What is it about Euphoria that makes it such a good show?
What is it about Euphoria that makes it such a good show?
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She's pretty. What's her name?
>tfw no chubby gf to cuddle
this is peak femininity
Wow, can't imagine how it would be if I could speak whale.
>t. Low-T numale
She's weird but strangely hot
she’s borderline right now and if she’s this heavy at 19 think what she’s gonna look like at 30. also nota bene she is a mexican so beaner genes and she has no tits
Jesus christ what a fucking fat slobby mess
Give me a name.
chorizo truck hav arrived
Stop posting this fat ugly dyke
selena gomez has put on weight
Looks like a completely average tarted up fat beaner. Come to America and you'll find plenty.
kek. The absolute lack of milkers is just disturbing. Her fat fucking gut goes past her tits.
looks like a fat tranny
she has a nice face and she knows it allows her to get fat and still be "above average." if she lost a bunch of weight she'd be unattainable model tier
oh wow it's someone with low levels of testosterone
Nah he's just someone with enough dignity to not lust after fatties.
Barbie ferreira
Dated a girl who looked exactly like her except with red hair for 3 years, shit was BEYOND cash.
>women can literally get away with being fat and ugly
That's still not a name.
Can I get one without pic related?
Nice, but in terms of hot fat, it's always gonna be Siripornstar for me.
Euphoria = trannies
>Implying you wouldn't
Haha. You actually, unironically believe this??/
>women can still be hot even when overweight
I would man the harpoon
Why are you posting the landwhale instead of the titmonster?
Wouldn't pull out
I unironically would
more of her?
>all the fat acceptance shit is directed towards women only
>all the chubby chasers (no female equivalent)
Yeah, and if you don't unironically believe it you're probably a white knight
you would if you know her personality
for women
>thin = hot
>average = hot
>slightly overweight = hot
>fat = hot, occasionally
for men
>muscular = hot
>everything else = disgusting
Lose weight
>implying dad bod isn't a meme now
Just literally don't be obviously obese and have something resembling a functional personality. It's really not hard.
the sex scene with jules
seething fatty
she's like the personified reason for doggystyle being such a sexual staple.
Plenty thawn over scrawny af Chalamet, and plenty fawned over scrawny af Leo back when he did Titanic. David Harbour probably has plenty of women lusting after him despite all that fat.
>Plenty thawn over scrawny af Chalamet, and plenty fawned over scrawny af Leo back when he did Titanic.
teenage girls
>David Harbour probably has plenty of women lusting after him despite all that fat.
+40 year old moms
It was a mistake to give ugly fat chicks confidence. They don't deserve it.
Well done, you've figured out males have inherently less value due to our inability to shit out a baby and have to prove ourselves to the sexually selective gender. Go jump in a ditch if you're going to cry me a river over these double standarda and disparities, cause they're there cause men and women are different.
finn that lanklet from SNL thats banging everyone dj qualls
Fertility goddess
before she was big
as in before she turned herself into a giant god-emporer like landworm?
this Image is proof positive that men will fuck anyone..,or thing.
>tfw 6'6" bear mode
>tfw all I ever score are fatties like OP
>tfw all I want is a 4'10 - 5'1" petite boyish gf
Kill me now
peak female
Nah, as a bi guy this is how it works for men
>muscles = hot unless you go too far (I'm looking at you /fraud/)
>super skinny = hot (see MGK, Bones, Lil Peep)
>chubby = hot if feminine
>bear mode
you're just fat. lose weight if you want an attractive girl. you're fucking 6'6 living life on easy mode and you're bitching on Yea Forums because you're choosing to be a massive fatass.
yes but you're a guy
women will have different opinions
Not true at all. You're obviously a virgin and get all your information from Yea Forums or 4channel. Women love a man with some chub on his stomach. Many also dislike a man too much muscle
I'm working on it lol
I was 285 in February and I'm 240 now.
Maybe stop using gay terms like bear mode then you might be able to get someone other then desperate fatties
for me it's sydney sweeney
What episode is this.
Women and gay men think a LOT alike. He isn't too far off.
Spic breeder
Was it a black guy she was paired with?
i like fatties retard
Women don't give a shit what men look like. Just as long as they have confidence in themselves and can provide a comfortable life for the woman that's all they really care about.
She has such a feminine bulge
Look > Money = Power
money doesn't matter unless she's a shallow bitch
t. Ugly manlet with no confidence
Cope hard hun but I'm right
Oh, you're a woman. It's not your fault every word out of your mouth is a lie. It's just your nature.
it does, but the meme is that you have to be rich. As long as you have a stabe income, you're more attractive automatically. Doesn't mean you have to rolling in dough.
Lmao you're so mad. But tell me in what way am i lair? Why are you so triggered?
All women are liars. There's nothing triggering about it, it's just their nature.
fucking name?!?!?!?
No you're definitely mad..probably cause you know im right and cant handle the fact you'll always be a virgin :)
I've actually fucked many, many women. Mostly the art ho types at the nearby art school.
