What is a realistic time frame for the release of the season that will conclude the series...

What is a realistic time frame for the release of the season that will conclude the series? How will Lynch go about this?

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>This was a vision, fresh and clear as a mountain stream - the mind revealing itself to itself. In my vision, I was on the veranda of a vast estate, a palazzo of some fantastic proportion. There seemed to emanate from it a light from within - this gleaming radiant marble. I had known this place. I had in fact been born and raised there. This was my first return, a reunion with the deepest wellsprings of my being. Wandering about, I was happy that the house had been immaculately maintained. There had been added a number of additional rooms, but in a way it blended so seamlessly with the original construction, one would never detect any difference. Returning to the house's grand foyer, there came a knock at the door. My son was standing there. He was happy and care-free, clearly living a life of deep harmony and joy. We embraced - a warm and loving embrace, nothing withheld. We were in this moment one. My vision ended. I awoke with a tremendous of optimism and confidence in you and your future. That was my vision; it was of you. I'm so glad to have had this opportunity to share it with you. I wish you nothing but the very best, always.

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It already concluded though. Twice.

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This man is Q U I N O A personified

But we got almost no answers to all these question. I refuse to believe Lynch was building the story the way did just because he thought it was cool in his head.

I'd pay to see a David Lynch cooking show where he just makes the same quinoa dish over and over again but tells a different story each time.

It was never about the answer. This is basic Lynch knowledge.

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No. The material world needs to have answers. You don’t build a road without knowing where it will end.

It's not about the destination its about the journey. Its meant to be watched, thats it. Movies are a visual medium always have been. When you go to an art show, you look at the painting, contemplate and go about your day, you dont get explanations, answers or endings

Time to start my rewatch

The most serene moment in TV history. I miss Don Davis almost every day.

Is Lynch left or right?

Says who? And there were a lot of answers btw

Lynch literally not only does that shit but revels in it. You do realize that the whole mystery that the show is based on, the murder of Laura Palmer, was never supposed to be figured out, right?

Are you otherwise unfamiliar with the works of Lynch user? I like answers for some stuff too, I just don't understand how someone would feel that way about a Lynch production at this point.

Name a better moment of dialogue in television

The ending for S3 was the best option. I can't think of anything more cathartic, really

Honestly, he’s a faggot if he thinks it’s okay to confuse you with questions, make you think there are answers and then just leave.

I'm rewatching with my gf after two years. Season 1 was so damn good


>Tfw I've seen every Lynchian film but still haven't seen Twin Peaks.

Is it wrong I've seen TPFWW but not the show.

Did you understand it well enough? I've always wondered about people who've seen it but not the show?

I am almost as confused by your post as by Lynch himself. 1. How would you think Lynch cared about ansers? 2. The material world would be the one thing that doesn't require answers, it just is. 3. A road is a concept thought out by humans so you know where it will lead. However if we take road in a more grander and looser sense then youre onto something. Like animals create roads or paths by traversing the same place in a forest enough times.


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it will come out 2 years ago

This guy gets it.

>Is it wrong I've seen TPFWW but not the show

Is it future or is it past?