Films about evil out of control airplanes killing people?

Films about evil out of control airplanes killing people?

Attached: NYT 911.jpg (628x900, 105K)

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OMG this reminds me of that tragedy.

Fuck these rat bastard kikes. Trump is right, the MSM is the enemy of the people


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I thought 6000 thousand died?


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Why are they forgetting to the mention the fact that the perpetrators were brown Muslims?

>start posting about (((them)))
>iPhone starts getting pop-ups

I thought they couldn’t get viruses??

There's nothing more disrespectful than 9/11 conspiracies.

you know why

>since airplanes took aim and brought down the World Trade Center
Wtf? Why does this read like an Eastern European shitpost

underrated, Norm

Pick one and only one.

yes, the airplanes are the ones who took aim

Why? Why can’t we discuss how Jews are setting Muslims and Americans against each other?? And now Americans against Russians?

because, you illiterate bastard, the airplanes were the ones that took aim. It wasn't the poor, unfortunate followers of Allah suffered at the hands of those right-wing airplane terrorists.
They din du nuffin.
They wuz good boyz.
They wuz going to mosque.

remember when a car took aim at a fat left wing coalburner in charlottesville? good times

You don't have to melt metal to bend it.
Conspiracy retards must have sniffed up too much asbestos from ground zero.

He he he

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yeah im almost out of M&Ms too

Inb4 msm deduces that russians did 9/11 somehow.

You should look up golf rumors.

it can be both

jesus, user

The first, but it's true jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams. It just weakens them to hell so they can't support the weight above them.

way, WAY before trump

>a plan can only involve one party

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>I am a retard
Thanks for reminding everyone

you mean the one that stopped 20ft away from where the landwhale had a heat-stroke?

Post height and jawline.

No no it was 200 people at most that died.

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tell me more about the 250K the USA killed in Iraq.
Why'd we go to Iraq again? Could the average American even accurately answer that question?
Most Americans hate the government, FACT. Put that in your pipe and suck it.
NYT is just another den of criminals.

Americans will turn anything into an excuse to sell cheap shit to idiots, won’t they?

like 5 people died. why are we even talking about this, it was 20 years ago, jeez.

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>saudis flew the airplanes in coincidentally on the same day the cia was planning to false flag blow them up

>why did we go to war with Iraq

Because we can.

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Why so? There are things about that day that are fishy to say the least. Look up WTC-7 as one example.

holy shit

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Fake News

>knew they were going to get false flagged
>got their digs in first
Classic banter

>250k killed by the US in irak
Bullshit, maybe 1/10th of that.

You know I walked through blood and bone in the streets of Manhattan looking for my older brother.


Because Israel told you to

He was in Canada at the time

Reminds me of that tragedy...

>Israel owns America
Is there a bigger Europoor cope?

to be fair, he was talking about Manhattan, Manitoba.

We must better defend ourselves from the airplane menace. How many must die at the hands of these aeronautical monsters before the government says no more?

Remember the 2 gorillion

Does anyone have that pic from a Walmart with stacks of mountain dew or whatever stacked like the towers? Peak burger punk aesthetic

>9/11 was more than 20 years ago
How time flies

How can anyone possibly believe the media isn't the enemy of the people? Reporters like these would swing from the lampposts in an only slightly less insane world.

Based rationalityposter.

just in case youre really that stupid, heres the full enchilada:
>larry: "pull it"
>Saudis: "i got some dumb fuckers who'll do it"
>mossad: "hey bros, I rented out a whole floor for a, uh, art demo..."
>American media: "we better start a war now... for isreal!"
>Bush: "now watch this drive..."

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The biggest indication that 9/11 was an inside job is the fact that there haven’t been any attempts at another a 9/11. If it was so easy for a couple of ragheads to hijack and crash planes, then there would’ve been a lot more incidents

>lol le epic burger punk kino aesthetic meme

Can you just say it was funny like a normal human being? You’re looking for a funny picture stop talking like such a massive faggot like that little tire really SAYS SOMETHING about our SOCIETY maaaan. No dumbfuck stop obsessing over America it’s just a fucking picture that’s kind of cringy and white trash to laugh at and forget.

I'd like them to write about how Mossad ran those terror cells and orchestrated the attack.

The jew pork times has it's allies like with anything.

>a campaign to promote integration

What? Is this supposed to be normal?

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Dancing Israelis
City movers
Israeli art students

there haven't been any other attempts because the department of homeland security was formed a year later to literally combat this very same idea

You must be a zoomer. They increased security with the TSA hardcore.

Yeah. Got him.

When you get this ass ravaged over something so minor, the obsessed line doesn't really work.

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Nah we dont inflate the numbers like the kiks

yes, like, if you get cancer, they'll teach you not how to live with it, but to enjoy it taking away basic motor functions and love that youre shitting blood

You’re just butthurt I called you out for talking like a retarded faggot lol

If a bunch of sand nigs banded together they could easily take over a plane

they would have to kill the air marshall first, the only guy with a fucking gun on the plane

acting like you were only pretending to be retarded doesn't work either.
Quit while you're ahead.

Clown world thread?

Not every flight has an air marshall

That’s a strawman I never said I was trolling. I’m still laughing at your cringy 3rd world ass

>building 7

>city movers
*urban moving systems

you best start believin' in clown worlds...

not even what i did to your mom last night?

