taking a dump usually takes a couple of minutes, but I wouldn't call it a "wait."

Hemorrhoids man. Fucking hemorrhoids.

So is the orgy thing legit?

Bro, when you got a full time job and a family, the only time alone you ever get is on the can. That's the reason that is older guys stay in there so long. We shit right away too but then enjoy a few precious moments of quiet time...

>fat loser turns into a gigachad trope

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Less of an orgy more the Losers running train on Bev to fix their damaged mojo after sending Pennywise into early hibernation. She orgasms. Twice.

It's pretty obviously meant as a symbolic 'end of childhood' moment but it's as weird as you'd expect.

I just read the Wiki about it (the monster)
if the wiki is correct, wich it probably is considering you have to be incredibly autistic about something to make a wiki; it's "true form" is "incomprehensible to the mind" but one kid stared at the dead ligths once and saw a hairy orange creature, on earth it takes the form of a spider because supposedly is the closes thing on earth to its actual form; meaning she (aparently it's female) it's a giant glowing orange hairy spider
And it has a brother that it's a turtle?
so THIS is the power of writing high on cocaine...

In the book? Yeah. They each take turns losing their virginity to Bev.


Silly King, 12 yo girls can't orgasm haha

Same, since I was 15 I always shit after eating breakfast and after lunch, they are pontual, I sit, I shit, I'm out in less than 2 minutes. Sure it can happen more times, but those two always happens.

It's real. They take turns, it isn't overtly gratuitous. Her mentioning that Ben was the biggest is as sexual as it gets.

It's the turtle, and it's not god

what is he drinking?

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bevs PJ

>oogling Bev when she's in her underwear
might be bi, and Bev is pretty tomboyish when she's a kid
>making comments about wanting to fuck people's moms and sisters.
doesn't mean shit

You need to read the book again. Pennywise herself makes this explicit in her chapters.


>looking for logic in a Stephen King story

come on, even he has no fucking idea what the rules are. He was drunk and high on coke when he wrote the book and probably saw a turtle at a creek by his house one time. There's literally no internal logic besides the ravings of a hack alkie tweeker's subconscious.

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its like stranger things

hardly horror, more like, slightly creepy whilst a bunch of kids go on a fun filled adventure

People are saying that Zombie Minion is back in the sequel, but no one has mentioned Witch Minion yet and I can't be bothered if the best character isn't back.


*paint; i liked his look in this scene

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literally mate which is coke leaves

It was the best paet of the movie so yes

Salem's Lot actually kinda sucks. It's similar to other King stories with haunted houses and stuff, but it's really kinda dull. The mini-series by Tobe Hooper is considerably better and was what tricked me into reading the book.


This and the part with Bev when he’s paining his face were the only parts he was intimidating and kino.

I disagree, the characters are interesting, the vampire is a good villian and the haunted house stuff is genuinely creepy, also its very short for a king novel so it doesn't really have the time to get dull

because they "taste better" when they've been scared shitless, kind of lazy storytelling but makes for more suspense and horror (presumably)

The Chinese think meat tastes better when you torture the animal. That's why you see all these webms of chinks torching cats and boiling dogs alive.

thats retarded, the muscles tense up and make the meat tough, an animal thats completely relaxed and instantly killed makes the best meat

It's possible one of the spiderlings just inherited It's old tricks through genetic memory, etc.

I know, all I'm saying is that maybe IT is a chinaman.

makes sense

The Chinese aren't human

People think that old spider is the biggest threat. Small potatoes.

The man in Black, the Walkin' Dude, the Hardcase, Randall Flagg or just "Flagg" is by far a better villain who does more than eat some fucking kids

I love Mike's Interludes.

or intelligent by the sounds of it

He doesn't do shit in Stand at least.
Just "die" like a bitch who lost control in everything.
Oh wait, he controlled some wolves to kill some midget fag inside a car from starvation. That was cool.

Indeed. Should have ended when Mike was like "what do we do now?" And PW said "You die is that you do"

The end.

tbf he also gets owned by a spider

he escaped, also he melted a guys face off, but walter usually works behind the scenes and pisses off efore things become too hot, that was maybe the only time he took a stand and it really didn't work out for him

Yeah, that why I said "dies".

Oh right, that blue light turned into Gods hand thingy. Thats the facemelter, right?
Thats cool as well, I guess. Also, killed that fat annoying edgy fuck.

yea harold, that was funny

What im wondering is what people who havnt read the book thought of the movie. I feel like if i didnt read it before seeing this i wouldnt what the fuck was going on.

Did King have a series of botched plastic surgeries or did his face just naturally melt as he aged? Scarier than the CGI.

I actually read On Writing before It, and I think part of the reason the kid's segments in the novel work so well is that they're almost autobiographical. On Writing spends a good chunk talking about his childhood, and King and his older brother and maybe some other kids actually dammed up a stream and nearly flooded out their hometown. I think they built an underground clubhouse at one point and did some of the other stuff the Losers got up to. He talks about remembering the sharp smell of alcohol when the doctor sterilized things, and that same exact imagery is used in one of Eddie's chapters in It too. I don't really even think of it as a horror story, it's more of a nostalgic coming of age story about the 50's.

is it on writing where he talks about his recurring nightmare of malevolent red spiders in a barn?

