Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
Other urls found in this thread:
based lads club
The woman for thinking anyone wants to hear her retarded opinions
What did she say?
She might be an expert on the subject.
unequivocal basedness
unironically pogba
>bla bla blahblah bla. Bla bla bla?
>Ehhh Idon'treallycare, so about that steak you made yesterday John...
>women's football
The director for trying this newsroom bullshit
this is considered rape in the US
You must get raped a lot then
Backstory of this?
Women's Football can be alright if you're watching the game at a local ground with a few pints. It's got nothing on women's hockey but you don't look as dodge with your itchy leg.
Holy cringe
The men for not raping and beheading her on the spot.
they got a quota to fill and she's kenny dalgish's daughter. that's it.
The future is female, lads.
Based and manpilled.
Cringe and femoidpilled.