Fat women are fucking disgusting and smell like shit.
kind of looks like some dude is sitting near this woman's ass
only gay men care about muscles.
why does she keep coming back?
>implying its not the dudes ass
Yeah she's got a mullet. It's easy to put a pillow over her face but last time I fucked her she jumped on me and smashed my fucking head on the bottom bar on one of these chairs.
>I've actually fucked many, many women
Lmao now who's the liar?! x'D you probably couldn't even score a fag off grindr
One of these chairs
>projection the post
You'll get a crumb of pussy someday if you keep begging I'm sure.
Never happened
In current year being an exceptionally good looking man means you're probably gay. Better to look average to slightly above and just have confidence.
>You'll get a crumb of pussy someday if you keep begging I'm sure.
Says the virgin;)
just the camera work I guess
She has 7/10 Mexican face dude
Bottom text
crack ho
(including effects)
Same girl as this? What is her name?
>Being this incredulous that a man has had sex
I think this says more about you than it does me. After 10 years of dicking bimbos it gets pretty old.
>white woman with a big dog
i know how this one ends
Sweet Mary mother of god..
Wait what show is this? I remember seeing someone like this like 3 months ago on here.
How about you just google "imdb euphoria" and look at the main cast
Dios mio. Las creatura de las Americas. Jesus ayudanos...
If you aren't slim, your body should look like this.
This is only true when they don't have a lot of options. If they have a shit ton of options then nah that's not the case.
For example: fat chicks. Fat chicks will 100% not give a fuck as long as the dude is nice, clean, confident, and can provide.
How is something that fine even possible?
Do you think she'd fuck a slightly above average looking skinny guy like me?
I'd say it's a matter of them being young and around other girls with opinions all the time - if that's the case, the relevancy of superficial feats of their guys is higher
Nice job on triggering the white knight with obvious realities
post face or you're ugly
>this thread
welp, I'm a thiccfag now
Because men compete and when they can't they convince themselves to go to a niche alternative - so all women get some men who are into them.
>not taking the dogpill
If women only fucked chad, the human race would have several billion less people
I'm a cat person
So, is it an Amerimutt hobby projecting their inherent degeneracy on everyone?
Damn, if only she'd stopped there. Fucking body positivity.
my condolences
wat? I'm from Poland.
So just a mutt.
yep, pretty much
There are "people" who wouldnt fuck this
I dunno user, I've seen fat chicks that are insanely picky and will only date skinny dudes. And I see lots of cute chicks with dudes that you would think they could do better than
At the end of the day, what matters most in a woman will always be her face. Whether she's skinny, average, /fit/, or fat, if she's hideous when you're staring her straight in the eyes it's just not going to work out. If her face is pretty/cute/beautiful, she can pull off a large range of body types.
This is also true of men
Fucking Red Pilled and BASED
For relationship/marriage for sure.
Face > Ass > Feet > Legs and Tits > Everything else. At least when it comes to physical traits for me. I don't care if she has the body of a 10/10 or the most ideal body for me, if her face is shrek'd I'm not going to want to wake up to that every morning. I don't care if she's flat chested, no ass with stubby midget legs if she's absolutely cute or has an amazing smile.
>lel so mad and triggered XD
You waste of life.
The problem isn't her weight, the problem is her tits are far from kino
>feet before tits
nigga you gay
Nah we just have different taste, it's okay user.
lol ok fag
No problem man, have a good night.
>that one video of Ella Hollywood with Natalie Mars
sweating man jpeg intensifies
what is it about that fish like upper lip that makes go wild bros
imagine getting paid to pack on the pounds while more people worship you every day
too bad this chick doesn't have a pretty face
Did she really have to do that? Was it actually in her contract?
>Barbie ferreira
she was generic af
thank god she became a BBW, much better now.
Boobs not the same size.
all womens tits are like that
yeah just be rich dude. but also if you're un-attractive she'll cheat on you, hope that's cool. you also need to be constantly confident and never show one sign of weakness or she'll cheat on you.
it's really based working hard to get something that will plant a knife in your back the second you prove to be a human being and not an automaton.
>pretty girl has to gain weight for an acting job
What the fuck, this sounds like the plot of an erotic weight gain story I would have read as a teenager. Actually, I think I DID read at least one story with this plot back in the day.
Dar she blows! Another Land Whale thread in Yea Forums
God I would fill her up.
what a low T, blue pilled take
barring total uggos, you can learn to love pretty much any face. what's in the trunk is what matters
Too stupid to realize that they are walking joke. That's why. YOLO amerite
i dont know but its what her character is, shes le empowering fat woman. otehrwise she wouldnt be on the show
That is really not a very flattering outfit or makeup scheme for her. Then again, she's supposed to be an idiot teenager, so I guess that makes sense.
Can we please stop pretending anyone but degenerates wants to fuck landwhales?
the blonde girl with huge tits
She's got a perfect body but then she ruins it by waxing her forearms and legs and armpits. Fucking dumb bitch.
