Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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based lads club

The woman for thinking anyone wants to hear her retarded opinions

What did she say?

She might be an expert on the subject.

unequivocal basedness

unironically pogba

>bla bla blahblah bla. Bla bla bla?
>Ehhh Idon'treallycare, so about that steak you made yesterday John...

>women's football

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The director for trying this newsroom bullshit

this is considered rape in the US

You must get raped a lot then

Backstory of this?


Women's Football can be alright if you're watching the game at a local ground with a few pints. It's got nothing on women's hockey but you don't look as dodge with your itchy leg.

Attached: eva-de-goede-dutch-field-hockey-player.jpg (624x420, 151K)

Holy cringe


Attached: 1530123308297.jpg (511x671, 33K)

The men for not raping and beheading her on the spot.

they got a quota to fill and she's kenny dalgish's daughter. that's it.


Attached: DnikeZCX4AAcJCG (1).jpg (1200x1172, 109K)

The future is female, lads.

Attached: cates.gif (300x192, 1.82M)

Based and manpilled.

Cringe and femoidpilled.