
who should play her on the big-screen Yea Forums?

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Angourie Rice. With Justice Smith as her boyfriend. Screencap this.

>white straight woman


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>Angourie Rice
>With Justice Smith as her boyfriend

why arent female actors given muscle suits to wear over their bodies like thor, supes etc


Hayley Williams
>small town tennessee american girl
>insanely fit
it's 11/10

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Not an actor you dumb waifufag

>not an actor


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Have you seen what she looks like now?

Nope. Scared to see


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Who else but this smoking hottie

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>never liked Superman that much but liked his "world", the concept
>was always a Lanafag, since she liked him ever since he was just Clark, and was a pure ginger countrygirl, unlike that thot Lois
>Nu52 rolls around
>Lana gets superpowers and a cool costume
>check it out
>she gets niggered by DC's nigger Iron Man ripoff

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Why didn't you save her?!

You knew this would happen!

There is only one right answer you plebians

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is this amber heard?

is this amber heard?
heck no, this princess has infinitely more talent then that gold digging homewrecking thot

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jesus Christ dude. sorry I insulted your 3d waifu by asking a question you permanent virgin incel

s'all good bro, tis just bantz !

it's supposed to be a GIRL, not an old hag