I've said it before and I'll say it again, we must take steps to stamp out the secretive insular hangars where these young airplanes are being radicalised

My guess is the campaign goes something like
>Pushing kids under trains isn't part of Swiss culture, but this poor underprivileged migrant didn't know because his culture is different. With proper integration he was able to learn our culture and now he no longer pushes 8 year old kids before oncoming trains.

where did the op see the plane?

Attached: tfw the airplane takes aim.webm (960x408, 505K)

he WAS the plane

The pilots were former USAF, why didn't they manage to stop the attackers / crash the planes before flying to a populated area?
Why did none of the pilots send out a hijack code?
Why were the tapes of the air traffic controllers (who discussed what happened that day, which is a standard procedure after any such incident) destroyed?
Why were the people in charge of the military promoted after the biggest failure in US air defense?

I never really understood that movie. Two airplanes, but three buildings? Unrealistic. It should be one airplane per building.

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Shockingly being a former member of the military doesn't make you immune to being stabbed and/or threatened with being stabbed. I know it's strange, but the troops aren't literally superheroes.

>a hijack code
You honestly think this is both a thing pre-9/11 and something anybody actually prepped or practiced for? I think you fail to understand how easy it was to breach a cockpit before they had a reason to secure cockpits on commercial flights.

So none of the 8 pilots managed to send out a hijack code whilst being stabbed? Also, why do you assume they were stabbed? What if the hijackers had guns?

Hijacks occurred way before 9/11, zoomer. And yes, there were procedures against it.

Absolutely. He integrated that boy with the underside of that oncoming train.

>Hijacks occurred way before 9/11,
Name any where the pilots were killed so the planes could be kamikaze'd. Or just any where the pilots were killed.


9/11 was the first hijack in American history you retard

This is worse than the time Aeroplanes killed all those Easter Worshippers...

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Weird how the same year that the World Trade Center began construction (1968) is the same year that:
-911 became the emergency dialing number
-The New York Jets (think about it) won the Superbowl that season
-The film 2001 came out

Weird how Flight 77 was in the air for exactly 77 minutes before crashing into the Pentagon which is 77 feet tall and sits on the 77th Meridian.

New York is the 11th state
New York City - 11 Letters
The first plane to hit the towers was Flight 11.
Twin Towers - standing side by side, looks like the number 11.
After September 11th there are 111 days left to the end of the year.
The date of the attack: 9/11 - 9 + 1 + 1 = 11
September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11
Afghanistan - 11 Letters
The Pentagon - 11 Letters

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Airplanes, trucks, and regular cars. Why do they hate us so much?

False, dumbfuck.

See above.

Hijackings were common and pilots were trained for it to a certain degree (which indeed got more attention after 9/11), but it's completely false to say these pilots had no fucking clue as to what might happen.

Why didn't the pilots respond?
Why were the tapes of the air traffic controllers destroyed?
Why were the people in charge promoted?

I never even heard of hijack until 9/11 so what do you know

lol pol posters are such retards

It's called coincidence. Do you have anything that ties those to 9/11? Blade Runner is set in 2019, should we be worried about someone with a knife running around? It's dumb to try to connect things based on coincidence. It's like telling a joke using a pun.

cry more ahmed

"dancing israelis" were arab (palestinian)

rest is fake

It's better to believe in a lie that started a war?

What I posted is the tip of the tip of the iceberg of coincidences around 9/11. It quickly becomes clear that it is statistically impossible.
To understand why these "coincidences" exist, you need to research occult rituals and the secret societies of the elites. Most people are too subconsciously scared of what they might discover to ever try to connect the dots.

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Except faking 2 planes crashing into buildings and using the staged event as a way of starting wars and enacting totalitarian laws - that is more disrespectful, actually.

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American Airlines Flight 11
American Airlines Flight 77
American Airlines Flight 293


Delta Air Lines Flight 821
Delta Air Lines Flight 841


Eastern Air Lines Shuttle Flight 1320


Federal Express Flight 705


Lufthansa Flight 592


Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 305


Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight 710
Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight 1771
Pan Am Flight 281


Southern Airways Flight 49


TWA Flight 154
TWA Flight 355
TWA Flight 358
TWA Flight 541


United Airlines Flight 93
United Airlines Flight 175
United Airlines Flight 696

>saudi and jew conspiracy kills 4000 people
>invade iraq for revenge
i dont get it

Those could easily be international flights

Ban assault liners

The perpetrators where white men.

Are you fucking retarded? An American airliner being hijacked is a major financial risk, no matter what the fucking flight plan is. They would have procedures in place to prevent this from happening. Especially since hijackings were occurring in the US since 1928!

Americans are easy to manipulate by the rich with media

FUCK airplanes

>don't even have the balls to call out the people who did it, just say "airplanes took aim"

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>naming the jew

That would take a lot of balls and those trannies don't have any

now why would youtube remove this video?

see yourself no matter what you think about this, watch this video and make your mind

Muslims don't kill people, airplanes do. We implemented airplane control and now there are no more plane attacks
Refute this, you can't

>18 years have passed since God-Emperor Trump proudly announced that he now has the tallest building in New York
Truly the greatest day in our country's history.

9/11 never happened, but it should have