I think most men want to fuck thicc girls a little skinnier than the girl in the OP but with curves in all the right places
I just can't do it because there's a good chance I'd get ribbed for it by my friends. If it's all secret and I don't have to hang out with her after I'm pretty sure thicc is the most fun fuck possible.
Are you surprised that this site is full of degenerates, user?
i would legit fuck the shit out of her. I love me some thicc bitches
imagine inhaling her gape
They actually apparently did a "sex study" about people's sexual preferences and found that there's a huge chunk of men that like fat girls. Not a majority, but a fairly large minority. It goes underreported because men are afraid to admit it publicly.
Mark my words nigger, when she hits 25 she gonna lose that fucking weight like Brad's second wife.
Real ass words, user.
can you imagine how hard it must have been to get that dress on her
The dog is a bitch user.
another protected fat ugly girl and tranny "waifu" spam thread
and it would be a better place
The high/low test meme was never about fatties, but as usual fatfags misinterpret everything.
pretty good, but I'd tone the belly down a bit for perfection. Not like I'm gonna score anyway lol
Thank you
>so much this
>implying this doesn't make it better
My brother
I'm still waiting on that reality show where everyone has to compete to get fatter
reminder she has no tits
Titsguys like this pretend they don't imagine a rusty rosebud between that pair of milkers. When the average titsguy is fapping, he's motorboating a pair of saggers, sure, but he's also fantasizing there's an asshole right about in the whore's solar plexus
I wanna tickle her belly
nothing worse than a fat bitch with no tits.
>when the front of her thighs have cellulite
Actually is based. Never pulling out
WTF is this shit?
A predictable titsguy getting BTFO for every alphabet archiver to record in infinite redundancy. Ouch!
The truth is in the wiff, mammarist
Love that shit
>unironic callus kino
Would trade crypto for her Ped Egg shavings
Is she?
Much better
she considers herself queer. So I think she mostly fucks girls but I dont think that rules out dudes getting to fuck
my cock is so hard
pretty sure her and rowan hooked up
Probably just trannies and girls.
She’s nice, but too fat-positive imo
she looks like a fattier paz e la huerta
And that's a GOOD thing
Penis toes tho, my dude
Where'd u get that
someone else posted it in last night's euphoria thread
It's from Instagram
It's probably unironically coming. Give it a few more years, we'll have a reverse Biggest Loser game show, because this nation has become a cesspool of degeneracy. At least we'll be able to fap to it, though.
impeccable facial structure. i want to impregnate her artificial womb
>tfw you've come to unironically like fat girls
I could even imagine it being a gain and lose type show, where they have to gain a certain amount of weight during the first half and then lose it in the second, with lots of obstacles in their way. Watching newly fat girls struggle to get back to thin would be its own brand of sexy
I've never really understood why fat girls are as taboo as, like, gore or scat. It feels like a really understandable fetish to me. I don't think there's anything about liking fat girls that's particularly weird or disgusting, it seems like something that would naturally occur in a certain percentage of the population.
not even exaggerating this girl right here I would fuck raw and not pull out
Probably because we always push it too far. The puchan shitposter is the latest iteration on this site, but at least it's not the fucking huurin kazan guy anymore
I have like 50 pics of hunter on my phone
Make imgur album and share? Pls?
>why fat girls are as taboo as, like, gore or scat.
lol what
take the tomboy pill and date a frumpy girl with some size to her. knows how to cook and clean and zero drama. relaxing af
so...any chasers out there have any luck finding a cute trans girlfriend?
i just want to see her dick so i can die in peace
Let me try that again
>fat with no tits
could this pig be any more useless?
Th-thank you
Seriously though there is about 30 million frumpy midwestern chubbos just waiting to let you empty your balls inside of. They ask practically nothing from you and you have to put barely any work in and they are happy, like a house plant. They'll stick around because they don't really have any other prospects since they know Chad will only Pump and Dump them and they usually have a few girl friends they will fuck off and go do boring shit with when you don't want them around. The house will stay clean and you'll stay fed.
I'm with you, but I've tried to imagine a hot girl with a fat guy and I find it off-putting, I imagine that's how people who don't like fat chicks feel. I tried so hard to like skinny broads, but it just sucks, it's like eating a dry veggie burger, it's still a burger, but it kinda sucks. I wish I'd dated more fat chicks, but the dating sites didn't have many cute ones when I was younger. I'm kinda jealous of zoomers with "thicc" and feeding/gaining being more acceptable these days. But hey, I married a fat girl I used to fap to and she gave me two healthy sons so far, I shouldn't complain.
Do you like average dicked asians? Asking for a friend
Based user making dreams into reality. Hopefully she's gained plenty of weight during her pregnancies.
>*do they like
Lol you're a retard, they don't want a below average dude and never will, no, not even at 50.
It’s not and that tittyless pig is disgusting
sounds like youre a loser user
any pictures of her pits?
LOL, she actually lost a bit due to stress, she's about to be a stay at home mom though.
>not one, but two FTM trannies
they really are pushing that shit hard aren't they