Cosmic turtles are actually a thing in various cultures but to be fair, they were probably as high as Stephen when they came up those myths

He looked like simple jack in the face painting scene.

His face has always been weird looking. He also likes to pull faces for the camera so there's that.

It's mate, a herbal drink just like tea. Muschetti is Argentinian and C.A.I. goes for Independiente, a shitty football team.

Was Pennywise an actual person at some point who It just lifted the persona of or was Pennywise always It during the time he was actually performing in public?

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In Firestarter the girl hits a dude with a blast so hot it vaporizes the bullet he shoots at her if I remember correctly.

IT doesn't have a gender. Bill's wife referred to IT as "female" because it looked like the spider was pregnant.

Pennywise was never a real person whose persona IT assumed, if that's what you're asking.

Percy Wetmore gets used as a living weapon to kill a monstrous child killer and never recovers his sanity. He's placed in an abusive mental hospital.

I remember reading that.
It was called "Fire Eyes" in Spanish (in case its the same book), about some little girl with fire superpowers or some shit. It was nice, at least more entertaining than Rose Madder.

a human pennywise is never mentioned in the book but IT does impersonate dead people all the time, so it's technically possible he lifted the persona.

Yes, there was a real Pennywise the dancing clown. It killed him and used his identity as a disguise, hence having his wagon in the sewer since he certainly didn't build it himself.

Quite literally, what the fuck did he mean by this?

i personally like to have boner when i take a shit. feels extra good stroking it while i take a two foot long deuce.


haven't watched chapter 2?

or 1

There’s a scene in chapter 2 where Adult Eddie is vomited on by the leper and they play that song for like 2 seconds and it’s so Fucking weird

This is probably what I missed the most from both adaptations. I know the clown is more iconic but I bet if you combined them all, It's mimicking a corpse more often than not. The best one is when Eddie, I think, is at the sandlot behind the old trucking company and It copies the guy who used to own the place and digs around under the field like a giant gopher. Pretty sure it also takes the form of one of the popular girls from school who died in a horrible car crash in that scene too.

This isn't legible

Read a book a while back over a hellish summer, saw the film, part 2 tonight. Not bad, but not great. Still liked a lot of what it did - they did the best they could with a book like this. But I understand that even as a horror fan, only people who read the book will probably enjoy the movie.

Also got re-awakened to exploding with solar force at the idea of Ben's obese body crushing Beverly like an out of control monster truck carrying jello, until she's 10 orgasms in and half braindead.

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protip, select the text you want to spoiler and press ctrl+s

The sheer brevity of it, and how unexpected it is, left it a bizarre moment of levity that worked for me, simply because it was so goddamn short and WEIRD.

Apologies, I’m posting on mobile and I thought that would work as normal

I don't remember it on chapter 1.
Might watch it again, I really liked ch. 1.

demon magic

yeah the way it was edited had a comical effect

I mean I haven't seen either 1 or 2, starting watching 1 the other day but I just felt like watching the old series instead so idk, i'll get to it, honestly after this thread might just watch dreamcatcher again, been ages

Ceremony of chud?

Yeah but it felt intentionally comical in a really sucker punch way that you just never really see, even with the tone of the movie.

I feel like maybe it was meant to be a sudden memorable tone-shaker because later Eddie says he could feel It dying, and right before it does, sudden surreal moment in the horror.

Kind or Koontz?
Read Koontz's "The Face" and loved it more than most of King's work

The Turtle and IT are beings of the same sort, but different type. IT muses on this in one of her chapters. The Dark Tower series would later place the Turtle and the Spider on opposite ends of the same Beam.

Does anyone else get a hard peepee when Pennywise talks about eating people?

that and the ADR line of "the mullet still looks bad" when eddie yells as bowers after being stabbed

Is the audiobook good? Is it a guy doing all voices? That sounds silly.

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dude Shardik the bear is opposite Manturin

Eddie plays up Fight or Flight well, where he's clearly fucked up in the head and either goes cold killer or total statue depending on the moment

He was acting like a fucking serial killer on Bowers

King is a hack. The only redeeming quality of his books is his somewhat interesting world building.


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ritual of chüd*, but yes

yeah it came out of left field for sure. had an interesting effect

of course

there's an old one by chuck benson, and a new one by steven weber. i've only heard bits of the older one, but i've read the newer one is better. i'm sure some parts are cringe

Rose Madder would have been great without the supernatural bullshit

Well, there is that one webcomic with her and Mike, but I wouldn't know where to find it now that the panda is dead.

Reminder that all the characters with some supernatural ability in any of King's works have some form of the Shine.

He wants them in his deadlights. Worse than instant death and he has a vendetta. It’s easier to lure all 6 of them into his lair at once than having to kidnap 6 adults individually. The movie kinda touches on it but Pennywise intentionally called them all back them all back to Derry.

Nah, I'd have it end with the Losers bodies making a a new seal and their souls to forever keep IT at bay.

it that what they call it these days

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Why didn't George Bush's government do anything about an extra-dimensional shapeshifting entity running around?

Pennywise swallows them whole one by one, causing his belly to bulge with their writhing bodies.
